Spring Forward

Hello again dear friends!  Cobwebs linger in the corners of the Summerhouse, my short, more frequent posts haven’t materialised – yet – but spring has sprung, I am writing and my daffodils are blooming ~

A getaway to the countryside of Wiltshire last weekend brought brief respite and a chance to stroll through a beautiful village, between rain showers.  But I can never complain about the rain, how I missed it when I lived in California, although I am so glad for the rain they have now, badly needed.

Here, in England, thanks to all that rain, it really is easy being green ~

Howard’s House where we stayed, is an independently owned and run country house hotel in the idyllic village of Teffont.

It dates back to 1623 as evidenced by this plaque on the side of the house ~

The gardens, despite the lack of sunshine, shone with the joys of spring.  This little gate leads us there, just off the road ~

You can see why this is a popular venue for a wedding.  If it had been just a little warmer, I would have happily sat here whiling away the hours with one or two glasses of bubbly ~

Especially lovely are the wild primroses, delightfully prolific this year ~

As a child, I remember picking a small handful of wild primroses from our garden for Mum on Mother’s Day which falls in March in the UK.  Happy Mother’s Day to my fellow Brit Mum’s for this Sunday!

This is the back of the hotel which really does look like a house, albeit one with sixteen bedrooms ~

It would have been nice to walk further, but the grass, while lush and full, was soaked ~

Since my last blog post, our darling cat Maisy, fifteen, has been diagnosed with inoperable liver failure.  Last week, we braced ourselves to say goodbye, utterly heartbreaking.  But…she rallied and is back home as we make the most of every day we have left with her. We’ve always said Maisy is one tough cat; despite using up eight lives, she’s making her ninth count for all it’s worth.

Here she is, happy to be back in her usual spot ~

Finally, exciting news: my essay ‘Promise of a Rose Garden’ is recently published in Lady by the River: Stories of Perseverance, a collection of personal stories about facing everyday challenges. I was truly honoured when my dear friend Yvette first invited me to collaborate with her. This summer, Yvette plans to use the book as a resource guide when she teachers her self-help workshop.

‘Our’ book has bubbled away for some time; it is thanks to Yvette’s hard work and tenacity that ‘Lady’ was published at all, and I thank her so much for what we all hope is a book that will encourage even just one person reading to know, above all else, that they are not alone.

lady-by-the-riverSome of you may also know dear Mabel Kwong, one of the collaborating authors, who shares her thoughts about being published in Lady By The River in her recent post.

One more thing, I almost forgot, just a little somethat that amused me I thought I’d share…

A short item in the local Gazette caught my eye with the headline: ‘Is town becoming hotspot for sightings of UFO’s?’  I read on to discover that, apparantely, my town has been the subject of several, unexplained sightings, a few of which have been reported to the UFO Stalker website. But the strangest of all is of a sighting back in December of an alien wearing a Stetson walking by the college.  I wonder if I had walked past this alien it would have tipped its hat and said ‘Howdy Ma’am’.  After all, if it’s good enough for Clint Eastwood

I miss you all, and I will see you very soon!

Love Sherri x

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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175 Responses to Spring Forward

  1. What a lovely pictures. And an adorable cat. They can feel like children, don’t they. Hope she will be with you for quite some more time.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Billybuc says:

    Simply beautiful pics of the countryside. No flowers here yet, and the ground is beyond soggy here.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s so great to see the book, Sherri! Congratulations…I know you’ve been waiting for this. Thanks for sharing your stunning photos! I’m so happy to hear the good news on Maisy. Sorry I haven’t responded to your email…I will soon! Hugs from me and DFD! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Jill! Yes, I’m so glad to at last to share the good news about ‘Lady’s’ publication 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the photos and no rush on the email, I understand how busy life gets at times, phew! Have a lovely weekend and we’ll catch up soon. Hugs back to you and DFD! ❤ 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Have missed you, Sherri. Gorgeous photos. Thank you for sharing. Sorry to hear about Maisy, but glad you have her at home for a little while longer. Congratulations on the book! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • Hi Bev, lovely to see you again, miss you too! Ahh…thank you so much, glad you enjoyed the pics. But yes, a sad time for poor Maisy, but for now she is enjoying life at home as much as she can. And thanks about the book too, I’m very proud to be a part of it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What a beautiful garden, and such a sweet little cat. Hope she feels better! Good luck with your book 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  6. TanGental says:

    Funny how spring just pops out – one minute all soggy and smeared, the next buds turned to beautiful snake headed doorkeepers to the warmer days ahead – they photoed well didn’t they? Good for Maisie to hang on for you – our girl twins are in their mid teens and still going strong but one day… Looking forward to another update soon and great about being published – it’s a real buzz, isn’t it, seeing your name like that. One of those posterity moments when you know, after you’ve gone there’s a little Sherri footprint there for future generations to read and wonder what you were like…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ahh…thank you so much Geoff! ‘Beautiful snake headed doorkeepers to the warmer days ahead’…poetry in the making, how lovely! Spring is the most sneak-up-on-you season of all, I agree. Ahh…you have twin girl kitties? It was a shock about Maisy as we thought – ridiculously – that she would go on forever… She chats away to us in that funny little chuffing way, half purr, half meow, telling us all about it. And yes, it is indeed surreal seeing my name on the front of a book, knowing something I’ve written has actually been published inside. What a food for thought way of expressing posterity…I’ve thought of it for others but not for myself in that way…

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Tish says:

    Lovely pics I LOVE snowdrops and primroses the first sign of spring! See you soon xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  8. My goodness that beautiful spot must have been pure balm to the soul Sherri! I’m glad you caught that break. England in spring is so very beautiful! Good old Maisie, keeping on keeping on, doing her best to keep you company for just a little longer. Our pets are wonderful, wonderful little spots of light in our lives, yet we always have to let them go. It’s hard and it never gets any easier! I should have liked to see your alien in a stetson – now that would make a believer of the most hardened of disbelievers wouldn’t it? 🙂 Congratulations on being a contributor to a book that sounds most interesting and wonderfully helpful to those in need today. You, who have been through so much and have so much to share and so much to gift to others as a result, deserve to be celebrated! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh Pauline, you say you are not a writer, but your writing always stirs, delights, moves and fills me. I say you are indeed a writer! I love your ‘little spots of light’ in describing our beloved pets…and yes, they bring us so much joy, yet it gets harder with every one. As for our break, it was just a one nighter but it was indeed pure balm, once I actually started to relax thanks to a large G&T lol! And I knew you would find the alien story amusing…you couldn’t make it up could you? I had to read it a few times to make sure I’d read it right! And thank you so much for the congrats…my heart lies in wanting to encourage others through my writing. Yet, I found this particular essay hard to write at first. I didn’t feel qualifed because I have no easy answers and certainly no fixes. I suppose the message comes down to finding joy anyway, even if that means digging down really deep. Life’s rich pattern, eh? I look forward to catching up with you and your latest art delights very soon my friend…and meanwhile, have a lovely weekend! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Mary Smith says:

