First Draft Fever: Of Memoir And A Supermoon

Two of my favourite songs growing up were ‘Jackson‘ and ‘These Boots Are Made For Walkin’ ‘.   As a child, I didn’t understand why anyone would want to get married in a fever (why would you want to get married if you were sick, I wondered?), but it fascinated me trying to imagine what on earth could be hotter than a ‘pepper sprout’, when I didn’t even know what a pepper sprout was.

As for a pair of boots (no legs or feet inside, just a lone pair of boots) quite literally walking over someone, my imagination ran riot at such a thought, as I sang along enthusiastically to the lyrics.

Hello dear friends, ’tis I, and oh how I have missed you!

I hope you had a wonderful summer as we ease into a glorious autumn (or spring, for some).

It seems a long time since I last blogged, but during these past five weeks,  I have done a fair bit of walking (on the ground that is, not keen on the idea of walking all over someone, metaphorically or otherwise)…

During a holiday in Western Loire, France, with my family…

St-Ceneri-le-Gerei, Western Loire, France (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

St-Ceneri-le-Gerei, Western Loire, France
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

…where I also celebrated my birthday ~

Joyeux Anniversaire! (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Joyeux Anniversaire!
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

And along a coastal path overlooking the English Channel from the Devonshire coastline near Salcombe ~

Near the top of a coastal walk overlooking Soar Mill Cove, Devon (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Near the top of a coastal walk overlooking Soar Mill Cove, Devon.
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

I’ve watched the sun dip into the horizon, etching wisps of pastel-pink
across the late evening sky ~

Devonshire Sunset - English Channel (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Devonshire Sunset – English Channel
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

But not before catching a golden glass of liquid sunset as the sea-breeze whispered of calm and relief ~

Glass of Golden Sunset (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Glass of Golden Sunset
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

For, dear ones, I am so excited to share the news with you: I have written the first draft of my memoir!

Of course, I am not the only one in this whole wide world who has ever achieved this, and I know only too well that there is much work ahead with revisions, and edits and all the rest.  But I’ve got past the first post with a completed manuscript from beginning to middle to end.

And while I most certainly did not run off to Jackson (or get married in a fever, at least not recently), I know what it’s like to feel hotter than a pepper sprout: writing fever, a crazy, driving force that won’t quit and gives you no peace until every last word is sweated out and the crisis breaks.

But I wondered so many times if I could really do it, and still do…

11880428_832932693487673_6104499223437892209_nIn that curious mix of elation strained at its ragged edges by sheer exhaustion, I could not let it lie. As the early hours of Monday morning dawned, unable to sleep, I climbed out of bed and looked out of the window, searching for cool respite. There, in a crystal-clear starlit sky, hung a blood-red Supermoon, glorious and majestic, in perfect clarity.

No photos of mine could do it justice, so I just watched, with hubby, in silence and awe.

And a heart filled with gratitude.

Thank you all so much for keeping an eye on things and leaving your heartwarming messages at the Summerhouse, keeping things ticking over.   But now it’s time to roll up the blinds, throw open the doors and dust the place off.

It’s great to be back! Love Sherri x


About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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94 Responses to First Draft Fever: Of Memoir And A Supermoon

  1. Oh my, your photographs are stunning, Sherri! I might have to purchase a copy of the Soar Mill Cove and St-Ceneri-le-Gerei, Western Loire, France pictures. So beautiful!
    I’m so happy you’re back and well, you know how I feel already about the competition of your first draft…SO PROUD OF YOU! ❤ ❤


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh Jill, you are so kind…but no way would I expect any payment for my photos! I’m thrilled you enjoyed them though, I’ll be doing more posts about our time away – hopefully! And thanks again so much for all your amazing support all this time, your encouragement and whip-cracking (in the nicest possible way, ha!) has helped tremendously…means a lot that 🙂 ❤ ❤ 🙂


      • Sorry if I got carried away with the whip-cracking, Sherri! It’s all in love. ❤ I apologize for the typo in my first comment. I meant to say "completion" not "competition." 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sherri says:

