Welcome To The Jungle

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? How about this:  Hell hath no fury like a writer stopped from writing. Or submitting.

Last week was not pretty but I did manage to get my submission in, by the skin of my teeth. Thank you so much everyone for putting up with me, raving loon that I was and moaner to just a few, although it was poor Hubby who bore the brunt of his crazed wife at the end of her tether.

I almost lost my entry when I tried to copy and paste it on the competition website: I had problems with the formatting and accidentally clicked the ‘delete’ button.  Thankfully, there was a ‘Are you sure you want to delete’ box which saved me from losing it entirely – in more ways than one.

But this experience has left me thinking: if this what it’s like to write and submit a memoir piece for a competition, what on earth will it be like to get to the point of finishing and then submitting the manuscript for my book?  Will my marriage survive?  Will my kids still love me?  Will my cats ever come near me again?  Will my friends desert me?

819TzSEbmkLSeriously though (and putting computer problems aside), writing does something to writers: it makes us crazier than a box of frogs.  Or is that cleverer than a bag of snakes?  Oh wait, that’s what Hilary Mantel said about Anne Boleyn during an interview about her book ‘Wolf Hall‘.

Speaking of which, have any of you been watching ‘Wolf Hall’? It’s the best thing on television, I’d say.  I was given the book a few years ago by Eldest Son and I admit that I found the read hard going – difficulty with a lack of speech marks  – but the delicious nuances from the book carry over to the TV production brilliantly.

I digress…

My lovely mum was sufficiently concerned about me last week to send a text asking what I thought of a quote she came across, written by Joanne Harris, the author of the book ‘Chocolat‘,

‘The process of writing is a little like madness, a kind of possession not altogether benign.’

Do you think she was trying to tell me something?


Welcome to the Jungle – That’s what blasted through the headphones of my iPod this morning while out walking. A great way to blow off steam but I found some writing inspiration too, thanks to Guns ‘N’ Roses, for Charli’s flash fiction prompt of ‘disorientation‘ this week.

Borrowing the song’s title, here is my flash, in 99 words, no more, no less:

Welcome To The Jungle

“C’mon Trudi, don’t be a spoil-sport,’ whined Carla. “We’ll have a blast!”

Trudi peered inside. “But it’s late…”

Grabbing Trudi’s hand, Carla marched her through the door as heads swiveled.

Trudi staggered across the room, strobe lights searing her vision, heavy base pounding in her chest. “I can’t…see…” She reached for the nearest chair and missed, collapsing on the floor.

“What the hell Jake, why did you give her that pill?” Carla seethed as she dialled for the ambulance.

Jake looked down as Trudi vomited on his boots and passed out.

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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95 Responses to Welcome To The Jungle

  1. Welcome to the Jungle indeed Sherri but you would go mad if you did not venture in there. This writing thing has you mesmerised. Enjoyed your short piece, very dramatic. Good luck with the comp Im sure you will slay them.


    • Sherri says:

      You’ve got me Kath! Maybe it’s in the jungle that I feel most at home 😉 Thanks so much…I don’t know if I’ll get anywhere but at least I got it done and out. At least I can say I did that much 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Luanne says:

    Sherri, good luck! I’m vibing for your submission! Ugh, I know what you mean about crazy. I have only one month to revise my MS and everything is getting in the way of writing. I get so crazy! The quote from your mom is great but also scary! I’m so glad you got your piece done and submitted in time.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thanks so much for the good vibes Luanne 🙂 I was wondering how you were getting on with your MS, I know you have so much on your plate right now, I honestly don’t know how you do all you do. That quote made me sit up…I think it is very true and very scary too 😮


  3. Rachel M says:

    You’re definitely a very versatile writer, Sherri. I loved this flash fiction. Will the story continue?


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Rachel, that’s always so nice to hear. I have no idea about this story, it just sort of came to me for the flash, so who knows? I am determined more than anything right now to get my first draft of my book finished but then, how long have I been saying that… 😉


  4. Tom Merriman says:

    I think you have to be a little bit mad – only a minuscule bit mind – to write, Sherri. Otherwise, where would all the random thoughts come from that get written? Or maybe that’s just me…
    That ‘Are you sure?’ prompt, annoying that it is, is very useful at times, as you now know!
    I loved your dramatic flash… I thought I was going to end up like Trudi this morning, as I had a strobe lighting effect going on in my eyes… it was the start of a migraine that quickly went away!
    Anyway, you can now draw back from the end of your tether, keep calm, and carry on!


