New Laptop: New Beginning: New Photo Challenge

Is blogging time stretched out differently to ‘normal’ time?  I ask this because I feel as if I’ve been away for weeks even though it’s been, well, several days at least.

As some of you know, I have had laptop issues for some time and last week, I made the jump to replace it with a new one.

It did not go smoothly (there’s a shocker for a Monday morning, ha!).

As much as I am grateful and delighted to at last have a nice new piece of kit – the right tool for the right job and all that, really does make all the difference doesn’t it? – the timing wasn’t good.  Then again, is it ever?

This is because I am working on a memoir piece for submission to a competition, closing date this Friday, 30th January.

I spent most of  last Monday working on it, fine tuning, editing, copying and pasting for hours before handing my old laptop over to the computer shop for the data transfer to the new one.  I saved it on Dropbox and everything.

All my writing is on Word 2003, which I recently discovered is so ancient that Microsoft no longer offer support for it, so it was time to upgrade for that reason alone.

After a couple of days delay which set me back, I hoped to get straight to work as soon as I got my new laptop, panic by then rising, needing to get my piece finished with the deadline looming.  That was my plan.  Then back to blogging.  Right.

For one thing, I had problems with my emails. (Intermittent still: I use BT Internet and Windows Live, can receive on both, but as of this morning, having problems sending.  If anyone knows anything about this kind of thing, I would love your thoughts…)

The other problem was that my last saved version of my memoir piece seemed to have disappeared, so you can imagine how I felt about that.  Having wasted too much time as it was, I realised that I had no option but to start over and go back to the previously saved version, re-writing it as best I could.

I tested the waters before writing too much, making sure that my changes would be saved.  That’s when I got in an awful muddle, even worse than before.  Nothing would save.  I couldn’t understand it, and ended up with different versions floating about all over the place. I was utterly confused.  And frustrated. Putting it mildly.

I expected some difficulties…to a point. I had spoken to the IT man about changing over from old Word to the new and I was not surprised when he said:

“Oh don’t worry, it’s easy, you’ll have no problems.  But if you do, give me a call.”

I seem to remember my dentist telling me similar a few months ago: “This won’t hurt – much. But if it does, call me.”

Eventually I figured it out and of course, as with so many things in life, it comes down to the old adage: It’s easy when you know how.  The problem is that it takes so long getting to the ‘know how‘ bit…

With so much time lost, I am, once again, woefully behind with blogging but I’m looking forward to catching up with you all, starting now!  Thank you so much to those who poppped over last week and kept an eye on things here at the Summerhouse while I was away, leaving your lovely messages to greet me this fine Monday morning.  I expect the kettle boiled dry, sorry about that, but I’ll make sure it’s full again for your next visit.

And what better way to kick off a fresh beginning of a new week than by joining in with my lovely friend Jude’s recently launched Bench Photo Challenge.  It seems a few of us like to take photos of benches, right Jude?   I’m just in time for January’s ‘Garden’ theme, phew!

I am fond of an old, wooden bench that I brought back with me from California.  It used to sit on the porch at the front of our house.  My children enjoyed flopping down on it with their friends, drinking cold lemonade, enjoying the cool relief of the shade against the stifling heat of summer.  Sometimes I would sit there alone, sipping my cup of tea, drifting off in thought…

But today, my bench sits beneath an Acer tree in my back garden in England. Having been exposed to our harsher weather, more than a few of its wooden slats are unstable now, but I think it looks beautiful in all weathers…

Snow On Bench January 2013 (c) Sherri Matthews

Bench Beneath Summer Acer, Someset, England 2014 (c) Sherri Matthews

Bench Beneath Summer Acer, Somerset, England 2014
(c) Sherri Matthews

These days, it is more likely that Sweet Robin likes to perch on it and admire the view…

Sweet Robin in Somerset October 2013 (c) Sherri Matthews

Sweet Robin in Somerset October 2013
(c) Sherri Matthews

…but all the while keeping an eye out for naughty Eddie who enjoys sitting in the sun even if in the middle of winter.

Eddie Sunbathing On Bench January 2015 (c) Sherri Matthews

Eddie Sunbathing On Bench January 2015
(c) Sherri Matthews

And don’t worry, Sweet Robin knows when Eddie is about, they’ve lived side by side for many years and all is calm in the garden.  Long may it reign, in both garden and home.

Happy Monday, see you soon! x

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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127 Responses to New Laptop: New Beginning: New Photo Challenge

  1. mihrank says:

    wow – such powerful, organized, detailed and well said!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lbeth1950 says:

    Enjoyed this. I know so little about computers. When I recently needed a new one I asked a knowledgable friend to choose for me. I love the pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Goodness me, Sherri! I can only imagine what you’ve been through with all that writing and re-writing. I remember how I panicked last month when my draft article for the club magazine suddenly vanished into the ether on the very morning I had to submit it. I had to redo the whole thing again in double quick time. Not ideal, and so frustrating. I hope I never have to get used to a new computer. I’m very technically challenged, but thank goodness for hubby; he’s always willing to lend a hand, bless him. 🙂 Good luck with the competition. I’m sure you’ll do well. Love the bench photos in all weathers, and so happy that your Sweet Robin has got Eddie all worked out, and they can coexist peacefully. Hope this week is much less stressful for you. xx *hugs*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I remember that Sylvia, and thinking how stressful that would be for you. And then, this happened. It’s just such a horrible feeling isn’t it? I still don’t understand where it all went. It’s good to have someone in the family to help out. Hubby does what he can but he and I are neither very good with computers, so I go to my kids, particularly my eldest son, who helped me out tremendously. My go-to computer guy 🙂 Ahh…thanks so much, I’m not sure if I stand a chance but I’m going for it none the less. Glad you enjoyed the bench photos, I will be over to see yours 🙂 Yes, Sweet Robin is very smart and knows how to handle Eddie. Thanks so much Sylvia, I hope you have a great week too…hugs right back 🙂 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh Sherri, I’m so sorry to hear about the troubles with getting your new laptop. It’s never easy to switch over to a new piece of technology but I’m glad that in the end things were figured out! I love the four seasons of your bench, it reminds me that even though it’s cold and snowy now, spring is just around the corner!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thanks so much Heather, I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos and yes, spring is indeed around the corner, although I heard that back East in the US there is a horrible storm coming in…hope you won’t be affected. As for technology, well, it’s great when it works but when it doesn’t…let’s not go there 😉


  5. Sherri, I’m so sorry you’ve had to endure such a frustrating time. Computer issues always give me a big headache and losing a document, well that’s enough to send one over the edge. Hopefully everything is back on track and you can breath again. When you get stressed, just look at your little Robin, he’ll make you smile. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thanks Jill. I knew it was coming, as you know I’ve been putting off the hour for a while knowing it was going to be a major hassle but now I’ve bitten the bullet, I’m glad that hopefully the worst is over 😮 Things are looking a little easier and I am hoping now, at last, I can get back to my real writing…my book!! And yes, I shall remember that, thank you so much…my Robin blesses me every day. As your hummies soon will bless you as spring approaches 🙂 xoxo


