All Change At The Summerhouse

Hello dear friends, how I miss you.  My absence breeds a growing sense of isolation from my blogging community, the Summerhouse needs the laughter of friends. I wonder what you are up to, how things are going, what’s your latest news?  There’s been a few things going here…

‘Arrrgggghhh’ is the first sound word that springs to mind; where to start?  How about confessing that I got ‘done’ for speeding by a mobile speed camera. It wasn’t as if I was racing down the motorway, which at least would have been more fun. Boringly, I was clocked doing 41mph along a road I always thought had a 40mph speed limit but I now know is 30.  I attended ‘Traffic School’ which, surprisingly was quite interesting.  I am now reformed, if not a little paranoid…

But I ask myself, how hard does it have to be to get one measly blog post out? I  started this one, my first since March, almost four weeks ago if that tells you anything.

Back then, one fine, spring day, I walked through an ancient English wood.  I wanted to share the beautiful Bluebells with you.  They’ve all gone now, but here’s the photos anyway…

The Path to Publication? Working and walking on it…

Two trees are dedicated to my Dad in these woods through The Woodland Trust

Facebook reminded me of my post Time for the Rose which I wrote in June four years ago.  June 2013, only five months of blogging.  Where does the time go?  I reflected on the passage of time and shared photos of my rambling rose growing across my front porch.  The rose is gone now too.  Things change.  So much has changed here at the Summerhouse…

Some of you will know from Facebook that after a brave two weeks and two days, we said goodbye to our darling, sweet Maisy.  All of us heartbroken, but especially my youngest Aspie, for whom Maisy was a constant companion and true friend.

Life is struggle enough for anyone with Asperger’s Syndrome.  The unconditional love and companionship of a family pet brings comfort and security in a world that so often feels remote and uncaring, alien even.

Goodbye darling, sweet kitty, thank you for the joy and love you gave us…we will remember you always…


Get back to my writing, settle down, write a blog post,…I thought.  Then this, from early April onwards:

First, after much heavy-duty decision-making, Aspie youngest moved out of the family home into a flat, the first time away from home with the challenges it brings.  All my chicks fledged, empty nest thing going on.   A lot to sort out but so far, so good…phew… and I’m getting used to my new routine, back and forth…

And then in April we sold our house, having had it on the market since February and barely any viewings and not even mentioning it much because, honestly, I thought it wasn’t going to happen.

We needed to find a place with an annex for Mum.   It was never going to be smooth sailing, but after a few frustrating weeks and a sale that fell through, Mum also sold her house.  And then, by no small miracle, we found the right place.  Since then my feet haven’t touched the ground; I don’t need to elaborate on the stresses of selling/buying/moving…

And my Summerhouse…I have to leave it behind!  I feel sad about it.  What will I do about my blog without it?   I still need a view…and I still need my Summerhouse.  A new one, it has to be…

During all the upheaval and randomly, while out shopping for garden supplies, I ended up posing with a very handsome owl, as you do, called Lord Ginnsburgh

Me & My Lord

In early May, I did manage an essay for Dr Gulara Vincent’s inspiring ‘Not Good Enough’ blog series.  It stirred me up and reminded me that being good enough isn’t measured in what we do, but in who we are and those we love and who love us along the way.

In fact, stirred up pretty much describes my emotions of late.  Along with everyone else, the horrific terrorist attacks in the UK within the three past months have left me traumatised. My eldest son was heading to London Bridge on Saturday night by Underground.  Minutes before he arrived, all the trains stopped, every route blocked.  He eventually got home via Victoria station in the small hours of Sunday.  I don’t even know what to say other than Thank God.  And to keep praying for all those who have suffered such tragic grief and loss and awful shock. I don’t know the words…

Thoughts of my dad grow keen again…then I remember that it was this time last year, approaching Father’s Day that I hadn’t heard from him for a few weeks, before I knew how ill he really was.  Now I rush past shops selling Father’s Day cards, sharply reminded that I will never buy one of those again.  I miss my dad so much.

On the writing front, I am pushing through one small step at a time, but I fight constantly for writing time.  Sometimes I wish I could let the memoir go because I will have no peace until I do.  It claws at my throat and fills my every waking thought and  I want to sit at my laptop and say, right, today I Am Going To Finish It.  Instead,  I tell myself that better a short paragraph than nothing at all…so long as it is never nothing.

And finally, on a lighter note, once again London Calls.  I will be there this weekend at the Blogger’s Bash.  I don’t feel much like a blogger these days, but I’m so much looking forward to seeing ‘old’ friends and meeting new, as well as missing those who can’t be there.

My plan – ha! – is to try to catch up with as many of you as possible over the coming days… determined if nothing else.

See you soon! Love Sherri xxx





About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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129 Responses to All Change At The Summerhouse

  1. MarinaSofia says:

    You’ve had such a lot going on in your life lately, both good and bad. Wishing you the very best!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Genny says:

    Been thinking of you lots lately. So glad you’re all safe but so sorry for this difficult time. Sending you lots of love and hugs from Paso!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Genny…we all live in unsettling times putting it mildly. I think of you and yours so very often…love and miss you much, hugging right back. Say hi to Paso for me 🙂 ❤


  3. Sue says:

    Oh, goodness, Sherri…you have had a lot to contend with. Lovely to see a post from you again, and sending you hugs!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s so good to see you, Sherri! I’m sad you have to leave your Summerhouse, but I know you’ll discover another view. Your photos are fabulous! Be safe and enjoy the bash! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, no! Maisy. ❤ I'm so sorry. Much love to you and your family.

    So, wow. This is a lot. I hope things go smoothly with all the transitions you're facing here. And for your daughter and mum. I would love to see a photo of your new writing spot and do hope it's a place with a view so you can look at flowers and catch a glimpse of your robin.

    I don't have words for what has been happening in London. It's eating me up inside. I am so sorry to you, to your country, to the world. Our world.