    • Sherri says:

      You don’t have to be mad to join but it helps, right? Is that what you’re trying to say Tom, haha 😀 I agree though, where else would we put all those random thoughts? Thank goodness for writing, ha! And yes, thank goodness for that prompt, I would have been lost without it at that precise moment, yikes o:O
      Thanks so much, and glad you liked the flash but I’m so sorry to hear that Tom, sounds awful, so glad that your migraine went away. My daughter suffers from them, they are horrible. But yet another spooky coincidence I think, as the strobe light idea literally just popped into my mind… 😉


  5. Perhaps it’s the sign of a truly great writer – being just a little bit mad and driving everyone around you to drink 🙂 I’m thinking of the greats – JD Salinger, Hunter Thompson, Jack Kerouac, Ernest Hemingway ….. Sherri Matthews ………….. Yay despite it all, you got it done! Rise up and rise again!! Best of best wishes winging your way xo


    • Sherri says:

      Haha 🙂 So very kind of you Pauline, but to be mentioned in the same sentence as those greats…well…I am not worthy, definitely not! Thank you so much for your kind wishes, they warm my heart greatly 🙂 xo


  6. Lee J Dawson says:

    Sherri, well done on getting your submission sent off! That must have been a heart-stopping moment when you pressed the delete button. Thank goodness for the warning box!


    • Sherri says:

      It was awful and the not-so-perfect ending to a very stressful week. And I just discovered, after all that, the deadline was extended to yesterday!!! Still, at least I got it out and yes, I am so, so grateful for the warning prompt! Thanks Lee 🙂


  7. You did what you set out to do thought the obstacles were many and great! You truly do persevere where others (especially me!) would give up. Bravo my friend! Loved the quote your Mum sent you. 🙂
    How will it end for Trudi??? xoxo


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, well, I was determined my friend, and you know what that means! Ha! Your support means the world, you know that, and always will 🙂 Oh I just heard and then saw Sweet Robin from my summerhouse just as I typed that 🙂 ❤ As for Trudi, well, 'she' just came to me for this flash but who knows? I seem to write a lot of dark stuff don't I? Must need to 🙂 xoxox


  8. Heyjude says:

    You’ll get there and the cats will still love you. Not sure about hubby though 😉 Perhaps you’ll have to send him on a long cruise!


  9. TanGental says:

    How do you save you wip Sherri? When I stated writing in 2006 I learnt a hard lesson, dropping my computer on the hard floor of a holiday cottage in Devon and watching in horror as the screen went blank. Some genius boffin with electrodes and acne dug out the good bits and thereafter my increasing and deepening neurosis means I now save on two memory sticks into a dropbox and I email to myself.
    The flash is a peach – didn’t see the drugs coming…


    • Sherri says:

      I save it in Word (now I have the new Word 2013 and btw, loving it once I figured out the ‘compatibility’ bit, with a simple click, but it took me an entire day to figure it out…) and then I back up on Dropbox. I also have an external hard drive which we’ve all used for a while now and almost full. But I now pay a small amount on Dropbox so have tons of room for photos and everything. Even then though, with the transfer, I lost the lastest version of my submission as you know. But then I’m sure it was my own stupid fault and didn’t do something right. Emailing is a great way, maybe I should do that as well. Still, that’s old news and what’s sent is sent, let’s see what happens. I just hope I don’t get cut at the first hurdle, the long list would be massive for me if I made it, this is the first literary contest I’ve ever entered.
      Oh Geoff, that sounds horrendous, I don’t blame you, I would be paranoid too. Although I did have to laugh at your ‘boffin’ description 🙂
      And so glad you liked the flash, thanks for that…it was last minute, sort of threw it out there. But then that’s the idea isn’t it? Fantastic writing exercise as I keep telling Charli, you all over at the Ranch encourage me greatly. Hope you don’t regret it, ha 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I never had any doubt you would get your submission in on time, Sherri. Great job on the flash fiction! For some reason I’m cracking up picturing you walking and listening to “Welcome to the Jungle.” You can tell me to, “Shut my cake hole,” I’ll understand. 🙂 Thanks for getting me through a rough day today with your emails. xoxo