  6. Happy Monday, Sherri. That sounds like quite the dilemma you found yourself dealing with. I am sorry you had to re-do your story, but I hope it turned out okay. I love your bench photos. Looks like a great place to sip a cup of mint tea! 🙂 Have a great week. I am not getting a new laptop, but today in town I am going to be downloading the current Word program George was able to get at a discount through his job for me. So much savings! But I just hope it doesn’t take forever to download!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Happy Monday Patsy! Well, it’s one of those things, but thank you, yes, I got it re-written, still got some tweaking but at least I’m a lot further ahead than I was a few days ago! Ahh…so glad you enjoyed the pics. I am very fond of my old bench…I would love to serve mint tea for you there 🙂 Oh that’s great, you will love the new Word (and that’s great you got a discount, it is expensive!!!) once you get used to it. Hope everything goes well for you today, I shall be thinking of you at the library 🙂


  7. Thought of you this morning Sherri when I saw a little robin on my walk. Sorry to hear you’ve been having such problems – that must have been devastating with the deadline approaching! But good luck with the finished piece and the competition – fingers crossed for you. I love benches too, particularly those old, characterful ones that you wonder who has sat on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…that’s so sweet Andrea, you’ve made my day knowing you thought of me when you saw a little robin 🙂 Yes, these things happen but at the time I was pretty devestated. Thank you so much for your kind wishes. I’m not sure I stand much of a chance, but I’ll give it my best shot 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Heyjude says:

    I think a lot of us are technically challenged these days Sherri – including those of us who used to work in the IT industry!! I was completely at a loss when first changing to Windows 8. Still hate it on a laptop (why do you need APPS on a work machine?) so I quickly changed back to the desktop mode which I am more familiar with. And Word 2003? Yup, still going strong on this machine 🙂 The old adage “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” applies.

    I am glad that you managed to find time in your busy schedule to find a bench for me. And not just any bench, your own bench! Imported from California too! That bench must hold so many memories for you, I can see it being patched up and repaired until the end of time – your time that is. The bench will live on forever.

    Have a great week Sherri, though if you are anything like me (and I suspect you are) it will take you all week to catch up, by which time there will be oodles more posts to visit 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh yes, I remember now that you used to work in IT! You are so right with that old adage. If it wasn’t for the fact that my old laptop was on the way out I would have stayed with Word 2003, it’s as comfortable as an old pair of slippers 😉 As for Windows 8, I wasn’t about to touch it with a barge pole, and got a laptop with 7. Apparantely, Microsoft have got the message that nobody likes 8 and so are offering deals to downgrade for free. Can you believe it?
      I actually hoped to do the bench challenge last week so I was so glad to start off the week with it today. Ahh…thanks Jude, yes, that old bench means an awful lot to me. And yes, it will take me an age to catch up, you are right…but a great week it has to be…yes!!!!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, I can relate to so much of this post! Blogging time ….. yes, it does seem to have a different quality than ‘real’ time. I was away unexpectedly last week (my latest grandchild arrived early!) and it felt like I hadn’t done anything for weeks. A strange phenomenon, that.

    Technology … oh dear. I love all my gadgets. But my desktop keeps grinding to a halt and slowing me down. And for some reason I’m having syncing issues among my several devices. A call to support is in order, when I feel I can hang about on the phone for a couple hours. I usually coordinate those calls with my blog reading and commenting, but of course, there’s been precious little of that lately!

    And finally, I do love a charming garden bench, especially when they’re tucked away among the greenery. Charming!

    Best wishes with your memoir competition. I’m supposed to be writing an entry for a food and travel competition, also due January 31. Um, I think I’d best get to it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…that’s the thing isn’t it, it’s all the time it takes to get these problems sorted out. I dread getting on the phone as I just know it will be an age to get things sorted out. Oh what happy news, many congratulations to you on your newest grandchild! I will be over to you to catch the latest 🙂 Thanks so much Marlene, and I wish you every success with your entry too…seems we both need to get going, I still need to do a lot of tweaking. And I’m so glad you enjoyed the bench photos…it’s good to remember the simple things of life… have a great week! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I hear you about technical problems. I spend so much time attempting to learn about the nuts and bolts of how to use social media, it drives me nuts. After using G+ for about two years, I’ve only now figured out how to create and use the circles for effectively. Not good at multi-tasking when it comes to the technical stuff and writing. All I want to do is write!
    Love the benches in the garden and the sweet little Robin 🙂 Best of luck with the memoir comp.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh I am so glad you said that about G+ Jennifer. I have no idea how to use it, although I am in a few circles but don’t know how to create and use them! I’m so with you about just wanting to write, but we have to learn all this other ‘stuff’ too and it takes such a lot of time and energy. Thanks so much, and I’m glad you enjoyed the bench photos and my little Robin 🙂 I’ll be in touch…


  11. TBM says:

    I need a new laptop and I keep pushing it off since I don’t want to deal with all the issues. it never goes smoothly. Hopefully I don’t wait too long. Love the photos and glad the Sweet Robin and Eddie get along or don’t mingle too much.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I was the same as you TB, just didn’t want to deal with it until I had no choice. It is okay once past the initial learning curve, I’m telliing myself, but going through it not so good o_O Ahh…thanks, yes, somehow they manage to share the garden… 🙂


  12. Rachel M says:

    Ah, computer problems are the worst. So time consuming too! Exciting to have a new laptop though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. jennypellett says:

    Oh Sherri, what a techno nightmare! Are you now on Windows Eight? Son has recently changed over to it, rather reluctantly as he had read so many adverse reports about it but so far he’s really pleased, so I hope you have the same experience.
    I’m getting in a muddle with this homework lark I’m doing – backing it up, re-naming folders, it’s so confusing when it’s all on the laptop – I’d much rather have piles of paper on my desk so I can SEE it all! Old habits, eh? Anyway, I’m getting there with mine, my blogging has taken a bit of a back seat but I’m trying to keep up with my regulars as well as posting the odd thought or two. See you soon! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Thankfully Jenny I managed to get a laptop with Windows 7. Apparantely, Microsoft have cottoned on to how difficult people are finding Windows 8 and so are now offering downgrades for free! I’m so glad though that your son has found it okay and is pleased with it. Eldest Son did say that Microsoft has made it better after so many complaints, but still, I didn’t want to take the risk, and just as well considering all the problems I’ve already had, yikes!!
      Oh, I’ve been thinking of you, wondering how you are getting on with your homework and I’m so glad you are winning.
      Ahh…thanks so much for dropping by when I know you have a lot on your plate right now…and I do look forward to your ‘thoughts’…keep us posted 🙂 xx


  14. I dread the day my laptop gives me the heave-ho. Setting up again is so time consuming. Before school began, I watch laptop sales but decided against buying another one until I start freaking out with this one. I have a desktop in case of emergency. Word have me migraines last week not saving and I too ended up with several versions. Grrr.
    Hope the coast is clear for you now, Sherri. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Tess, I’m so sorry to hear that. It is such a time waster having to deal with all this. I waited until I had no choice with my old laptop and knew I had to bite the bullet, after freaking out too many times. Things are getting better at last, thank you so much, and I hope for you too…and long may your laptop keep going 🙂 ❤


      • My laptop was actually MORE of a headache when I bought it. I had to keep going back to the store and complaining about this and that. Touch wood. It has ‘mellowed’ but I do know age is a factor And some funny things have been happening, so I’m watchful. Such a short timeline: about 4 or 5 years for a laptop these days? How old was yours?


