A Flurry of Awards and the The Versatile Blogger Award Goes To…

versatileblogger11Thanks to a recent flurry of award nominations sent my way and at last catching up, I am now delighted to announce my nomination for The Versatile Blogger Award by beautiful  Maria over at Lost in the Labyrinth.

Thank you, Maria, my lovely, for nominating me with this award, but mostly for being a true friend to me, residing as we both do in ‘Aspie’ land, albeit from completely different perspectives. For helping me, as a mum of an Aspie daughter, to better understand how I can be a better mum to her.  You are amazing 🙂

Maria, like my daughter and only a couple of year’s older, was recently diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and she has greatly encouraged me with her incredibly insightful comments on my posts about this subject.  Maria’s creative, inspiring and very ‘real’ blog shares her journey in life through her poetry, prose and photographs and her writing talent cannot be underestimated. Do visit her blog and tell her ‘Hi’ from me!

Right, now onto the Award and to make things a little easier, here is the site link which explains the rules in full: http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/

Firstly, here are my 7 facts about myself, in no particular order:

  • I would like to say thank you to my wonderful husband for his amazing support in everything
  • Shopping?  Despise it, whether for clothes, shoes, food, you name it…
  • Which leads me to…I return nearly every item of clothing that I buy
  • Love spending time with a good friend
  • Wish I could travel more…
  • Dread office parties (no more of them, yay!) but I do love a good, ‘proper’ party!
  • Would love to raise chickens again oneday

Well, those came to me in a flash!

Now, this is the part where I nominate 15 well-deserving bloggers.  After thinking long and hard about this, I decided to nominate a mixture of blogs that are newish or brand new to me, and/or bloggers who haven’t as yet received this award (so far as I can tell!)

So, here then are my 15 nominees:

  1. Simple Pleasures
  2. martyfnemec
  3. Invisible Strings
  4. The Book Bears
  5. Kayawilson’s Blog
  6. OriginalEmily
  7. Aspie Story
  8. a diary of a mom
  9. 50 Year Project
  10. 44andafourth
  11. dba Third Hand Art
  12. Authors, Artists and Random Musings
  13. Jimmy 2 Hats
  14. Just Thinking Aloud
  15. You’re Only a Writer When

Many congratulations to you all. Have a lovely day 🙂

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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15 Responses to A Flurry of Awards and the The Versatile Blogger Award Goes To…

  1. Erin Lamb says:

    Thank you for the nomination.


  2. Wow Sherri! I am lost for words! That was so lovely to read 😀

    I am so grateful for meeting you Sherri 🙂 You are such a lovely woman & I’m sure your daughter appreciates you too! I can be so evil sometimes towards my mum when I’m having a tantrum but I now make the effort to kind of talk her through how I was feeling etc so she is more understanding. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have the anger in me it can be so unpredictable & just plain annoying 😦

    I think you are perfect Sherri, Thank you!!!



    • Sherri says:

      Oh Maria, as I read this you give me such hope! Right now I am getting the silent treatment from my daughter 😦 Other times she gets really angry with me just for touching something in her room! I could understand it better when she was a teenager but now she is 21 (tomorrow!).
      Other times she does try to explain but I think she is still very much working out her own way at the moment and so I give her space and step back..
      I do wonder if she appreciates me, sometimes I think she hates me (but I know she doesn’t really) It is definitely not all sweetness and light!
      I know I am definitely not perfect, but if you think I am then, ok, I can live with that 🙂 Bless you and your dear mum too 🙂


      • Ahh Sherri! Seriously I completely understand your daughter! I’ll let you into a little secret….I’m 23 now & I still go absolutely crazy when my mum comes in my room moving things around! Sometimes she does a nice thing like put the hoover around and tidies up a bit & I can’t even thank her for it until later that evening after the blow out 😦

        I can understand her finding it all probably over whelming at the moment, but it takes time 🙂 & you just got to be there and try to understand how she feels no matter how silly 🙂 Me & my mum are close now but even still I lose it with her and nearly whacked her with a frying pan recently because she interfered with my plans *covers face*

        It’s all a bit crazy in our minds, and I can also see that from your point of view like my mum’s all you want to do is make things better etc but we can’t be controlled really it’s so unpredictable.

        Does your daughter know a lot about Aspergers, like the meltdowns, echolalia, stimming etc? I know not all Aspergians have these but I only recently realised I do echolalia & can now tell the difference between a meltdown & a general low episode of depression.

        In a way it’s made things slot into place a bit clearer in my mind just knowing it’s normal for an Aspie to do these things 🙂

        I’m here if you need me! If you use Facebook, find me here.. https://www.facebook.com/lostinthelabyrinthh?ref=hl

        All the best Sherri! xxx


        • Sherri says:

          Yes, yes, yes!!! What is it with the hoovering? We have more arguments over that than anything!!! All you say here is right on the money. I will definitely look you up on FB. I will look up more about echolalia and stimming too. Maria, thanks so much for this, it all really helps! My daughter and I are really close like you and your mum and sometimes I think because she feels so safe with me she treats me the worst!!! But I am trying really hard to understand!!
          See you on FB my sweet friend 🙂 xxx


          • Lol I wish I knew! But Sherri please try not to take any of it to heart because she will grow more wiser with age & most likely calm down 🙂

            I still have bad days with my parents but they’re nothing like before.

            Ooo just saw you 😀 Thank you!

            I think that is what it is too! I genuinely believe that we can be most comfortable and release ourselves around those closest. My mum sees it all! From temper tantrums to me bouncing off the walls with excitement lol! But I won’t even do that around my dad, I keep quiet because he has Aspergers too I don’t want to irritate him lol!

            Your doing a great job believe me 😀 xxxx


  3. Miss Pip says:

    Thanks ever so much. Holidaying with family at the moment… Beautiful France… so it may be a while before I respond but I am humbled by your nomination.


  4. TBM says:

    I also hate shopping and I was never a fan of office parties. I spent most of my awake hours with coworkers and then they wanted me to spend my free time with them as well. Congrats on the award and thanks so much for the nomination.


  5. jess says:

    thanks so much for including me, sherri! 🙂


  6. thebookbears says:

    Thanks Sherri – this whole blogging thing is so new to me but I hope as time passes (and kids go to school!) I can help other people find books for their children to read. So many lovely books are missed by people just because the big shops don’t put them on the main stands and I really want to share them with other families.
    Do you realise it is now over 6 months since our day in London? I can’t believe how quickly time has passed.


    • Sherri says:

      You are very welcome Anne! I can’t believe it has been 6 months, no! Where does the time go? Your blog will grow, just you watch. I hope that you all had a lovely holiday, you will soon get into the swing of things. Let me know if you need any help with anything with your blog 🙂 x


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