    The bluebells are stunning. Miss him. Love him. Remember him. Be good to yourself. Write. Drink wine. Have an amazing time this weekend. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aww Sarah…it’s been too long. I knew you would be so sad to hear the news about darling Maisy. We miss her so much…Eddie was quite lost too for a while, but seems a bit better now. He will live forever, of course… Oh I know…my robin 😦 But I hope he’ll follow, he must, right? There are lots of birds where we’re going, I made sure I could hear plenty so I think it’s safe to say his friends will soon find him a place to live nearby 🙂 And London…the world. No words are there? But we have to keep living and not caving to the fear and somehow find a way through, one day at a time…keep vigilant, keep praying, keep strong ❤ Hubby and I have a strong iffinity with London as both our dads were Londerners by birth. We go there as much as we can, family commitments (and finances!) allowing. And yes…Dad…always miss, love and remember him. Oh I wish you and Charli and Irene and Norah and Anne and all the Ranch gang could be at the Bash…we would have our own contingent! Let's raise a glass of wine together, time difference allowing! Thank you so much for your lovely message… ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. OHHHHH…goodbye Maisy. 😦 So many people loved you who you had never met! I remember you making an appearance on my blog so many years ago. We all miss you, but I’m sure you will continue to look over your Human Mum from up above.

    Sherri, I send my love to you with hope and prayers that you will get through it all and get to a more peaceful time. I think it’s great you are going to the Blogger’s Bash. Reconnect with old friends. Give yourself a break and permission to relax and take care of yourself. We’ll all still be here when you want to come back. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aww Bev..I’m crying now! Maisy loved being a guest on your blog, she had so much fun and definitely felt the love 🙂 ❤ We feel her with us all the time…Thank you so much for your lovely message, love and prayers…time to take a deep breath and reconnect as you say. Lord knows, we all need that right now… Love & hugs to you 'old' friend 🙂


  7. It is so good to have a post from you, even while I know life has been full of change recently – it’s always a challenge isn’t it, I have missed hearing from you! I wonder though what shape your new writing room will take – will it be a summerhouse? Maybe an all season room? It’s exciting to think of all the unknown possibilities lying waiting for you to discover them when the chaos settles a bit. An empty nester too! There are so many up sides to that I don’t know where to start – but be aware, they do have a tendency to keep coming back. Just like the bluebells……. 🙂

    I am so aware that very often when our pets depart from us, that harbingers change in our lives (is that sentence good English I wonder?) My Orlando is showing signs of going a bit dotty which has made me really alert to his needs and more careful of spending quality time with him. I really felt for you when Maisie left – your grief reached out and touched us all I think. We so love our furry friends! I often think of your Aspie and wonder how life is going – for both of you really. I hope it is light filled and there are times of fun and laughter. And finally dear Sherri – goodness how can you write anything when life is so full of change? Sometimes all our energy must be given to the external processes of life and our art waits – quietly or not – for us to return, renewed, re-enlivened and settled once more. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Pauline! So lovely to read your message, I’ve missed you too! So much looking forward to catching up after the weekend. And yes..haha, love that, just like the bluebells…our chicks do tend to return don’t they? Those bluebells have much to teach us methinks 😉 I have chills when I read your comment about Maisy – there is no doubt that since we lost her, there has been so much change in our family since then. And when I look back, it’s been the same with our other beloved pets too. As with the summerhouse and moving house, all these things seem to be heralding in a ‘new view’ don’t they? Aww…dear, sweet Orlando, bless him. Your devotion and quality time spent with him will benefit you both in so many ways…preious days ahead ❤ Ahh…dear Pauline, you are so very kind and thoughtful. We find the fun and laughter as we can…light does indeed shine in the dark places and for that I am so grateful. Yes, it is tough…but we find our way one day at a time. As for writing, it is only in those breif moments that I can grab the time, but you are right, it is in the external that my energies lie right now. If I can get just a few words 'out' here and there, I feel a lot better. And then another long gap, but that is the way of it. Writing is my sanctuary in many ways…but then it also drives me, so finding the balance isn't always easy! And many times I just have to throw my hands up in the air and say 'okay then, I will do what is most important!'. Thank you so much for your lovely, comforting message my friend…I'll catch up with you very soon! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. eyeforapic says:

    Great photos and post Sherri 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. restlessjo says:

    Good to get a catch up post, Sherri, and at least we know that in the future we’ll have a new view to share with you, when you’re ‘settled’, for want of a better word. 🙂 🙂 My James was also not too far from the nightmare at London Bridge. He was at a birthday bash at Epsom races with friends and heading north through the city on an awry plan. Thank God he was one of the lucky ones and I got a text Sunday morning saying he’d missed it all. Life, sweetheart! We are the lucky ones. 🙂 Enjoy your Bash, hon. I know you’ll be met with open arms.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Jo…I get chills reading your comment about James. thank goodness he was safe too…the more I hear of what happened that night when I talk to my son, the more relieved I feel. I couldn’t get through to him as the networks were down in London but he was able to get hold of me via what’s app on my mobile. So much we have to be thankful for. And thank you so much for your lovely message dear Jo…so happy to know you’ll be there waiting to share the new view with me! I’ve missed so many of your ‘views’…long overdue, about time I took a long walk with you once again… 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Sunni Morris says:

    Good to see a post from you. I’m so sad over the loss of Maisy. I’ve had cats all my life and they become members of the family. It’s so sad when the day comes that they leave us.

    It sounds like you’ve had so much going on in your life. Hang in there. Glad you did get moved and are possibly settled in. Moving is always a hard thing and I know it wasn’t easy to give up the Summerhouse. Maybe you’ll arrange for another where you are now.

    Yes, the bombings are horrible in London. I have no words for that either. The world we live in today is filled with such terrible people wanting to harm others. I’m glad you and your family are safe.

    Sometimes we all find it hard to write as much as we’d like to. I haven’t touched my book for months and I feel awfully guilty about that all the time and wish there were more hours in a day. I’m also guilty about not blogging regularly. I was away visiting family for a while but I needed to go and see my mum because it had been five years and she has dementia. I couldn’t let that go too much longer, as her mind gets worse all the time. I didn’t even get on the computer the entire time I was gone, although I did take it with me. I’m trying to play catch up now and trying to be better, but sometimes life gets in the way. It was so good to see family though.