        Haha…no worries Jill, I’m glad you did, I needed it , and still will so don’t stop cracking just yet!! And you know, I didn’t even notice until after you pointed it out, I read it as ‘completion’…shows what a great proof reader I would make. Not!! 😀


  2. Congratulations, Sherri, on completing your first draft. Most people don’t finish a book they’ve started, so what you’ve done is wonderful. It’s an awesome feeling. Each round of editing feels good too.
    Blessings ~ Wendy


  3. How wonderful, Sherri. Congratulations. It’s good to see you again. I’ve really been missing you. Love your glass of golden sunset and that beautiful street in France. Your birthday treat looks delicious. Good luck with your memoirs. You must be so excited. xx


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Sylvia! Oh I have missed you so much too, and can’t wait to catch up with you and see what you’ve been up to all summer long! I’m easing in slowly here, I have a book review to post tomorrow, which I committed to (and need to finish the book first, yikes!!), but wanted to put in an appearance here as soon as I could. Thank you so much, yes I am very excited, and just want to get on with the revisions now. I really missed blogging, but I knew I had to take the time away to get the last push done, right up to last Friday. And yes, I had a lovely birthday with hubby and all the kids. Very precious memories 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Dylan Hearn says:

    Many, many congratulations, Sherri! No, you’re not the first to have achieved this but you’ve done better than the 99% of people who start writing a book a never finish, so it’s a great achievement.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Dylan, and thank you so much, I really appreciate your encouragement! Now I really want to get on with the edits, it’s a huge boost to get past that first post isn’t it? 🙂


  5. Pat says:

    I’m so happy for you, Sherri. Wow – what an accomplishment. Kudos to you and many blessings on the next phases of this journey. Beautiful photos with warmth and love. I can see how much you have to be grateful for and truly deserving. God bless and so glad you’re back. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Pat! So lovely to see you again here, thank you so much for your lovely message, and it’s great to be back! It will take me a little while I think to get back into the swing of things, but so glad to re-enter the world of blogging. I look forward very much to catching up with you as soon as possible, and I hope all is well with you my friend. God bless you too Pat, and see you very soon! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Pat says:

        Same here, Sherri — great to see you back and looking forward to catching up and getting back into blogging. I’ve been absent, too, for quite awhile. Feels a little strange but I’m working on a post and in the swing of things like you. 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Look forward to reading your post Pat…it takes a while to get going here doesn’t it? But I’m so looking forward to blogging again side-by-side with you my friend! 😀


  6. Welcome back Sherri. Congratulations on finishing your draft! I love the photos you took, they are absolutely stunning. Seems like you have had a wonderful, as well as busy time away from your blog. Glad to see you back


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Edwina, and thank you so much for your lovely welcome back to blogland! Thrilled you enjoyed the photos, I will post more as soon as I get going to full throttle again 🙂 I hope you had a good summer, we’re certainly enjoying a glorious autumn aren’t we? It’s great to be back, look forward to catching up with you very soon! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m sitting here feeling so unbelievably proud of you it is hard to put into words Sherri! Isn’t this the oddest thing – these blogging friendships that spring up and make you feel you have walked alongside someone for a number of years and know them really quite deeply – I’m filled with the feeling of knowing the painful hurts and the hard times that were revived in you as you wrote this memoir – the losses and then the gains, the painful experiences that shaped and molded you into this fabulous woman who is even now thinking about the first of the revisions to make this memoir perfect for production ………….. Congratulations on achieving this milestone!! And welcome back xoxo


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, dear Pauline, I am deeply touched by your beautiful message. Wow…I don’t know what to say. And that doesn’t happen very often, ha! But I do thank you so much for all your support, it means such a lot to me. You are so right about blogging friendships, and I know that you know of those deep places…which humbles me greatly. There is that ‘something’ isn’t there, in that sharing even when there is much that lies just below the surface and no words are actually written, but an understanding is acknowledged in such a friendship…Thank you so much for your lovely welcome back, I look forward very much to catching up with you very soon! 🙂 xoxo


  8. Good luck! I am just working on publishing my first manuscript started two years ago. I like those songs, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Denise says:

    Never mind super moon, you are a Super You. Well done, that is a magnificent achievement!! And still taking such beautiful photos.


