The Votes are Tallied – and I’m Home ‘Free’!

Woo Hoo!  The votes have been tallied and Elizabeth has announced the winner of September’s mini-writing competition.  Yes, the title says it all – I am the winner, or should I say my flash fiction story ‘Free’ is the winner!  Woo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo!!! (sorry, I sounded like an owl there for a minute!)

I am so excited and delighted to bring you all this happy news. I was quite nervous about entering the competition considering the high standard of all the other entries (I particularly liked ‘Zephyr’) and, as you well know, I was even more nervous about asking for help from you all.  Now, I’m so glad that I did both!

This has taught me two very important things about being a writer:

  1. We must always answer the call to write, no matter what; and
  2. We must never be afraid of asking for the support, encouragement and feedback of our dear readers (all of you, in my case!)

As I said to Elizabeth in thanking her so much for this wonderful opportunity, this has given me more confidence in my writing and in my self-belief that I can just go for it and have a bash at flash fiction (which I am enjoying more and more).  I can only write what I feel and what is in my heart.

The greatest joy for me is knowing that those of you who read ‘Free’ felt ‘something’ when you read it.  That is what moves and thills me, this is what gives back to me that incredible sense of having written something meaningful, albeit it in less than 500 words!

All that remains now is for me to say a massive ‘Thank You’ to all of you who took the time to read ‘Free’ and vote for me. Not only that, but for all your amazing words of encouragement and support and for all the kindness shown me. I have been truly overwhelmed by the response received from you all and, (sorry, I know I’m a bit gushing at times, it’s just the way I am!) but please know that you really all do mean so much to me.  This wouldn’t have been possible without you.

Now I just have to come up with a prompt for October’s competition 🙂

“It ain’t whatcha write, it’s the way atcha write it.”
—Jack Kerouac, WD

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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47 Responses to The Votes are Tallied – and I’m Home ‘Free’!

  1. Rachel says:

    Congratulations, Sherri! This is great news. Your story was definitely heart-felt.


  2. xbox2121 says:

    Congratulations, Sherri you deserved it !!


  3. Well done Sherri! Nice one.


  4. I am so happy for you! Especially that it was something that touched me deeply. Thank you for sharing that with us and congratulations on winning! Well deserved! 🙂


  5. mumblypeg says:

    Sherri, many congratulations on winning the competition. What a great job you did and I know how thrilled you are with the great support and interest your “followers” have shown. It is great that you feel even more confidant to carry on with your writing, which truly is an ispiration to your readers. Well done indeed. I am very proud of you xxxx


  6. Yay, Sherri! I’m so happy for you!


  7. thirdhandart says:

    Congratulations Sherri! Can’t wait to read your entry for the October writing competition.


  8. Yea for you! Congratulations–and now I’m definitely hiring you to lead my p.r. campaign. Hey, how about that for a theme? — publicity, or p.r., or leadership, or chutzpah–or as the cowardly lion in the Wizard of Oz called it, noive (nerve)!


  9. Dylan Hearn says:

    Many congratulations and well deserved too.


  10. Heyjude says:

    Gush away dear, gush away – you deserve it 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ha ha! Well, you know what I’m like! Thanks so much Jude for your wonderful encouragement and support 🙂


      • Heyjude says:

        You’re welcome. I look forward to the October entrants. By the way did anything come from that other very personal blog you were involved in? I did read through a few entries, but didn’t get to yours so I don’t know if you received any feedback. I wondered at his motives. Email me if you prefer not to answer on here.


  11. jennypellett says:

    Well done – see what a little self promotion leads to? You deserve it – it was a good story.


  12. parrillaturi says:

    Hey Sherri, you can WOOHO, YOOHOO, and YESS all you want. You deserve it. Great job. Congratulations. You are an inspiration to us all. Blessings.


  13. rmudge says:

    Congratulations! That had to feel awesome.


  14. Denise says:


    Yes writing is all about communication and getting people you know for support and encouragement and feedback is the lifeblood of writing. I’m so glad you showed us “Free”.


  15. Sheryl says:

    Congratulation! It’s a well-deserved award.


  16. Congratulations, Sherri!


  17. susancarey says:

    Congratulations, wonderful news! These kind of successes are such a boost and encourage one to keep on writing.


  18. Pat says:

    Well done, you did a great job! You have permission to gush, Sherri. It was a moving piece of writing.

    I can identify when you say you can only write when you feel and what’s in your heart. That’s real evident in your writing of “Free”.


  19. Congratulations Sherri! I’m thrilled for you. I knew you could do it. Keep writing and keep submitting!


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Donna, for your encouragement and for having so much faith in me! I will do just as you say, I promise…although sometimes I do wonder what on earth I’m doing 🙂


  20. Jennifer Butler Basile says:



  21. lbeth1950 says:

    You are so encouraging!


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