    Your pictures of the bluebells are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing those with us, even though they are no longer blooming.

    I hope you have a great weekend ahead. You deserve to get out and connect with old friends again and to make new ones. I’m sure you’ll come back renewed.

    Blog when you can. We all understand.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Sunni, so lovely to see you again. I will reply in full after the weekend as time caught up with me before my trip and I don’t want to leave a hasty reply…meanwhile, I hope you have a lovely weekend…see you in a few days! xoxo


    • Hi again Sunni, as promised I’m back to reply in full. And life just doesn’t stop throwing its curveballs…had a wonderful time at the BB but then my youngest has been very unwell, but recovering now thankfully. After the awful attacks it was so good to be back in London and the weather was so warm and lovely. Very healing after all the sadness… But yes, it really is devastating when we lose our beloved kitties isn’t it? We will never stop missing our dear, sweet Maisy. I’m glad you enjoyed the bluebell pics…it seems a long time ago since they were last there. It’s almost summer proper, but we haven’t much summery weather – yet! I’m so glad too you got to spend time with your mother. That must be very hard with her dementia. My heart goes out to you. I go through times when I barely look at my laptop because other things in life call louder. But now you’re on a catch up and that’s great. I’m delayed here in catching up as usual, but I’ll be over to read your latest, you can count on it. It’s always so lovely to hear from you… ❤


  11. Hi Sherri, reading this post I can resonate with you Im struggling to find the time to blog too. You have so much going on and lots of changes. You will write no matter where you are because you have a gift. All the best settling in to a new home. So sorry to hear about your cat, she has a twin her name is Patchy and she lives with us. xxxx Kath

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for your lovely message Kath, always such a pleasure to catch up with you. You had a move not too long ago I think? Busy times for you too…blogging suffers as a result. We can but do our best in all our ventures. It’s frustrating though when we want just to pursue our writing/art! But life is to be lived and we can hopefully find a way to do it all, at least what is most important 🙂 Ahh…Patchy! Is that the kitty that ‘adopted’ your family? How sweet…makes me happy to know that Maisy has a twin on the other side of the world bringing you and your family joy 🙂 xxxxx


  12. Oh Sherri, Wow!! So so much, just breathing makes you a champ!! And I know you are handling it all with grace. Congrats on Aspie’s apt, and the sell of your house, and finding the right place to add Mum to the family home. I know how difficult that is going to be. but best to have her so close!
    And so proud of Aspie!! I know you’re over the moon at her success in life, even tho you’re sad that your last chick has spread her wings, and flown.
    And, such deep condolences on the loss of Maisy.
    The bluebells are gorgeous, thanks for sharing them!
    So many swirling emotions, I’m so glad you’re dealing with your head held high, and not being overcome by the swelling waters. The Bible does promise us that!
    Of course you’re a blogger, young lady! Never say that again! lol I hope you make it to the Bash, and revel in the reconnections, and just generally have a terrific time!
    I think I’ve written enough of a book now. lol
    Love, Melinda

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Melinda! Arrrgh again…my favourite word/sound these days! I’ve loved chatting with you…I’ll reply in full after the weekend as I’m rushing to pack etc. – as usual leaving everything at the last minute. Love your message…thank you so much for your good wishes…you write a great book, lol!!! See you on Monday for sure…have a lovely weekend my friend…love & hugs…Sherri ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Sherri, I hope you can just relax, and enjoy the weekend!! I love chatting to you too!
        Monday it is!! don’t be late for our date! lol
        ❤ Melinda

        Liked by 1 person

        • Another arrrrgh!!!!! Oh Melinda…I am more than late for our date lol as it’s Tuesday already!! I did enjoy the weekend very much, I’ll be putting up a blog post soon…but as usual life takes over. Aspie has been very unwell since I got back but doing better now…my feet just about touching the ground again. But the break, before that, did me a lot of good and the BB was a lot of fun. I wish you could have been there! I read and re-read your lovely comment – and I just LOVE that you said ‘young lady’! I’m beaming with that. Think you just made my year lol!!! I hope you had a good weekend too and you’re settling in with your new living arrangements. Tomorrow I will visit you first thing, rain or shine. And thank you so much for all your love and care and kind words about Maisy and also all that’s been going on with our upcoming move and everything. As always, there are challenges to face to get this thing off the ground, but we’re moving in the right direction which is a good thing! See you tomorrow my friend! ❤

          Liked by 1 person

  13. Mike M says:

    Beautiful bittersweet and always engaging writing.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Heyjude says:

    Wow, this is uncanny. I was only thinking of you last night and ready to send you an email to catch up with you when I saw this post. You have had a busy time! Selling and buying a house is a nightmare, but I hope it is all going well and that you are settling in. You do seem to have managed it much quicker than we did! Where have you moved to? Still in Somerset? I still yearn for a summerhouse, but this garden is not big enough. I have to make do with the conservatory which is far too hot to sit in when the sun shines! I am thinking of altering it into an orangery. I fancy one of those, with citrus trees and a jasmine maybe. Good to hear that Aspie D is forging her own way in life, worrying though it might be it is probably good for all of you and I wish her well. As for the memoir, it will happen, one day, in its own good time if it is meant to be. And even though we don’t have a summerhouse to meet in any more, I shall share a glass or two of the sparkly stuff with you Sherri and say “cheers – here’s to the future!”
    Jude xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Jude! You know how I love saying that! Oh how I’ve missed you my friend! I want to reply in full but I’ve run out of time as hubby is tapping his watch madly and getting impatient to get to the train station. Will reply in full on Monday…meanwhile, so lovely to catch up and I hope you have a wonderful weekend 😉 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hi again Jude, I’m back, and can’t believe it’s Tuesday already…Monday disappeared. It’s doubly uncanny you say that about emailing me, because I’ve been thinking about you a lot too. We actually made it down to St Ives about three weeks ago in our motorhome and had the most glorious weather and view of the sea, pitched right above the most gorgeous coastal walk. I was going to surprise you and email to see if we could meet for a coffee or something, but it was a last minute trip and then we had to rush back as poor Aspie got very ill with a gallbladder infection and had to go to A&E. So there was barely time to do anything. But next time…I will definitely let you know! We haven’t actually moved yet, still a lot to sort out. And you’re right, it is a nightmare, I really am not enjoying the process. I hope you’re settling in now, it takes along time. As for packing up…my head is firmly in the sand about that part. We’re still going to be in Somerset, not far away at all. Just a bit more villagy 🙂 And we will definitley be sharing that glass of bubbly…I’ll not be without a summerhouse for long I hope…but meanwhile your orangery sounds perfect! Cheers my friend…I’ll be over to you this week to say hi 🙂 xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Heyjude says:

        Shame we couldn’t meet up but that was probably around the time I was quite ill too! So not meant to be on this occasion. Good luck with the move – I hate all the paperwork and toing and froing between solicitors, they always seems to take so long!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh no Jude, so sorry to hear you’ve been ill. Hope you’re well on the mend now. Another time for sure 🙂 Thanks for the move, and yes, agreed, it is so frustrating, nothing much of any good to say about it really until we take hold of the key to the front door. Time will tell!

          Liked by 1 person

  15. Charli Mills says:

    Storms and sunshine blowing through your Summerhouse, Sherri. How you must miss sweet Maisy and the emptiness of a fledged home, but hardest yet it the loss of your Dad. Buy a card, Sherri. I know you can’t give it to him, but but him ones that expresses how you feel this year, this first year without him. I’m sending you so much love and big hugs. I want to wrap you up and tell you it will all be okay when I really don’t know but believe it anyhow. I’m so relieved all your chicks are safe. You and all the bloggers keep safe and enjoy the comeraderi!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Jools says:

    Your beautiful writing always inspires me to reflection. This is certainly a period of much change for us both, isn’t it? Stay strong and keep a lookout for the bluebells – for life is carpeted with them and there is beauty everywhere. x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh dear Julie…you are so kind, so much change for us both, yes, but my heart goes out to you in your time of greif. Yet even now, the beauty in your words fills my heart with hope…thank you so much… ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Oh my dear friend, I will be praying for you! I have missed chatting with you but completely understand. I am so sorry you have to leave your sweet summerhouse! I believe you’ll find a new place to just sit and be. That is the assignment I got from a new counselor I am seeing now. Yesterday she told me to just let myself BE who I am and enjoy myself. I pray you’ll have a wonderful time in London, my dear! Love you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • P. S. I love your photos especially the first one! And I know what you mean about Father’s Day. I went through that for the first few years my dad was gone.

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      • Aww dear Patsy…thank you so much. I know you understand how tough it is, and you’ve been through so much lately yourself. Don’t worry about the summerhouse, I will get another one, maybe just the same, who knows! Your counsellor’s advice is just what I need to hear too…just to BE. There is a lot of wisdom in those words. Ahhhhh….just BE. I’ll be in touch, so sorry I’ve not been better at it, it’s been so hectic lately. Thanks so much for your love and prayers…love you too my friend. Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        • You’re welcome, my dear friend! Things have been hectic here, too. Grace leaves Wednesday for Missouri and Josh leaves that day also to go out on an 8-day spike (working in the wilderness somewhere with his crew.) So it will be pretty quiet around here. I plan to get myself more organized and get started on finishing some projects! 🙂 I hope you are having a lovely weekend as well! Love you, Sherri.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Hi Patsy! Finally back at the Summerhouse, while it’s still here! Things have settled down a little again…will message you as soon as I can. Hope you’re enjoing the peace and quite…wow, your chicks are flying afar! I hope you got to your projects as you planned, nice to have that time to focus 🙂 Love you too Patsy ❤

            Liked by 1 person

            • Hi Sherri! Do you know how much longer you will be there? I know you will miss it. Well, there won’t be peace and quiet until tomorrow. Both kids are leaving in the morning. Our son will be gone a week and our daughter possibly the rest of the summer. I have been doing a lot of writing, though! Love you, Sherri! 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

              • At least until late July Patsy…things take forever here it seems. It is a very frustrating, long-drawn out business to say the least. Great to hear you ‘ve been doing a lot of writing…wish I could say the same…hopefully soon. Happy writing my friend! 🙂 🙂 🙂

                Liked by 1 person

                • Well, it will be here before you know it! Time flies when you’re busy which I know you are! I have just been writing short things, but when I get really into that, I tend to do less art. One of these days I hope I can get a good balance. 🙂 xoxo

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • Balance is the key dear Patsy – when I’ve found it, I’ll let you know! At least we are still pursuing our art, wherever it takes us as we can and as life leads. I hope you’re enjoying your time of peace and quiet…but I know also missing your chicks. Empty nest has its pros and cons…as we both know! Much love and hugs to you my dear friend and I’ll be in touch with you very soon with an update 🙂 ❤ xoxoxo

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • Yes it is, Sherri. Oh how I hope to find it someday! I want to plan a schedule for myself so I can accomplish some art/writing goals, but I need to keep exercising so I have to fit that in also. I did have a GREAT day yesterday doing both and having dinner with George and we danced for about an hour! I got some old 70’s and 80’s dancing songs from Spotify so that was a lot of fun!!! I honestly only really missed the kids a lot the first night Grace was gone. Since then, I have really been enjoying myself! But while I was working out and then painting yesterday, I was playing music the whole time. I can only do “quiet” when I am reading or on the internet. Ha, ha! I hope you are having a great weekend, my dear friend. I am looking forward to your update! 🙂 xoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Oh what great fun you and George had Patsy! It’s great to have that freedom isn’t it? I love those dancing songs from that era, particulary the 70’s, being once upon a time a Disco Queen, lol!!!!! You’re so good about working out. I haven’t been able to get my walking in half as much with so much going on preparing for our upcoming move and taking of other ‘stuff’, which I’ll tell you about. And sorry I haven’t messaged you yet…I will very soon I promise, I just put my post up for the Blogger’s Bash and it took me ages with all the links!! But I do like to do that every year trying to acknowledge as many people as possible. As for my writing…well, I’m not doing much at the moment. Hoping that will change…not sure when, but I’ll do my best! Enjoy your week my dear friend, and will be in touch! Much love and hugs… 🙂 xoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yes, it is wonderful having the freedom to do what WE want all the time for a change! Both kids called him on Father’s Day which was good. And yes, there will be more dancing to come I am sure! I will have to hop over to your blog when I have more reading time later and see your post! How exciting that must have been. Sorry you are so busy with moving, but the writing will always be there. Don’t pressure yourself; you’re in a huge transition right now! Sorry so short, but I need to get to doing some painting! Many hugs and much love to you, Sherri! xoxo 🙂