    Gorgeous photos – thanks for sharing them with us. We had sunshine today which brought everyone out to walk round one of my favourite walks after miserable rain.
    Congratulations on the book.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Mike M says:

    Beautiful English (p)rose!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. mvschulze says:

    Hi Sherri
    It’s so good to see pictures of springtime. Here in the NE (US) it’s been unseasonably cold (-8 C this morning) and snow still covers the ground. There are NO flowers yet! No leaves, No green grass. It’s depressing, but there is hope. Congrats on the Publishing of “Promise of a Rose Garden.” And best wishes for Maisy. Marty 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Marty! So glad to bring some spring cheer your way…brrrrrrr, it sounds very chilly your way still, and snow too…yikes. We’ve had springs like yours sometimes. Hubby and I just celebrated our wedding anniversary, hence the getaway, and the year we married in 2006 there wasn’t a single daffodil to be seen. We haven’t had a really cold winter for a while now. I do hope you get your spring very soon…there is indeed always hope! And thanks so much for your congrats…and kind wishes for Maisy, very much appreciated 🙂


  12. Beautiful signs of spring, Sherri. Lots of good wishes speeding across to dear Maisy. ❤ Such exciting news about the book. Congratulations to you all. Love the cover and the title. An alien wearing a Stetson? Now I've heard everything. 😆 Happy weekend to you and your family. xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much dear Sylvia, on all counts 🙂 Yes, I love the cover, it’s Yvette’s photo, beautiful isn’t it? And the title I know is one she’s had on her heart for a long time. She is a creative force of the most wonderful kind 🙂 When I thought of those who would appreciate the alien story, I knew you would be one…can you believe it? I thought exactly the same as you: now I’ve heard everything lol 😀 Happy weekend to you too! xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations on being published! How exciting for you. I’m so sorry Maisy is so ill. It’s so hard to let go of a cherished pet. Your photos brought spring into my place. It seems spring shows up just when we think we can’t stand another moment of the gloom of winter. It’s popping out around here too but not gorgeous as what you have there. Hope all is going well for you. Giant hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Marlene! Aww…thank you so much! This anthology came at just the right time. Yvette and I talked a lot about the process of writing during it’s compilation, which she painstakingly put together, which in turn helped me understand my memoir writing process a lot better also. Writing is full of surprises isn’t it? So glad to bring some spring your way…I missed my English springs I admit, living in California, but then, when spring did arrive, oh boy, how beautiful! I remember on the central coast of California by March/April how verdant green and lush the hills turned and the almond blossoms flourished in their delicate pinks. There was even an Almond Blossom Festival held at my children’s elementary school in April, when students were invited to share written works in different categories, albeit poems, short essays, or plays. One year, my middle boy’s friend dropped out at the last minute, so I took his place in their two man dialogue. We took home second place lol! You’ve just brought that happy memory back to me Marlene…you have a very nice habit of doing that 🙂 And thank you about dear Maisy, it is very sad saying goodbye to such a faithful, loving friend… It’s been hectic here…and of course the awful attack in London. Such times. I hope all is well with you, looking forward to catching up and those giant hugs are lovely…hugging right back… xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: Easy Being Green: Popping Out | What's (in) the picture?

  15. First of all these are beautiful pictures. Secondly so glad you got a away. Thirdly last but anything but least congrats lady. YAY. Wonderful news and I am looking forward to reading x

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Mabel Kwong says:

    It is amazing to here you got a bit of a getaway to Wiltshire. Looks like a quaint and charming place where you stayed at, and good on you for enjoying the rain. Very relaxing getaway it must have been, even if just for the weekend. I too like weekend getways and since the weather has still been fairly warm here, I’ve been hitting the road and going on hikes along the beach and in the bush. Love it when I just have to focus to put one foot in front of the other and not think about anything else – everything else just falls away.

    So sorry to hear about Missy. She is one tough cat and I think it is your love and your love from the Summerhouse that is keeping her going. She must be very excited for your publication of your lovely essay in our book, and probably also wanted to see you share it on the blog here with your readers 🙂

    Congrats on being published and it is an honour to be published beside you, Sherri (and all of the amazing other bloggers and writers too). Never would I have imagined that when I started following your blog a few years ago (my, how time flies). I have always looked up to your short fiction stories. You really do them so well. But you also do non-fiction so well too. Keep writing my friend. Waving to you and the Summerhouse from my part of the world 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mabel Kwong says:

      Also, thank you so much for the shout out in this post and for the links. So rude of me to not say anything 😦 I really, really appreciate it ❤

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    • Hi Mabel! Oh I’m so glad to hear you’ve been enjoying some good, long walks. Nothing is so theraputic I find than getting outdoors, putting one foot in front of the other as you say, clearing the mind and focusing only your surroundings and uncluttered thoughts. Thank you so much for your kind wishes for Maisy, you are very sweet 🙂 Blogging has certainly brought many opportunities to us both, ones neither one of us could have imagined all those years ago – and yes, how time flies indeed! The honour is all mine Mabel, I really was so thrilled when I saw your name as one of the contributing authors. You make me blush with your compliments, thank you so much! I suffered a horrible loss of confidence in my writing recently, totally froze. Only just now coming out of it. So reading your encouragement has, once again made my day, thank you so much! I will keep writing if you will…deal? Okay then…and so we write and walk and take photos and share in the journey! And of course, I’m waving right back to you through the Summerhouse windows (it’s cold today!) and saying have a lovely weekend and see you soon my friend! 🙂 ❤


      • Mabel Kwong says:

        I am sorry to hear you froze with writing recently. But good to hear you are back on the bandwagon 🙂 Truth be told, I am enjoying my walks and hikes so much that I am happy to just enjoy them and stop writing, haha. But it has been so long since I’ve had me-time…and I think you’ll understand 🙂

        I will keep writing. At my own pace. Glad to see you writing whenever you want to write – because that’s when we write the most powerful stories. Good luck and so lovely to see that Summerhouse beaming and shining once again 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ahh…thank you dear Mabel, and I’m thrilled to know how much you are enjoying your walks and hikes. That ‘me’ time is so very important, as we both know 🙂 You are on a winning path as you keep walking, writing and smiling…and I’ll do the same here at the Summerhouse. See you soon lovely one! ❤

          Liked by 1 person

  17. Happy Spring my dearest Sherri! All those beautiful daffodils have me eagerly awaiting the arrival of warmer weather here in Michigan. What a fun getaway to the countryside you had! Howard’s House looks so quaint and beautiful—I’d love to take a relaxing vacation here. I can easily see why people would love to get married here! My love goes out to your Maisy cat. What a fighter she is! She actually looks quite similar to our cat Rudi who is one of the friendliest cats I’ve known. And what pure excitement that you were able to write a story for your friend Yvette and have it published! You have such an honest and open way of writing; I can only imagine that your story will be powerful for all those who read it. How powerful that you can use your gift to touch others. Wishing you well my friend and hope that you have a lovely weekend! ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Happy Spring to you too dearest Heather! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to reply to you before, where does the time go? I hope spring soon arrives for you in Michigan! I know you would love Howard’s House…I just wish it had been a bit sunnier when I took the photos. Maybe I’ll have to convince hubby to take me back on a sunny day to take some more photos for you 😉 Thanks about the book, yes, it is very exciting. Yvette began working on the publishing side of things just after I lost my dad and I wasn’t in a good place to write, but she encouraged me so much and kept my essay as it was, which greatly encouraged me. To know that she will use the book as a way to help and encourage others is such a blessing. And how lovely to know that Maisy looks like your Rudi…how we love our furry babies. Ahh…thank you so much Heather…Maisy is still with us, she is a truly amazing kitty. Have a good week my friend, may it be filled with springtime cheer as you bring cheer to me with your lovely messages! ❤ ❤


