Making My Way Back To You Now…

Oh sunny, happy Monday morning to you all dear friends!  I hope you all had a super weekend.  I’ve missed you…I’ve been away from my laptop since posting on Friday. Son Nicky spent the weekend with us celebrating Hubby’s birthday and I packed up my troubles, left them behind and enjoyed a wonderful family weekend.  I found my Happy Feet.

When I wrote Friday’s post I was exhausted and worn down.  Not by my lovely, bright, beautiful, articulate, intelligent, wise, soulful, intuitive, creative, loyal, artistic, computer literate, savvy, amazing E-bay bartering, animal adoring, deep thinking, unique, thinking out-of-the-box, stylish, photographing, writing, clever, mischievous, blogging, gorgeous daughter who just happens to live with a higher functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder called Asperger’s Syndrome which she would give anything not to have – deep breath – but by those who I have to deal with on her behalf to get her up on her feet again.

A crisis is one thing, I’ll rise to that, but  it’s the steady, incessant drip-drip-drip of one thing after another going wrong that does me in, every time.  So, while attempting to mop up after these drips, which by Friday had formed a veritable flood (got floods on my mind, obviously) I still hoped that I could leave you with a positive vibe, with a ‘Happy’ song.

And then I come back to my blog this morning to find this: beautiful, heartfelt, incredibly supportive, caring and loving messages left by so many of you since Friday and over the weekend.  I’m taking a step back to take it all in and wondering how can I thank you all enough for what you and your messages mean to me…how can I adequately express to you how I feel right now?  My heart is exploding with gratitude, I am thankful beyond measure…

Even when I can’t be up and joyful and bright and breezy (which actually I far prefer because the physical and mental toll of the kind of exhaustion I sometimes succumb to is far-reaching and extremely unpleasant sucks big-time) you sent me messages, ‘cyber’ phone calls, you took my hand, told me it’s all gonna be alright, offered your support, your smiles, your hugs, your sunshine and your love.  And you danced with me.

So I’m making my way back to you now… although I’m very behind with blogging and I won’t be able to return until later today.  When I do, I will reply to your lovely comments individually and catch up with your blogs. Then back to posting.  Until then, this is all I can say:

Thank you so much, I love you guys 🙂

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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55 Responses to Making My Way Back To You Now…

  1. I missed Friday’s post but I hope all is well with you and your family! Isn’t the blogging community beautiful? I think it’s just wonderful that we can get so much insights and strength from friends we’ve made over the years.
    Wishing you a great week Sherri!


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Jhanis, we are okay, just been a bit of a tough time but had a lovely family weekend 🙂 Yes, the blogging community is amazing, I am absolutely so blessed to have met all you wonderful people here, real friends. You have a great week too, look forward to catching up… 🙂


  2. hungryhungryhippo404 says:

    Sounds like your daughter is very lucky to have such a caring and dedicated mum! And sounds like you are ever so lucky to have such a talented and special in the best sort of ways daughter! 🙂


  3. Steven says:

    Great to hear you had a nice weekend! The sun had his hat on here, at least… 19 degrees at one stage.

    We all love yer, Sherri. You have support and hugs from all over the globe!


    • Sherri says:

      Aww, thanks so much JG, I’m feeling the love and the hugs, definitely 🙂 So glad to hear that the sun had his hat on for you too…wow, that’s warm! Almost as hot as Crete, lol 😉


  4. bulldog says:

    and we love you too… glad to hear a cheerful voice this morning…


  5. I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling better, Sherri! I’m glad you had a nice weekend celebrating your husband’s birthday with Nicky. There’s nothing like being with family to make things better. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Jill, I knew you would be happy to know that Nicky had been home for the weekend 😉 Yes, a lovely family weekend spent together, and hope for you a lovely weekend too 🙂 xo


  6. Glad to hear you’re perky again! You need to kick back every so often just to keep sane during normal days (whatever that means). 😀 😀 😀


  7. A Maine Mama says:

    Your messages to us have the same effect…missed Friday’s post but can relate! Hang in there and we’ll see you back when the muse strikes!