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Always a pleasure to hear from you Patsy…and believe me, I do understand, when you have to dash off! It’s so kind of you to come over and keep in touch. So glad the kids called on Father’s Day. I smile so much when I think of you both dancing. Enjoy your painting my friend…and thank you for all you say about my writing. I need to breathe lol!!! Much love and huge hugs back to you Patsy…now get back to your painting lol!!! 😀 ❤ xoxo

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                    • Thanks Sherri. I am very thankful we have been friends the last couple of years. I love your sense of humor and how much you love your family. And I still wish we could see each other in person! LOL!!! I painted for a few hours yesterday on a new one. It will take me many hours though because it is roses and I haven’t painted any flowers in a long time! Have fun packing! Yeah, right…xoxo 🙂


  18. Oh Sherri, you will find the time again. We moved two years ago and it was AWFUL. It is right up there in terms of trauma and you have had other traumas too to deal with. There were things I thought I would never find again when we moved BUT hey, I found other things xxxxx

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    • Ahh dear Shey…you’re right moving is awful, I am dreading it. Just the conveyencing process is enough to send anyone round the bend….more of those arrrrgggghhsss!!!!!!! Trauma is right…no wonder ‘they’ say it’s one of the highest stress factors at the top of the list! Thank you so much lovely lady…I’ll be looking out for those other things… 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxx

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      • Look, we nearly lost the will to live over it. I did not want to move but we could not afford the house any longer. Anyway, it was sold the night it went on but the guy we sold to had not sold his , which was fine cos our younger girl was pregnant and she needs a lot in the way of support. Anyway he sold his house the day our grandson was born. I thought we will never find a place at short notice, a nice place, a place I could feel happy in etc etc etc . But we did three days later BUT then there was a prob getting a small mortgage despite the fact my hubby had early retirement and a regular pension coming in. Talk about TRAUMA. Eventually okay…we got that mortgage under buy to let. ( Now all sorted.) You have no idea of the money they throw at that. it was after the house nearly got put back up for sale. I tell you it was a scarifying experience. AND I have not even started on the carry on re our solicitor trying to force us into selling our house to this vile couple and NOT passing on messages from the man who had wanted our house straight off. SHOCKING. We later found out they were fined 15 grand for doing things like this and they are still at the capers. THEN there was the biz where I binned and binned things cos despite the space here, I thought I am not taking 3 feet off the upstairs sitting room to build cupboards to house a load of old junk. AS I binned half my life, I wished for one set of attic eaves like we were leaving behind. When we then popped over to see the house, like where things were like meters and stuff, as we were driving off Mr goes, ‘ Do you know there is a set of attic eaves, better than ours ?’ I thought WHAT? I shoulda wished for a swimming pool.

        HONESLTY put your chin up and believe this will all pass when you are in your lovely new house. AND you find other things to love the same as I have. You will write again too xxxxxxxxx

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        • Ahh Shey…what an utter nightmare. It sounds horrendous all you went through…but….look at your better than you had attic eaves! These things matter and become so important. We got back the survey on our purchase and oh boy, there are some heavy duty issues we need sorting with the vendors. Watch this space! I’ve moved so many times, internationally three times, the longest we’ve lived anywhere is this house for 9 years since I was 20, but I’m feeling this one the worst. I can’t even begin to think about the actual packing up. There are boxes up in our loft that I haven’t looked through since I left California when my marriage broke up and the three kids came back here…I know just what you mean when you say about clearing out half your life. It’s so hard and emotional and I know I’ll be going through every box weeping for all that was, all I’m grateful for now and for what I hope will be a new start for our family in the best way possible. I will remember your wise words, to ‘find other things to love the same as I have’. That helps. A lot. So glad you came through all that…and your precious children and granchild…beautiful… ❤

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          • SHerri, know what? I’ve been places in my life, I’ve been all sorts–you sound like you’ve been worse in ways— BUT what I found with this move was how the world had changed and I am not even talking the packing up, I am talking the heavy duty stuff you speak of and it was scarifying. THEN came the packing up. BUT I did find a new start in very diff ways and I am sure you will do the same. .Not only that but I still hear from ex neighbours locked into the kind of cycle I am glad to have left behind. Neighbours I lived beside for nearly 30 years. So yes, this is right and you will find your rightness in every way too. The nall the things you want to do will come back to you xx

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            • Yeah…that’s it Shey… the world has changed, In so many ways. So glad you escaped and it worked out for you…you definitely did the right thing by the sounds of it. We’re on the same page my friend. But I’m mentally wrung out with other ‘stuff’ which clouds my thinking. As in I had to make some calls yesterday to sort out a problem with the DWP…only to be told they would call back within 24 hours. Problem still not resolved, 2 hours to go…no call back. And those calls on my mobile yesterday? Cost me £29 for 3 stinking calls. I’m gutted. And I knew better not to ever dial an 0845 number on my mobile. So when you’re overloaded you make mistakes and it adds to the stress and on and on it goes… I am so ready for all those things I want to do to come back…and I’m going to embrace that change. You’re so lovely…thanks for letting me rant and thanks for listening… xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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              • Aw Sherri re that money? Awful, but we do make mistakes when we are stressed so don’t beat on yourself. You rant all you like. Rant and rant Just try and hold to the thought that this too will pass away and you will sat in your new palace, glass of wine in hand, thinking, stress/ What stress? Because it will. This I just a horrible time. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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                • Ahhhhhhh….I’m dreaming of that day…’re a star Shey….you’ve given me hope…..can’t say more than that…..wish I could give you a great big hug and say simply ‘thank you’….. ❤ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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                  • Just you say to yourself. ‘See you on the other side.’ You will. There’s a tarot card called the tower ..not that I am in to cards as such, but it one I always think of in these situations cos it shows folks jumping from a tower, What it apparently says is that you are literally leaving everything you know and it is carnage but once you are on the ground you start again. A whole new order. And I think moving is that. But chaos evaporates, so hold tight xxxxxxxxxx