  11. Mumblypeg says:

    You got there and are still sane, , , Yay!!!! Well done. Talk about hairy moments. Maybe all creativity produces a bit of madness. Love Mumblypeg xxxx


  12. Congrats on not completely losing your submission. That delete button occupies a far too prominent place on my laptop too. 😦 Good luck with the competition, Sherri. Love your flash fiction, but I’m glad I didn’t have to look at Jake’s boots. 🙂 Thanks for the heads up about Wolf Hall. I’ve got hubby looking for it already. xx


  13. Charli Mills says:

    If you aren’t mad to begin with, writing will show you the way! I’m so glad you persevered through the great difficulties and submitted your work. Your flash is edgy and pulses with the jungle madness of clubbing.


    • Sherri says:

      Haha 😀 You got that Charli! Thanks again so much for helping me get through a horrible week and for all your encouragement and support. I guess it made sense that my flash was what it was…one of these days I’ll suprise you with a floaty, sweet and light story. And then you’ll wonder if I really have gone mad 😛


  14. Pingback: Lost & Confused « Carrot Ranch Communications

  15. jennypellett says:

    Oh I know this scenario so well. Why does submitting something turn a perfectly capable human being into a jibbering wreck in a matter of minutes? Been there, done it more than once although I’m relieved to say that I’ve never actually deleted anything irretrievably.
    Yes, I’m watching Wolf Hall. Haven’t read the book, didn’t appeal, to be honest and the jury is still out on the TV drama. I’m watching it primarily because I love Mark Rylance and Damien Lewis, and the settings are just brilliant. I’m not sure if I like my history skewed, I have enough trouble remembering the real events. Still, I shall stick with it. Thank goodness for iplayer!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Jenny, you understand so well. I was indeed that jibbering wreck, it’s awful isn’t it? We must love writing an awful lot to go through that. I learnt a lot about this process. This is the first time I’ve submitted to a literary prize and I’m very nervous about it. Maybe it gets easier the more you do it as with everything? I just hope I don’t get cut at the first hurdle, that’s all…but if I do, well, that’s that, I’ll keep writing anyway 🙂
      I think we talked about the book before didn’t we? I got half-way through it and just couldn’t get on with it either. I am loving the TV show though, and yes, totally agree with you re MR and DL 🙂 BTW, some of the scenes are shot at Barrington Court where I met Henry VIII, remember? My mum hoped it was Damien Lewis when I told her as she knew they were filming there, also at Montacute House which is literally only a few miles from us. But, no, sadly, it wasn’t him. Think I missed a golden opportunity there 😦 iPlayer is brilliant, I agree, and yes, thankfully this is just a work of fiction but I am fascinated by the different ways Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell are portrayed. Still, poor Anne ends up the same way. And the rest is history, as they say 🙂 Enjoy Jenny 🙂


  16. suej says:

    You are a versatile writer, Sherri…keep plugging at ii!


  17. jenniferkmarsh says:

    Agh, Sherri, the woes of writing, formatting, submitting, editing, blah blah blah blah blah. Hell hath no fury indeed. Glad to see you made it through alive, though.

    I have so been watching Wolf Hall. Never read the book though. Still. ‘Tis good. Fascinating Tudors. TONIGHT. Gotta concentrate while watching it though, or is that just me being slow…? It’s all terribly confusing, though I love it all the same.


