Promises, Awards And One Retro Drawing

One of the many things I love about blogging is the varied, fascinating and downright unusual ‘conversations’ I’ve had with so many of you and the tasks that I’ve sometimes set myself as a result of these lovely chats, always with the best intentions (and thanks for bearing with me!).

For one thing, ever since my Thanksgiving post last November, I’ve promised Jill and Steven that I would post a photograph of the chocolate train cake that I made for my younger son’s fourth birthday.

For another, and among discussions about crazy rides at theme parks, Michael Jackson, Windmills of the Norfolk Broads, blue skies, twilight, Mr Blobby and gazelles with a certain two, who from time to time hijack my blog with their shenanigans and high jinks, never mind trying to infiltrate my summerhouse/TARDIS to find out what really goes in there, I ended up promising to show them a drawing I did when I was not quite a teen…

(Will the real Steven and Jenny Jen Jen please stand up…)

This is all came about because of the legendary and amazing artistic ability of Steven, aka J.G. (in his recent post, he stunned me with an incredible drawing of Clint Eastwood) which led to a long discussion between me and Jenny Jen Jen about our discovered mutual obsession with drawing pictures of horses when in our early teens and of my remembering a drawing I did of my alter ego back in the day, all flowery bell-bottoms, floppy hat and platform shoes.

Sadly, despite looking high and low (and I mean that literally; rummaging through boxes in the loft comes to mind), I can’t find the photograph of the train cake – really sorry Jill and J.G.! – but I was able to find my drawing and that only because my mother has kept it all these years.

  This means I can keep one promise at least:

My drawing of my ‘ideal’ as an almost thirteen year old in the summer of 1973. I had some platform shoes just like these! As you can see, I called her ‘Suzi’!

I’m glad that, despite my chocolate train cake failure, I’ve been able to keep one of these promises but I also have some others to keep; that is, I owe some lovely people my heartfelt ‘Thank You’.

How timely that the first one goes to Jenny Jen Jen for so kindly nominating me for the Sunshine Award.

The Sunshine Award

The Sunshine Award

Now that I’ve seen her drawings of horses (which are very good!) I’m not only impressed with her artistic ability, but I would say that her writing isn’t too bad either!  I jest, of course.

She is extremely talented, a published author no less with a second book in the making,  a delightful young woman who, among her many talents has also created a language!

I am hugely impressed with her, she is a beautiful, spirit, please check our her blog Jennifer K Marsh and you’ll see just what I mean.

As if her star didn’t shine brightly enough, she then also nominated me for The Lighthouse Award with such beautiful sentiments.

Thank you so much Jenny Jen Jen!

I am more than overdue in thanking another lovely young woman, Upasna over at Live Out Loud , a new blogging friend, who so kindly nominated me for The Liebster Award.

Her blog’s tagline expresses her thoughts:

I am here, just to share…To get views and share experiences and also share some of mine… 🙂‘.

Thank you so much Upasna!

The Leibster Award

The Leibster Award

Mahesh is a another new blogging friend who very kindly nominated me for The Versatile Blogger Award.  Mahesh blogs over at The Write Might where he is:

‘Keeping it real, and raw.  A writer who knows that writing heals, writing without fear.’

versatileblogger11Mahesh and I recently had a brief chat about ‘Breaking Bad’ and how much we are both mesmerised by Saul  (no spoilers here, those who watch/have watched it will know who I’m talking about and for those who haven’t,  I would say it’s a must…!).

Thanks so much Mahesh!


Then the lovely lady Elizabeth over at Breaking the Cycle and whom I’ve had the pleasure of meeting fairly recently so kindly nominated me for The Sunshine Award.


Elizabeth’s blog is best described in her own words:

This is the title of my unpublished memoir.  It refers to my book’s focus: chronicling dysfunctional aspects to my childhood and connecting them to difficulties I overcame as a parent’.

Many thanks to you Elizabeth for your very kind nomination, you are truly inspirational, and one lovely mom!

Then, just as I was getting ready to put the finishing touch to this post, a message ‘pinged’ across my About page announcing that the incomparable and super nice guy Don over at Don Charisma has nominated everyone, yes, everyone for the Inner Peace Award.

This is one of those awards that in accepting, only a short written piece is required as to why you are accepting and then, if you wish, you can hand it out to as many or as few as you like.

As before when I was so  kindly given this award, I invited any and all reading my blog to please take it as yours.  Peace is surely a gift we all need in today’s troubled, loud  society.