      • Sherri says:

        Oh Tess, this is just what I’m going through right now. I cried all last night. Had to take my laptop back in yesterday (a total mess with my emails) a whole day lost and I have to get my piece out by tomorrow. Once again horrendously behind here, still have some tweaking to do, and guess who sorted out my email problem (well, found another way that is?) Yep, you guessed it. Not the IT guy who still couldn’t fix it, but my daughter who spent a couple of hours sorting it out for me last night. She is my angel. I’m so glad yours has ‘mellowed’ and I do hope this does the same I’ve felt nothing but depressed since I got it. Ahh…but I’m ranting and moaning….yes, my other one, a Dell was 4 years old..


  15. mvschulze says:

    On this snowy, and I mean REALLY snowy day here in NJ, I enjoyed sitting back and reading your latest, all the way down to Eddie. He looks so peaceful. M 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi M, how lovely to see you, thanks much for coming by and so glad you enjoyed it 🙂 I have heard about the bad weather you are having at the moment, I hope you are keeping warm and safe…


  16. cardamone5 says:

    Sorry about your technical problems. I like how you drew out the knowing how analogy to life, nice touch. I loved the photos of the bench, and the energy it must have taken to transport it form CA to England. It looks lovely in your garden, esp. with its visitors.


    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh….thank you so much Elizabeth, you got that about my bench, how much it means to me. I was determined to bring it back and I never regretted it…and I think its visitors are glad too 🙂 ❤


  17. NOTHING in the great World of Tech goes easily! It appears to be a rule! Do you remember those days when we were told using a computer would save our precious time, make our lives easier AND save the forests as well? I wrote a post about a year ago when I got my new computer – it was such a saga!! Changing computers taught me to be rather cavalier about saving things – another rule appearing to be: whatever you don’t really need pops across easily, and your precious stuff will disappear……….. I was lucky, my old laptop is still operational and I can access files on it when they refuse to show up on the new one. But a story in progress – and a looming closure date ….. YIKES!!

    I hope it will all become straight forward from this point on Sherri and you get that memoir in on time. If you are using Windows 8 it is easy to get your head around the new bits, I got used to it very quickly and refused to upgrade to Windows 8.1 for almost a year because I was terrified of losing everything again – but when I did it it was surprisingly straightforward -,just time consuming, and 8.1 combines all that is best of the new and old systems. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…yes, I remember it all so well Pauline, so very true! I also still have access to my old laptop which is good so like you, I can access files if I need to, but somehow I still couldn’t find my old document. So stressful isn’t it? I didn’t go with Windows 8. With so many problems, Microsoft are offering laptops with Windows 7 now, but with a free upgrade to Windows 8 if needed, but I’m so glad to hear that you managed to utilise it so well and now 8.1 too! Very encouraging to know, you inspire me to face all this techy stuff head on…and not be afraid of it! Thanks so much for your good wishes Pauline…I plan to spend the next couple of days fine-tuning and then submit. Then move on to the next challenge… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  18. It’s quite a leap from Word 2003 to Windows 8 (which I’m guessing is what you’ve upgraded to). I didn’t fancy a touch screen, so went from WindowsXP to Windows 7, with a short diversion to Linux Ubuntu in between. Mister has Windows 8.
    I hope everything goes smoothly for you now, Sherri. We’re fairly computer literate in our household, so do send me an email if you get stuck. I’d hate you to get more stressed than you need, Techno-related stress is not good for the blood pressure! xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thanks so much Sarah, I really appreciate that and I might well take you up on your offer as and when! Eldest Son has been very helpful (he advised me with specs and with some other problems) but it would have been a lot easier if he lived on the doorstep! I got a laptop with Windows 7, Microsoft have recognised that Wndows 8 isn’t popular and so now offer this ‘downgrade’ for free, ha! So I haven’t had many problems in that regard but it is the new Word 2013 that set me back. All so time consuming and incredibly frustrating and yes, definitely not good for the blood pressure…deep breath, deep breath…. 🙂 xxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • You know can still choose to save your documents as 97-2003 compatible .doc files, rather than .docx ones, which might help keep your blood pressure down. If you try to save your old .doc files as .docx ones, it might mess with the formatting.

        Just email me with any questions, Sherri, however small. Trial and error learning can get a bit expensive or time-consuming with computers! xxxx


      • Sherri says:

        Yes, thanks for that Sarah, really appreciate your offer of help, you are very kind. I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been tearing my hair out. My biggest problem now is with my email account. It’s been a nightmare, had to take my laptop back in yesterday and he couldn’t sort it. All I did was waste a horrendous amount of time and still last minute tweaking on my piece to do…He said to bring it in today but I can’t waste any more time! Ever since Saturday when I was able to send a few emails, the one to you included, I haven’t been able to send any at all and now the problem has got worse with other clogging up issues. My daughter helped me out last night, bless her, and got me set up with GMail, importing all my addresses so I’m going to start using that and phasing out BT and Windows Live. Oh you are so right about trial and error…it’s given me a lot of tears these past few days and I’ve felt like chucking it all in…now if that doesn’t sound like a tantrum I don’t know what does. Thanks again Sarah, you’re a star… xxxxxxxx


  19. Lee J Dawson says:

    I can emphasise with you too, Sherri. I once lost all my notes for a novel that I was keeping on Scrivener. All these fancy software programs are all very well but, for me, the simpler the better. I hope you’re getting on top of things now. The photos of the bench are lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh how awful Lee, I’m so sorry 😦 I’ve heard of Scrivener but never used it. I just hope that the new Word will be reliable. Thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and yes, hoping that things improve as the week goes on. See you soon 🙂


  20. Denise says:

    Nice to see sunshine in January! Good luck with the computer and good to see your post.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. suej says:

    Oh, no – almost nothing worse than techie nightmares…. I’m glad you seem to be getting sorted now. And your well- travelled bench looks great! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Luanne says:

    Sherri, I feel so much for you. What a frustrating and even maddening experience! I hope that by rewriting that revision it somehow helped the piece? I like to think it works that way! Is it all ok now? Don’t respond to us til after your piece is done. We will wait! Love the bench pix! Hubby and I just ordered pillows for our wooden bench. His idea! Of course, we have no snow ;).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thanks so much Luanne. The worst of it is such bad timing 😦 Actually though, you have a good point, the rewrite, I think, is a good thing. But I really thought I had it licked o_O I’m still not 100% happy with the piece (has to be a max of 4,000 words). I will let you know, definitely…
      Love the idea of pillows for your wooden bench…and what a sweet hubby you have 🙂 I used to keep pillows on mine in CA…where it was hot and dry, ha! Now I put them in my summerhouse, which I keep warm with a little electric fan heater…and pretend 🙂 xoxo


  23. Sunni Morris says:


    ALWAYS back up your work to an external drive too. It’s too much time and effort to start over again. I also work in Word 2003. I have both Word 2007 and Word 2003 installed on my computer. They are totally different and if you’re on a deadline you don’t have the time to learn a new program. If you load 2003 first and then 2007, you can have both and learn the new one when you have more time.