  10. Heyjude says:

    Pretty French village, lovely Devonshire seascape, cake and what looks like a glass of the sparkly stuff – SO glad to welcome you back! Well done on the completion of the memoir – you put me to shame with your dedication as I am one of those people with half written books. I hope the road ahead of you is a smooth one, but in the eventuality that you meet some rocks along the way I am sure you will be prepared with walking boots and a firm step. Throw open the summerhouse Sherri. We’re all eager to come back in 🙂
    Jude xx


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Jude! Oh how I enjoyed reading your delightful message 🙂 Thank you so much for your lovely welcome back, the doors are open indeed, come right in and sit with me for a while so we can talk and catch up and share the news and maybe even a glass of the sparkly stuff (got some left over from France!) 😉 🙂 I’m sure there will be plenty of rocks ahead, and I will need a firm step, but I’m ready to head out to the next post having crossed the first one. You’ve encouraged me for a long time and that means a great deal to me…and now I must encourage you to maybe pick up one of your half-written books (half is better than none at all…) and who knows? Meanwhile, I look forward very much to taking in your gorgeous sights as seen through your lens as soon as I pick up the pace here…lovely to see you again my friend 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Wonderful to see you, Sherri. Congratulations on your first draft. Now comes the easier part. 😀
    I am so excited for you. Your photos are unbelievable: magnificent. ❤ ❤ 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Tess! So lovely to see you again, wow, it seems so long since we were both blogging! Great to see you here again, when I signed off you were still away on your sabbatical. I hope it was a fruitful and productive time for you, I look forward to catching up with your latest as soon as I can! Thank you so much for your lovely message…I’m blushing now… ^^’ 😀 😉 ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Welcome back Sherri. Have fun with the editing of your draft memoir…this is my favourite part of the writing process as the story comes alive. Great photos!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Bev! Lovely to see you again, thank you so much for your lovely welcome and encouragement, I am excited now to get on with the edits, so much still whirling around inside my head! So glad you enjoyed the photos too…I look forward to catching up with you, see you soon! 🙂 xo


  13. jennypellett says:

    Hurrah! You’re back. Well done on the first completion – a mega achievement – so pleased for you. The Western Loire looks lovely…more please!


  14. Lisa Reiter says:

    Lovely post – I love the memories around These Boots Were Made For Walking! A favourite singalong of my childhood and still today. Welcome back. Massive congratulations on completing the first draft. It’s all downhill from here! (I suspect not !) keep us posted! Lxx


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Lisa! It’s a great song isn’t it and I still sing it today too! I’ll think of you now when I do 😀 Thanks so much for your lovely message (sooooo good to see you here again, really is…). Ha, I suspect downhill is a long way off. In fact, I’ve got my hiking boots on ready for the next uphill climb 😉 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  15. jenniferkmarsh says:

    CONGRATULATIONS, DEAR SHERRI! Ohh, I know the joy of finishing the first draft. Well done 🙂 The hardest part is truly over. Lovely to hear from you again. I hope you feel renewed and rearing to go. I’ve been meaning to email you back for the past month 😐 Er, life… Been getting in the way. Soon though, soonsoonsoon.


    • Sherri says:

      Hello dear Jenny Jen Jen! Oh how lovely to see you again! And don’t worry about emailing…so understand that!! I’ll be easing in here slowly…I hope things are going well for you, how lovely to enjoy autumn at last, as the evenings grow cooler 🙂 I am sooooo pleased to get the first draft done. A lot more to do, but…it’s great to know that the hardest part is done, Phew! Thank you so much for your lovely message and encouragement. See you soon lovely lady 🙂 xx


  16. Mabel Kwong says:

    Sounded like you had an amazing holiday in France, Sherri. Those photos are simply stunning. Gorgeous. I can barely take my eyes of them. Well done. Good scenery, good food, and good company – and that always translates into positivity all round. Happy belated Birthday. That sweet treat – looks like a cheesecake – certainly looks delectable an I am sure it was.