What I really love too is Don’s unique and creative take on this award. 

Here is his:


Here’s the original:


Take your pick!

Thank you so much Don!

I never take for granted every single time you take precious time out of your busy day to come over to my summerhouse and read my posts and ‘like’ and/or leave a comment or two.  Since I’ve sent all these awards on before you already know my sentiments and so on this occasion I’m using this opportunity to thank you all so very much for so many things but most of all for your friendship, love and support.  I can’t tell you enough what this means to me.

I hope that I can be the same friend to you as you are to me.  




About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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89 Responses to Promises, Awards And One Retro Drawing

  1. Don Charisma says:

    You are very welcome my dear … and congrats … you are charismatic lady …, you just gave me an idea !


  2. Congratulations, many times over, Sherri. Well deserved.


  3. Wow! You sure know how to give people some light, confidence and compliments. Well done!
    And I am sure you deserved every award that has been given to you.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Mirjam, and how lovely of you to say so! I feel so honoured and very humbled to be a part of this community. Thank you so much, it’s a pleasure to have met you here 🙂


      • About your ‘obsession’.
        I felt the same with the Dexter Series. I didn’t wait to follow it on tv in the Netherlands. Waiting another week every time? I don’t think so, lol.
        I kept watching one episode after another, until I reached the end of what was available on-line. It took me a few weeks. Then I was really forced to wait, but I made sure I watched everything from beginning to end until it stopped. I disliked it ended.
        This wasn’t the first ‘obsession’. I felt the same with McLeod’s Daughters and when the final season arrived online I was almost jumping with joy. And I really felt sad when I watched the last one, with the knowledge it was ending there.
        Before that it was Sex and the City, the series and the two movies.
        Now I have to find out what the next will be. Breaking Bad I know about, but somehow I don’t feel attracted to it. Haven’t watched one episode yet. Maybe it’s for my own good, haha.


        • Sherri says:

          You sound just like my daughter! She got me into watching Dexter but I lost the plot as she went racing ahead, doing just what you said until it ended. That’s alot of watching for sure!

          I had to catch up with Mad Men in the earlier seasons like that too. Also our latest is Game of Thrones and now the new season has started so excited about that. It’s getting the time that’s the problem!

          So far as Breaking Bad, I don’t like anything to do with drugs normally so I was very, very surprised that I was so drawn in by it but it is truly a masterpiece in acting, character development, story telling, the human story in all it’s glory. Absolutely brilliant. I think you would fall for it, you should give it a try. I warn you though, it’s very, very addictive – pardon the pun, haha 😉

          Good luck 🙂


          • Maybe Dexter just wasn’t for you?
            For me, I mostly loose interest with a series if I have to wait for another week to see the next episode. So, if I like a serie very much I go on-line and watch on my own times and terms, when it suits me best. The cold turkey afterwards isn’t always fun, lol.

            I did hear Breaking Bad is very good, yes, and the main character is even based on a real character. I can’t squeeze it into my schedule now, but maybe in the near future.

            I saw an ad on Dutch tv for a new series. Fargo?
            It peeks my interest. 😉
            Maybe this will be my new obsession. Help…;)


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh Mirjam, just saw your last response (been having problems with my notification in my reader for some reason, but resolved now I hope!) and yes, we have been taping Fargo but not started watching it yet, as, like you, I prefer to do so back to back but the problem is getting the time! Fargo is one of my top 10 fav movies so I hope I won’t be disappointed by the TV series.
      Argggghhhhh….so much to watch, so little time, and, as you so eloquently say….
      HELP….. 😉


      • I might have a solution. I’m very fond of, bordering on obsession, true crime documentaries. So many are out there and I couldn’t watch them all in time before they would get removed from YouTube or elsewhere.

        Therefore I started a media archive. I download everything that I know I will find interesting and store it until I have time to watch it or even re-watch it.
        It’s also a great source for new articles.
        The size of it: 373 GB, 2.377 Files, 126 Folders

        I’m very glad I started this at one point, because nowadays it’s very hard to find for example episodes from Unsolved Mysteries. I was in time to make sure I had the ones that hit home with me.

        By having a media archive you solve the little time problem and also the issue that stuff gets deleted before you could watch it. I would say; start downloading, lol.