    Loved the pictures. Glad little robin and Eddie can share the garden in a peaceful way.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Sunni, and yes, I agree. I have an external hard drive on which I’ve saved most everything but I recently signed up to Dropbox and so my latest ‘stuff’ is on there instead. And what happens? I lose it! So yes, I’m kicking myself 😦 You are right too about Word, now I have Word 2013 which is different again. I never had Word 2007 so I’m hoping that this latest version will be okay and not too big a jump. I am getting used to already and discovering nifty little things about it, such as an automatic word count. But Word 2003 is like a comfortable pair of old slippers, I didn’t want to give it up…
      Ahh…so glad you enjoyed the photos, thanks so much Sunni and for your great advice too 🙂 xo


  24. Oh, Sherri, when we got a new laptop two years ago, we were SO grateful that an IT friend warned us in advance to print out a hard copy of anything that had a deadline within 90 days, AND to do a thumb drive save for all major, must-keep projects regardless of deadlines. It seemed like over kill and wastes of paper at the time, but it turned out to save us a lot of trouble.
    I’m still smiling that you recognize the same assurance from your dentist as from your IT person; at least you’ve kept your humor!


    • Sherri says:

      Well, your IT guy knew what he was talking about Marylin. I have all my stuff saved on an external hard drive and more recent documents and photos on Dropbox, so I thought I would be okay. But a hard copy is the way to go and I should have done that… I still don’t know what happened to the most recently saved copy of my piece. I’ve had awful problems with my emails since I put this post up and had to take my laptop back in yesterday so more time wasted. I must get my piece out by tomorrow or I am lost…and thanks to my daughter who helped me out big time last night while her mother was a crumpled heap, I now have an alternative email account (GMail) ready to use, which I’ll be testing today. And to think, the IT guy got nowhere…
      Ha, yes, I kept my sense of humour, to a point, but I think it’s disappeared for the moment, I admit, yesterday got the better of me in more ways than one.’s another day, right?


  25. I can so relate to your technology plight. Definitely have been there but very glad you are once again up and running. Great gains rarely come easily but it’s all worth it in the end. I certainly enjoyed your photos and am glad to hear Eddie and birds can coexist.
    Best of luck with your submission, Sherri! Great way to begin the year 🙂


  26. Technology-bah humbug!! I become an absolute raving lunatic when I can’t get things to work-so yes, that means I am actually crazy a lot of the time!! So glad your problems are at long last straightened out and may your writing flow freely from here on out. The photos of the bench, the robin and Eddy were so lovely. My favorite (may I have a favorite?) were of it covered so beautifully in the snow. Oh the stories it could tell of summers and seasons long ago in the land of, dare is I say it, too much sun. Of course I always love seeing sweet robin and dear Eddy!! xoxo ❤


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Diane, it’s been horrible. My emails are a mess, can’t send anything, couldn’t download updates, my passwords not being recognised, etc. etc. Had to take my laptop back yesterday, so more time wasted and so got behind again with everything, but in the end it was C who got my emails sorted (with another account, am going to switch to GMail, will, email you with new address). She is my angel o_O Ahh…but I’m glad you enjoyed the photos and yes, I do love how pretty everything looks in the snow. We haven’t had any this winter yet so we’ll see. Hope things are okay with your family back East. But yes, so many stories, if that bench could talk it would tell just a few… 🙂 ❤ xoxo


  27. The snow bench picture looks like it could be a miniature! I love benches – and your pics of them, Sherri!


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Shel! It does look miniature doesn’t it, I thought that! Our garden is terraced (like it when we bought it) and I took it from the top just outside our kitchen door. Snow changes the landscape quite dramatically, I love it…but I’m not so sure the people on the East coast of America feel that way right now! Hope you are okay…


  28. Doesn’t it seem like we just learn how to use one system successfully, when it becomes absolutely obsolete? Feeling your angst!!


    • Sherri says:

      Grrrrrr….oh tell me about it Renee, thanks for your support! I had to take my laptop back again yesterday (so of course horribly behind again…) and still the IT guy couldn’t sort my email problems (can’t send, so frustrating to put it mildly). But my daughter, bless her, got me sorted with a GMail account so I’ve decided to phase over to that. I can’t afford to keep taking my laptop back to the shop, my piece has to go out tomorrow or I am lost! I admit, I’ve been a state with all this. But yes, it does seem just as we get used to one thing updates come along but they seem to do nothing but cause trouble!!!


  29. Know how you feel losing your work. Glad though that you have worked out how to make it work. You’ll find it much easier and quicker in the long run but the learning could take awhile. There have been a lot of changes in the last eleven years. I’m amazed that it still worked at all.
    Your benches do look lovely. Glad to have you back. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Irene, glad to be back, to a point. Unfortunately, I had more problems yesterday, so another day wasted which had me in tears by the end of it. My daughter saved me by helping me set up a GMail account for my emails (the IT guy couldn’t help and wanted me to bring it in again today but I am pushed to the wire now if I am to get my piece out by tomorrow at the latest). I hope I feel better about this new laptop as at the moment I’m cheesed off with it. Thankfully I still have Windows 7 but for some reason I’ve had problems with my passwords being recognised, downloading things and other things besides. So behind again…deep breath…enough ranting…! But on a completely different subject, I’m glad you enjoyed the benches 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • These things Sherri are sent to try us. I can totally understand your frustration but you are lucky you have your daughter who can help. In our family I’m seen as the computer guru and I really don’t have a clue. Once it is operating well though you will find it much easier I’m sure. I hope you got your work out. If not there will be another competition. Lets go for that walk and sit on your very cold bench. ❤ 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          Ahh thanks so much my friend. You are sending me calming vibes, I just know it 🙂 Yes, it will all come out in the wash, as they say. Yes, I am so lucky to have my daughter. My eldest son is great too at this stuff but as you know he doesn’t live on the doorstep but he has been able to advise me by phone. You have a great responsibility there Irene, but every family needs a computer guru and you know your stuff 🙂 I’m planning on getting it out later today, if not tomorrow by the latest. At least I want to be able to say I did that much 🙂 Oh yes, I am more than ready for that walk…and yes, then we can have a nice cuppa on the bench afterwards, no snow on it you’ll be pleased to know and maybe we can persuade Eddie to jump up for a cuddle. and Maisy too 🙂 ❤

          Liked by 1 person

  30. Hi Sherri, I can so relate to your new computer problems. When lightning struck our house a couple of years ago, it pretty much fried my computer so I got a new one. I love it now, but at first I felt as though I was trapped in some kind of weird time warp in the distant future.

    Isn’t it amazing how different January can be. I think this has been the mildest January as far as cold and snow, that I can remember and I’ve lived in Iowa USA my whole life. I can’t wait to see the green begin to come back on the trees, but I’m sure February will make up for the nice January and give us a good wallop or two.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Donna, you describe how I feel right now! Actually, I am cheesed off with my new laptop which probably sounds so ungrateful but I’ve had so many problems since this post and had to take it back to the shop yesterday, so yet more time wasted. My emails are a nightmare but it was my daughter who sorted things out for me last night, bless her…hopefully things will settle down, I’ve been so stressed…
      Wow, that sounds wild about your lightening strike, how scary. I’m glad you were okay even if your laptop wasn’t…
      Your weather sounds likes ours. We haven’t had snow since I took that photo of the bench in 2013 but as with you, it is more likely we have our colder weather in February, so we aren’t out of the woods yet!