  18. Christy B says:

    Congratulation on the book, Sherri! I recognize several of the authors names and, of course, Yvette 🙂 ❤ Wishing you all the best with it AND loving those yellow flowers in the photos ~ Yellow is such a cheerful color

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  19. Your daffodils are blooming lovely Sherri and it’s blooming lovely to see you too! Congratulations on the publication of your essay. I’m glad that you found time to have a little getaway – all that green and those lovely flowers must have been balm for the soul. But I’m so sorry to hear about Maisy, sending loving thoughts to her and all of you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh what a lovely message, and it’s blooming lovely to see you too dear Andrea! Ahh…thank you so much, I am excited about ‘Lady’. It was a lovely getaway (wedding anniversary!) although I wish it could have been for longer and the sun appeared a little more..but I am definitely not complaining! And thank you so much for Maisy…she is still with us, our Amazing Maisy 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Charli Mills says:

    Oh, what joyful, rain-drenched flowers and green grass! Your hotel looks like a cozy get away. Today, I saw wild primroses in the desert and they are much larger and almost paper thin. Upon first glance, it looks like toilet paper strewn across the desert floor. Your flowers look much hardier. Congratulations on your published essay! That’s a great use for such stories and what an honor to share your own story to help others. Oh! The alien in a Stetson might have been me teleporting from Mars (I wish!). Hoping you all have a good weekend with Maisy! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • I love that you saw wild primroses in the desert too Charli! How fascinating to learn about their differences, and how wonderful that we both have beautiful blooms upon which to feast our eyes, whether in the desert or the countryside 🙂 Thanks so much about ‘Lady’, a great honour indeed. And yes, as for that alien story, I knew you would love that one! Haha…stranger things have happened, nothing would surprise me! And next time, make sure that it is you teleporting from Mars…I’ll be saddled up ready and waiting! 😉 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Hi Sherri! So good to see you!! That whole scene is so gorgeous!! The epitome of a Country Summer House!
    Congrats on being published in the Lady!
    I help you get to enjoy Maisy for a long time.
    Love, Melinda

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Melinda, and so good to see you too and so glad you enjoyed the pics! Ahh…thank you so much on both counts. An honour indeed and glad to report that Maisy is still with us, amazing us all…Amazing Maisy! Love to you my friend… 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hello, Sherri. Wow!! That’s terrific!
        <3, Melinda

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        • Thanks so much Melinda. But now I am devastated to report the very sad news that since we last ‘spoke’ here, Maisy had to be put to sleep on Saturday. She just couldn’t go on any longer bless her. I’ve been in bits, we all have. This morning I couldn’t stop crying, I miss her so much. Our boy cat Eddie is 11 and has known her his whole life, so we’ll have to make sure to give him lots of extra loving. Pets break our hearts don’t they? But it’s a price we pay for all the love and joy and pleasure they give us, and the happy, safe lives we give them. Love & hugs my friend ❤ xoxo

          Liked by 1 person

          • Oh no, Sherri. I’m so sad to hear that. Give yourself, and everyone lots of extra loving, not just Eddie!!
            Love, Melinda

            Liked by 1 person

            • Aww…thanks so much dear Melinda, and I will be sure to do that, and have been doing so 🙂 It has been a tumultous time, hence my absence here. I will be putting up a post soon (been trying for 2 weeks!) to sign off for a while as things are pretty hectic, including but not limited to a possible house move. I am also trying madly to snatch every possible moment to finish up my memoir which is where all my focus is writing wise, but that leaves nothing for blogging, so something’s gotta give. My ‘short but sweet’ posts never did materialise…best laid plans and all that, hey ho! I haven’t been able to visit anyone here for ages and am so far out of the loop, I think I’ve forgotten how to blog! I hope things are will with you my friend – I miss you! I will take a day out asap to sign off and visit you for sure…until then, always a pleasure to hear from you and I’m sending lots of love and huge hugs…purple ones, of course 😉 🙂 ❤

              Liked by 1 person

              • You’re welcome, Sherri! I definitely understand time crunches!! Just do what you gotta do, and don’t drive yourself crazy!!
                Moving??? Man, you are piling your plate up high, aren’t you???
                Thanks for all the purple hugs!! Love them!! Lots of love back to ya!
                I’ll be here when you are able to get back!

                Liked by 1 person

                • Hi Melinda! I’m so out of the loop I don’t even know what day it is! But I sure do miss you! And yes, it is crazeeeeee. I can’t believe it, helping my Aspie youngest move into an apartment, challenging enough at the best of times, and now we’ve sold our place and looking for something and so far, not finding much within our budget. And all I want to do is write!!!!!! I love reading your message tonight, this is the first time I’ve checked in for almost 2 weeks. Hope all is well with you my lovely friend…wanted to let you know I’m still here…just, ha! Lots of love to you and more purple hugs ’till next time!! 🙂 ❤ 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • Oh wow!! That is crazy!! How wonderful that Aspie has her own apartment now! And now you’ve sold up, and looking?? So, are y’all bunking in with her for the meantime? lol
                    I doing nearly the same thing, isn’t that funny!
                    A million purple hugs to you, Sherri!

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • Arggggh…it is crazy!!!!! And how long does it take me to reply to you? House moving is so stressful, although we won’t be moving yet, but still, all the paperwork and arrangements and sorting out everything…I’ve hardly had a second to think straight. So far we are all in our own houses, Aspie in the apartment and settling down but I’m back and forth a lot and trying to keep everything flowing…you know that feeling, I’m sure. Oh I hope you’re okay too…are you moving too? I won’t be back here until late next week when I hope to get a short post up at last and get back to some form of blogging. I miss you so much!!! Have a wonderful weekend until then and thanks so much for keeping in touch…and another million purple hugs right back at you Melinda…and lots of love! 🙂 ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yes, I’m moving too! So I definitely know your pain!!
                      Since I still don’t have home internet!!! I still have to come to Sweet Friend’s. Which is complicated by the fact, that DD1 uses this computer to work from “home”!! Finding a time when I don’t have the girls, and can use the car is challenging to say the least!
                      But we are finally all in, except for washer, and dryer. And girls go to their dad’s now on weekends, so.. it’s getting easier.
                      Loves, and hugs for miles!! Love you Sherri!

