The Mystery Of The Missing Laptop And Other Tales From The Summerhouse

Hello dear friends!

Thank you so much for your lovely, warm welcome back. It’s great to be blogging again, although I still don’t have my shiny and new, bright and breezy, newly repaired laptop.  Shall I tell you why?  Because five weeks since I returned it to the computer shop for sending off for repair, it seems that it is now lost, somewhere in the Czech Republic apparently.

A bona fide mystery.  Fodder for my next flash fiction story, perhaps?  Perhaps not.

We have recently had a heatwave here in the UK, but nothing that matched the heated telephone conversations I’ve had these past few weeks in trying to get this sorry saga sorted out.  I’m surprised my phone didn’t melt.

But there is some good news: As of last Friday, I have a temporary replacement laptop with my files and Word, with the promise from the manager of the computer shop, that if my laptop isn’t found and returned this week, I will receive a brand new replacement.

Let’s see.

Meanwhile,  all has not been silent behind the glass-paned doors of the Summerhouse.

Here’s the latest:

Scheduled before my laptop went kaput, lovely friend to many Sally Cronin, interviewed me for her Sunday Show – A Funny Thing Happened…  in which we talk about Asperger’s Syndrome, among other things.

Sally’s wonderfully eclectic blog, Smorgasbord – Variety is the Spice of Life, promises entertainment, stories of her many travels and adventures, health articles, guest blogs and much, much more. Her Sunday Show continues each week, she will be thrilled to see you if you decide to drop by.  An absolute joy to work with – thank you so much Sally for featuring my interview, I enjoyed the entire experience.

At around the same time, my two lovely Australian friends, first Irene and then Norah, invited me to join in with Five Photos, Five Stories challenge.  I am very much looking forward to this challenge which I hope to begin tomorrow, along with saddling up and galloping over to Charli’s Ranch in time for some more Flash Fiction.

Norah also had a lovely surprise waiting for me at the Summerhouse.    And I do love surprises!  Her gift, conferred upon me and all her online friends,  is her newly created S.M.A.G. badge which I now display proudly on my sidebar.

Artist Kari Jones designed the badge for Norah.

Beautiful isn’t it?


Thank you so much for thinking of me Norah! 

S.M.A.G. stands for The Society of Mutual Appreciation and Gratitude.  You can read why Norah felt moved to create this special badge here.  Her post inspired me to write about online friendships, something I’ve wanted to do for some time, and will share  more about this later.

Speaking of online friends, I recently had the pleasure of meeting lovely blogging friend Sarah from Sarah Potter Writes. Sarah is taking a month-long blogging hiatus while she works on the edit of her urban fantasy novel. When she returns, I’ll link to her delightful post and tell you all about it.  Meanwhile, I’m sure you’ll join me in wishing her all the very best with her edit.

Before heading out to begin my massive catch-up with you all (it will take a while, so put the kettle on or chill the wine, I will be there eventually!), I’ll leave you with news of my most recent adventure.

Hubby, Aspie D and I squeezed in a quick trip to London to see the play American Buffalo with John Goodman, Tom Sturridge and Damian Lewis.

Afterwards, we rushed to the back of the theatre.  Aspie D’s hero is Damian Lewis (he of Band of Brothers, Homeland and more recently, playing that old fox Henry VIII in Wolf Hall).  He looks a bit different for the play, having grown sideburns and a moustache to fit his 70’s-era character.

She was so excited to think she might actually get to meet him, and she did.

Here is the moment when she told him he was her idol and asked,
‘Could I please have a hug?’  Which she never does!
I love the look on his face:

Aspie D can't believe she is face to face with Damian Lewis (c) Sherri Matthews June 2015

Aspie D can’t believe she is face to face with Damian Lewis, her hero.
(c) Sherri Matthews June 2015

And here is ‘The Hug’.

The Hug (c) Sherri Matthews June 2015

The Hug
(c) Sherri Matthews June 2015

A rather pushy woman tried to get in front of me, shoving her way from the back of the small crowd to the front, where we had been one of the first to line up.

“Excuse me,” I said in no uncertain terms,  “but I was here first and I am trying to take a photo of my daughter.”

As you can see, I got the photo. Damian Lewis has a lot to answer for.

What a great guy.