  31. Technology. 👿 Grr…

    On the bright side, you have a bench. I love benches. I know that’s a bit odd but I’ve always loved bench photos (and door photos). Hmm. And I love how you’ve captured it in different seasons (and with different creatures). Beautiful cat and beloved robin.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Sarah…Grrrrrrr….and 👿 …is right. I’m fed up…more problems, more time wasted, horribly behind, wanting my old clunker laptop back but it was beyond the pale and I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but I’ve been tearing my hair out. Took it back to the IT guy yesterday, emails not working, can’t download stuff, passwords not recognised, all that kind of good stuff. And you know what? It was my wonderful daughter who got things up and running for me last night…
      Yes…I have a bench! Two actually, but the other one is one of those molded ones. Sarah, that is not at all odd! I have always loved doors, windows (particularly old, distressed looking ones) and benches too! Perfectly normal as far as I’m concerned 🙂 And thank you…Eddie is cuddling up next to me as I type so he read what you said and is smiling…and purring…. 🙂 ❤


  32. restlessjo says:

    In a ‘normal’ week, it’s a battle to keep up, Sherri. It only needs a couple of days for it all to get out of hand. I think I’ll just hibernate when I come back from the Algarve. Good luck with the comp! Are you still ‘fine tuning’? We’ll expect to hear all about it afterwards. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Jo, you hit the nail on the head, just when I get caught up and then, wham! I’m even more behind than I was before I posted this, had to take my laptop back in yesterday, numerous issues. And the IT guy still couldn’t sort it, but I need to my piece out by tomorrow at the latest! I can’t send on my emails and so you can imagine my panic and yes, it was definitely tears before bedtime in our house last night. But my lovely daughter helped me out big time, got me set up with GMail, working, addresses imported and helped me download ‘stuff’. She saved the day, my angel. So yes, back to fine tuning today and hoping to get it all ready to go and also catch up here. Will keep you posted…when are you off, is it this Saturday?


      • restlessjo says:

        About 4am Sunday morning I’ll be making tracks, Sherri 😦 Much to do before then so I’ll hug you now and wish you luck in case we get lost in the wires! God bless your girl I’m sure it’ll come right and you’ll knock em dead! 🙂 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Ahh…dear Jo, what a sweetheart you are, thank you so much, bless you 🙂 I have two walks to take you on, and was so hoping to get one in before you leave…is it okay to post them while you are away or shall I wait until you get back? I know how it will be for you when you get back…
        Oh those lovely hugs greatly accepted and sending the same right back to you Jo for a super holiday and safe, happy travels, will certainly be thinking of you 🙂 But I will check in on you before then… 🙂 xx


  33. Seyi sandra says:

    I have a love/hate relationship with technology but it makes the world a fun place to be! You blog regularly than I do, I wished I could do more! I think I’ve even missed some of your posts which I would come back to. I hope you’ll get sorted out soon my friend. I love your pics as always. Take things on your stride and come out smiling!
    Much love to you dear friend! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Seyi, love/hate is so right! Right now I am not feeling so loving about it all… 😦 I am horribly behind with blogging and visiting everyone, and even more so after having to take my laptop back to the shop yesterday. My daughter helped me out last night as I was in tears with it all. Ahh well…enough of my sob story, today is a new day and I will press on, as we all do. I know you have had your fair share of computer issues too…dear friend, thank you so much, and you know I love your visits especially knowing how much you have on your plate. You are right…deep breath…and I shall endeavour to take things in my stride. Perhaps even smile…ha 🙂 Much love to you too Seyi, hope for a good rest of the week for us both 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Seyi sandra says:

        I hope your computer woes are over dear friend, if not, don’t despair, it would pass. Just enjoy yourself, visit blogs when you’re ready, don’t feel pressurised. I can’t believe it’s almost weekend! Take care my friend, much love to you and yours!
        🙂 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Dear Seyi, I at last return to blogging since Thursday, unable to do so until today for so many reasons, and am so blessed by your lovely message. Thank you so much. My middle boy was home for the weekend and his visit provided just the refreshment I needed. I hope you had a wonderful weekend my dear friend and I would like to thank you so much for ‘being there’ for me, particularly all last week when things were very difficult and stressful and I reached a very low point. But today is Monday, the beginning of a new work week…and I hope and pray that it is a good one for us both. Much love and blessings to you Seyi, to you from me with a grateful heart… ❤


  34. Steven says:

    Snazzy new laptop, eh? Ah, our beloved friend technology. It’s not long ago we were discussing the spectre of Windows 8 and here we are. Then, not long after, my brother informed me about Windows 10! Goodness me. I had no idea, so out of touch… It’ll be doing the rounds soon, Sherri P 😉 (strokes loyal Windows 7 PC)

    I used to have that issue with Windows Live Mail, where emails wouldn’t send. A simple restart of the program used to fix it, if I remember… I assume this didn’t work here?

    I had no idea Microsoft had ceased Office 2003 support, in fact I was sure it was still going as I still prefer to use it – but no, the last update was oh, only eighteen months ago! Blimey. Happily, I have Office 2010 too, which is *okay*. (twitches slightly) Sorry to hear you lost some of your work. I have had that happen to me more than enough times to sympathise.

    Love love love the bench shots! I want to go and sit there – even in the snow – so I think they are successful photographs as far as I’m concerned. And the prospect of Eddie joining me makes it all the more tempting! Adorable.

    Happy Monday (Wednesday)!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh JG…glad you know why I haven’t been over to you since my last visit. I lost another day yesterday, had to take my laptop back in again, more time wasted, still couldn’t get the issues resolved, but my lovely daughter got me set up with GMail last night and also helped me out with some other issues. It was tears before bedtime, and it wasn’t pretty (me, not her!) and she saved the day 🙂 I am going to phase out of BT (my main email address) as I have had awful problems with them before and go to GMail. I had the same as you with Windows Live and at first, restarting helped but I had to do that with every email and then even restarting didn’t work…so you can imagine the tearing-of-the-hair scenes 😦
      The good news is due to so many people having issues with Windows 8, Microsoft are now including Windows 7 on new systems (as with my new laptop) so I was spared that nightmare. And yes, like you, I was stunned to learn of Windows 10 coming out! There’s even an 8.1, did you know that? Yikes…I don’t want to know!!!!
      Ahh…thanks for the lost document sympathies, and only sorry you know the feeling. It’s awful isn’t it? As for Word 2003, yes, I was the same when I found that out, and since all my writing is on there I thought I really should get the new upgrade….which, believe it or not is Word 2013! That’s where I got my shock as I had no idea it even existed and thought ‘oh no, what have I done?’ And for a lot of money for the pleasure too… :/
      So glad you enjoyed the photos. Haha…if I ever see an outline in the snow of someone sitting on the bench, I’ll know how who dropped by 🙂 But seriously, you know where to come if you ever want to cuddle up to Eddie and maybe even grab a sighting of Sweet Robin, although probably not at the same time when Eddie is around 😉 Then you can pop into the Summerhouse for nice cuppa…and a few biscuits… 🙂 Get Jenny Jen Jen around too…
      Catch up with you as soon as, I see you’ve been even busier with your wonderful creations… !
      And I had to laugh at your last sentence…you know me too well my friend! Happy Wednesday it is indeed…but at least this time I can blame it on technology and not on my own faffing 🙂


      • Steven says:

        I had no idea Windows 8 was so unpopular! It does seem a bit of a daunting change. I did know about 8.1, and that it brought back some of the W7 features that they initially phased out. Windows 10 is apparently going to be a free upgrade, presumably in an attempt to stop us clinging onto our old faithfuls for years after they’ve been succeeded. Lots of people stuck with Windows XP until quite recently when it became unstable, so I guess they want to try and stop that happening again with 7.