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  19. Oh my dearest Sherri, what a treat to see a blog post from you pop up in my email. It’s so hard to keep up with blogging when life becomes busy isn’t it? I too have had a busy spring and things over at Sweet Precision have been at a standstill for a few months. The best part is that you can jump right back in and pick-up where you left off. We all have an ebb and flow to our blogging!

    My goodness, from speeding tickets to moving houses, you’ve been quite busy! We are contemplating moving in the winter when our lease is up and I’m dreading it because moving is just SO much work! I hope that you found a place you enjoy (with a lovely writing location) and are slowly getting settled in.

    Father’s Day can bring about so many different emotions, can’t it? While it’s joyful and full of celebration for many, it can be a time of sorrow for others. Matthew grew up with an absent father so the day is always a sad reminder for him. Sending you love and happy memories of your father (I always think of the fox story) during this time.

    So incredibly good to hear from you my friend! I hope my note finds you sailing into the weekend and enjoying your blogging event!

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    • Dearest Heather, it’s so lovely to hear from you again, how I’ve missed you! I’ll be back to reply in full on Monday as I’ve completely run out of time…story of my life, ha! I don’t want to rush a reply…meanwhile, thank you so much for your lovely message and I wish you a wonderful weekend my lovely friend 🙂 ❤


    • Hi again dearest Heather! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I did enjoy the BB very much, it was so good to be back in London, the sun shone and it was peaceful and very healing. Always so good to hear from you – I’m glad to know you’re busy with life, that’s so important. And yes, blogging will always be here for when we are ready to pick it back up again. Thank you so much for your caring words about Father’s Day – I love that you remember the fox story, that makes my heart smile 🙂 ❤ I'm sorry that Matthew had to go through that, it's painful. How lovely to celebrate with your dad, embracing Matthew within your beautiful family. We're still up to our eyes with house 'stuff', a lot to do yet, but like you, dreading the actual moving part. I hope you will find just the right place at the right time if you have to do the same, but I'm glad you haven't got to think about it just yet! Have a great week ahead my friend, always so good to chat with you! xo


  20. So good to read you again, Sherri, even though the news are bittersweet. Little Maisy was adorable. So many changes in your life must be also a mixed bag of emotions. And you were on my thoughts with London. I wish you peace and harmony. See you soon on your blog or mine. Hugs.

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  21. dgkaye says:

    Glad to see you sharing some of yourself here Sher. Gratefully because of our friendship I know about most of what you write here. I know how hectic buying, selling and moving can be so I sympathize with you. As for your aching heart for your dad, it’s still early Sherri dear, We must live through the pain before we can put it in a special place in our hearts where we can reach in and smile when we need a dose of our lost loved ones. My heart goes out to those lost in the terrible attacks in London/Manchester, and grateful your kids are safe. Now stop saying you’re not feeling like a blogger and go forth to that Bash and have a drink for me, the one who couldn’t make it. Love you girlfriend!!!! ❤ ❤ xoxoxoxo

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    • I’ll be back to reply in full dear Deb after the weekend…running on the back hoof as usual but wanted just to say thanks so much as always for your love and friendship…and meanwhile will see you at the BB in every way possible and will definitely raise a glass of good cheer to you my friend with love and huge hugs! ❤ 🙂 xoxoxo

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      • dgkaye says:

        Thanks Sher. Have a blast my friend! 🙂 xoxoxo ❤

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        • Aww Deb…and now you know the rest since we chatted here 😦 I am so glad I got to go to the BB and toast you and share all the pics on FB and I will put up a post here asap…but meanwhile, I wanted to thank you for your kind and caring message about my dad…thank you for your wise and loving reminder that in this ‘instant’ world, we need to remember that grief for our loved ones doesn’t disappear overnight, that it has a path we need to walk carefully along and face the pain to heal properly. And yes, the grief goes on in London and Manchester and it was so healing to go there at the weekend in the city I love so much. There was a sense of calm and peace and people carrying on as before, refusing to give into the fear. Embracing life. But of course, it will not be so easy for those who lost loved ones…just awful. Then today, the awful fire in London. I read there are no sprinklers in the apartment block…can you believe it? I can’t confirm that’s true, it was a quick read of an article on my phone…but if so, that is truly horrifying in this day and age and something needs to be done and fast. What kind of a world do we live in where greed and endangerment breeds like the plague. Okay…I’ll get off my soapbox now! Big love and hugs Deb… see you shortly! 🙂 ❤ 🙂

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          • dgkaye says:

            Omg Sher, that’s awful. But it happens all over, even here in Toronto we’ll sometimes hear about people dying in their homes because of no Carbon menoxide detectors, which are mandatory by law. It’s frightening that people try to cut corners on life saving things, but it happens. And I love your soap box. ❤ ❤ xoxo

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            • It’s been in the news all week long Deb – an apartment complex that went up like a tinder box. Turns out there were warnings months before that something like this would happen due to neglect and improper safety precautions put in place. Truly horrifying. Heads will roll…but at what cost? And not having carbon monoxide detectors is plain lethal…same here, they insist everyone has one, but in a certain part of the country where students rent in high numbers, I’ve yet to see any of those flats with them. Makes you wonder how these landlords keep getting away with it doesn’t it? You see my friend…I can’t keep off my soapbox it seems, ha! See you shortly – off to work on my BB post now but I will catch up with you! 🙂 ❤ xoxo

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  22. Time for a deep breath after all you have had going on. The events in the UK are so sad and I have to admit I am sorry Theresa May did not get back (from the look of it) with a majority. Does not bode well but in reality we know that life just goes on. Lovely to chat again. ❤️

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  23. Lucid Gypsy says:

    You have had a manic time. I feel for you in in your loss of Maisy, I’ve lost my two border terrier sisters in the last six weeks and I’m heartbroken. Hope things settle for you now.