About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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79 Responses to The Mystery Of The Missing Laptop And Other Tales From The Summerhouse

  1. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Sherri Matthews has discovered that her laptop that was in for repair took an unscheduled holiday in the Czech Republic, however armed with a temporary replacement she is now firing on all cylinders.. lovely to have you as a guest last Sunday Sherri and you are welcome anytime.. hugs


  2. Sue says:

    Hope your laptop is found presto pronto, or you get a brand, spanking new one, Sherri. Loved the story about your daughter, her hero, and the photo! 😀


  3. Heartwarming on all fronts, Sherri.


  4. Well, at least if they can’t find your laptop, they will replace it! That will be good, right? But I know it can be hard to get used to something different. Glad you have been doing well, Sherri. Good to keep in touch with you on Facebook! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Exactly! So it’s working out, at last. Phew 😀 I don’t care what I get, so long as it works! Ever since January I’ve had nothing but trouble. Whatever I end up, if it does the job, I’ll be happy. Thanks so much Patsy for keeping in touch over at FB. I’ll reply to your lovely message asap…and I hope you and your family had a super July 4th 🙂


  5. So wonderful to have you back Sherri! What a disaster about your laptop. At this point I think I’d be crossing my fingers for a new replacement perhaps?! Love the story about Aspie D getting to meet Damian Lewis… I’m glad you set that lady straight so you could get your pictures 🙂 Although we’ve missed you, sounds like you’ve been wonderfully busy.


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, that’s just what I hope for Heather. But as I just replied to Patsy, I don’t care what I get, so long as it does the job and actually works properly, unlike the one I’ve had since January! Just so glad to be able to blog and email and get on the internet without everything freezing every 5 seconds. I just gave up after that.
      Haha…yes, I got rather ‘mama bear’ about it. I wasn’t having it for a second. No way was I going to miss out on that opportunity. Damian Lewis only inches away, ha!
      Thank you so much for your lovely welcome back, it has been a busy and good time, but it’s lovely to be blogging again. Looking forward to seeing what you’ve been cooking up while I’ve been gone 🙂


  6. jenniferkmarsh says:

    Hello Sherri!! I have been away from blogging forever, so it seems. Haven’t posted anything at all, and I don’t even have a legitimate reason. Deary me. Lost my muse, that’s it. Anyway, how great for you and your daughter to meet Damien Lewis. Hope you’re well, dear Sherri P, and look forward to hearing from you more soon.


    • Sherri says:

      Dear Jenny Jen Jen, I am so sorry I haven’t emailed you in so long. I am delighted to hear from you and that you are okay. I felt that I had lost my blogging spark and wondered how I would return. Dealing with incessant technical problems took all the joy out of it. It is good to be back, but I know how hard it is to lose your muse…I will email you tomorrow, I promise. I do hope things are going well with you…sending love and hugs from Sherri P 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. jennypellett says:

    We’re huge Damian Lewis fans in our family because of his role in BoB of course. Son went to a convention in Normandy in June which featured many of the actors who had originally taken part in the fab miniseries. Sadly Damian didn’t make it this time although he has been to others, apparently. I think it’s marvellous that this piece of our very important history has genuinely touched those who portrayed our war heroes. Bravo to Claire for getting the hug!
    And good to see you back Sherri, laptop not withstanding!


    • Sherri says:

      I got chatting to a lovely young man while waiting to go through to the theatre, he is a newly graduated and budding journalist and theatre critic. We both agreed that Damian Lewis is rather ‘yum yum’ 🙂 He was brilliant in BoB wasn’t he? I thought he was American until recently, so good is his acting. How wonderful for your son to go to that convention. That is a shame about Damian not making it, which makes sense, as he has been doing ‘American Buffalo’ since April, it finished at the end of June so we just got in there at the last minute.
      It is wonderful Jenny, BoB is a powerful series and I’m deeply heartened to know how touched the actors were in the making of it. Claire recently watched the entire box set of BoB which we’ve had for ages and it was then that she ‘fell in love’ 🙂 He is such a nice guy. He was genuinlly thrilled by her reaction and didn’t fob her off, or any of his fans. Including that pushy woman, ha!
      Thanks so much Jenny for the lovely welcome, it’s great to keep in touch 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Heyjude says:

    Nothing can get between a mother hen and her chick. That woman should have known better…
    😀 😀