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Wow…what a crazy time you’ve had of it! We’re definitely on the same path my friend! So glad to know you’re finally all in, just about…and things are easing somewhat, but yes, I feel your pain about no internet. So frustrating! Praying you’re soon up and running in every way! We’ve got our move to come…and I need to get my head out of the sand promptly if this is really going to happen! I’ll be back here late next week and hopefully get on some kind of track and visit you for then for sure. Until then, much love and hugs to you from me across the Shining Sea…love you too Melinda! ❤ ❤ ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • It is frustrating! But I spent last night here at SF’s, so I stayed up till 2 am, soaking up the net! lol
                      You can do it, Sherri! Just take deep breaths,a nd focus on 1 thing at a time. To do lists are the only way I get stuff done!
                      ❤ Melinda

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Hi again Melinda! Hope you and your family had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. It was a long one here too, our last until end of August, phew! Hoping over the next week or two I can get back to some kind of normality, whatever that is, albeit it brief, ha! I hope things are sorting themselves out in your neck of the woods and you’re getting more internet time without having to stay up into the small hours. But hey, we do what we have to do, right? And absolutely, To Do lists rule. I seriously could not survive without them…and oh the satisfaction when crossing something off, one by one…only problem is, by then, I’ve started another one… 😉 Have a great week ahead my friend, I’ll do my best to pop over to you as soon as I can once I get caught up with off-blog stuff. Now where’s that darn list gone… ? ! 😉 😀 ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Hi, it was quiet. The girls were with their dad, and DD had to work. So, mostly I napped a lot! haha
                      I’ve come up with 2 different solutions to the internet problem!! Yay!! Will be posting about it soon!
                      How was your Memorial DAy? Or you still call it Decoration Day, or something else?
                      Here’s hoping you find that list!!
                      ❤ Melinda

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yay…I will look forward to reading about your solutions, heading there tomorrow and I really mean it! Sometimes it’s nice to nap…I feel exhausted most of the time lately, so I understand! We enjoyed the long weekend thanks, it’s called Spring Bank Holiday here lol! See you tomorrow Melinda! Big hugs until then… ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Hi Sherri. I didn’t get anything posted today (Tue.) because PP is still sick. Last week both babies were sick! so, hoping I can get up something for tomorrow.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Arrrgh…so sorry to hear that Melinda. I do hope PP soon recovers and you keep well too. I got my post up, horray! I rambled but hey, it’s better than nothing! I’ll keep an eye out for you today and see you later! Much love! ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yay! I’ll go check it out now!
                      ❤ ❤ Melinda


  22. Dearest Sherri, what lovely spring flowers and all that green. Such cheering pictures. As for that alien in a stetson, I would love to have met him (or maybe not). I wouldn’t want to get abducted and taken back to a UFO for him to carry out experiments on me! I used to be an avid UFO spotter in my teens and early twenties. The skies aren’t quite as clear as they once were, so less opportunity to seen anything exciting up there, or be warned of its approach in advance 😉

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    • Hello Dearest Sarah! So glad to bring cheering pics of our beautiful English spring, although it’s a shame the sun wasn’t shining more, but I am definitely not complaining! As for the alien, ha, I was excited to share this little snippet with you as I knew how much you would love it! I’ve got more to tell about it, quite sinister actually. Apparantely it made the national news back in December, all these UFO sightings around these parts and this alien was described as a black, lizard like ‘thing’, 7 feet tall with no face and a lizard-like skin! And of course the Stetson which I am very confused about… ! Like you, I too was once an avid UFO spotter, and we have noticed some strange lights in the sky of late (before I found this article and knew anything about it) but thought they might be satellites. Hmmm…now I’m wondering! We must discuss!!! 🙂 xxxx

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      • Dearest Sherri, if we save that discussion for our meet-up, we might end up having the pub to ourselves, or will the men in white coats come for us? Who cares? It was, in fact, my very eccentric dentist, whom I knew my whole childhood and who was the UFO enthusiast behind my eventual enthusiasm for the same subject. Maybe he learned his torture with drills, plus how to fill my teeth with toxic metals, from alien scientists who did experiments on abductees 😉 😉 xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Haha…maybe we better warn them at the pub first!! Oh Sarah, you crack me up, I’m laughing so hard now, and how I needed to do that! And as you say…who cares indeed?!!!! Goodness, your eccentric dentist has a lot to answer for it sounds like…perhaps that is the secret behind toxic metal fillings, and perhaps the answer to who dentists really are; I always thought there was something odd about them and not just for their torturous experiments – sorry, treatments – they force upon us 😉 😀 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        • PS Thank you for your lovely email, will reply asap 🙂 xxxx

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  23. PS Well done with your essay getting published 🙂

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  24. It’s so lovely to see the English spring, and all those beautiful flowers … hoping spring will arrive here in the other London any day now! In the meantime, your cheery photos have given me a little lift 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Imelda says:

    Hi, Sherri. Good to see you back. Congratulations on your published work. 🙂

    I have chanced upon the show Midsommer Murders recently and I just fell in love with the English countryside. YOur photos just reminded me of that. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Imelda, how lovely to see you again, and thank you so much! Oh I’m so glad you are enjoying Midsommer Murders. Recently driving through the Somerset countryside, I passed Midsommer Norton. Those villages really do look like that in the TV series…so glad to share a little taste here! 🙂 xo


  26. Marsha says:

    Sherri, what a lovely post. Congratulations on being published. That’s lovely. I will definitely do a review of it. It reminded me too that I haven’t heard from Yvette for a while, so now I know why. It’s fun to read your comments are recognized so many friends. I hope that Maisy stays comfortable for some time. My first husband lived with liver problems for about 20 years. You just never know. She looks beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Marsha, how very kind of you, wow, I’m thrilled that you’ll do a review and I know Yvette will be too! I didn’t know you know Yvette…another of our many shared coincidences! Isn’t the blogging world amazing, as we’ve said before, the connections we make? And thank you too for sweet Maisy…or Amazing Maisy as we call her…ahh, she is a beauty 🙂 ❤ We adopted her from a cat shelter in California (Atascadero!) when she was 8 weeks old, bringing her back to the UK a year later under the Pet Travel Scheme meaning no quarantine this end. She's been with us through thick and thin and we're making the most of every day we have with her. She is frail and tired, but happy and loving and loved. And goodness, your first husband did so well, 20 years is a long time with liver problems. It really is one day at a time because as you say, you just never know…

      Liked by 1 person

  27. dgkaye says:

    So nice to see you back here Sher. I do hope things are looking up, in all aspects. The photos are gorgeous, as always, and happy to hear your kitty is back home with you again. And HUGE congrats on having your essay part of the anthology! You have been very busy my friend. Big, huge hugs to you. Keep on, keeping on! xoxoxo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much dear Deb…I am thrilled with the publication of ‘Lady’, so thankful to Yvette who did all the hard work with compiling the book and publishing. As we both know, an awful lot goes on behind the scenes, in more ways than one 🙂 So glad you enjoyed the photos and yes, sweet kitty is still with us 🙂 I am indeed keeping on keeping on and your big, huge hugs help so much with that my friend! ❤ 🙂 ❤ xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      • dgkaye says:

        Well, when you run out of hugs, you know where to come! xoxoxo ❤ ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        • I do Deb…and I’m heading there right now! 🙂 ❤ 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • dgkaye says:

            (((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))) 🙂 🙂 xoxo

            Liked by 1 person

            • 🙂 🙂 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

              Liked by 1 person

            • Arggh Deb, I’ve tried three times now and each time, I can’t log onto your blog, or at least I can, but it takes an age to load one page, and then I can’t get into your individual posts. I’ve tried to refresh and go in and out but it’s not helping. I’ve got to get dinner on now, will try later on this evening, but if not, definitely tomorrow morning. I will get there! So sorry, I don’t know why it’s doing it. I’ll try restarting my laptop too. I so much want to read your posts, so annoying! Thanks for your patience my friend! 🙂 ❤ 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

              • dgkaye says:

                Grr Sher, I hope those WP gremlins aren’t back in my blog! Please don’t worry about when you get to my blog, but please do keep me informed of problems you’re having 😦 I’ll be back home tomorrow night from my beautiful winter vacation and I may have to call webhost if there’s a big problem 😦 Please keep me posted. 🙂 xoxoxo ❤

                Liked by 1 person

                • Will do Deb…will be back my time this afternoon and hopefully I can get on your blog then. It just might be my problem this end, it happens sometimes but I will definitely keep you posted. Wow…how the time’s flown but I know you’ve had a super time. Happy, safe return travels my friend and see you soon! 🙂 ❤ xoxoxo

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • dgkaye says:

                    Thanks Sher. See you on the flipside! 🙂 xoxoxo

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • Will do Deb, for sure. I just tried again…arrgh, still can’t get your blog page to load. I will keep trying and keep you posted… ❤ xoxoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      Oh, that is so maddening, for both of us! I don’t understand? Nobody has notified me with this problem? Have you tried using another browser? 😦 ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Hi Deb…it is really maddening. I tried various different things but couldn’t get it to work. And then I didn’t get back here until today as sadly, as you’ll see from my FB post, we had to put our darling Maisy to sleep on Saturday. The heavy price of pet ownership, the heartbreak of losing them, I’ve been in bits 😦 I’ll be back to catch up this afternoon my time as I got sidetracked with insurance ‘stuff’ this morning, but I did just try to click over onto your blog and now it’s fine, so I have no idea what that was all about. My end, no doubt…but whatever it was, thankfully it seems to be okay now. Hugs my friend 🙂 xoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      Hi Sher. I was wondering where you’ve been. It sounds like you’ve had another harried week. I am so so sorry to learn about your loss of Maisy. I know words aren’t always a comfort when we lose something dear, but at least she’s no longer ill and is happy in cat heaven. When your heart finds a new place to put her and the healing begins you may find a new Maisy to share your big heart with.
                      And gosh, I’m so glad your internet has stopped being weird. I’ve missed your smiling face popping over here!!!!! Lots of love and healing hugs to you my sweet friend. xoxo ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Ahh…thanks so much dear Deb. We still have Eddie, our 11 year old black moggie. He has never been without Maisy, his entire life. Will have to make sure he gets lots of extra attention. And yes, it is a great comfort knowing Maisy is free and happy in cat heaven. And yes, me too, I have no idea what was going on there, I was so annoyed about it and I’ve missed hanging out over at your pad too. Heading there right now! Thank you so much for your healing hugs and I’m sending lots of love right back to you too ❤ xoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      Thanks Sher. Received! ❤ Give lots of hugs to Eddie. I know well, my sister always has had 2 dogs, she's lost many through the years and the one left behind tends to get depressed so she always takes in a new 2nd one for company. ❤ xoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Ahh…thanks so much Deb, I certainly will and he will enjoy them for sure 🙂 ❤ The kids have grown up with dogs and cats and like your sister, we've always had 2 of each for companionship. When we came back to the UK, we brought Willow and Maisy, who was then only 2. Willow was older and when she died we got Eddie. Now I'm not sure what we'll do. With so many changes in our family at the moment, we'll wait a while I think. I know one thing though, it doesn't get any easier as your sister well knows. Okay…I better stop now as I'm about to blub…keep those hugs coming to me too my dear friend, I need them… ❤ ❤ ❤ xoxoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      You know where I am when you need a shoulder my dear friend. xoxoxo ❤ ❤ ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • I do indeed…thank you so much my dear friend… ❤ ❤ ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      ❤ ❤ ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • ❤ ❤ ❤ Deb…phew…can't believe how long it's taken me to get back here! Hanging on by a thread… much love and see you soon my friend 🙂 xoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      No rush Sher. We’re all trying to keep up. At your leisure my friend. 🙂 ❤ ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Love & hugs Deb…you’re a star… 🙂 ❤ 🙂 xoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      xoxoxox ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

  28. Norah says:

    How lovely to see you back here, Sherri. I enjoyed reading about your weekend getaway. What a wonderful hotel to stay in. The garden looks magnificent. I was surprised at the white underside of your primroses. I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen a primrose but I always thought them to be yellow. I’m pleased Maisy is making the most of her ninth life and hope that she is not in too much pain or discomfort.
    Congratulations on the publication of your story. I have already purchased my copy and guess whose story I’m reading first! I wish you all great success with it.
    I’m pleased to hear your writing journey is continuing. That’s good news. Take care. Your beautiful photos were a delight to share.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Norah, and how lovely to read your cheery lovely message this morning! I was fascinated by your comment about primroses, I had no idea they didn’t grow in Australia. Too hot, I’m sure. Thinking about it, I rarely saw them in California. When I was growing up, these delicate, pale yellow wild primroses grew everywhere in woods and gardens and along grass verges by the side of the road, but then they seemed to disappear. In recent years, they seem to be making a comeback, which is wonderful! Farmers are loathe to get rid of wildflowers now and councils let them grow in places where once they were cut back. Not only do they look so pretty but they help the bees which is wonderful! The primroses sold at garden centres have larger blooms, so not quite the same. I’m so glad you enjoyed the pics 🙂 And yes, Amazing Maisy is certainly living her ninth life for all it’s worth, bless her. And oh goodness Norah, I’m thrilled you’ve bought a copy of Lady already! I’m nervous too though…it’s the first time I’ve bared my soul in a little more depth for public reading, although of course, nothing like my memoir. But more about finding the joy in the everyday pleasures of life, finding a way through with the help of those ‘little’ things when life gets us down. I struggled to write it at first as I didn’t want to sound preachy, especially as I had no answers then and certainly don’t now, writing only from the perspective of what’s helped me in certain circumstances. I hope it resonates with those reading and in some small way encourages others. Thank you so much for your lovely comment Norah, as always, and for your wonderful support and of course, as ever, for SMAG 🙂 ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Norah says:

        Hi Sherri, I’ve read your story and thoroughly enjoyed it. I guess I have found out things that you only hinted at before, or maybe I missed them when you shared. How sad I felt for that 10 year old girl ripped away from the father she loved. I hadn’t realised that that incident was the cause of, rather than caused by, his problems. How sad on so many levels. But your story does paint a positive picture of determination, hope, forgiveness, reconciliation, and above all, the power of love. Yours is an important story to share, and I appreciate that you did. S.M.A.G. and big hugs. xx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh Norah, I’m bowled over by your response to my story. Thank you so much for not only buying the book, but for taking the time in your busy schedule to read it. You’ve made my day, especially because I write more indepth in my memoir, although it’s not about my dad per se, stories of my life with him weave in and out of the main hub of that story. It is a tricky part of my life to write about because I’m writing about both my parents, two people I love dearly, but I can only write from my perspective, how it affected me, and I am so grateful that both Mum and Dad understand and gave/give their blessing to write about it. As you may remember from my Raw Lit memoir post at the Ranch, it has never been about airing the dirty family laundry. You are right, I have only hinted at certain aspects of my life on my blog, perhaps sharing a little more in comments between us as friends, but you haven’t missed anything. In fact, I think you are incredibly astute and so kind with it. I am so glad to know that you found the message of hope, forgiveness and reconciliation, as that is exactly what I wanted to express. Also, your validation that my story is important and needs to be shared – I can’t tell you what that means to me… I wish I could give you a huge hug right now…I hope you can feel it across the waves 🙂 ❤ Thank you so much dear Norah…SMAG all the way! 🙂 xxx

          Liked by 1 person

  29. Hi Sherri what a lovely post so full of beautiful photos, positive news about the publication of your story and Maisie being back home. Hope she is continuing to do well. Keep up the good work.:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Marje! Ahh…thank you so much for your lovely comment, I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos and glad to be able to share some good, positive news. Maisy is still enjoying her days with us, bless her. And I am working on my memoir as much as possible 🙂 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s all good news Sherri. I’m continuing to work on my ‘final’ edits whenever I get the time. Perhaps be the BB I will be nearly there! Xx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks Marje 🙂 I have been thinking about you, wondering how your edits are going. I keep saying ‘final’ too…yet they never seem quite to be, do they? Wouldn’t it we wonderful if we could both say at the BB ‘Guess what, I got my MS finished…finally!’ 😀 xxx

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes wouldn’t that be great. It seems never ending… in fact I’m getting pretty fed up of it! I think by the time I have finally dusted off the last edit I will be thoroughly exhausted with the whole story. Unfortunately, it is meant to be a trilogy! So that’s not good. On the bright side I have a rough draft of book 2… 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            • Arrrgh…I know just what you mean. I’ve been working on my memoir for 4 years this May! That’s great you already have book 2 in rough draft…I admire you immensly for writing a trilogy…wow! Keep going Marje…you can do it…and I will keep going too! 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

              • Know just what you mean Sherri. Writing is so hard, much much harder than I ever expected. My non writer friends look at my aghast wondering why I am taking so long. Until you try to write a book yourself you have no idea how hard it is. Yes we shall cheer each other on Sherri until we reach our goals! xx

                Liked by 1 person

                • I know Marje…and I used to think the same, not understanding how it could possibly take anyone years, never mind months, to write a book! Ha…now I know! We definitely will Marje…to that finish line! xxx

                  Liked by 1 person

  30. Annecdotist says:

    Congratulations on that publication, Sherri, and loved the photos of your weekend away. I was interested in those unusual snowdrops, we have so many varieties here (perhaps thanks to the rain).

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Gorgeous photos, all. I love these. The primroses are awesome (I don’t see them much). Spring has definitely sprung. Love seeing all the pictures from round your garden and workspace. And a big congratulations on your publication! 🙂 That’s wonderful. Sending lots of love and hugs to Maisy and your family. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Pat says:

    Just love the photos, Sherri. The countryside and flowers are so beautiful and inviting. I would love to just walk along and pause from time-to-time soaking it all in. I’m happy to see you popping in again; yet, sorry to hear about your beloved Maisy. No doubt, the love and attention you’re giving is comforting and will ease her transition whenever that time comes.

    Love you — hugs and blessings and many congratulations for the publications. Good stories for sure. Take care, my friend. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • It thrills me to know how much you enjoyed this virtual walk through my part of the world dear Pat, if not the real thing…which, as we always say, never say never! And you know how much I love visiting you in your beautiful Colorado 🙂 Thank you so much for your congrats, greatly appreciated, and of course for your kind thoughts for sweet Maisy. She is so light and frail yet still fighting on. We always said she was one of the most stubborn animals we’ve ever known, and we’re seeing that in her now! Every day as I observe her I wonder, but she gives me a little message that today is not the day… Love you too my friend, hugs and blessings right back to you and I look forward to catching up with you very shortly… 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Pat says:

        I enjoy so much seeing your world in England. It’s looks so lush and green . . . someplace where I imagine heaven might be.

        My Colorado is beautiful, too, and majestic. It has a wonder and nobility all of its own. Don’t you just love how life and the world works out that way?

        So glad to hear Maisy is still with you and holding her own. Sounds like she’s a tough cat and lives life (or death) on her terms. Nevertheless, she has you right there with her and that seems to be exactly what she needs.

        Love and hugs and always many blessings, my friend. So good to talk with you again. Take care. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  33. Steve Rebus says:

    Beautiful post! And lovely photos! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  34. Luanne says:

    Congrats, Sherri! I ordered a copy of the anthology and can’t wait to read your story! The photos are breathtaking. What are those bell flowers with the dots? It sounds like your heart is hopeful from the coming spring . . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Ste J says:

    Love the photos, green is a wonderful colour. Congratulations on being published! I eagerly await your first encounter with ET’s, nobody would see that coming in your memoir!

    Liked by 1 person

  36. Once again a charming & interesting read with such lovely photos. Great way to start Spring seeing you back!!!! Look forward to reading your published story! xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  37. restlessjo says:

    Hello darlin’ 🙂 🙂 Love your Springtime Header! I never thought to come looking for you, Sherri, as I know life was overfull. What a joy to have you come find me, in my slothful world, and to hear of your cause for celebrations. 🙂 It’s amazing where blogging can take you, but most of all it’s the wonderful warm feeling when a familiar voice pops up in the comments. Hugs, sweetheart! Yes, you do keep ‘Springing back up’ and long may it continue. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh…you know I will always come looking for you to walk with you when I can dear Jo…miss you when I’m away and yes, it really is lovely to hear from you too. Your beautiful smile and warm hugs make my day and keep me springing 🙂 And thanks about my header, those were last year’s daffs. I just did the one basket this year, at the front of the house but will plant up a couple out at the back for the summer… *she says optimistically*… 😉 Hugging right back… ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  38. What a beautiful place and gardens, Sherri. So pleased you both enjoyed your weekend stay there.

    Many congratulations on the publication of your essay in the book. That is very exciting and brilliant news. I read and comment on Mabel’s blog, and it is wonderful to know that two bloggers I follow, have had their essays published in the same book.

    I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day? I’m sure the family spoilt you and that you got some beautiful flowers. They are truly amazing at this time of the year, more so than in our summer months. The colours really brighten up any rainy spring day. Roll on when we can sit ourselves back in our gardens for days on end.