    Congratulations on completing the first draft of your book. What an achievement, what a milestone. Take a well deserved break from writing it 🙂 Good luck with the revisions and I look forward to getting my hands on it at some point 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Mabel! Thank you so much for your lovely, kind wishes and welcome back, wow, you make me beam 😀 The desert was a cheesecake, which actually isn’t my favourite usually, but the menu was all in French and in describing a lemon cake, I did not ealise it was cheesecake, but it was delectable indeed, so I did not mind one bit! Our host at the gite where we stayed had called ahead to reserve for us and gave them the heads-up it was my birthday, hence the sweet message on the plate 🙂 Such lovely people…I will be posting more about our holiday once I’m in full gear here.
      Your ongoing encouragement and support of my writing continues to bless me greatly. I will be working on the edits very shortly. Meanwhile, I hope things are well with you lovely lady 🙂 Lovely to see you here at the Summerhouse once again…see you over at your pad very soon! 🙂


      • Mabel Kwong says:

        I sure know my sweet treats 😉 Glad to hear you liked it. I’m sure it was made and presented with a lot of love in celebration of your birthday. Celebrating in style, very fancy but it’s the thought that counts in the end. Hope you made a birthday wish too.

        Always a pleasure popping by your Summerhouse. Now that spring is heating up here, I will be sure to bring the warmth and sun with me whenever I pop by. Good luck with the edits 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Haha…yes, you sure do and you were right! Oh I look forward to your spring warmth and sunshine Mabel, I certainly do! Thank you again so much for your lovely wishes and I’ll see you very soon! Have a wonderful springtime weekend 🙂 ❤


  17. Welcome back Sherri and many congratulations on finishing the first draft!!! I’m glad you achieved what you set out to while also enjoying a few golden sunsets and celebrations. Happy belated birthday 🙂 That glass of sunset is spectacular!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Andrea! Thank you so much for your lovely message and birthday wishes 🙂 I couldn’t bare the thought of returning with the news that I had not achieved what I set out to do! It was a struggle, even then with distractions and procrastinations, and even up to last Friday, I was typing madly away! I hope things are well with you my friend, I will be heading over your way as soon as I can 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  18. My dear friend, Sherri, I’m going to congratulate you yet again, even though I had a chance to do so shortly after that first draft was hot off the press! A brilliant achievement. Of course, it’s wonderful to see you back in Blogland, where you’ve been hugely missed, but am proud of you taking timeout to finish this first draft and being self-disciplined enough to achieve your goal. I just love that picture of the French village. It’s so picturesque and quiet-looking. So glad you had such a lovely holiday xxxx


    • Sherri says:

      Dearest Sarah, you inspired me hugely to keep going ! Thank you so much my friend for all you have helped/advised/encouraged/ me with (and still do) and for such a lovely welcome back to blogland 🙂 As I said to Andrea, I could not allow myself to return here without achieving my goal, so having that deadline helped get me off my you-know-what and just do it!!! That photo is just one of many (as you can guess!) of such a beautiful French village and I will be posting more once I’m back to blogging rythym (not to mention, get the review done for tomorrow). I hope I can find it quickly! See you soon and I look forward to hearing how things are going with you … xxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dearest Sherri, I’m so glad to have helped keep you going. It’s so important for writing friends to support each other, as we understand all too well about the highs and lows that go with being creative people. It’s also good to announce your intended goals in Blogland, although sometimes we might admit failure, like I did after a few days of attempting to participate in NaNoWriMo. For me, it was an impossible goal, as I’m too slow a writer. But it’s quite helpful to people to admit failures, too, so they don’t feel alone in their less successful moments. And what blossomed out of that experience, was Novel Writing Winter, during which I penned the first half of a novel in communion with other bloggers who were doing the same, rather than sit there staring out of the window at gloomy old January and February.
        This week has had its ups and downs for me, but Monday will be the first day of a new week, hopefully packed with ‘ups’ apart from the ‘downs’ of rain expected on Tuesday!
        Looking forward to seeing you soon xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          Ahh, we support one another greatly and that is so important and I’m so very grateful to you dearest Sarah. I’ve never tried NaNoWriMo, would love to but I need to stay disciplined and get my memoir finished first (had hoped to have done it by November, but can’t see that happening now…speaking of not meeting goals…). But I’m so glad that you had your Novel Writing Winter (love that, I much prefer the sound of that, as it is after Christmas and in those coldest of months so perfect for writing). What a lovely idea to have that kind of communion at that time of year. Perhaps that will work for next year…
          I’m sorry you’ve had a difficult week (but glad you had some ‘ups’…) I hope you have a lovely weekend to make up for it, and yes, let’s start next week with plenty of ‘ups’. I got my review up at last, so now I can relax. Well…you know what I mean 😉 I’ll be in touch very shortly with ideas for dates…looking forward to seeing you again very soon! xxxx

          Liked by 1 person

  19. cardamone5 says:

    Hurray for you being back, and for finishing you first draft (would love to be a beta reader if you need one.)



    • Sherri says:

      Hi Elizabeth! How lovely to see you again, thank you so much for your lovely message, and yes, I would be honoured to have you as a beta reader. I will be in touch about that nearer the time. Love your new look 🙂


  20. Welcome home, Sherri. It looks like you had a great time and of course the photos of the French village and your birthday cake made me terribly homesick. So proud of you for being done with your first draft. Believe me, I know how hard it is and how important it is, as messy as it looks, you need that first draft to go on. Best to you and see you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Evelyne! So lovely to hear from you, and naturally I thought of you having re-visited your beautiful homeland. I will post more about it and our wonderful and moving experiences there. I am sorry to make you so homesick though 😦 But I am in love with your country 🙂 Thank you so much for your encouragement, I do look forward very much to getting down to the next edit. I hope things are well with you my friend, I will be over to you as soon as I can ease in here 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  21. TanGental says:

    Well, you’ve got there, clever you! I suppose the hard work starts now? Though actually I’ve always enjoyed the editing bit. Glad the Summerhouse has been cleared of spiders and is open for visitors


    • Sherri says:

      Phew…I did eventually, thanks Geoff! And yes, definitely, I am eager to get going with the edits, so much swirling around in my head with changes and revisions, not least of all completely changing the opening chapter, or few. That’s great to know you enjoyed the editing, I’m learning what a great feeling it is to have the first draft actually written at long last, so I can understand that…now! Haha…yes, nice to clear away the cobwebs, and there were a lot, trust me 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  22. D.G.Kaye says:

    Welcome back Sherri. The photos are gorgeous and it sounds like your wonderful break has brought you new inspiration. 🙂


  23. Rachel M says:

    Congratulations Sherri and happy birthday!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Rachel, and thanks so much! Hope all is well with you and your lovely family, no doubt out and about enjoying this glorious autumn. Have a wonderful weekend and see you soon 🙂


  24. Ah! Welcome back and Happy Birthday (belated) and I’m so glad you had a wonderful holiday and congrats on finishing the first draft! *takes breath* So nice to have you back in the blogosphere. ❤ Also, I am so looking forward to reading this memoir. I am both envious and exceeding happy for you that you had this time to write. NO. You TOOK the time to write. You made this happen. I'm just plain old happy for you. 🙂

