WPC: Selfie

This week’s Weekly Photo Challenge has had me on the run.  This is what Cherie over at the WordPress Daily Post says:

‘…whether you love it or hate it, selfie-portraiture is indeed a thing, and an expression of our ever-evolving culture in our digital age.’

Very true, but I don’t make a habit of taking photographs of myself! I know that others taking part in this challenge will be much more creative and cleverer than I, suggestions of silhouettes and shadows abound in this Challenge post.

Then it came to me.  A photograph I took when on holiday in France in 2012.  I remembered a day when I was upstairs in the bedroom of the farmhouse where Hubby and I were staying.  I was faffing about with my camera because I was having problems with a couple of its settings.

There was a full length mirror in the room and at last, having fixed the problem, I remember looking up and noticing I was standing in front of it. For some unaccountable reason, I decided to test my camera, using the flash, by taking a photo of myself standing in front of the mirror to see what would happen, what it would look like.  I liked the way the flash ‘bounced’ off the glass of the mirror.

Who knew that I would be using that very photograph for a blog post sometime in the not too distant future…

Problem solved then!  Here is the end result, my selfie, after some heavy editing of brightness, contrast and cropping which I did for the purposes of this post.

France, 2012 (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

France, 2012
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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88 Responses to WPC: Selfie

  1. Pat says:

    Clever, Sherri. I like it. I can identify with you on not being in the habit of taking pictures of yourself. Even, when I have pictures taken of me for profiles and such, I don’t like them.

    I guess selfies are a way for you to practice and get the kind of photo you like instead of relying on someone else to capture the right expression.


  2. Denise says:

    Funny how teenagers are so adept at them and I only manage out of focus, with a double chin, face totally in shadow. I guess it’s an example of youth having the advantage.

    I do think that when I do manage it, it’s strangely usually the first one that is the best and they get worse after that. As with this selfie that’s not meant to be a selfie, it’s actuallyquite intriguing! You look like you are starring in a sci-fi film.


    • Sherri says:

      Ha ha! I guess so! Young people today seem to be so adept at ‘selfies’. You see them everywhere, posing for them.
      I do remember liking the way the flash looked when it bounced off the mirror’s glass. When I edited this photo the flash showed up even more, and I liked the way it provided a semi-disguise!!!! I like what you say about a sci-fi flm though…maybe I should audition for Dr Who, ha 😉


  3. jennypellett says:

    I like what you’ve done with the contrasty thing – very artsy! Hate selfies though – I look awful in most photographs so to take a picture of myself would be just mad.


  4. Heyjude says:

    I agree with Denise, you look as though you are in a horror film or something – those eyes! Good post though – though I think your profile picture is the better selfie 🙂


  5. This makes me think you are cooking up some magic. Don’t you think?
    Who knew you’d use this photo n.o.w.?


  6. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie 2 | Khana's Web

  7. You look like you’re barely 23 in that photo! How old are your kids again?


  8. Pingback: SELFIEBABE! Weekly Photo Challenge | alienorajt

  9. I think with the flash showing the way it did, it makes it look “arty” — like you were trying to make a special effect! Ha-ha!


    • Sherri says:

      Ha Ha! Thanks Bev, but I can assure you I am not a photo whizz by any stretch of the imagination. That ‘special effect’ was not my doing, just the way the flash sparked off the mirror glass. Still, glad it worked and you like it 🙂


  10. Wow, reminds me of a Stephen King movie, Sherri! I’m with Jenny, I don’t enjoy having my picture taken, so a selfie, not going to happen.


  11. Ha ha, love the selfie Sherri! I agree that it’s a fast changing world with all the new technology. I love the artistic twist to your picture, very creative 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ha Ha! Thanks Heather! I’m glad it turned out the way it did with a few tweaks (purely experimentation, I can assure you, as I am no photo editor!) and glad I had the flash effect. Purely coincidental 🙂


  12. Rachel says:

    That’s a cool pic, Sherri. Very artistic and quite sexy too.


  13. Quite clever. Really like the pic. Next time I need a selfie, I’ll try the flash!


  14. And now we have it, the poster for the female remake of THE OMEN…
    A few years ago, Sherri, on a friend’s 50th birthday, her husband had given her a new camera. To capture forever the celebration, we all lined up front to back–all 17 of us–and we had to quickly bend over, shoot a picture between our legs (we were all in jeans or shorts) of the person behind us, and so on, reaching the end of the line in hopefully 3 minutes or less.
    If any of us ever wanted to run for public office, these pictures would end the possibility, but we had a lot of fun. I doubt any of us would do it again, though.