        I never saw the Fargo movie. I think I skip that one and see the series first. And when the series end I can get dessert with the movie. 😉


        • Sherri says:

          Good advice! Thanks! I love Unsolved Mysteries too, used to watch it all the time in the States but don’t see it here in the UK now…
          Fargo is absolutely brilliant. I hope I like the series as much. Since you’ve started the series I would definitely say wait for the movie as dessert, lol 🙂


          • @sherri, Unsolved Mysteries is the one program that drew me to my true crime interest and eventually writing about it. It was on television in the NL in the 90’s. When you do a YouTube search you will find out almost everything of UM is deleted there. The program made sure of that. Not sure why, because still a number of their cases is unsolved and could use the ongoing coverage by keeping it on-line.


            • Sherri says:

              Yes, I remember it from the 90s so well and that is such a shame that it is no longer available. As you say, not sure why…thanks for letting me know Mirjam, I’ve really enjoyed our shared interest in this fascinating subject 🙂


  4. Sherri, I love the drawing of your “ideal”! I knew you were a talented writer and photographer, but I wasn’t aware of your artistic abilities when it comes to drawing. Is there no end to your talent? I wish I could draw. I’ve been practicing, but my so far, I haven’t improved.
    Congratulations on all of your awards, they are well deserved! I’ll look forward to checking out all of the blogs.
    Breaking Bad! I didn’t know you were a fan. I had never seen or heard of it until it’s last season. A TV station had a BB marathon and one day, while on the treadmill and flipping channels, I stumbled across BB in mid-series. I had no idea about the characters, plot, nothing…but I got sucked in. I’ve been dying to watch the entire series from beginning to end…if I could only find the time.
    As for the chocolate train cake…well, I suppose you’ll have to bake a new one! 🙂 Just kidding. I appreciate you remembering your promise.
    Enjoy the rest of your week, Sherri! DFD sends his love!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Jill, believe me, I am far from talented. I drew this when I had nothing but hours and hours of uninterrupted time to perfect it, during the long, school summer holidays, as a dreamy teenager when I had nothing better to do!I couldn’t draw like this now, I really couldn’t. I used to love to draw, but it was always just a distraction and a bit of fun, never something I’ve ever really thought of pursuing, unlike with my writing!

      As for the chocolate train cake indeed…I’m gutted I couldn’t find the photograph for you! I looked for ages and have no idea what’s happened to it. Well, maybe one of these days I’ll make another one, maybe when I have grandchildren, haha!!!

      And as for BB, well Jill, I was just the same as you! I started watching it at my son’s when I was house sitting, he has the entire series. Nicky watched it a while ago and he, like others I know who’ve watched it say it’s the best thing ever. I can honestly say that I know what they mean. I’m a huge fan of Mad Men too and thought that was the best yet, but I have to say that BB is even better. But, I’m soooo frustrated as I’m only up to the beginning of season 3 (there are 5) and I need to get the rest to watch it! I’m obsessed!! But as you say, it’s the time….aaaaaggggghhhh!!!

      Thanks Jill, you have a good week too and love back to DFD 🙂 xoxo


      • First of all, you are talented when it comes to drawing, Sherri. Whether or not you ever pursue it, believe me, the talent is there! I should know, when I was a dreamy teenager, I could only doodle stick figures.
        No worries on the chocolate train cake. I appreciate you looking for the photo. It’s so frustrating when you know you have something and you can’t find it. Well, we’ll just have to get Nicky on the stick to give you some grandchildren! 🙂 Maybe Jenny can help out? Oh, I hope she doesn’t read this. 🙂
        I don’t know what it was about BB, but I normally don’t get hooked on TV shows. I was obsessed! I’ve never seen Mad Men. Now I’m wondering, do I dare tune in? There’s never enough time to read all we want, write all we want or watch what we want.
        DFD is smiling. 🙂
        Enjoy! xoxo


        • Sherri says:

          Okay Jill, now it’s my turn for coffee to come shooting out of my nose after reading this!! Haha – Jenny are you reading this? Nicky, are you? Geez, I hope not, lol 🙂
          I had my eldest son in mind for grandchildren but now, well, the possibilities are endless……..I can’t stop laughing………help……. 🙂

          Right, *gathering myself* onto BB – yes, it is truly addictive, the most incredible TV. You are pulled right in as you already know and that’s from coming in without knowing anything about it! As for Mad Men, the early seasons resonated with me so much as I would have been the same age as the little girl in the early 60’s so it drew me in for that reason alone, never mind the brilliant acting, story lines and of course the wonderful syle! There isn’t enough time – when did TV start getting so good? – and that is the only problem. How do we get to do it all? I have no idea!
          I’m smiling back at you and DFD…actually, still laughing my head off and will be all day now…thanks Jill 🙂 xoxoxox