    P.S. It's so corny but it's so cool that you and I were both watching the same moon on the same night. Along with, you know, millions of other people but you know what I mean.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Sarah! So lovely to see you again! Thank you so much for your lovely welcome and kind wishes 🙂 Yes, I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things here as soon as possible, yet desperate to get back to the edits…speaking of which, loving your posts about social media (hope you got my email…). I am so hoping I can get the balance right and not stress. And I hope things are going well for you, with your writing and everything else?
      And of course I’m thrilled you want to read my memoir, wow, that makes my day that 🙂
      Ahh…yes, that’s really a lovely thought isn’t it? On different sides of the shining sea, yet there we both were, looking at the same supermoon. Not corny at all…and yes, I know just what you mean… ❤ 🙂 xo


  25. It is SO wonderful to have you back, Sherri. I’ve missed you!
    I just read your review post and can you hear me clapping? You did an excellent job.
    The pictures are excellent, but best of all is your sweet voice coming through loud and clear. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Marylin, I’ve missed you too! I feel as if I’ve been gone ages, but so wonderful to be back again! Wow…I’m sooooo thrilled you enjoyed the review, phew!! And that you enjoyed the photos here too…thank you so much for your lovely messages, I can’t wait to catch up with you too… 🙂


  26. Tom Merriman says:

    Hi Sherri! Go you!

    And welcome back.

    And Happy Birthday.

    And lovely photos to ‘boot’! Hehehe. See what I did there? 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Tom! Ahh…thank you so much, how kind of you, lovely to be back and see you again. I hope you had a good summer. Can’t believe it’s October already. Haha…yes…’to boot’…I see you are in good form…time to get moving and kick up some dust again 😉


  27. Norah says:

    Hi Sherri, It is soooo lovely to have you back. I have missed you. I’m pleased you got to have some good times in there as well as completing your draft (that is great in itself!) Congratulations on your achievement. I am looking forward to reading it.


  28. Ali Isaac says:

    Congratulations, Sherri! I’m so happy for you! It is such an achievement, and I look forward to reading it in the not too distant future. Xxx


  29. restlessjo says:

    You haven’t been writing at all! You’ve been whooping it up! Here’s the evidence 🙂 🙂
    Sorry I’m so late to the party, Sherri. Destined to be one of life’s stragglers 😦 It’s lovely to have you around again and I absolutely love that first sunset. What a nice way to celebrate a birthday. Hope the years ahead bring many more happy ones for you.


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…yes, it’s all a guise Jo! After we got back from France, I really had to dig down deep to get down to the writing once and for all. Oh you are not late at all…we can both straggle away 😉 It’s really lovely to see you again too and thank you so much for your lovely birthday wishes and I’m glad you enjoyed the all seems a long way away by now though…time for another holiday, haha 😀 But not before I get the next round of edits done…and a few blog posts 😉 🙂 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  30. Charli Mills says:

    Welcome back, Sherri! I’m so proud of you for taking off the time to focus on your first draft and so danged excited that you completed it! Your boots are walking’! What a lovely birthday trip. I saw that same moon as Todd and I drove to Nevada. It must be a harbinger of good things to come. 😀


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Charli, it’s great to be back! Haha…yes, those boots are hiking hard 😀 Oh I just love that you and Todd saw that same moon on your roadtrip. I’m with you…definitely a harbinger of good, let’s grab hold of that. To the moon and back my friend 😉 ❤


  31. Welcome back Sherri and Congratulations on finishing the first draft. Glad you also found time for walking. Great photos and FANTASTIC news. 🙂


  32. Marie Keates says:

    Welcome back and we’ll done for finishing that first draft. Lovely photos, especially the glass full of sunset,


  33. What a joyful post and I’m so happy to know you have accomplished your dream. I am with you in spirit every step of the way! You continue amaze! ❤ xoxo


  34. Imelda says:

    Congratulations again. 🙂 I love these photos you shared. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Yay! Sherri congratulations on your draft, hope you celebrated with a glass of bubbles. Loved the photo’s too, always nice to have a holiday. I did miss you though and Im slowly catching up on reading your posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hello Kath! Thank you so much, I really appreciate that 🙂 No worries, I am very slow too, taking me a while to ease back into blogging. It’s always such a pleasure to see you anytime you are able to pop into the Summerhouse 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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