    Hope you’re having a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Hi Hugh! So glad you enjoyed the photos and many thanks for your congrats. I didn’t realise you know Mabel, how wonderful! We were coming back from London on Mother’s Day, so I will have my day this weekend with the boys, but it was lovely to spend the day with Mum who was with us in London along with my brother. And yes, roll on those warm, glorious summer days.
    I’m sorry to be so late in replying Hugh, but as you know our dear sweet Maisy hasn’t been well and then, so very sadly, we had to put her to sleep on Saturday. I am still in bits over it, missing her so much. She was 15, we adopted her from a cat shelter in California when she was an 8 week old kitten and she’s been with us all this time, such a beautiful, brave and noble cat who gave us so many years of joy. I’m just so glad her life was a long, happy and safe one. How we love our pets, they are part of the family aren’t they? Utterly heartbreaking… the heavy price we pay for pet ownership but wouldn’t miss that precious time with her for the world. So glad for so many wonderful memories and of course, loads of photos.
    I hope you had a good weekend…it was nice to see the sun. Take care Hugh, I’ll be over to you very soon…and thank you again for your lovely, cheery comment, just what I needed to read today after the sad time recently… xxx


    • I’m so sorry to hear about Maisy, Sherri. It terrifies me thinking about the day when we will say goodbye to Toby. However, I then tell myself that the love, joy and affection of owning a pet over many years far outweighs that time when we have to say goodbye. I know it’s a difficult time for you and the family, but I’m sure you are all supporting each other.

      We had a lovely weekend. The weather on Sunday was lovely and we made the most of it. However, I heard this morning on the radio that next week is going to be a different story, with Winter on its way back. Mmm, just in time for Easter, then? 🤔 I think I’ve experienced more White Easters than White Christmases in my time. ☃️ Will that Easter Bunny be saying “Ho, ho, ho” on his rounds/sleigh?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ahh…thank you so much Hugh. The price we pay for pet ownership is very high indeed, but as you say, all the love and joy and companionship over the years more than makes up for it, and the wonderful memories we have to keep us going. I am sure you have many more happy years ahead to enjoy with Toby, as we do with Eddie, our cuddly black moggie 🙂 It will be lovely to have the boys back home this weekend, I’m sure Maisy will be at the centre of all our conversations, in a good, happy way. So glad you had a good weekend, Sunday was beautiful wasn’t it? Hubby and I took a lovely long walk high above the rolling Wiltshire ‘downs’. But oh no…I can’t believe it about winter returning? Say it ain’t so! Ha…sounds like the Easter Bunny might get a bit confused…maybe he can borrow one of Father Christmas’s suits and dye it yellow? Arrgh…I know just what you mean. Our great British weather certainly keeps us on our toes. I remember once when I was little on our annual boating holiday on the Norfolk Broads it snowed – in June! But on the other side of the coin, one year, hubby and I took the kids to Lanzarotte for Easter, and Mum too, fed up with the rain and cold, hoping to get a bit of warmth and sun. Lovely holiday, but the weather wasn’t all that great, sunny-ish, but not that warm…and apparantely it rarely rains there, but we had an absolute downpour one day. I think we got the entire annual rainfall in one day! And of course…you know what I’m going to say. Back home? They had a heatwave. Hotter than Greece, they said. Couldn’t make it up could you? xxx


  40. Annika Perry says:

    Sherri, lovely to see your post and latest news!!😀 Congratulations on being included in the book!! 🎉🎉 I will check this out soon…can I join on a bench in those lovely gardens with a glass of bubbly to celebrate? ❤️Hope so…Wow, your photos bring the glories of Spring to us wonderfully and they are such a floral festive delight! I hope you had a wonderful special Mother’s Day with your family and children around you, on such occasions life is just perfect! Wishing you a peaceful happy Easter and good luck with the UFO sightings…hugs xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello dear Annika, oh I am so sorry I haven’t been over to you yet, but you must have read my mind as this morning I am determined to visit a few blogs, yours included. And then, here you are. So you see, great minds and all that. Thank you so much for your congrats and I would be delighted to sit on one of those benches with you to celebrate. I am a little freaked out by that alien sighting to be honest…hubby told me more about it and apparantly it made a national newspaper. Some kind of lizard like creature…but wearing a stetson? Crazy. Ahh…thank you, I will have my Mother’s Day this weekend when the boys come home, I hope you had a lovely day of celebration with your family. But oh, my heart is heavy today Annika. Sadly, since posting, sweet, darling, beautiful Maisy was put to sleep on Saturday. We are all utterly heartbroken. She just couldn’t go on any longer and in the end it was all very fast. But having that time with her – 2 weeks and 2 days – was a wonderful, precious time and helped with the goodbye. The heavy price paid for pet ownership is the heartbreak of losing them. 15 years and now she is no longer here. I’ve been in bits, today is the first day I didn’t wake up crying, but oh how I miss her not being in the house. We brought her home and buried her beneath our Acer tree, hubby made a little box for her. We have so many wonderful memories and of course lots of photos, and very grateful for the long, happy, safe and contented life she had. She was the most wonderful companion to us all. We’ve all been in bits. Eddie has known Maisy his entire 11 years so am keeping a close eye on him. I can’t explain it, but he just knew during those 2 weeks that Maisy wasn’t going to be with us for much longer. He has now taken to sleeping on her favourite spot on the back of the sofa as in the photo. So glad to have his cuddles. Always so lovely to hear from you my friend, and extra nice to have those hugs… thank you for your lovely comment and I wish you a peaceful, happy Easter too, with love & hugs … ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Annika Perry says:

        Oh no, Sherri. I’m so sorry about Maisy and feel very sad for you all. It is terrible to lose a pet and Maisy has been part of your lives for so long…heart-felt hugs to you, my friend. ❤️️ I can feel the love and warmth she gave you all and I am tear-eyed reading about Eddie sleeping in her place. Sorrow and grief goes beyond human bounds. As for the sightings that is so strange but I must admit I’m tickled by UFO stories. Take care of yourself and know you’re in my thoughts. Warmest hugs xx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you so much for your kind and comforting words Annika, you are so kind ❤ As for the UFO stories, they tickle me too…and we've been hearing some strange sounds at night too. Hmmmm…I will keep you posted! Feeling your hugs, hugging right back… xxx

          Liked by 1 person

  41. Pingback: Are you coming or going? | Norah Colvin

  42. macjam47 says:

    What a lovely post, Sherri. Your photos are wonderful. I can’t imagine staying in an inn that was built so long ago. It must have been an interesting contrast to the newer hotels here in the US. For me, old trumps new any day. The history must have been fascinating. I am currently researching a company town and the family who created it, as well as factory they built. The story of what came before always catches my attention.
    I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. Pets weave their way into our hearts and it hurts to see them failing.
    Congrats on your essay being published. I’ll check out your links.
    UFO sightings! My husband watchings the UFO channel from time to time. They talk about this mysterious Hangar One where records of sightings and evidence is kept. Haha! It’s right in our hometown of Cincinnati. They showed a picture of it and immediately we recognized it as one of the hangars at the airport where I went as a child to watch planes and we’ve taken our children and grandchildren there many, many times. Let me know if you see any of the reported UFO’s.
    Love and Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for your lovely comment, I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos. Yes, I do love history and learning all about the story of what comes before! All the best with your research, it sounds fascinating! And thank you about sweet Maisy, we miss her so much, bless her. And also for the congrats, very kind of you! Oh that’s so interesting about Hangar One being right there in your hometown! It is certainly intriguing, these UFO sightings. We live in crop circle country. I know they were debunked once, or so we thought, but they still keep coming! Hmmm. As for that alien in a stetson, I will certainly keep you posted of any more strange sightings and you must do the same! Love & hugs to you too! xo

      Liked by 1 person

  43. Thank you, dearest Sherri, for taking me on such a lovely walk. The beauty that flowers speak is so therapeutic, isn’t it. Your photos are stunning. I’m a ‘power walker’ and I would love to walk around this gorgeous town. There would, of course, need to be some bubbly waiting at the trail’s end. hehe
    CONGRATULATIONS on the book! How exciting! Hope the memoir writing is going well. Be well, my friend! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dearest Karen, thank you so much for joining me and I can only apologise for taking so long to reply to your lovely message. Family ‘events’ have taken over rather; indeed, I will be signing off my blog shortly for a while to (A) Focus on family – major upheavals such as moving house etc. and (B) Finishing up my memoir, which by no small miracle, I am working on day by, little by little, even with so much else going on. I snatch those quiet moments but I can’t blog too, so I have to make my writing my priority. I will miss you and everyone here, but you can be sure I will be back to cheer you on with your future publication! Oh I would love to power walk with you anywhere! And of course, sharing a glass of bubbly with you afterwards would be the icing on the cake…we can but dream, and never say never! I shall return…but until then…be well too my friend…be very well 🙂 ❤ 🙂


  44. Tina Frisco says:

    I don’t know how I missed this, Sher. Life gets in the way at times. Your photos are stunning. I really do need to get a camera, especially since I don’t have one on my phone. I’m so proud of you for being published. Kudos, girlfriend! I do hope life is being kind to you and you’re taking the time to write. Sending so much love and many many hugs, sweet friend ♥ ♥ ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Tina, and I don’t know how I missed your lovely comment…I’ve barely had a minute while moving in my youngest to his new flat and all the challenges therein. Thank you so much for your lovely compliment of the photos…I’ve always enjoyed clicking away, but only as an amateur! These were taken with a phone camera, but I have a ‘proper’ camera my mother got me which I am still learning how to use properly! I used to love my Kodak instamatic back in the day, remember those square flash bulbs that went on top? Somehow taking a photo seemed much more simple back then, lol! 😉 I’m not writing as much as I would like due to all that’s taking my attention at the moment, but I am at every opportunity. I so much hope things are getting better for you too my sweet friend…thinking of you and sending much love and huge hugs back to you too…and I’ll see you soon, once the dust settles, but since we are also looking to move, I’m not too sure when that will be. Will keep you posted and see you over on FB in the meantime! Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂 ❤ 🙂

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      • Tina Frisco says:

        Oh yes, I remember instamatics with flash bulbs. I also remember how they’d blind you for a bit after having your picture taken! Hope the move went well and the dust has settled. We have a lot of dust blowing around here in the U.S. The House just passed the worst health care bill in our history, threatening to take health insurance away from the most vulnerable (myself included). Hoping it won’t pass the Senate. Fingers crossed. Glad to hear you’re writing at every opportunity. Wouldn’t it be great if we could simply write ourselves a better world? Love and hugs to you, dear Sherri ♥♥

        Liked by 1 person

        • Haha…yes, I remember that blinding flash very well! We’ve found a house but the process takes a while here so we won’t be moving until July…but all the sorting out and paperwork etc. is so time consuming. At least all the hard part has been taken care of so far as finding buyers and a place to buy…now we can just pray it all goes to plan! But oh Tina, we keep a close eye on things here this side of the pond and we heard about the health bill…Oh I am hoping and praying it doesn’t pass too, what a terrible blow for you and others in the same situation. It’s criminal. I’m sending you lots of love and great big hug and hope for better news next time… ❤ xoxo

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  45. Congratulations Sherri on the book. Hope all is going well for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Irene, lovely to hear from you. Helping my youngest move into a flat, first time alone, and we have just sold our house so now we’re looking at places. All at the same time, unplanned, but there it is. I can’t believe how much time it all takes. Trying to write in short snatches when I can, but proving challenging timewise at the moment to say the least. Hope all is well with you my friend… 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hope it all goes smoothly for you all. Where are you moving to? Good luck with the writing.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks Irene…I know you know all about that, and how stressful it is. We’re staying in the same area, trying to find a place with an annexe for Mum…not too easy but got a couple of other places to view this weekend. It’s just so time consuming…hence my worse than ever lack of blogging… I hope things are going well with you and your writing/submissions? Keep me posted…and meanwhile, have a lovely weekend 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

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          • Good luck with the house hunting. I do know how stressful it is. Hope you find something suitable quickly. I am not managing to blog to the same extent either and my writing has virtually come to a standstill. We will see what time will do. Hope your weekend was lovely also.❤️

            Liked by 1 person

            • Thanks Irene. We’ve at last found a place, just as it looked as if we couldn’t find anywhere. Since then my feet haven’t touched the floor and my blogging has disappeared. Hopefully things will settle soon now that the first phase of all the back and forth is sorted out, but so much yet to do and I can’t bear to think about it although we probably won’t be actually moving until July. And yes, you do indeed know how very stressful it is…arrrgh!!! Oh I miss you and your blog and our chats so much. But it’s good to catch up here and there as we can, at least knowing you’re still there and I’m still here and we can walk as often as possible. Sorry to hear about your writing…I hope that’s got better since. I’m writing when I can, but with so little time it’s not much. But there it is…we do the best we can. Have a lovely weekend my friend and see you soon! Much love and hugs 🙂 ❤ 🙂


  46. Denise says:

    You’re so good with your flowers. Rhiannon asked me yesterday whether I’d planted the bulbs on the roof terrace because “I was so surprised to look out there any find something green growing.” Actually, it surprised me as well that my bulbs came up, I was convinced they’d rotted in the cold because they were so late. Glad you are having a good time travelling, and I’ve just read your blog post on identity in detail – all very diverse thoughts(!) from baby birds to the loneliness of Asperger’s, but so closely linked.

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    • It’s a whole new garden now, I miss my old garden, but hope to soon put my own touch on this one. Since we moved in late October, I didn’t do any bulbs or anything… but to my amazement some from last year in the few pots I kept have sprouted forth. Oh you have a roof terrace? How wonderful, I always wanted one! It is a thrill when bulbs come out when you don’t expect them to! Thanks so much for reading my Asperger’s post Denise…it took a while to write it, trying to keep it focused, so I’m glad you found it closely linked. I hope to expand more on these kind of posts, but the memoir first 🙂 Enjoy your bulbs!!!! xxx


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