Back to Business & Another Liebster Blog Award!

Hello again from me to you in blogging land!  I hope this finds you well?

In case some of you may have wondered if I had disappeared completely, I should explain that a recent interlude of family commitments conspired (in a good way!) to take me away from all things wireless (no laptop nor any internet service for over 2 weeks) but now I have returned, am here to stay, and it’s back to business!

liebster-bloq-award-badge2So, with no further ado, the first item on the Agenda is the exciting news that I have been nominated for another Liebster Award!

A huge thank you and shout out to Sheila Grimes, my lovely new ‘cyber’ friend, who nominated me for this award over one month ago!  Not only that, Sheila has encouraged me so much with her frequent support and greatly appreciated compliments here and really made my day when she said that she ‘just loved reading my stuff’!!! To know that someone really enjoys reading my writing really makes my day! Just so sorry it has taken me this long to post this award!

Sheila took early retirement from her nursing job to look after her mother who suffers with Alzheimer’s.  Her  blog, ‘Alzheimer’s Trail’, which she describes as ‘A Journey in Poems and Prose’, is just that –  a truly inspirational collection of heartfelt, beautifully written poems and prose through which she expresses herself as she and her mother make this journey together.  Please take the time to visit her blog, I promise you will come away all the richer for it.

Now onto the Award!

The rules for the award are as follows:

Rule One:       Thank the Liebster-winning blogger who nominated you.

Rule Two:      Post 11 facts about yourself.

Rule Three:   Answer the 11 Questions your nominee asked you.

Rule Four:     Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.

Rule Five:      Nominate 11 bloggers (if you can, but doesn’t have to be 11) who you think deserve recognition and have less than 200 followers to the best of your knowledge, then let them know the great news on their blog!

Rule Six:       Display the award badge on your blog.

Rules one and six completed as above, now onto the others, starting with:

Eleven facts about myself:

l.     I’m left-handed
2.    I think that good manners are so important
3.    Heights terrify me
4.    My first car was a Mini
5.    I love watching Wimbledon
6.    When I was 16 I taught myself to touch type
7.    I love my cats
8.    Anything to do with King Henry VIII fascinates me
9.    Moths scare me
10.  Touching velvet sets my teeth on edge
11.   I love walking

Sheila’s Questions for Me:

l.   Who’s your hero?  Rafael Nadal (First one who came to mind, it being Wimbledon and all, even though he is out in the first round and I am gutted)

2. Why do you write? It frees me to express myself in a way that I can’t do any other way and gives me a great sense of fulfillment.

3. Where’s your special place to write? My summerhouse 🙂

4. What time of the day do you write best? Morning

5. What kinds of books do you read? True crime, psychological thrillers, historical novels, anything about medieval England.

6. How far away is your furthest follower? Australia, I think!

7. What brings you joy? Spending time with my children.

8. How long have you been blogging?  6 months on 9th July!

9. What’s your favorite part of blogging? Knowing that something I’ve written has inspired somebody.

10. Where did you learn about blogging? A book my son’s girlfriend gave me for Christmas – that, and flying by the seat of my pants!

11. What or who is your muse? Life.

That’s me done!

Now my Questions For You:

1. What is your favourite time of year?

2. If you could live anywhere where would it be?

3. Steak or Fish & Chips?

4. What was your first pet?

5. What is your life ambition?

6.  Favourite book?

7.  How many times have you moved house?

8.  What led you to blogging?

9.  Adventure holiday or sitting in the sun reading all day?

10. How often do you write?

11.  What has your blog done for you?

So there you have it.  Now to the nominations!

What I love about this award is that it is a wonderful exercise in discovering new blogs and the idea is that it is for bloggers with under 200 followers.  Therefore, I made it my mission to find as many new blogs as I could, although I have chosen 8 not 11 (sorry!). A little bit of encouragement goes such a long way and just as I have been so encouraged by the kind recognition I have received, I now hope to be able to pass this on to others and share the good news!

“Get on with it then!” I hear you all say…

Therefore, my eight nominations for the following well deserving bloggers for  THE LIEBSTER BLOG AWARD are:









Off I now go to let you all know the good news, and may I wish you all many congratulations and all the very best in your blogging journey! 

Do keep in touch 🙂 x

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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8 Responses to Back to Business & Another Liebster Blog Award!

  1. Kay Wilson says:

    OMG, Sherri, I am thrilled that you nominated me but I feel so inadequate as I am a fairly inexperienced blogger. I am honored and humbled.I love your, “Summerhouse” and am excited to spend more time here to learn from all of you. I joined WP but flitted from here to Blogger and Examiner, have returned to WP, it feels like home and a great place to send down roots. Thanks again for welcoming me, Sherri.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Kay – you are more than welcome! I still feel like that too and never expected to recieve any awards, in fact I didn’t even know what they were at first! It is a great way to find other bloggers ‘out there’ and as you say, ‘send down roots’! Keep in touch and all the best in your new venture 🙂


  2. Congrats on the award,Sherri. It is SUCH a pretty one, too. (I’m jealous! Just kidding.)


  3. Thank you Sherri for nominating me for this award. I am so pleased I will do my best to follow the rules!! It may take me some time though but I am on to it! Thanks again and for recommending all those other blogs which I will certainly visit.


    • Sherri says:

      You are very welcome heavenhappens! It does take some time, and requires some work, and not everybody participates for various reasons, but it is nice to be recognised regardless! No pressure, just when you can get to it. It took me a month with this one! Thank you for your visits to my blog and great comments! I have signed up to follow your blog too, love your garden photos! Keep in touch 🙂


  4. thebookbears says:

    congratulations Sherri, I am now on WordPress too, you might like my page. I only started it a couple of weeks ago but it is to recommend books for children under 11, especially focusing on early reader level books between picture books and longer chapter books. I am still trying to find my way around wordpress and I have loads of books to put up yet but hard to fit it in round the kids.


    oh and did you see my pics in Prima?
    Anne Frank


    • Sherri says:

      Well hello Anne! Welcome to WordPress, lovely to see you here! I didn’t realise that it was you behind The Book Bears, many congratulations on your blog launch! I will visit your blog right away! Yes, I did see your pics in Prima, I did email you but I don’t think you got it. You looked stunning you gorgeous thing you 🙂 Keep in touch! x


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