    • Sherri says:

      Ha Ha! Yep, that’s me, scary as hell… 😉
      That sounds like a blast, hilarious, and what a fantastic idea! Oh I would love to see those photos Marylin, but I know I never will, lol!!! What a great way to commemorate your friend’s 50th though, just wonderful.
      Definitely one for the album (private, of course!) 😉


  15. This is a very lovely selfie, Sherri. So creative. 🙂


  16. rmudge says:

    That is a cool photo. The flash looks like you threw a snowball at it. It seems kind of artistic 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ha Ha! Thanks Robin and yes, now that you mention it, I can see the ‘snowball’ effect! I was really happy with the way the flash scattered off the mirror, totally unexpected and even better when I cropped the photo and edited the brightness 🙂


  17. bulldog says:

    What a great photo… looks like some one threw a snow ball at you and it exploded on a window behind which you stood… I love it..


    • Sherri says:

      Love that Bulldog, thanks so much! Interesting that you and Robin above both saw this ‘snowball’ effect which is purely the way the flash exploded against the glass. I’m so glad I remembered taking this pic as I had no idea what to use, but really glad you like it 🙂


  18. Wow – i can almost feel texture and heat – a very creative image!


    • Sherri says:

      Ha ha! Yes, I see what you mean about texture and heat…gotta love that flash in the mirror effect, totally coincidental but so glad I experimented! Thanks CM 🙂 xx


  19. Love your version of the theme. Indeed Selfie is a “thing” now and half of the planet are into it. The other half like me wished there’s a way to evade taking one’s own picture. Good thing there’s photo magic now. We can take selfies and still retain that mysterious self we keep to ourselves.


    • Sherri says:

      I’m with you on that about the ‘selfie’ Island Traveler. I, too, wish it were not so! And yes, thank goodness for ‘photo magic’. If it hadn’t been for the flash in this one (and the editing) I would never have put it up there. As it is, I took it standing in front of a mirror just for fun rather than looking right into the camera while holding it which I suppose is a ‘true’ selfie!! No way would I put one of those up here! Important, absolutely, to keep some mystery…thanks so much 🙂


  20. Dylan Hearn says:

    This looks more like a painting than a photograph. Very nice, Sherri!


  21. Steve Rebus says:

    Fantastic shot Sherri! So creative as usual! Love it! 🙂


  22. TBM says:

    Looks like your a magician throwing a light ball at someone. Hope it isn’t me.


  23. I don’t do selfies, either. I hate the exposure. Clever you, to find a way to show and hide yourself simultaneously–most writing does that, I think.


  24. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Pilot Fish

  25. Steven says:

    Oooh, now I do like this! 🙂 Very moodily-lit and artistic, as people have said. The best artworks come from accidents/messing around, I find. Maybe I’ll consider reopening negotiations about that graphics assistant job 😉 I do not see myself as an oil painting and don’t really want to inflict myself on others, so as such I don’t feel the motivation to ‘selfie’; even the word makes me cringe a bit… God, you can tell I’m in my 40s now.


  26. restlessjo says:

    Very resourceful, Sherri 🙂


  27. willowmarie says:

    should be in “Vogue”- a selfie with panache! I really like it, someone should paint it.


  28. Glynis Jolly says:

    I really like the effect you got. I know prisms can do things like that but I didn’t realize a mirror could.


  29. mumblypeg says:

    Love this blog with the starburst effect and colours of the picture. It is very fetching, if a little spooky. Brilliant, yet again!! lol M xxx


  30. thirdhandart says:

    Very cool selfie Sherri! I think that the flash hit the mirror at just the right spot. I agree with the people who think it’s artsy 😉


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Theresa, I’m really glad that you liked it! I was really surprised when I took the photo at the way the flash looked but it wasn’t until I cropped and edited it for this post a couple of year’s later that I saw it for its full effect 😉


  31. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Through the Eye of Bastet

  32. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Selfie | Highlights and Shadows

  33. patriciamoed says:

    Interesting shot, Sherri. It must have been tricky to adjust the light balance. But you got it just right.


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Patricia, really glad you liked it! I played around with the brightness and contrast a bit and really liked how the flash looked. My first attempt at photo editing like this 🙂


  34. Pingback: Selfie, How Should I Say It? | this man's journey

  35. Thank heavens for old photos that we took of ourselves in the past. Being a non- selfie, I was planning to use old shots too but Valentines came and I got a chance of a lifetime. I was anxious and nervous but it’s called a challenge for a reason, right? Take care and have a great week.


    • Sherri says:

      You got that right IT!! You did a marvelous job, and as you say, the perfect excuse it being Valentine’s! A really wonderful post, and despite your nervousness you rose admirably to the challenge.

      I love these challenges for this exact reason, they really get us to ‘think outside the box’ and I find it a great way to unleash that creativity!

      Thanks so much and you have a great week too 🙂


  36. Great effect Sherri, there’s something sepia-ish about it but also something psychedelic there too. Looks like a piece of art, rather than a selfie 🙂


  37. Pingback: obscurity [a series of hipster selfies] | Ramisa the Authoress

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