The Prisoner’s Daughter

Holistic Wayfarer (she of her community-inspiring site ‘A Holistic Journey’) very kindly invited me to take part in her ‘Belonging’ series. This week will see daily posts from other bloggers sharing their story and today I’ve shared some of my thoughts.

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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17 Responses to The Prisoner’s Daughter

  1. You are one busy lady. Congratulations. A heartfelt story, Sherri. ❤ I'm glad your father has allowed you to visit him now that he's in bad health.


  2. I can’t wait to read your memoir, Sherri. xo


  3. thirdhandart says:

    Excellent article Sherri… so poignant and eloquent.
    It reminds me of a quote from the movie “Hope Floats” (starring Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick Jr.): “Childhood is what you spend the rest of your life trying to overcome.”
    Sounds like you have come to terms with your childhood and are overcoming it. Way to go Sherri!


    • Sherri says:

      I’ve not that seen that film Theresa, but I love both those actors so I will have to watch it now, thanks for that! That is a powerful quote. It took a long time and I thought I was fine for a long time before I was able to come to a place of acceptance and the realisation that nothing I could do would ever change my dad. Thanks so much my friend for your kind message as always 🙂


  4. Ste J says:

    That is such an open and honest story, full marks for using the word scrap in the school context and wotcha…brilliant! Life is a challenge but you seem to be smiting it with your awesome ways and this pleases Ste immensely.


    • Sherri says:

      Well this is so kind of you Ste, thank you so much for reading about all of this…I love the way you write, always brings me so many smiles! Haha…scraps!!! Not my usual style, I might add! And I don’t say ‘wotcha’ anymore either… does anyone? LOL 😉


  5. Sherri, I don’t know what’s wrong with my computer. I’ve answered this wonderful post TWICE now–and the first one, especially, was fairly long–but they aren’t coming through and appearing on your comment section. I’ll check and see if this short one comes through.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Marylin, so sorry for your problems with commenting. Sounds like you’re having the same issues I was having a while ago. But this comment came through fine thank goodness! I did get your message over at Holistic Wayfarer’s site and replied…hope you saw that.
      Hope it doesn’t happen again, it’s so annoying for you…


  6. Poignant post, Sherri. I’ve always appreciated your honesty about your dad and your love for him despite everything that happened to you because of his poor choices. Love is a complex feeling and you show compassion and understanding for someone who has been far from perfect. Full of grace.


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