  9. Missing computer is only a good mystery if it isn’t really happening to you. Hope they get it all straightened out. (Could it be vacationing somewhere cool? It does sound very sweltering there.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Yes, that is very true! In truth, this has been an utterly frustrating affair from start to finish and I will be soooo glad when it is at last resolved. Perhaps I should start a travel blog about my laptop’s vacations? I wonder what it would say on Trip Advisor? 😀 Thank you so much for your kind wishes and making me smile. It’s lovely to meet you ~ Sherri 🙂


  10. Tom Merriman says:

    Sherri… I hope you get your laptop back – in it’s old form or a new model – very soon!
    I think that where celebrities are concerned, pushy people don’t notice the gathered crowd and think the celebrity is there for them. At least you ‘corrected’ that one! 😉


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Tom, it has been utterly frustrating in truth, but at least I can now blog in the meantime. Haha, yes, I wasn’t having any of it, being pushed around like that. She was waving her camera around like she owned the place. Honestly, as if… 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  11. So good to see you back here, Sherri. What a lovely photo of “the hug” and good for you that you put that rude and pushy woman right back in her place. 🙂 I’ll miss Sarah whilst she’s absent, but we all need some time away occasionally, and it’s all in a good cause. Hope your laptop is soon found. I’d be so lost without mine. *hugs* xx


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Sylvia, it’s good to be back after what seemed a long time to be away. It has been utterly frustrating and I hated having to get so cross with the computer shop. Once I got to speak to the manager things happened. But to lose a laptop? unbelievable. Haha, yes, I was not going to let that photo opportunity get away from me, no way 😀 I will miss Sarah too, and we can look forward to her return hopefully with the good news that she has finished her edit. Rooting for you Sarah 🙂 Hugs to you my friend, heading over right now… xx

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I sure hope your laptop got it’s passport stamped! 😉
    I love the SMAG badge. I’m so glad Sally re-blogged you!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m happy you are back. That’s so great that your daughter was able to meet her hero, but personally, I think you are the true hero in that story. Hope you get your laptop back soon.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Donna! Thank you so much for your lovely welcome and well wishes. I was in mama bear mode and you know what that means!! I will be sooooo glad to have all this sorted out once and for all, but at least I can blog again. I hope you are having a good summer and your writing is going well. So glad to keep in touch 🙂


  14. What a great response from the man! Your daughter will surely treasure this moment for a long, long time! I shall keep envisioning you with your new computer Sherri and it will be one that twinkles along at the speed of light 🙂 I had internet problems for a few days too – not my lap top, just the connections. I’m holding out for my new speedier broadband connection that was due in two weeks ago before the floods started ….. One day it will be here! Nice to see you back my dear, I just hauled myself back as well, great minds and all that!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Pauline, lovely to hear from you, thank you so much for your lovely welcome back. Yes, my daughter was thrilled beyond delight, she spent the rest of the day shaking! I was pretty excited myself at seeing Damian Lewis so up close and personal 🙂 Ahh…yes, that would be great to have a computer that twinkles like that, I’m holding on! So sorry to hear you have had bad floods, hope they didn’t affect you too badly, and certainly hope you get your faster broadband soon, it makes all the difference. Glad to hear you are up and running again too my friend, I’m heading over now to read your latest. Great minds indeed 😀


  15. Hello, Lovely Lady! I have definitely missed seeing your bright smile and beautiful words around! I was on vaca last week and had a wonderful time at the beach.

    Those pics of your daughter with her idol are priceless. She must have been beside herself! 🙂

    What in the world is up with your computer? I do hope a resolution is made pronto! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hello dear Maria! How lovely to hear from you, and thank you so much for your lovely welcome back! I’m so looking forward to catching up with you, and glad to hear you enjoyed a super beach hols. We had a heatwave here last week, it felt like the Med! Yes, my daughter was shaking all day after that, she still can’t believe it. Me neither 😀 And yes, joking aside, it’s been a nightmare with my laptop, can’t believe they lost it. I lost it too, and then got action, ha! But at least I can blog again…heading over now… 🙂


  16. Luanne says:

    Sherri, yay, at least you have a laptop to work on!!! And good for you, for being a Mama Bear for your kidlet! Haha, sometimes we have to resort to shoving back to help them out ;). It sounds like lots of goodies have arrived at your doorstep, but I’m glad to see you back in the blogosphere! xo


    • Sherri says:

      Yay indeed! Better than nothing and so hoping all gets resolved soon. Haha…yes, I was definitely in Mama Bear mode 😀 Thanks so much for your lovely welcome back Luanne, great to hang out with you again back at the old WP 🙂 xo

      Liked by 1 person

  17. My bet, Sherri, is that you WILL get a new computer…if the owner reads this post. You did not let a pushy woman get in the way of your picture of “The Hug,” so that speaks for itself. Imagine what you’ll do to resolve this computer fiasco!
    PLUS, you now have all kinds of writing ideas. It’s a win-win! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…yes, I hope he does read this post Marylin and Mama Bear will keep striking 😀 And you are so right about the writing ideas. I worried I had lost my blogging spark but then I realised that I had a lot of blogging fodder thanks to all these adventures! You always help me see the positive side of everything my friend 😀 Thank you so much for your lovely welcome back and now I’m coming over to read your news…


  18. Rachel M says:

    Ah, brushing with celebrities; like mother like daughter.

    Let me get this straight. You took your laptop in for repair and the repair shop has lost it???


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…yes, I wonder what it is with us and celebrities? We’ll be like a family of groupies if we aren’t careful 😀 And yes Rachel, you got it straight. Can you believe it? Talk about frustrating, putting it mildly 😮


  19. Reblogged this on Barrow Blogs: and commented:
    A catch up post

    Liked by 1 person

  20. What a lovely story about your daughter meeting her hero Damian Lewis, and it”s great you got a photo of the hug too.
    I also loved the badge that you were given, it is very pretty 🙂


  21. So sorry to hear about the lost laptop, Sherri. Sounds like you have had quite a battle on your hands and I do hope it comes to an end soon. Nothing like bad customer service and excuses. I’ve had them all recently in my battle with British Telecom, but that’s another very long story.

    It is great to see you back on here. I loved the interview you did for Sally. I learnt so much about you and I’m looking so much to meeting you at the bloggers bash. I’m on the committee for that so guaranteed that I will be in London on August 1st.

    I haven’t forgotten about the Lemon Curd cupcakes either. I will be back in Hove from July 21st, so maybe we can sort out my visit after then? If OK with you I’ll leave it for you to come back to me with some dates as to when I can visit the shop.

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you with regards the laptop.

    Take good care.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thank you so much Hugh for your well wishes and kind thoughts about this darned laptop business. Honestly, everyone will get fed up with me keep going on about it!

      It has been a very stressful time dealing with the computer company, and you are so right with endless lame excuses. I am already getting stressed again as it’s Wednesday and still no word from them. It would be nice to get a call today with an update wouldnt it? I’m tired of keep chasing them…after all, I was promised a brand new replacement or my money back by the end of the week…but enough of that for now, at least I can blog again in the meantime 🙂

      So sorry to hear of your battles with BT…I can well imagine and can only hope you are now sorted with your internet. I dread calling BT…

      I was so touched by your lovely comment over at Sally’s, really meant so much to me. And yes, I’ll get back to you re a date for the cupcakes once I’ve had a chance to find out dates from son’s girlfriend. Exciting!

      I am so hoping to make the Blogger’s Bash, great that you are on the committee 🙂

      You take care too Hugh, heading your way now … 🙂 xx


  22. TanGental says:

    ah she’s back, she’s back alive alive-o! How you haven’t taken a contract out on the repair sop man, Ill never know Deprive me of my laptop and I’m dangerous. Like those signs they have on electricity substations these days ‘danger of death’. Still I’m sure the cool calm and collected way gets you to a result quicker than my default reflex of bitter sarcasm. The Textiliste waits to see what happens, praising me if I actually maintain my calm.
    As for Mr lewis he is a sumptuous actor and, even from my ageing heterosexual perspective a good looking guy – your daughter has chosen her target wisely. Did you see him in Life? Great part and a shame they cancelled the third series.