          • Lol! Maybe I shouldn’t have said that…Jenny might hop a plane to the U.S. to zip my mouth. 🙂 Let’s just hope she doesn’t read ALL of the comments, but I have a feeling she does. 🙂 Hopefully, Nicky missed this post.
            Well, I’m certainly going to look into Mad Men, after I do BB from the beginning.
            Happy almost Friday! xo


      • Sherri says:

        😉 Let’s hope not!!! xoxo


  5. Andy Oldham says:

    Nice post! You can always make another train cake and take a picture of it Sherri! No excuses! 🙂 don’t forget to include the recipe too! Haha!


  6. Mahesh Nair says:

    Thank you Sherri for the mention. Appreciate it! 🙂 By the way, I watched Breaking Bad – all seasons. The penultimate and the last episode were absolutely out of this world, and I must tell you that this show will remain my top favorite for a long time to come. Then I read a NY Times article which said how Breaking Bad (Walter White) is better than Mad Men (Don Draper). But I’ve started watching Mad Men 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thank YOU Mahesh for the nomination!! My pleasure, it’s great to meet you here.

      Oh, so you’ve gone way ahead of me have you, lol!! 😉 I’m still trying to get to where I was, from season 3 and onwards. Can’t wait! I heard that the last episode was split with a year in between and they are going to do the same thing with Mad Men this year – 7 episodes now and then 7 in 2015. Aaaaaarghh, I can’t stand it! I’m nuts for Mad Men, can’t believe it’s the last season though 😦

      I’ve heard that about BB from my son and everyone I know whose watched it, that it’s the best they’ve ever watched. Now, coming from a massive Mad Men fan I’ll have to watch all of BB before I can agree with the NY Times article but I think I might just have to going by what I’ve watched already…I’ll let you know!

      PS You’ll absolutely love Mad Men 🙂
      PPS My daughter told me that you can get ‘Just Call Saul’ tee-shirts – I told her I want one for Christmas 😉


      • Mahesh Nair says:

        Sherri, I was addicted to the show 😉 Well Aaron Paul who played Jesse Pinkman (he won 2 Emmys for the show; I loved him throughout!) said in an interview that David Blaine (American magician) watched all the seasons in one go.

        Yes, I read about Mad Men on Time (was on the cover) and how AMC will air 7 episodes this year and 7 next. Thanks for recommending Mad Men – now I want to watch it!

        And I’m sure you know there is an upcoming television series called Better Call Saul, a spin-off of Breaking Bad, starring none other than Bob Odenkirk 🙂

        Would love the t-shirt!


        • Sherri says:

          I love Jesse too Mahesh his character is fascinating. No matter what happened and how much he screwed up he still had a good heart. Of course, as you know, I haven’t seen the whole show… 😉

          That’s crazy about David Blaine!!

          Ah yes, I did hear about Better Call Saul, my son told me about it. Can’t wait for that either! So much great TV, so little time! You really will love Mad Men 🙂

          We better look out for those tee shirts…looks like Bob Odenkirk has found stardom…who knew 😉


  7. Well deserved, every one, Sherri.


  8. Kudos to you Sherri, for all of the awards. I LOVE your drawing!! You captured the era perfectly.


  9. Your drawing is brilliant! Congratulations on your awards Sherri – you deserve all and more – you are a shining, talented, kind, and wonderful soul. HUGS 🙂 XX


    • Sherri says:

      HaHa!! Well, thank you so much Jo, you are so very kind but I certainly could never draw like that now, believe me!!! Feeling the hugs and right back to you too 🙂 xx
      PS Maybe we should start an art class, lol 😉 xxx


  10. bulldog says:

    You are so deserving of all the awards… congrats..
    By the way how is the book doing??
    Mine has been through its first edit and I’m so pleased with the result… now for the second edit…


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Bulldog, thanks so much!!
      The book is coming along….s l o w l y…but it’s getting there!! Thanks for asking.
      Wow, first edit, that’s great! Exciting…keep me posted won’t you? Hope you’re feeling better each day and keeping up with all that lovely Easter chocolate… 🙂


  11. Congratulations Sherri on all those well deserved awards. I love the bell bottom pants and Mr Blobby brings back many happy memories for me. Cheers Irene


  12. Sunni Morris says:


    You write such beautiful heartfelt posts. Congratulations on your awards. You deserve them. That seventies picture is definitely me. LOL I still wear bell bottoms, tank tops, and platform shoes. I guesss I’ll never change.