  8. Glad you’re feeling better Sherri – that warm weekend with those who are important to you obviously did the trick. You’re always a great support with warm, encouraging words for me, but we all have those down times, Wishing you a great week.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh I’m so glad to hear that Andrea, thanks so much! You certainly helped me as has everyone here and yes, those down times are not great but then I suppose without them we wouldn’t appreciate the good times so much. You have a great week too, let’s hope that we continue with this lovely spring weather… 🙂


  9. jennypellett says:

    Ah, that sounds better! Was getting quite worried about you over the weekend 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Oh no, I’m so sorry Jenny, didn’t mean to worry you…but thank you so much for your concern. Doing much better, another day, another week, another, well, just keeping on as we all do…heading your way now… 🙂


  10. parrillaturi says:

    Blessings to you, Sherri. Happy belated birthday to your hubby. You’re an amazing wife, mother, and friend to the blogging family. No matter what, you take time out to greet us, regardless of your circumstances. We who are your friends, salute you. We are blessed. Looking forward to your next post.


    • Sherri says:

      Goodness Johnny, I’m really so humbled by your words. Wow. Well, I salute you and everyone here because without you I wouldn’t be blogging like this and able to share my life and all the ups and downs, highs and lows, and still know that I have such an amazing community of real friends here. The love in my heart is overflowing, it is really incredible. I sent Hubby your lovely birthday wishes and he says thank you very much. as do I for your great kindness 🙂
      You have blessed me in more ways than you can possibly know…and blessings right back to you my friend 🙂


  11. Denise says:

    There’s lots of love here for you Sherri. When so many of the systems are against you, you remain a marvellous person, supporting and loving your daughter and helping her be the best she can be.


    • Sherri says:

      I’m so humbled Denise by all the love and support, I can’t quite get my head around it. When I think of the darkest moments when I’ve felt so distraught and wrung out, wretched in the early hours of the morning when I’m riddled with anxiety and worry I realise how blessed I am because I’ve been given you and all of you here to help me along the way and that gives me so much strength. You help me soar again and for that I am truly grateful. Thank you so much.


  12. We love you, too.


  13. A TRUE “water-torture” test is not a sudden, quick-hitting flood, Sherri. It’s a constant drip, Drip, DRIP!, drip-drip…ongoing, wearing us down. You’re a good swimmer, m’dear; you’ll find your way to shore, and do it WITH your daughter, too. And, yes, if you start to go down for the count, you have all of us who love you to toss out live-lines or paddle out to get you!


    • Sherri says:

      That’s IT Marylin! Water-torture. You know just what I mean, the wearing down, the sheer energy-sucking way it tries to pull us back against the tide. I WILL keep swimming with my daughter towards that shore knowing that if I start to tire and sink again I have your love and support and a mighty strong life-line to pull me back. That, my dear friend, is a gift beyond price and I thank you from the bottom of my heart… 🙂


  14. restlessjo says:

    Good to know all the kind thoughts and words found their target, Sherri, and that you’ve bounced back as we all hoped you would. I’m up for that Polka now 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ha ha! Oh Jo, you’ve made me smile throughout and now laugh, thank you so much my friend and yes, I think a Polka sounds like a grand idea just about now 🙂


  15. Oh, but it does get exhausting. How wonderful to have a community of encouragers. Perseverance is such a difficult thing, hanging in and hanging on through it all. Thank heavens for weekends, and good for you that you were wise enough to give yourself the weekend rest/rejuvenation. I hope this week is less frustrating for you! Love and hugs from New England!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Tracy, and thank you so much for your lovely message. It was very good to have the weekend to recuperate and spend family time. Now I wish I wasn’t having problems leaving comments on everyone’s blogs, but I won’t go into that…
      Right now I’m feeling the love and hugs from New England and I send the same right back to you my friend 🙂