        Ah, GMail is okay, although they do tend to snoop in your e-mails to target you with advertising… Just ask JJJ 😉

        How is Office 2013? I hope it’s behaving itself!

        Haha, one day we really are just going to gatecrash and you’ll find us lounging in the Summerhouse of Secrets. Don’t tempt us 😉


      • Sherri says:

        I am at last returned to the Summerhouse of Secrets only to discover remnants of…a rave perhaps? Honestly, I can’t turn my back for two seconds with you two… o_O Phew…last week almost finished me off (I know that sounds very ‘drama queenish’ but I mean it!) but I did manage to get my submission in by the skin of my teeth. Even then, down to the wire it was a nightmare, almost lost the entire thing due to formatting issues on the competition’s online entry form. I’m still shaking at the memory of it all…
        Still can’t send emails still got issues still trying to just get on with the things I want to get on with but it seems to be a never-ending battle. But another week is upon us…trying to remain calm, keep positive, move on and all that…
        Word 2013 is working out alright thanks JG, I have discovered some nifty little improvements such as an automatic word count and page numbering is much easier but then I haven’t attempted much else as yet. I still have to install my printer and personalise everything but I haven’t touched my laptop since Friday, had Nicky home for the weekend which was lovely and just the nice, chilling time that was needed. Made a nice roast Sunday 🙂
        I am totally burnt out with all this technology stuff at the moment and just want to get it all sorted now. Just reading your conversation, yes, that darn paper clip, very annoying I agree. Haha, you must be the only one who liked it JJJ 🙂 I used Word all the time when I worked as a legal secretary (you can imagine how much typing I had to do for that) and it popped up all the time. As for Apple, I don’t even want to go there…
        Well you two…I’m back now, I hope, and yes, of course, so behind it’s not true. But will get to my millions of emails (oooooh, I’m so popular….NOT…) and head over to you both as soon as. That is if they come through…grrrrrrrr………….peace, love, deep breath. Oh, and one more thing, I seem to very low on tea for some reason… any thoughts? 😛


    • jenniferkmarsh says:

      I’m hijacking Sherri P’s comment thread again, but I read what you put about Word 2010 and I simply had to input. Your twitch is a familiar feeling.
      As a writer, who does nothing but type on Word 2010, there are some times when I want to throw my laptop out the window because Word has infuriated me to such an extent. It makes me want to scream, since it seems to get a kick out of being as awkward as bloody possible *shakes fist*. You can’t do any formatting on it without invoking fury, basically. SIGH. Though, overall, it’s fine really. I don’t have any problems with it, so long as I don’t try to format the manuscript, as I said.

      Bloody technology. Bloody Word. Bloody Windows 8. Bloody everything.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sherri says:

        Hi Jenny Jen Jen! So glad you hijacked, always a pleasure. I’m right with you on all the ‘bloodys’… Last night I seriously wanted to throw my new laptop out of the window, oh, and my ‘smartphone’ with it and say ‘sod it all’…and I’ve never used Word 2010!!!! Who knows what 2013 is like…have yet to discover it in all it’s full glory. well…over to you JG…


      • Steven says:

        Haha! We’ve not hijacked for a while. Let’s trash this joint!

        (raves… ie, puts 7 Seconds on really loud and jumps about to it)

        Oh yes, I know what you mean. It can be awkward. When I used to work I often found myself burdened with an iMac (ugh) and they had Word *2011* on. It was the most awful experience I’ve ever had. Toolboxes and toolbars floating around all over the place and GETTING IN THE WAY OF MY WRITING. I’m sure there was a way to tie them down, but I couldn’t work out how to do it. Nightmare. I didn’t push my luck with any formatting attempts, really. Just used to write and save and close and RUN AWAY.

        Bloody Word 2011. By the way, you forgot Bloody Ilimoskus.


        • jenniferkmarsh says:

          Hahaha, and then we shall pause our raving briefly for a nice cup of tea.

          Ugh, Macs. UGH. UGHHHHHH. Thankfully, I have never had much to do with those accursed technological creations. I hate Apple. That sounds incredibly annoying – almost as annoying as that paperclip, no? 😉 I think I may be the only person in the world NOT annoyed by the paperclip. What Word was that on anyway? 2003??

          Ha, ‘run away’. Lots of running from technology, yes.

          Ah yes. Bloody Ilimoskus. How could I miss out that little gem.


          • Steven says:

            But of course. Who would rave without the tea break? AN IDIOT, that’s who.

            Macs are abysmal, you’re right. Well actually, they’re well built and do last forever. They are just nightmares to navigate and cost about five hundred times the amount a PC does. And I’ve heard so much about how ‘quick’ they are… designers get so swoony over them, it’s quite concerning… yet the ones I were lumbered with using were painfully slow.

            Oh no, the paper clip! How did he not drive you mad? I think he was in Office 2000 and 2003. I always used to switch it to the bouncy ball, then click the animate button once or twice, that is before I lost the will to live and clicked furiously on HIDE or CLOSE or whatever on earth the button was to get rid of it.

            I guess we should just put that line on the end of any message from you anyway.


  35. Charli Mills says:

    As I jiggle the cord on my laptop and convince myself I don’t need a new one! Love the bench photos, especially sweet robin.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh yes…I have been thinking of you Charli knowing you are struggling with your own laptop issues. Honestly, right now, I wish I had my old clunker back…but that makes me sound so ungrateful, I know… I haven’t been able to send any emails since I last emailed you at the weekend so the frustration mounts. But lovely daughter set me up with GMail last night so will email you shortly in reply. Needless to say, I totally missed the flash deadline and all blogging, I lost another day yesterday with the laptop back in the shop and my emails totally messed up so I couldn’t get over to you any which way 😦 But on a lighter note, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos, thanks Charli 🙂


  36. Marie Keates says:

    New technology is always a pain. I had much the same problem when I chbaged my phone. The email thing was a settings issue so that might be worth checking. Don’t even get me started on changing from a laptop to a Mac Book !


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Marie, I barely coped with changing from my Motorola flip phone to my Samsung Smartphone, still don’t like it as much, so yes, changing laptops has been horrible. The IT guy had my laptop back again yesterday (so more time wasted, even more behind with writing and blogging) and he looked at the settings but still couldn’t get it to work. My BT email is clogged up and I just can’t bear the thought of having to call them again. My daughter got me set up with GMail last night and sorted out some other issues for me bless her, so hopefully I can carry on now and phase out BT. I’ve had enough problems with my emails as it is and this has just made it far worse. But yes, I can’t even begin to imagine a change to a Mac Book…all I will say is you are way braver than me 🙂


  37. jenniferkmarsh says:

    Oh, Sherri! How I sympathise with the whole technology business. Can’t it be the most unbearable nightmare sometimes? Glad you’ve finally got things sorted. Get a nice cuppa and put your feet up 😉 I think you deserve to take it easy.
    Lovely to hear Eddie and Little Robin have an agreement ^^ Nice to know no concerning cat-prowling is going on. What a sad day it would be to lose your little red-breasted friend!

    Wishing you all the best with all and everything!

    (I’ve had such a hellish week -_- I have a blog post scheduled for 31st, which I’m glad I sorted out ages ago because now I am not in the mood for blogging at all. Such a nightmare. Still, ever striving for inner peace.)