    • Sherri says:

      Hi Sunni, and thanks so much! Lovely to hear from you.
      Haha! Love that, I now have that image in my mind of you and what a great image that is! Great look isn’t it??!! 🙂


  13. jennypellett says:

    Well Sherri, this is weird. I used to fill pages of sketch books with fashion drawings in my early teens and before that I had a thing about horses. I read all the Pat Smythe books about the Three Jays as well as all the horsey books by the Pullein-Thompson twins. Fashion took over- at one time I even thought I was going to be a fashion designer. Hmm, this could make a blog post …
    Thanks for all the introductions to your blogging friends- I shall check ’em out sometime this week.


    • Sherri says:

      I’m not surprised Jenny! Must have been a right of passage for us girls! I don’t have any of my horse drawings but I used to draw them over and over until I had it just right, same with this one! As I said to Jill, those were the days, long, hot summer holidays when I had nothing better than to draw for hours in a dream!!

      I was obsessed with horses and did ride for a while until I had a nasty fall and that was that so drawing them had to do, and, like you, reading about them too and the Three Jays brings back some memories that’s for sure…until, as you say, fashion and Jackie magazine took over. Do you remember the plastic gifts we used to get with it? I had a plastic heart with a mirror inside it! I loved it. Oh those were the days. Too bad we have Jimmy Saville to blot them… but let’s not go there…

      Have a great day my friend 🙂

      PS Fascinating to learn that you had dreams of being a fashion designer…very interesting blog post that would make indeed, look forward to reading all about it 🙂 Great isn’t it to get ideas like this!!!


  14. jenniferkmarsh says:

    What the blazes are you talking about, dear Sherri, by linking Steven and I to shenanigans? Us? Never 😉 Haha, ohh, you love it when we hijack your blog, don’t deny it 😛 But we’re on to you, Sherri P, with your devilish deeds within your ‘summerhouse’. We’ve got a Mystery Machine and everything.

    As for the drawing – love it! Ha, doesn’t someone have an inner diva! 😉 I particularly enjoy the flowery, bell-bottom trousers. Thanks for digging it out!

    But thank you ever so much for the kind words, Sherri! Gosh, you make me blush with your kindness. There’s no better light than you, ’cause you are the sun all right, beaming down on us all and filling us with your warmth.

    Keep shining! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Dearest Jenny Jen Jen, who shall be named, hahaha!!!!! I notice that Steven is keeping very quiet…where IS he??? Well, I hope he reads this and realises what he has unleashed, lol 😉 HaHa, well, now I better get my magical brolly to the ready if you and Steven have a Mystery Machine on the go… 😉

      I’m glad you like the drawing – haha, inner diva! Yep, that’s me!! I’m just so glad I was able to find one of the things I promised to share! No horse pics though 😦 Still, I have rediscovered what a geek I was (am??) as I found my scrapbooks with pressed flowers and my projects about Tutankhamen and Volcanoes (done for fun…cringy isn’t it??) Another blog post about that maybe… ha 😉

      Ahh, bless you, you say such lovely things! It’s just so great to be able to a part of this wonderful community and gain such warmth and light from one another. Talking of which, I will be over to your post shortly and I am intrigued!!

      Shine on Jenny Jen Jen and I will do my very best to do the same as I reflect your kind, loving light… 😉 🙂 😉


      • jenniferkmarsh says:

        I believe in his latest post he says things have been a little hectic for him recently, and that he’s drained. Emotionally, physically. Hope he’s all right! We cannot be having a subdued Steven. Work your brolly magic, Sherri!

        Ha, I’m sure he’ll live without seeing your chocolate train cake masterpiece 😉 Haha, don’t worry about being a geek! Steven and I have a geek club; I’m sure a third member shall not clog up the place.

        This community is so lovely! Better than real life half the time 😉 Who am I kidding? Most of the time. Make your way over to my post any time you like, dearest 😛 It’s not going anywhere.