  16. Love you too, Sherri. Your daughter sounds really amazing. Love all the adjectives. 🙂 Happy birthday to your hubby. I’m so glad you had a relaxing family weekend. May this be a better week for you. *hugs*


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thanks so much Sylvia and for the very kind birthday wishes for Hubby! It was a lovely weekend thanks but now I’m having technical blogging problems. Oh well, I’ll get there in the end! Feeling the love and the hugs though and that helps sooo much…right back to you 🙂 x


  17. So glad you are tripping the light fantastic again. It is lovely to know that you are loved and we really care how you are feeling and want to support you through the good as well asthe low times – just as you do for us. Lots of love cheers irene


  18. julie says:

    Sherri, I have just had a quick glance at your blog after reading your very astute comments on Linkedin and I have to say that you’re a credit to yourself. You seem to handle things with such grace, your daughter obviously chose the right mum, and without you to teach her the way she wouldn’t be the person she is. Keep up the great work.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Julie! Thanks so much for coming over here and for your lovely comment, also for the follow. I really appreciate it. I’m very humbled by your kind words. I admit it’s not easy sometimes but I just try to do the best I can. You have encouraged me greatly today, and it’s lovely to meet you 🙂


  19. Hey Sherri, so sorry I’ve been so slow to read your blogs. I’m glad you’re your usual happy sounding self. I feel as though I’ve been a very lax friend and missed being there for you, but I’m here now. You are so resilient and I’m so proud to know you. Your daughter must be as proud of you as you are of her! You both are so strong!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Donna, I know you are always ‘there’ so please don’t worry, I know how busy you are but I know you’ve ‘got my back’!! (As I have yours!!) I never thought that I would one day be blogging about my personal difficulties but I feel safe with the amazing community here and you are very much a part of that. I’m really humbled by your loving, kind sentiments and knowing you are proud of me makes me beam with joy! Wow!! I don’t feel very strong sometimes but after reading this I feel like dancing! Thank you so much my lovely friend 🙂




    • Sherri says:

      Ahhhh, bless you and thank you dear, lovely Jo and love and hugs, feeling it, and right back to you too……!!! 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      Hope you are having a lovely weekend 🙂


  21. TBM says:

    The blogging community is so supportive and they’ve helped me through many a hard times. Glad you had a nice weekend and were able to step away for a bit.


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks TB and that’s so good to know that you have that kind of support too. It’s amazing isn’t it? I never thought in a million years that I would be blogging about my personal struggles like this but I feel safe here and we are all in this together 🙂

      Enjoying the wonderful weather and hope you are having a lovely weekend 🙂


  22. Letizia says:

    Reading beautiful posts like these remind how wonderful blogging and the blogging community can be. You’re so right about the ‘drip drip drip’ that can just erode at you at sometimes, but then you can get re-energized by life once again.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you so much Letizia. The blogging community is something I had no idea even existed and to find this kind of support and love truly blows me away! We are all in this together and knowing that and the mutual support really makes my heart sing. What better way to feel re-energized and ready to get going again? Hope you are having a wonderful weekend 🙂


  23. I sound like you, heart & mind when I read the generous comments and sharing of my blogger friends. Thank you for you honest, kind comment about the American Dream. I feel that somehow together with the thousands of Americans who lost their home and other precious dreams, I am no longer alone. You are right, what matters is that we have our family, our life, faith, hope, our health. Sometimes, experiencing a huge material loss opens our eyes to what’s truly important. It also strengthens our faith and redirects our destination towards the right path. God bless and all the best to you and your family. Hope one day we cross path when me and my family decide to follow our California Dreamin’.


    • Sherri says:

      You have a tender and beautiful heart IT and I’m so glad that you know that you are not alone. Life can kick us in the pants but it really does come down to what is most important and you have it right! I’m very excited about your upcoming move back to California. Keep ‘Californian Dreamin’ and with God by your side you won’t go wrong. And who knows, maybe one day our paths will indeed cross 🙂


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