    • Sherri says:

      Agh is right Jenny Jen Jen…you obviously know the ropes and how utterly frustrating, putting it mildly, it can all be. Really took it out of me too, I’m only just now beginning to feel ‘normal’ again…whatever normal is, do tell, I’ve forgotten 😛 o_O 😮
      No, it’s not you JJJ…it is confusing and I’m a Tudor freak. I’m taping every episode to watch again to pick up on it. Really do have to concentrate you’re right. I love the low lighting and the costumes and the sheer richness of it all…not to mention all the power struggles surging below the surface. We know how it all ends but still…great stuff 🙂 I hope you are having a better week dear one ❤


  18. I think that to create, we must all be a bit mad. It seems necessary to let go of perceived reality to create something new out of thin air. You did an amazing example of that with the flash fiction. Who saw that coming? Not I.
    I’ve never heard that music but then, there is a lot I haven’t heard. Very interesting.
    When I last heard my laptop sizzle, I ran out and bought a new one. If I had been in your shoes, the entire city could have heard me scream “NO!” Losing all that work would make me lose it too. I’m glad you were able to salvage at least some parts of your work. I guess what’s meant to be, will. Best wishes on a good outcome with the contest.


    • Sherri says:

      Hello Marlene, always such a pleasure to hear from you! So sorry I haven’t made it over to your pad yet, but I am heading there, just watch. Took a lot of me, all that went on the past couple of weeks one way or another, and just now beginning to get back on track. I was mentally wrung out. I’m thrilled you liked the flash, thanks so much. I never know how they will be received, being new to fiction, but I do love writing flash as I can let rip, ha!! It’s good to let the imagination run riot through writing isn’t it? Within reason obviously 😉 Agh, yes, that was a horrible moment but there it is. Thank you so much Marlene for your kind wishes, really means a lot 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Congratulations on getting in your submission on time, Sherri. I am so excited for you! Writing is tough! I get frustrated with my laptop and the new Word program I have now, but I can only be online with it in town. I use a flashdrive to transfer everything to our desktop to post on WordPress. Anyway, I love your flash fiction. Poor Jake!!! YUCK!! 🙂 I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers my friend!!


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Patsy! I was wondering how you were getting on with your new Word. I’m liking it now I’m more used to it but I hated at first! It’s a learning curve and getting used to the new programmes are challenging, but I suppose it’s all good for our brain matter, ha 🙂 I’m thrilled you enjoyed the flash…haha…yes, poor Jake, I didn’t see that coming until the end either!! And thanks so much for your kind thoughts and prayers my friend, really warms my heart 🙂


  20. I agree with you about the lack of speech marks in Wolf Hall. Those and the lack of dialogue tags meant I kept losing track of who was talking. This meant I had to keep flicking back a page or two to check. The novel took me 3 months to read, instead of my usual 2-4 weeks. I’ve not started watching the series but am recording it, as Mister is sick of the Tudors and doesn’t want to see anything more about them on TV!


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, me too Sarah, I found it very difficult to keep track and gave up half way through, so you did better than me, well done for sticking it out! Did you enjoy it in the end? I hope you get to watch the series soon, I do that when Hubby isn’t interested. At least then we can watch what we want in our own time 🙂


  21. I haven’t seen that TV series. But then again I’m likely in reality show land when I’m over at the TV hehe. As for when she showed you that quote, don’t worry as we all understand the pressure can mount when writing – especially when it comes to the submission process! You’re not alone in the jungle 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Look out for it if you can, although I know that Tudor history isn’t everyone’s scene! I forget that, as I am obsessed with it, lol 😀 Ahh, thanks Christy, really appreciate that, it’s so nice to know that 🙂


  22. Woo hooooo – you mastered the electronic submission! With my level of technological distress, I find that every bit as impressive as the actual writing feat!


  23. Congrats for making it to the finish line, Sherri. Best of luck with this submission.


  24. Mahesh Nair says:

    Somebody said: “Tell the readers a story! Because without a story, you are merely using words to prove you can string them together in logical sentences.”

    You “can” tell a story, and you do it well. Believe.


  25. simplyilka says:

    Yes Sherri! We writers have to fight a little for our time to write. And once we are in ‘the flow’ we don’t want to stop. No! We cannot stop.