        We’re a community of mirrors, reflecting every light we see 😉


        • Sherri says:

          Ahh…I haven’t read his last post yet, was going to get to that later but I had a feeling…as you say, hope he’s ok but this happens doesn’t it? Poor guy…let’s send him some brolly magic right now… :-)……….. hope he got it. We love ya J.G!!

          Oh I’m so glad to be part of your geek club, I feel important at last, lol 😉

          Will do – and yes, better and better I’d say! And I love that…’a community of mirrors’…you are so creative my girl!

          See you soon Jenny Jen Jen 🙂 xx


  15. Rachel says:

    Very cool drawing, Sherri! You’re so creative.


  16. Mabel Kwong says:

    That is a very good drawing you did as a kid. There’s so much colour and life to it. I really envy people who can draw – like you do. I can’t draw to save my life, I am really that bad at drawing. Even my stick figure drawings turn out bad all the time, haha! So well done!

    Congrats on all the awards. Your summerhouse is so positive and, metaphorically, shining with light all the time. So many upbeat stories hear I’m not surprised people keep coming back for more and keep thinking of you 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, what a kind, lovely lady you are indeed dear Mabel! Thank you so much but it is you and others here who shine your light into my summerhouse and make it glow. Without you all it would be a very cold, lonely place indeed!

      I really can’t draw like that anymore. That took hours and hours of practice, when I had nothing better to do in the school holidays as a dreamy, young teenager, lol 🙂 That was the image I held in my head of how I thought I would look when I was older but I never quite managed to pull it off, haha!! Oh well, I loved my platform shoes at least!

      Have a great week Mabel 🙂


      • Mabel Kwong says:

        Thanks, Sherri. Thanks so much for responding so positively, not just to me but to everyone who drops by your summerhouse. You never know. Maybe one day you’ll pick up a crayon and you’ll be able to draw something spectacular again – maybe a very happy version of yourself or a bunch of us happy bloggers. You seem to have great taste in fashion.

        Hope you have a good week ahead too. We’re approaching Thursday in a couple of hours in Australia 🙂


        • Sherri says:

          Ahh, well, you never know! It’s my pleasure Mabel, to have you and everyone take the time to come over to my summerhouse and leave a message, I never take that for granted, ever, because I know that we all live such busy lives…

          Ooooh, that’s right, so late for you my dear! In that case, may your Thursday be a great one and also may you have a great night’s sleep! See you soon 🙂


  17. TBM says:

    Such a shame you can’t find, but I trust you looked everywhere. Congrats on all the awards. Isn’t blogging fun!


    • Sherri says:

      I know…I won’t stop looking but I can’t think where else to look for the moment!!!
      Thanks TB, hope all is well with you and yes, blogging is so much fun 🙂


  18. Congrats on all your awards, Sherri. You accept them in such a lovely way. 🙂 Your drawing really reminded me of myself in the 1970’s. 🙂


  19. thirdhandart says:

    Beautiful drawing Sherri! The first thing I thought of was “California Dreaming”, but you didn’t live in California when you were thirteen years old. You grew up in the UK… right? Love the halter-top, flowery bell-bottoms and platform shoes. That’s what I wanted to wear in 1973, but my parents and the parochial school I attended both had strict dress codes.
    Congratulations on your awards Sherri… you deserve each and every one of them!


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Theresa, you are always so kind 🙂
      Ahh…funny isn’t it when we look back at the styles of clothing we wore, or were allowed to wear. Here of course we always wore school uniform, all through school. Still do.
      Fascinating what you say about this drawing. You are absolutely right of course, when I drew this I wasn’t quite 13 and I had never been to America and had no idea that I would ever go, which I didn’t do for another 6 years when I was 19. But there was always something about California which drew me, even then, and I was, in a way ‘California Dreamin’ for many years but didn’t quite know it! I know I longed to be in sunny climes…look at that huge sun and deep brown sun tan!!!
      This was my ‘ideal’ but things didn’t turn out in quite the ‘ideal’ way I had hoped… hey ho 😉


  20. Steven says:

    Hahahaha! Oh good heavens, I laughed so much at this. When listed like that, it is quite an interesting range of topics that we’ve covered, isn’t it?

    Shenanigans? High-jinks? Escapades? Never, Sherri. That is slander and I shall get Jennifer’s law friend Meggie on the case immediately 😉 Haha, oh it’s all true, isn’t it? We were also planning to use your summerhouse to smuggle and store batches of imported-from-abroad Citrus Polos… I don’t think you were aware of that. We just wanted somewhere that was ultra-secure, you know? Somewhere that not even the most calculating and clever spy could get into.

