Inner Peace Award

inner-peace-awardSome weeks ago, I was delighted and very encouraged when I received the Inner Peace Award from Jane Dougherty.  Jane doesn’t usually ‘do’ awards but when she received this award from one of her followers she broke her self-imposed rule and passed it on to those she wanted to thank.  Lucky for me then!

As a follower of Jane’s blog,  I am drawn to all aspects of her wonderfully creative writing and so I was really honoured to think that she considered me worthy of this award.  She must have known that I needed a healthy dose of ‘Inner Peace’ when she gave it to me as  I was going through a difficult time. That, and she also paid me a really nice compliment by saying that I had a blog worth reading.   Thank you so much Jane!

The other lovely thing about this award is that there aren’t any rules (yay!!) and it doesn’t need any work (other than displaying it proudly on your blog of course, after all, you earned it, you deserve it, so go on!) and you don’t have to worry if you haven’t the time to pass it on – we are all short of that commodity!

However, I have really wanted to share this award with you for some time and that time is now! After all, who couldn’t use some ‘inner peace’ sometimes (all the time?)!

Take it as my way of saying a very special ‘Thank You’  – for sticking with me when I was in a dark place, for taking the time to visit and read my blog and for your great comments and insight.  For supporting and encouraging me, for making me smile.  For being kind and thoughtful.

I just wish I could make this list longer than it already is, but then I would never stop as I do appreciate each and every one of you…

So then, here is my list of nominees, a mixture of ‘old’ and ‘new’, regardless, I consider you all as friends.

1.   moggiepurrs

2.   CharactersfromtheKitchen

3.   steverebus

4.   My Feather Quill

5.   lostinthelabyrinth

6.   Expatially Mexico

7.   That’s a Jenn Story

8.   Alzheimer’s Trail

9.    Travel Words

10.  Jardin Luxembourg

11.  Suffolk Scribblings

12.  Zhongguo Jumble

13.  Unshakeable Hope

14.  Confab

15.  Eye-Dancers

16.  Everything Magical

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. – Mother Teresa

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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28 Responses to Inner Peace Award

  1. Sherri, I can’t think of a nicer award to bestow upon you. You are a delightful friend with a heart of gold. I’m so glad Jane Dougherty gave this to you. You deserve it. (And it looks beautiful in your sidebar!)


  2. Heyjude says:

    Thank you Sherri, it is a very pretty award logo, and I am very humbled to have you consider me a friend. I enjoy your blogs and it is nice to know you enjoy mine. 🙂
    Jude xx


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Jude, it’s great to know that you enjoy reading my blog and yes, I do very much enjoy reading yours too. You are very welcome & deserving 🙂 xx


  3. tieshka says:

    Dear Sherri, congratulations on receiving the Inner Peace Award. I too enjoy reading your blog & always look forward to reading it when my munckins have gone to bed. We all need a little inner peace when it comes to facing the challenges that are put in front of us. Cheers!


  4. jennypellett says:

    Well deserved Sherri, I’ve really been enjoying reading your posts and looking through your poetry too- Inner Peace is a lovely thing to bestow on anyone…thanks too, for all the lovely comments you’ve made since dropping in on my blog – three cheers for spamgate!


  5. You are worthy my friend! Thanks for the award …to me! Inner peace …for me it comes from my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ …calm in spite of the storm! Thanks Sherri!


    • Sherri says:

      How lovely to be called ‘friend’ and yes, the calm in the storm indeed. I love the dove of peace pictured on this award logo and all that it represents. Thank you Sheila, be blessed 🙂


  6. Insung says:

    Thank you so much for your support! This encourages me alot! 🙂


  7. Dylan Hearn says:

    Thank you Sherri, I can tell you have been reading my posts closely if you’ve identified I need inner peace. It wouldn’t be due to the Petty Domestic Disputes series by any chance?


  8. Lesley Dawson says:

    Thank you, Sherri. Receiving an Inner Peace Award is just about the best kind of award I can think of to have. I’m looking forward to checking out everyone else’s blogs too.


    • Sherri says:

      You are most welcome Lesley, and I’m glad to read that you are feeling better now too! It really is a lovely award to receive and it’s my pleasure to pass it on. Enjoy 🙂


  9. Thanks so much, Sherri! And congratulations on the much-deserved award! I really appreciate the nomination.:)–Mike


    • Sherri says:

      You are very welcome Mike, and so deserving, I really do appreciate that you take the time to read my posts, as I admire your writing greatly so it’s a great compliment to me. Thank you and congratulations right back at ya 🙂


  10. I feel your peace and it enhances me! Thanks for the award Sherri and congrats to you!


  11. Kristin says:

    First of all, congratulations, Sherri! You really deserve this award! I love your honest and soulful posts, even though I don’t always find the time to comment at the moment.
    Secondly, thank you so much for nominating me! You just made my (homesick) week! 🙂
    So let’s hope we all may find some inner peace these days!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh Kristin, you are a star. You are so very welcome, I always love to see your comments here and I also love your blog. You helped keep me going with such encourgement and support when I was not in a good place and it means so much to know that you enjoy reading my posts.
      Sorry you are homesick (and I know all about that feeling as you well know) but so glad to hear that I helped make things a little easier with a sprinkling of that inner peace! Keep smiling and enjoy 🙂 x


  12. Pingback: Inner Peace Award | Alzheimer's Trail

  13. Kay Wilson says:

    Thanks to you Sherri I am reading several of thse blogs already and trying to catch up on life! Thanks so much for keeping me in the loop, kay


  14. Summer says:

    Thanks for paying it forward. Peace!

    Sweet greetings, Summer


    • Sherri says:

      Sweet greetings to you too Summer, thank you so much for visiting my blog! ‘Paying it forward’, I love that…and the peace of God be with you too 🙂


  15. Pingback: An Anniversary, An Award, a Reminder, and a Thank-You! | Eye-Dancers

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