    Speak to you soon, I’m sure. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Jenny Jen Jen, yes, as you can see from my other comment, I am in full agreement with you…a nightmare. So sorry you have had such a hellish week…I sympathise fully, having had much of the same, and so I think we both need to take some time out, put our feet up and have a cuppa. As I said to JG , we can all sit down together on the bench in my garden with Eddie (but no snow sadly…) and make sure he doesn’t attack Sweet Robin. I would be absolutely devastated if anything happened to him…he has really taken over, territorial little thing that he is. The Robin, that is… 😉
      I’ll look out for your blog post…and I know I can say ‘hang in there’ as much as I say to myself the same thing. I do hope things ease up for you, I really do. And thank you so much for your kind wishes, I will be just glad if I can get this piece out by tomorrow at the latest. At least that will be an accomplishment in and of itself!!!!
      Big hugs to you dear Jenny Jen Jen…and blessings and peace and joy too…abundantly so…and you know you can stand beneath my magical brolly any time should you need shelter from the storm… ❤ xx


      • jenniferkmarsh says:

        I would so like to sit on your bench with you and Stevick with a nice cuppa! Maybe someday, eh. We can ever hope 😉
        Well, you hand in there too. Thank you for offering your magical brolly – it is a brolly which touches the heart. I’m not sure what I can offer in return, other than my prayers and love and wishes. We aren’t all magical ladies, you know 😛 Ever seek your blue skies, my friend xx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          You are magical for you offer me your prayers, love and wishes. What more could I ask for? In this lonely world, these are beautiful gifts my friend, and yes, those blue skies are a-calling. Although, I wish it would snow… 🙂 I hope you are having a better week Jennny Jen Jen, will be in touch… xx ❤

          Liked by 1 person

  38. I sympathise with you as well, Sherri. If I’m without the internet for so much as a minute, I panic and start going into overdrive (which is not a nice site).

    Electrical items have been sent to us to really test just how far we would go before throwing said item against the wall. I’ve been an Apple iMac user for three years now and only last week discovered that I could convert Word documents from Windows into Pages documents on the iMac. When I think of all the time I spent trying to figure it all out and spending £150 on a piece of software that I needn’t have bought, I get very frustrated with all the time I wasted trying to figure out how to do something that was almost obvious. Now If I’d just picked up the phone to the very nice staff in my local Apple store or, just googled it, I would have probably finished and published my first novel by now.

    Good to see you back and thank you for the lovely pictures. I especially love the one of the wooden bench under all that snow 🙂

    I took a break away from blogging last week as well, but for different reasons. It’s great to be back.


    • Sherri says:

      Hugh, I read this and my blood pressure is sky rocketing, I’m sure of it – and I don’t even have high blood pressure!!!!! But I feel your pain, I really do. All that money spent and time wasted and there you had the answer all along. We don’t think of the obvious though do we? I am just so sorry for all you had to endure as I know just how utterly frustrating that would have been for you all this time…
      I have gone on to have more of a nightmare since I wrote this post with my emails. My daughter has helped a fair bit, my eldest son too over the phone (he is the go-to computer guru but as you know, he lives in Lewes!!) so I can at least get on with what I need to do (and I will get that piece out today for submission!!!) but I will still need to sort a few other issues out. But we paid the IT guy to transfer everything over and even he couldn’t fix it and I couldn’t spare the time this week to keep taking my laptop back in the shop for hours at a time as I have needed to get my piece written up. Grrrrrrr……..
      But we plod on don’t we? I hope you are getting on well now with your writing and computer…and thank you so much Hugh, I’m glad you enjoyed the photos (thought you might like the snow scene 🙂 ) and also it is great to see you back too 🙂


      • Thanks, Sherri, although I am partly to blame because I did not find out exactly what my iMac could do before going and buying that software. Then again, I would have thought the chap at the store would have told me that I did not need it. I really should get myself down the Apple store where they offer free classes, but I just can not bare to be away from my computer and the writing I want to do. Every second is precious to us writers, I’m sure you would agree 🙂

        We have come back to Wales for 10 days today and, it’s snowing 🙂 🙂 OK, not much, just some heavy showers, but it is laying and I hope it lasts over the weekend. I hope to take some pictures and I’ll certainly be posting them on my blog if I get some good ones and the snow stays.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Hugh – Just getting back to my laptop since Friday, had my middle boy home for the weekend, so catching up again (what’s new pussy cat, ha!). Oh how lovely, Wales is beautiful, and to come back to snow, I hope you did manage to get some snow pics in, will definitely be over to you shortly to catch up with your latest 🙂 As for wanting time for writing, I so agree. I still have issues with my emails but I couldn’t afford to let the IT shop keep having my laptop last week as I couldn’t afford to waste any more time. As it was, I barely managed to get my submission out, by the skin of my teeth on Friday before my son arrived home. I called them first thing this morning and told them that I’ll bring it in this week at my convenience when I’ve caught up with everything else but it’s not good is it to keep having these issues? We paid good money for these guys to do it right in the first place!!! Oh well,musn’t moan. Another week it is, let’s hope it’s a far better one! See you soon Hugh 🙂


  39. Amy says:

    That is very frustrating; especially you had a deadline to deal with! Good luck for you competition, Sherri! I love these photos, sweet Robin and Eddi! So wonderful to have you back. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thanks so much Amy, and I’m glad you enjoyed the photos 🙂 But yes, it has been so stressful I’ll admit. Getting my piece out today though, rain or shine 🙂


  40. yprior1 says:

    hope the tech things are working out- and love how you worded this “t’s easy when you know how. The problem is that it takes so long getting to the ‘know how‘ bit…”
    and your bench shots – beautiful – they kinda reminded me of the 4 seasons – except maybe out of order,
    like first came a winter bench (and I am talking serious depths of winter with that fallen snow – like looking out the window on xmas morning – with tea in hand of course)
    and then came the summer bench – cos the green, lush growth and light felt like summer – and then 3rd – spring – with the robin (and any regular readers of yours all smiled to see that robin – I know I did)
    and then 4th came fall – with reds in the tree – the tired feel to the bench (tired but good feel too) and the cat – ahhhh
    and not sure if this will apply here – but I have lost some drafts of long papers before – which equates to hours of lost time – and frustrated – but when i was all done I wondered ifg maybe the other stuff needed to be lost – and if my newer version of it was just that much better – well maybe not – but thinking so helped me cope! ha! good day mon amie ❤


    • Sherri says:

      As always Y, love your take on the photos. Yes…had to add the one of Sweet Robin, he likes to make an appearance, ha 🙂 Saw him just this morning, one of those very cold but sunny winter mornings, the kind I love, except no frost which is a shame as that would have really set the scene…and yes, I did try to capture the different seasons, except that I couldn’t find one for spring, so you caught that with Eddie, even though it wasn’t a spring shot, it did sort of look early-ish spring like…at a stretch, lol 😀
      And on to your last paragraph, I am so sorry you had that happen (hope you got it all rewritten…) but I am really getting what you are saying. At first, I was so upset at the loss but once I calmed down, I started to get that very same mindset as you describe, that, as I rewrote the parts I lost, actually maybe what I was now writing was better (even though what I lost was already an edit and I thought I had it licked) and yes, you are right, that way of thinking did definitely help. Now today I’ll be submitting it, God willin’ and the creek don’t rise…but even then, I’ll give it my best shot! Thanks so much for your support mon amie…and you have a beautiful day too (I’ll be over to you a bit later… ) ❤ 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • yprior1 says:

        oh best wishes on your submission! and the reason I lost my work was because I had too many docs opened in word – and well, it hardly ever crashes these days – not sure if you recall int he mid 90’s when crahses were common 0 and I recall always clicking save out of habit – and well, now I am back int eh bait of clicking save like crazy – even tho we have an auto save backup that saves stuff every couple hours – and actually – it was a tease because my husband walked in shortly after I lost hours and pages of work. He offered to look on that back up device and because sadly it was not there. so now I clcik save again and again.
        and one more thing – well to this
        “though what I lost was already an edit and I thought I had it licked”
        well after I rewrote what I lost – I seriously sensed that my lost material was probably better – lol – but it is what it is – ha! but then maybe I had plagiarized or wrote something that just did not need to be there -w ho knows..
        anyhow, best wishes on your submission