    I am prepared to forego the chocolate train cake image if you tell us how to get past the booby traps. You know what I’m on about… every time Jennifer and I get close to your summerhouse, we end up with a net springing over our heads as sirens blare, and a mysterious figure makes a run for it out of the summerhouse door, carrying a laptop and umbrella…

    I love the drawing! It’s so playful and vibrant and screams the era it was drawn in. She’s certainly got a wicked tan, and rocking some pretty awesome trousers, too. I think we used to have curtains like that.

    You must have hundreds of awards by now, Sherri P! Still you don’t have enough! It’s testament to the fact that we all get as much enjoyment out of this little exchange as you do.


    • Sherri says:

      Well no wonder I don’t get any writing done with all this racket going on…Citrus Polos??? I admit, I’ve long had my suspicions that it might be you two planning more escapades and now I know the full truth!! Better beef up my magical brolly powers, haha!!!

      Oh JG, this is so funny, the image I now have in my head of you and Jenny Jen Jen trying to infiltrate my summerhouse and that ‘someone’ furtively escaping past you, as yet unseen!!

      Maybe my drawing is the very clue you need…just look at those flowery bell-bottoms (I wasn’t kidding was I?) And yes, I do believe I modeled them on a pair of curtains now that you mention it…of course, I was way ahead of my time. Think Austin Powers – yeah baby – and – ‘oh do behave Mrs Kennsington’ HaHa!! Food for thought…

      Well, I was probably already California Dreamin’ even then and long before I ever went to America, never knowing what was in store – darn good job none of us know that – but then again I could always consult my brolly. Maybe I can get a head’s up on your next planned hijacking mission, although I am beginning to wonder since for some strange reason, this morning there is hardly any room in my summerhouse, not even to swing a cat (poor cat!!) and there is a very strong citrusy smell…hmmm, maybe if I try to open one of these boxes…ahh, so that’s it!! I would expect, of course, that I get at least half the cut, plus 10% for the storage fee…but of course I’m always open to negotiations… 😉

      Ahh..thanks so much JG…all I can say is that without you and my wonderful gang here Sherri P and the Summerhouse Crew would be a very lonely place indeed…now put on that MJ and those disco vibes and let’s get rocking. Groovy baby….yeah 😉


  21. Oh Sherri, this is wonderful! You are loved by so many and I can see why! 🙂 I have thoroughly enjoyed our (though not very long) friendship and look forward to more musings from that view of your summer house! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh Maria, I do hope this means you are feeling much better…yay 🙂
      Thanks so much! I would say the very same thing about you, you are so lovely and kind and I’m so very glad to have met you via our lovely Jill. It’s great sharing the view with you, rain or shine 🙂


  22. Imelda says:

    You draw well. Your drawing looks like a designer’s sketch. I’m sorry about the lost photo of the train cake. It is one tangible memory gone.
    Congratulations on the recognition bestowed upon you. They are well-deserced. 🙂


    • Imelda says:

      argh! I did not catch the wrong spelling – “well-deserved”.


    • Sherri says:

      Well you are very kind Imelda, but as I’ve shared with others I had nothing better to do back in the summer of ’73, musing, drawing, playing music on my flute and writing endlessly, lol 🙂 A dreamy pre-teen that’s for sure! The drawing is everything I aspired to be, chic, cool, fashionable. If nothing else, I managed the platforms at least , ha!! 😉

      I’m so gutted about the chocolate train cake photo, I know I’ve got it somewhere but as you can imagine, I’ve got so many pre-digital photos and shifting through them all, well, it took ages. I’m sure though it’s there somewhere. Either that or it was with the grandparents and if that’s the case then it is indeed gone forever…but not in my mind 🙂

      Thanks so much Imelda, good to have you back after your lovely break 🙂


  23. Claire Duffy says:

    A fellow obsessive horse drawer! The ridiculous thing is, I still do it. My mum doodles flowers, I doodle horses. As a trencher, I had the excuse of being a keen rider, but I haven’t been on a horse in years yet my notebooks and diaries are filled with them. Congratulations on all the awards!!