    Just today I have heard the funny story of a writer-lady who puts a hat on when she is writing/working. So her family knows that mom is now in a different world and we should not talk to her 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      We do indeed Ilka! It’s awful when we are constantly distracted and interupted isn’t it? Haha…love that story! I might start doing the same! Thanks for cheering my day my friend, I hope you have a wonderful weekend 🙂


  26. Yes, Sherri, writing is very much tinged with madness. I’ve had so many meltdowns through the years, but the top two were because of 1) a drunk driver taking out a main power pole at 2:30 one morning as I was frantically typing an inspired article–and I stupidly hadn’t saved it–and when the area lost the power, I lost ALL of the article, and 2) I mailed a hard copy of a story to a contest on the day it had to be postmarked, so I was on time…but I’d set up two mailers, one for the contest and the other for a different submission to a magazine…and I put the wrong ms. in each envelope.
    I have others…but I don’t want to talk about them… ;(
    Bottom line, though, my marriage survived all my mistakes, I survived them, and amazingly, I ended up–months later–sending out both of the mistakes from #2 to new publications…and selling them. But I still don’t like to talk about the mistakes, or even think about them.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Marylin, what absolute nightmares for you, you couldn’t make it up could you? I think I’m going to have a meltdown just thinking about what you went through 😦 But I am so glad you carried on and look at your eventual success with selling both publications. Yay 🙂 You already know how much you inspire me. I feel so ‘green’ with my experiences compared to what you and other seasoned writers have gone through. I can’t say enough what it means to know that I have you right there, by my side, holding my hand, for that is what you do. And I sincerely hope that you have not had any meltdowns for a very long time. I hope I don’t either but somehow I think that I’m being naive when I say that :/ Have a lovely weekend 🙂


  27. Ste J says:

    I haven’t watched any of Wolf Hall, I didn’t manage to take to the book, although my mate Iain thought it was brilliant, which is interesting as we tend to like the same sort of things. I am saving all my TV excitement for the return of Twin Peaks next year.

    Jake deserves the sicky boots for those pills, blimey it sounds a bit like Rock City or something, I haven’t been there in ages but they always play a fair bit of Guns ‘N’ Roses and other awesome bands.


    • Sherri says:

      Twin Peaks is returning? Wow, I had no idea! I need to watch it again, it’s been a long time! As for Jake, yes, he got what he had coming and more, stupid idiot.Thankfully Trudi pulled through. Rock City sounds like my kind of place, ha!


      • Ste J says:

        It is returning, David Lynch is directing every episode as well and they are getting loads of old cast members back, it’s going to be the event of the century! I do enjoy Rock City but it’s a bit to loud for me these days in my old age lol.


      • Sherri says:

        I’m so excited about this news Ste, thanks so much for letting me know! Old age…lol! Let’s not even go there…


  28. Disorientation – very appropriate for your experiences in this week Sherri! But I’m glad you got your submission off and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you! Great piece of flash fiction too – just desserts for Jake, I’d say. As for the madness of writing, well, yes, but a wonderful madness most of the time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Yes, a very approrpriate theme that’s for sure! Ahh…that’s so kind of you Andrea, thank you so much. The same for you with yours! Did you see that the memoir competition was extended by four days to the 4th Feb? I wonder quite what that means? Glad you liked the flash, I wasn’t quite sure what to do at first, but felt smugly safisfied with Jake’s come-uppance 😉 I’m looking forward to embracing that wonderful madness…the other kind is far too stressful! Have a lovely weekend Andrea 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • If something is extended I always think, ooh they mustn’t have had enough entries, I’m in with a better chance!!!! I’m sure that’s not the case though, maybe they just had technical problems…


      • Sherri says:

        Sorry for not getting back to you until now Andrea, I disappeared for a couple of days and just catching up now, but thanks for that! It’s given me a different perspective. I also read that the memoir competition is open again for submission in September with a different judge! The plot thickens!


  29. A great flash Sherri. I wasn’t expecting the drugs either. Mad no, driven yes. I think there is a difference although at times it doesn’t feel like it. ❤ 🙂


  30. Marie Keates says:

    I’m glad you got your submission in. I can just imagine who frantic you were


  31. Steven says:

    Well, I feel I’m slightly past a deadline myself in the time it’s taken me to reach this post, but then what’s new pussycat? (shan’t start that again, GSY) Thrilled that you got your submission in, as I was positive that you would; of course, that blasted Word and whatever else life decided to hurl wasn’t going to get in the way of The Poppins!

