Guest Post over at Making My Mark!

Today, I am delighted to announce that I was recently invited by T. B. Markinson to write a guest post about my writing journey. Some of you may already know T. B. from her blogs Making My Mark and 50 Year Project, both wonderful blogs crammed full of book reviews, cover reveals and exciting updates on her writing projects and her mission to complete her ‘bucket list’ which consists of reading 1001 books, watching 100 top movies and visiting 192 countries before she dies!

She also achieved her ambition of becoming a published author with her debut novel ‘A Woman Lost’ before she reached the age of 35!  Not only that, but her second novel, ‘Marionette’, has recently been published.  Exciting times for T. B.!

T.B. and I have been following each other’s blogs for some time now and I am so very pleased that we ‘found’ each other here on WordPress.   We also have another connection in that she is an American living in London so you can just imagine the frequent comparisons that we both like to make!

Not only as a writer but also as a friend, T. B. has been nothing but incredibly supportive and encouraging of my writing, and now and then gives me a swift kick up the a*** when it comes to bugging encouraging me to get on with writing my memoir!   To say that she has inspired me to keep going is an understatement (but in all seriousness T. B., you are certainly not bugging me 🙂 )

When T.B. asked me to guest post I was thrilled and very honoured and so with no further ado, I would like to invite you over to ‘Making My Mark’ where, if you would like to, you can read my post, ‘My Writing Journey – The Heat is On!

Thank you so much T. B. it’s been a pleasure!

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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20 Responses to Guest Post over at Making My Mark!

  1. TBM says:

    The pleasure is all mine. I loved your guest post and my readers are enjoying it as well. You are an inspiration and I admire your bravery. You have such a way with words and your honesty and courage shines through. Now, how is your memoir coming along? You know I can’t wait to go overboard to promote it! Thanks for the guest post and for the kind words. I as well am so glad we met!


    • Sherri says:

      Well, I am very humbled by this, thanks so much TB, especially as I don’t think of myself as particularly brave or courageous but I do wear my heart on my sleeve and write in the same way and I know that is risky but I don’t know how else to be!!

      Ha Ha! Well, honestly (!), I haven’t done much memoir writing lately since a recent flurry of activity – one and half chapters – but I promise to pick it up again very soon 😉


  2. Thanks to both of you, it was a great guest post! Yes, Sherri…how is that memoir coming along…no pressure. 🙂


  3. jennypellett says:

    I read your post last night – some of which I was already familiar with, but you have a great writing style – very readable. Just keep going – you know you’re worth it! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, thanks Jenny, I was a bit late getting this post out. There isn’t really anything in there that you don’t know already so I’m very grateful to you for going over to read it anyway and I always count on your support and encouragement to keep going…I couldn’t do it without you Mrs Robinson 😉


  4. thirdhandart says:

    Wonderfully written guest post Sherri. Although you’ve had a very hard life, you never seem to feel sorry for yourself. It’s hard not to be bitter when life throws you lemons, but you’re not. It’s even more difficult to treat others in a thoughtful way when your own life is falling apart, but you’re always thoughtful. Kudos! And, keep writing… you’re very good at it!


    • Sherri says:

      Theresa, your lovely, kind comments always bring such a huge smile to my face, thank you so much and for your continual support and encouragement of my writing, I never take that for granted, you are a wonderful blessing to me 🙂

      I would have liked things to have been different in so many ways but they weren’t so I just had to get on and try to deal with it the best I could. It hasn’t always been easy but being able to write and share about the times of darkness and despair really does help shine the light on all of that and so bring me to today and the place that I am now. Life is a constant battle, and as we both know, the view isn’t always rosy….

      What really saved me was my life which God gave me with my children and so I do consider myself so very blessed. My husband now is incredibly supportive of my writing and in that I am also very blessed 🙂


  5. willowmarie says:

    Way to Sherri – Congrats!


  6. willowmarie says:

    Meant to say “way to GO Sherri – Congrats!


  7. The Heat REALLY is On, Sherri! You wrote an excellent guest post, and from the moment I read about your first “book”–THE TELEPHONE–I was hooked. Well done!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh yes, ‘The Telephone’!! My main character was a high powered business woman away on a trip who was being hounded by mysterious telephone calls. I have no idea where the idea came from since I was all of 12 when I wrote it 😉

      Thanks so much Marylin for going over to read my guest post and as always for cheering me on 🙂


  8. Reblogged this on Feed My Reads South Africa and commented:
    We love reading about the secret lives of scribblers. Meet the delightful Sherri….


  9. Sherri says:

    Thanks so much Jo, wow, I just saw this and how very kind of you to do this, I’m amazed! I will go over right now to the link 🙂 x


  10. Great guest post Sherri, I hope more people get to experience your wonderful writing through it.


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