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…alive alive-o! 😀 It’s been a nightmare to be honest. I’ve tried to stay cool, calm and collected but I blew up after hearing too many lame excuses. I know, I’ll give you the phone and you can put a rocket up them and see what sparks fly then…how the hell does a computer company lost a laptop? In the Czech Republic?
      And yes…as the deligthful young man (and aspiring journalist and theatre critic) I got chatting to said, ‘…Damian Lewis is ‘rather yum yum…’ 🙂 Not seen him in Life, never heard of it but will definitely look it up now and tell daughter.
      Thanks so much Geoff for your lovely comment, and again, for your lovely words over at Sally’s pad. Must catch up with you now…

      Liked by 1 person

  23. I’m so happy you have something you can use while your laptop takes a ride in the ether’s. Maybe it can bring back lost or new information when it’s found. I am terrified of giving my laptop over for repair of any nature. Too much sensitive information on it. I have everything backed up on the cloud but I don’t feel very safe with that either. I am so tickled to hear your daughter met her hero. How very gracious of him to give her a hug. Most of them want to keep their distance. You have had quite an odyssey lately. Let’s hope this is the end of it. Looks like you are back with a vengeance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Marlene and thank you so much for your well wishes and kind thoughts. It’s been horrible dealing with all this. I backed up everything on Dropbox but like you, I dreaded handing over my laptop and having it sent away. Assured it would all be ‘okay’. Well, clearly, it isn’t. Just keep backing up as you are, that’s all we can do.
      I’m glad to be back to blogging but will be so relieved to have my new laptop back – and it better be new! – and have all this behind me. Everyone will be fed up with my moaning!!!!
      Yes, it was a lovely time and I was thrilled for my daughter. Damian Lewis was so wonderful and genuine.
      As for being back with a vengeance, let’s hope so…I thought I had lost my blogging spark, but with all the sparks flying between me and the computer shop, maybe it’s got me fired up to write even more, ha 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  24. restlessjo says:

    What a fabulous moment for your daughter! 🙂 🙂 As usual your post is choc-a-bloc of goodies and I’m going to have to come back to read the interview. See you in a bit!


  25. restlessjo says:

    Just coming back to say what a great photo of your daughter you almost took 🙂 and what a wonderful job that interview is! Sounds like you have the future pretty well mapped out. I know- there’s always a hiccup or two, but I do wish you luck with everything.
    I just wish that I could find a good source of help with bipolar, but I’m still in the dark with that one. Hugs darlin. 🙂 I’d best go and catch up somewhere else.


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…yes, got the back of her head but at least I made sure I didn’t lose my place 🙂 Again, I really appreciate you taking the time to read my interview over at Sally’s, thank you so much. It was a great opportunity to share more about life with Asperger’s both for my daughter and for our family. Bipolar is something I don’t know too much about re treatment etc. I hope you find that light and support dear Jo. Not easy, I know…and sending you a great big hug right back. Have a lovely rest of the afternoon/evening, great catching up with you again 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  26. tieshka says:

    LOL Sheri…. I can’t imagine you being pushy….. the things and pride we have for our children!! Hope all is well.. am enjoying Wimbledon wishing I could trek your way to watch a bit live! Take care

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Haha…well, if needs must Tieshka 😀 When it comes to our kids, no matter how old…well, you know what it’s like 🙂 I still haven’t been to Wimbledon but love watching it on the TV. Gutted Murray is out but of course for me, it was always all about Rafa. Wish he was in the final, but now I hope Federer beats Djokovic. Let’s see! Thanks so much for coming by, always great to see you. Have a great weekend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Norah says:

    It’s so lovely to have you back, Sherri, and I apologise it has taken me so long to get over and tell you so. I’ve looked at your post a few times but have been away from my computer so unable to leave a comment.
    Thank you for accepting the S.M.A.G. badge and honouring me with displaying it on your sidebar and acknowledging me in your post. I think it was our discussions that inspired the creation of the badge initially.
    I thought you must have had your old laptop back. I hope when they replace it with a new one that they give you the very best. And I hope there was not too much lost in the old one, including personal information that you wouldn’t want to get into the wrong hands.
    I love the photos of your daughter and Damien Lewis. Good on your for getting the photos. What a great job.
    I’m very much looking forward to catching up on all your news.
    Thank you for your support, encouragement and sharing. See you again soon! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Norah! Please don’t ever apologise, I fully understand. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to reply to you, and don’t understand why I haven’t before now…I must have flipped over to a post and then not returned here, darn it. Putting that right now…
      I am honoured to ‘wear’ your SMAG badge Norah, I love it and thank you again so much for creating it 🙂
      Always lovely to read your great comments, and glad you enjoyed this read and the pics. I was thrilled for my daughter!
      My laptop issues continue, but are at last coming to an end. I’ll post about it in the week when hopefully everything is resolved. What a saga!
      Thanks again Norah for your kindness and encouragement and for keeping in touch with me over on FB during my absence and now catching up here. It really is all about the SMAG and I’m delighted to be a part of it 😀 Hope you had a great weekend and I’ll be back over to you soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  28. Sherri sounds like life is keeping you busy, loved the pics of your daughter and her hero. Such a special moment for you both. Hope you get your laptop drama sorted soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Thrilled to see you back and I particularly liked the line, “We have recently had a heatwave here in the UK, but nothing that matched the heated telephone conversations I’ve had these past few weeks in trying to get this sorry saga sorted out. I’m surprised my phone didn’t melt.” LOL 🙂 Congratulations on your new badge! And last but not least how wonderful for your daughter and the sweet look on his face when he hugged her!! Truly a once in a lifetime moment. Well once again I am so happy to see you here and I know there are many others who are as well!! xoxo