    It’s a harrowing enough moment to lose a painstakingly written comment on a blog when WordPress decides to play silly buggers, so I can imagine how scary a moment it must have been when clicking delete here. Thank goodness it all turned out okay. Woop woop!

    “Will my cats ever come near me again?” Of course they will, and if it ever begins to look as though they won’t, bribe them with catnip. All will be forgotten.

    I can so picture you with Welcome to The Jungle blaring out. Brolly up, of course, even though it’s not raining… Keep on rockin’!


    • Sherri says:

      Wo-ah-wo-ah-wo-ah…oh no!! You had to didn’t you? Now I’ll be singing it all over again…!!! Seriously though, thanks so much JG…Haha…The Poppins was having none of it! But yes, it is so scary, and so darn time consuming when something you’ve typed just disappears. In the case of the submission, I would have had my back up copy but it gave the impression that once deleted, there would be no further chance to enter the competition. Can you imagine? After all that stress and more stress and stress piled upon yet more stress after that? Geeze, no wonder I’m going loopy :/
      Ahh..brilliant idea. The wonders of cat nip never fails…how silly of me to forget that…and as for me rockin, with the brolly, well, The Poppins is in d’ house (daughter rolling eyes in huge embarrassment if she ever read this, which please, I hope not…!)
      (Oh dear…do think I’m getting carried away? Time for a nice cuppa to calm down…put the kettle on will you? And, before I forget, I hope you had a good weekend, even though it is already Tuesday and a good week ahead…see you again soon JG 🙂 )


      • Steven says:

        Oh-whoa-ohhh, what have I done? Silly me!

        Well, imagine if my children found me discussing Rihanna. How embarrassing would that be? It’s our duty, as parents 😉

        I’ll put the kettle on most definitely, and bring out the biccies! If you had stopped by earlier I’d be able to offer you one of my Creme Egg brownies, but they’re all long gone…! My weekend was largely okay thanks, hope yours was dandy too!


      • Sherri says:

        Haha…but as we’ve both said before JG, it is most certainly our duty 🙂 Glad you had a good weekend…and here we are, almost up to another one! I spent the day yesterday with my Mum, it was her birthday, took her out for tea which was lovely. As for Creme Egg brownies…I have to say, I’ve never heard of them…but don’t worry, just one of the eggs on their own will do nicely 🙂


  32. reocochran says:

    You did a fine job with Trudi, leaving us wanting more… Poor thing! Shame on
    I enjoyed the 57th Grammy Awards with AC/DC, Electric Light Orchestra and Paul McCartney, along with lifetime achievement awards being given by ones who we know and love to those who deserved them. The duet with Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett was fantastic, too. The “Welcome to the Jungle” made me think of spreading rock and roll around some more with a few comments. I usually blog about award shows (I took three pages of notes) but didn’t post about it, since I had a few other thoughts to share, like about the International Film Festival in Cleveland, which my sister in law and brother took me to. I am joining all the other ‘rockers’ here and smiling today!


    • Sherri says:

      Gotta have that rock ‘n’ roll Robin, haha 🙂 I love the duet with Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett, she has a fantastic voice and he also, still. Great stuff. I missed the Grammies this year, but what a great mix of musicians. The International Film Festival must have been so interesting, I’ve never been to one. I look forward to reading your thoughts Robin, I’ll be right over. And as always, thanks so much for your great comment 🙂


  33. Ugh. Your flash. So well done in 99 words. I am freaked.

    So, yes to this: “Will my marriage survive? Will my kids still love me? Will my cats ever come near me again? Will my friends desert me?” Have thought that more than a few times. 😉 I have never even heard of Wolf Hall on TV. (Yes, yes, under a rock I live.)

    I LOVE that quote. And that your mother texted it to you…well that just adds to the beauty of it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Sarah, you know this madness of which I write! I am glad – and sorry – that we share the same concerns :/ You can see why I had to share that quote my mother sent 😮 Wolf Hall will be coming over to the USA soon I believe, so look out for it. Hubby and I are watching all episodes again (it finished last week, only 6) and we are catching so much more the second time around. Or maybe we are just a little obsessed….? Hmmmm…..
      Also the flash…it freaked me too. Writing is something else isn’t it? Thank you so much Sarah, love your comments… ❤


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