    • Sherri says:

      Hello Claire, how lovely to meet you, thanks so much for coming over to my blog and sharing your horse-drawing obsession with me, love it 🙂
      I don’t doodle horses anymore, more like your mum, with flowers and for some reason Christmas trees!! I have my standard doodle which is a tree, some flowers, and a distant landscape with a sun half-hidden behind some clouds and three birds!!
      As with you, I used to do a lot of horse riding but a nasty fall put paid to that many years ago.
      Thank you very much for your kind wishes and I look forward to seeing you again!
      Have a great day – Sherri 🙂


  24. restlessjo says:

    Oh heck! Now I don’t know where to start! I might just squeeze in Jen before it’s time for me to ‘disappear’, aka do more useful things. 🙂 Warm hugs, Sherri. You deserve the love.


  25. Now I’m shy about my stick figures! Hahaha You are so talented Sherri! Thank goodness you mom kept it! You should frame it you know. 🙂 Congratulations on the awards, you deserve each one of them and so much more!


    • Sherri says:

      HaHa! Oh Jhanis, you are too kind, thanks so much and for your lovely wishes. I’m honoured since I know what a fab artist you are. I adore your stick figures, you have one great talent there, I could never do what you do, believe me! I was going through a dreamy, pre-teen phase when I drew it and had all the time in the world to practice over and over… How life changes…
      Funnily enough it is mounted on some (flimsy) cardboard but, well, I never really thought of getting it framed…hmmmmm…certainly a memento from an era long gone…. 😉


  26. cardamone5 says:

    Dear Sherri:

    Thanks so much for the lengthy mention in this post. So thoughtful and sweet, which is also a good description of you.

    I love the yoda inner peace. I’ll have to check that guy out.

    I read some of the comments. You like all of the same shows I do. Breaking Bad is my all-time fav. My husband got me into it as I was reluctant to watch it because, like you, I don’t like shows about drugs. But, wow, was I awestruck. I’ve rewatched it several times,and am blown away every time. Mad Men is my fav because it showcases my passion: mid century modern furniture. The new season just started, like Game of Thrones, which I also watch, and is really good.

    I am so glad you are now a follower, although like you, I thought you already were. Maybe the notifications in your reader are just turned off?

    Wishing you a great day, and so glad to have chatted with you.



    • Sherri says:

      You are so very welcome Elizabeth, my pleasure and you are too kind, bless you.
      I need to double-check my reader as I’ve been having a few problems so thanks for mentioning that.
      Amazing isn’t it when you start watching Breaking Bad? It does that to everyone it seems, I’ve not heard of one person saying they don’t like it. We certainly do like the same shows. I didn’t even mention Game of Thrones but am obsessed with that too! We watched the first seasons to catch up and are now up to date with the latest one. I won’t say anything as I don’t want to give out any spoilers, but wow!!
      Lovely to have chatted with you too and I do look forward to more chats in the future! Have a great weekend – Sherri 🙂


  27. I think the reason you’ve had so many interesting conversations is because of what you bring to your blog Sherri – an eclectic range of thoughts, memories and images, which is also, I think, why people think of you when giving awards! I think your drawing is very good and it’s great that you still have it. I went through a phase of drawing endless ‘fashion designs’ when I was young but it’s only more recently that I had my horse obsession – when I first started painting again, I did 6 horse paintings back to back – I’ve calmed down a little now 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Well that is very kind of you Andrea and I do so much appreciate you and everyone taking the time to comment and share, I love it! I’m glad you like my drawing, thank you very much! I wish I could draw like that now! Funny isn’t it how we go through these drawing obsessions? Maybe you felt you had to get the horse paintings out of your system. Like writing! It must have been very freeing when you returned to painting!
      Hope you have a lovely weekend 🙂


  28. susancarey says:

    Love it, Sherri. Reminds me of the fashion drawings from Jackie. I recently bought a nostalgic Jackie annual. It really took me back to the seventies!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Susan, and thanks very much! Oh yes, Jackie, that was my inspiration I’m sure!! How wonderful to have a Jackie annual, I used to have one of two 😉 Truly the epitome of the 70’s that 🙂


  29. Congratulations! You have a big generous heart my friend. Knowing you through your post is truly a joy and an honor. You’d been an inspiration for us all. Thank you.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much IT, so sorry for my late reply to you, I only just caught your lovely comment (seem to be having some problems with my notifications lately). I’m so glad you enjoyed this post…I would say the very same to you my friend, indeed it is your inspiration that blesses me so greatly, I am truly honoured by your kind and encouraging words which never fail to bring a huge smile to my heart and to my day! God bless you and thank you 🙂


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