      • Sherri says:

        Hi mon amie…just now getting back to my here, after I managed by no small miracle to get my submission out on Friday I haven’t touched my laptop. Firstly, I was so burnt out that I couldn’t face it and also my middle boy came home for the weekend. It was just the chilling time I needed. Now its Monday and another week but I’m still facing having to take my laptop back in but I need to get caught up here first as I’m once again so behind. And oh I do know what you mean about saving all the time, I do the same even on with auto recovery too. In the end I submitted what I thought was the best I could do but I don’t know if I stand a chance. At least I did it. Well, I will be over to you as soon as and I hope you had a lovely weekend…and thanks so much for being there for me last week when I was in a very stressful place. Means a lot that… ❤


  41. First of all, best of luck with the memoir piece that you are submitting for the competition. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hope your computer will respond to your tasks. I LOVE benches, so of course your photos of yours in all seasons and with different visitors tug to my heart. Lovely! See you, Sherri.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Evelyne, thank you very much for your kind wishes. I got it out, barely. Now I’ll see what happens. It’s the most ambitions submission I’ve made to date so I am very nervous about it all. Still having email issues but hoping this week is a lot less stressful than last week :/ Benches are lovely aren’t they? So glad you enjoyed the pics. I hope you had a lovely weekend and a good week to come and I’ll be over to you to catch up as soon as… 🙂


  42. Mahesh Nair says:

    Nothing feels worse than losing a copy that you revised spending hours. Wasting those hours might not be an issue as big as forgetting those sentences which looked perfect in the “vanished” version. What I usually do is I copy/paste every 100-words of revised work somewhere safe. Saving it on WordPress is an option, too.

    All the best on your submission 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much my friend, good advice that! But yes, it is an awful feeling. I still don’t understand what happend but there it is…too late to worry about it now! I got my submission out, barely, so let’s see what happens, if anything :/ Your support and kind wishes mean so much, as always… 🙂 Needless to say I’m hugely behind again here but this week, I hope, will see me back on track…I hope, ever the optimist… 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  43. simplyilka says:

    Hi Sherri!

    I am glad you are back to normal and I hope you met your dead-line today.

    I am not a techie and everything that has to do with fixing computer problems and internet problems annoys me. My website was down yesterday, just right when I wanted to post my new post. I was so frustrated. And like you said: It is all so easy – but only if you know how to do it – and have the time and passion and patience to learn it!

    I love your bench in all the seasons. Very pretty! I would love to sit right next Eddie and blink into the sun 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Ilka! Thank you so much, I did get my submission in, barely! And then I put my laptop away as I was so burnt out. So starting the week fresh, and hopefully getting back on track. But then, I keep saying that, ha! (I do still have email issues that need sorting though which is a nuisance to say the least). I had my middle boy home for the weekend which was lovely…the perfect time to chill and put all the stresses of last week behind me 🙂 Oh no, I’m so sorry about your own website problems, it really is so frustrating and stressful. I hope you got it sorted out 😦
      Ahh, thank you, I’m so glad you enjoyed the pics, wouldn’t it be nice to blink in the sun with Eddie like that…I love that image of you sitting there, on my bench doing just that and I will smile all day just thinking of it, imaging you there when I look out of my kitchen window 🙂
      Have a great week my friend and I’ll be over to you soon… 🙂


  44. Tom Merriman says:

    Hi Sherri! Great photos once again… and another coincidence! I’ve suggested to Steven that he paints Robin as part of his Batman series… obviously, the superhero one and not the one from your bench, but he could paint that one as well, if he likes!
    I was thinking the problems you had with sending emails might have something to do with the SMTP settings, but it’s been years since I’ve dealt with anything like that, and they may not even be used in today’s sophisticated world of IT.
    Speaking of which, aren’t computer glitches a pain? They never occur at a good time, do they? You never hear anyone say, “Oh, how opportune for that computer glitch to occur now…!” Hehehe! Hope your problems are all sorted now, you managed to submit on time, and you’re back cooking on gas once again!
    Have a good weekend, Sherri!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Tom! So glad you enjoyed the pics, thanks so much! And oh no, I can’t believe it! Haha…well, I do feature my robin quite often, he is my muse you know 😉 Although I admit that I haven’t seen him wearing a pair of tights and a mask lately, but then, around these parts, you just never know 😉 I will look out for Steven’s post…!
      Sorry for only just getting back to you, after my submission (which went out on time, barely, and many thanks for your kind wishes…) I was so burnt out that I didn’t touch my laptop until this morning. Just couldn’t face it, but then I had my middle boy home for the weekend too which was lovely and just the chilling time I needed 🙂 Hope you had a good weekend too.
      As for the SMTP settings, this is so interesting you say this Tom as this is just the message I keep getting re unable to send. The IT guy didn’t seem to get this and as it turned out hadn’t linked my BT email to my account properly which my daughter figured out that night having spent so much time wasted in the shop. You are on to something here, I’m going to look further into this and will let you know, thanks so much!! And I hope to be back properly as the week goes on…needless to say I’m horribly behind once more with blogging but at least the gas supply hasn’t run out!!


  45. Imelda says:

    I hope all’s well between you and your new laptop now. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Imelda. I admit, last week was horribly stressful so hoping things much better this week. I’ve still got email issues and need to take my laptop back to get it sorted but I won’t take it in until I catch up here as I’ll get even more behind than I already am. Getting there…slowly… 🙂


  46. Pingback: Bench series #5 | TRAVEL WORDS

  47. badfish2 says:

    Whoa, very nicely done. I just happened upon your blog. Love it. And your writing. And photos. I’m fairly new to blogging, well, one month now. Good luck on your memoir…was it for a journal or an online site? I’m one of the few people left on the planet who has never owned a smartphone, so I know how you feel about learning new tech stuff! I “want” a smartphone now…for travel. But man, I dread learning about those apps.


    • Sherri says:

      Hello badfish2! Thank you so much for coming by to visit and for staying, I’m thrilled to know that you enjoyed the read and the photos, you’ve made my day 🙂 Oh don’t get me started on smartphones. I’ve had mine about a year now, I had a Motorola fliphone for years and I adored it, dropped it more times than I can remember but it still kept going. Finally it gave up the ghost and I succumbed, and like you, I absolutely dreaded those apps. But..I have to say, I’m used to them now, and I’m getting more used to the new laptop now as well as the new Word. At first I felt way out of my depth…hence this post!…but things have settled down. So I encourage you and say, bite the bullet and you’ll be okay! My submission was to a literary journal. And so I wait…and thanks so much for your very kind wishes. It’s great to meet you…and I look forward to visiting you which I will do shortly 🙂


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