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    • Aww…thank you so much…it’s so hard isn’t it? So sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved border terrier sisters in only six weeks…that is truly heartbreaking. The heavy price we pay for pet ownership and the loving place they hold in our family life and hearts. We will remember them always ❤


  24. I’m so sorry to hear about Maisy, my heartfelt condolences for your loss Sherri, the house doesn’t seem the same place when one of those furry family members is gone. You’ve had so much going on that it’s no wonder you can’t blog, but when you come through the other side and have a new ‘summerhouse’ to work from, I’ll look forward to experiencing your new view with you ❤

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    • Ahh dear Andrea, always so lovely to hear from you and thank you so much for your kind condolences for dear Maisy. A very sad loss…and it doesn’t get any easier with our furry family members does it? It has been full on, putting it mildly. Things are dragging out a bit with the sale/purchase, so I’ll be in my Summerhouse for a few more weeks which I’m glad about…but it’s wonderful to know you’ll be there sharing the new view with me on the other side! 🙂 ❤

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  25. Well done for finishing writing this post, my dearest friend, Sherri. Of course, I knew all your news already, having had such a lovely meet-up with you a month ago (although I can’t believe that much time has flown by since then). Those are two such lovely pictures of Maisie and I can imagine how much you all miss her. Thank heavens that your son wasn’t caught up in the battle-front of the terrorist attack, although it must have been terrifying being anywhere near it, in case a second attack happened. …So you made it to the Blogger’s Bash! Doubtless you will be posting about that at some point, but I’ll check out Hugh’s blog meanwhile. And no beating yourself up over lack of progress on the memoir, as I’m sure that when you’ve finished your move and built another little summerhouse, it will be all systems go with your writing. Love and hugs, Sarah xxxxxxxx

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    • Hello dearest Sarah. It felt like a labour of love, that’s for sure! Oh it seems far too long since we last met…and still so much going on. I’m glad you enjoyed the photos of sweet, dear Maisy. That kitten pic was taken in my big American ‘dream’ house. We moved the next year back to the UK…and so life began anew, but Maisy was always there, through it all. Now we are moving again…and her time is over. The next chapter begins but somehow this change feels more challenging in many ways. Different seasons, that’s for sure. And yes, I did make it to the bash after all. Hubby came with me and spent the entire day in the Science Museum, something he’s wanted to do for a long time without me breathing down his neck! I will try to do my BB post today…but you know how that goes when I say these things. If I leave it too long, it will be old news already. I need to check out Hugh’s blog too. I did take lots of pics I posted on the FB BB page, but will post here too. Thank you as always my lovely friend for your great encouragement and support in my writing…I’ve been feeling quite dismal about it all lately. Hoping that will soon change. I’ll be over to you today…Love and hugs to you… xxxxxxxxxxx

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      • Dearest Sherri, being dismal about the whole writing thing goes with the territory. My mood and attitude to it swings like a pendulum from day to day. Last week I was on a positive high; this week I’m on a negative low. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Mister says I should take off a whole month from writing, but then I’m afraid that the window of time that constitutes my creative hours will get filled with other things and become permanently closed to creativity. It’s a real dilemma, but need I tell you about it? Still, trying to be creative while moving house and all the other stuff you have on your plate, is pushing it a bit. I haven’t been on FB much lately, but will eventually get over there, when time allows. Oh, sigh … those words “when time allows”. By the way, the catalytic converter decided to self-destruct the other day, and I had to drive about 25 miles of a return journey sounding like I was driving a Formula One racing car. It was very embarrassing and quite stressful as it was the rush hour D: Wishing you a peaceful and stress-free weekend. Love and hugs xxxxxxxxxxx

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        • Oh no! So sorry to hear about the catalytic converter self-destructing…although I do quite like that sound! 😉 What a horrible thing for you, hope you got it fixed. But yes…it is exhausting, and I feel like that at the moment, having had to once again put down my writing and feeling that door to my creativity closing ever tighter. Just have to dig in and find a way through until it flows again. It’s hard taking writing breaks…and when they’re enforced rather than out of choice, even harder as then you get depressed about it on top of everything else. I’ve realise this about myself recently: when I can’t write and the longer it goes, I do get very low. Once I manage to write again and get back to the flow, I feel envigarated. But having to cram it in when we can, with it so easy for other things to fill it as you say, also doesn’t help. Arrrrghhh….what to do? What we can and when…I suppose there’s no other way, other than going to a cabin by the sea for 6 months and doing nothing but write, totally distraction free. Actually, that sounds pretty darn good to me right now…fancy doing the same in the cabin next door? 😉 Lovely chatting with you dearest Sarah…we always know where to find one another and that’s a really great thing. You too…peaceful and stress-free sounds just the ticket. More love and hugs coming back to you…. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  26. Tom Merriman says:

    Well, you’ve certainly been busy whilst you’ve been away, Sherri! Sorry to hear about Maisy. Writing and blogging tends to take a back seat when there’s a bit going on, but it’s good to see you, even every once in a while!
    Hope you find a Summerhouse replacement soon! 😀

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    • Hi Tom! Always lovely to hear from you. And yes, it’s been a bit too busy and crazy and I would love for things to settle. Thank you so much about dear Maisy…it was very sad time, so grateful for those extra 2 weeks. I’ll be keeping those Summerhouse doors open no matter what…old or new, and always look forward to your visits and I will visit you as often as I can. Hope all is well with you and your writing is progressing…no more block I hope! Have a great weekend Tom 🙂