    • Sherri says:

      Hello my dear friend, and thank you so much for your lovely welcome back! Haha…yes, well, you know of my utter frustration, putting it mildly 😮
      Ahh…yes, truly a once in a lifetime, and so thrilled to be able to get those shots! I’m so happy to see you here too, as always, your support and read of my blog means so much to me…love your comments ❤ 🙂 xoxo


  30. Welcome back Sherri, I hope the laptop saga ends soon and ends well. It’s good to see that you’ve been busily creative even without the help of technology and hobnobbing with the stars again 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Andrea, and thanks so much for your lovely welcome back, great to see you again. I’m getting there with the laptop saga, and what a saga it’s been!
      Haha…yes, well, you know what it’s like, can’t keep away from all those celebrities it seems 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  31. I am so late catching up that you probably by now know if your laptop has been found. I’m hoping you get a new one (as I hope all your stuff has been backed up). You couldn’t get two duds in a row.
    What an absolutely great thing for your daughter to meet Damian Lewis. She must have been over the moon and well she deserves to be. Good on you for holding your ground and getting the photo.
    Good also to catch up with everything that has been happening – interviews, meeting blogging pals and thank you for the mention. I’m a bit like Sarah at the moment but I am trying to keep some things going.
    Glad to see you back. Lots of love Irene


    • Sherri says:

      Lovely to hear from you dear Irene. Thank you for coming over when I know you have a lot on your plate just now. I always love to hear from you when you can. I will message you with the latest re my laptop, but it’s just about resolved now, at long last, phew 🙂
      Yes, it’s been a busy but good time and thrilled for my daughter. She still can’t believe it one month later 😉 Lots of love right back to you my friend 😉 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  32. Marie Keates says:

    It’s good to see you back. You brightened my day. I’m very behind with my reading too so I’m trying to catch up. The laptop saga sounds very frustrating. I hope you get a new one.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Marie! Good to be back and thank you so much for your lovely welcome 🙂 No worries about catching up, I’m still doing just the same, takes ages! Yes, I got it all sorted out at last thanks, I bought the replacement laptop which I really like, got a great offer and a partial refund from my other, which still hasn’t been returned to the computer shop belive it or not. I am so, so glad to have that all behind me and really hope that I can carry on as normal for a long time to come!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  33. So happy you’re taking part in the Five Photos, Five Stories challenge. Can’t wait to see what you’ve done. That blog hop was so much fun. Mine’s on the Reef (should probably have been on Lemon Shark but whatever). And I love the photos of your daughter. ❤ How awesome. I have to catch up on your blog. Cheers!


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Sarah for taking the time to read the whole series. I read yours via Norah’s shares on Facebook back when I wasn’t blogging and left comments to say how much I was moved by them. I loved how you ended on the theme of new life ❤


  34. Pingback: Chasing The Finish Line | A View From My Summerhouse

  35. Annika Perry says:

    That’s one well travelled laptop! How on earth can they go and lose it!! Did you ever get it back or a new replacement?? I think I would be near tears by then, just great that you have everything saved on Dropbox.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I was in tears, more than once Annika, a nightmare of stress. I eventually bought the replacement they gave me, it’s been great, warrantied by them so no worries about being sent away and none of the issues of the first, ‘brand new’ laptop…and again, I swear by Dropbox…and it’s easy to use. Oh for modern technology…great when it works, horrendous when it doesn’t, as you well know…

      Liked by 1 person

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