  27. Christy B says:

    Hi Sherri, you’ve been busy while away from here, indeed! I just saw photos of the Blogger’s Bash and so glad it was a success. I saw you there looking beautiful 🙂 I’m jealous – wish I could have gone! I’m sorry to hear about Maisy xx But maybe the move ahead from the Summerhouse will be a time of renewal for you and bring more happy times ahead ❤

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    • Aww dear Christy…thank you so much for your lovely message, it was so sad about Maisy, but we are very grateful for our many happy memories over these past 15 years. And you’re too kind, but thank you for your lovely compliment which has made me blush 😉 ❤ I went mad with the selfies, and I don't 'do' them usually, but I was determined to get as many pics as possible so I set to work! Oh Christy, I would have so much loved it if you could have been there. Maybe next year? How great it would be to meet you! This upcoming move and all the changes have me going all kinds of ways emotionally. I think this must be a time of renewal because in the struggle for too long I have not found a lot of joy and that is hard to say, as I do try to find it in everything. But lately… a grinding mental exhaustion wears me down. Time for a fresh start, events are carrying this along it seems, and it is a strange feeling…but I take to heart your wise words and believe them to be so and you are so very sweet and caring. Bless you… ❤

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  28. I’m way late to this post, but I can blame that on the Bloggers Bash 😀 I did read it on the journey home last Sunday, but the wifi was so terrible on the train, I could not leave a comment. Then I’ve been catching up on Bloggers Bash ‘after the party work’; boy, you guys didn’t half have some fun from what I hear 😀

    I’m so sorry about Maisy, Sherri. All I can say is ‘gone but never forgotten.’

    Wonderful to see you at The Bloggers Bash and I’m so glad we had a chance to talk. Wishing you well with the upcoming house move. As they say, “new doors and all that.” A new chapter in your lives is about to begin and, with it, that book is going to be a big part of it. I look forward to it.
    Hugs to you, Sherri.

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    • Oh Hugh…you know how late I am for everything! You’re never late…and you have been more than a little busy! it’s always wonderful to catch up with you and it was fantastic to see you again at the BB. I’ve just got my post up at last – not bad for me, eh? 😉 I saw you had your video up and have linked to it. It was a really wonderful and yes, fun day. Can’t wait for the next one! I hope you had a good journey home…we were all happy but tired I think!
      Thank you about Maisy…yes, she will live in our hearts forever…
      As for the upcoming move, it’s been so full on with back and forth over surveys and negotiations and all that comes with selling/buying that I had almost forgotten the most important thing – I need to start packing! It certainly will be a new chapter. And I love what you say about my book…I’ve been very despondent about it lately, thinking I need to scratch the entire thing and start over. I guess that’s normal. Hopefully that feeling will soon pass and I can get some writing time in before things really kick off. Your support and encouragement means so much to me Hugh…you’ve given me renewed hope in this fresh start! Huge hugs back to you my friend 🙂 xxx

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      • Thanks so much for linking up to my post, Sherri. I’ve had so many new ideas for next year’s video, so you better all watch out. 😁

        Good luck with the packing. I can’t say that with this heat, I’d be wanting to pack anything (apart from maybe some ice), but I found that whenever we have moved house, it has given us a chance to have a good sort out. Mind you, we still ended up bringing some stuff with us that then went to a local charity shop. Why we didn’t do that when were packing in
        Brighton, I’ve no idea. 🙄

        I’m just off to read you post about the Bloggers Bash. I’ve really enjoyed reading all the posts about it and no doubt will enjoy reading your version of that day.

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        • I was waiting for your video Hugh…the BB wouldn’t be the same without it and I’m not quite so nervous, but still glad to grab Geoff, coward that I am, ha! But reading about your plans for next year’s video, I will book Geoff now lol 😀 Arrgh…yes, thanks, packing is definitely not on my favourites list. In this heat, I haven’t done much at all…but when I do I will definitely be bagging up a lot for the charity shops. I’ll be following on your heels with the BB posts, I’ve read a few, and I’ll be over to you too very shortly 🙂 xxx

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  29. The bluebells are breathtaking. And a great post. Thank you for sharing.
    Looking forward to the NEW summerhouse! 🙂

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  30. Glad I managed to find you again, dear Sherri. What a busy time it’s been for you. So happy the house sale and finding the new one worked out so well. Good luck to Aspie in her new home too. So sorry about sweet Maisy’s passing. Love the bluebell pics, and you with Lord Ginnsburgh. 🙂 Lots of love and hugs to you. xx

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    • My dear Sylvia, my heart jumped for joy when I read your comment, I’ve missed you so much and I think of you often wondering how you’re getting on, how is your house – finished now? I so much want to catch up with you and I will before I have to disappear again with the move coming up sometime next month. I did manage to blog about the Bash, but after that I’ll be signing off for a while. But not before I’ve visited you!!! Lots of love and hugs back to you my lovely friend 🙂 ❤ xx

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  31. Annika Perry says:

    Sherri, it’s lovely to see you back on blogging although your time away is totally understandable. I’m so sorry about Maisy and it must be hard for you all, particularly your youngest. Moving is tough at the best of times and trying to sort the sale of two properties simultaneously is never going to be easy. Best of luck with the actual move and I hope you soon have another Summer Hosue for your writing! You need the space and time out for yourself apart from the fact it’s the name of your blog! Best of luck with finishing your memoir…a paragraph at a time sounds the way to go! Warmest wishes and take care xx❤️

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    • Hi Annika! How lovely to read your message, thank you so much for not giving up on me!!! Things are hotting up on the moving front, so I will have to disappear once again, but I will visit you first. I so much miss your posts. I can only say I so hope that the day will come when I can return to blogging and writing in some kind of routine…but just not yet. Have a wonderful weekend my friend and I’ll catch up with you very soon 🙂 ❤

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  32. Wow Sherri, so many changes, many I can relate to. Keep writing and moving forward. It will all work itself out. Peace and love to you!

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    • Thank you so much dear Lilka…it has been a full on time…so lovely to see you again, you are never far from my thoughts, your encouragement as always a wonderful blessing ❤ Peace and love to you too my friend! 🙂

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