‘More Glimpses’ And A Secret With Hugh W Roberts

Greetings, dear friends! After a few weeks away at work (memoir submission) and play (birthday fun, catch up post next week), today I’m delighted to welcome author, Hugh W Roberts, to the Summerhouse.

Hugh is on book blog tour with his second short story collection, More Glimpses. Thrilled to jump onboard and help spread the word, I knew I was in for a treat when Hugh’s book arrived in the post.

It is no secret to those of us who have read Hugh’s stories on his blog and debut collection Glimpses (published in 2016), that he knows how to keep us riveted with his masterful storytelling.

Whether funny, sad or downright deadly, from drama to comedy, science fiction, murder/mystery, paranormal and horror, Hugh leads us through a gamut of emotions and keeps us guessing to the end with a twist in every tale.

More Glimpses’ gives the reader an opportunity to take a peek into the lives of normal, everyday people whose lives are all on a path full of twists, turns and unexpected endings. But it’s not only about the humans; nothing escapes the extraordinary journeys Hugh has planned for you.’

A wonderfully engaging and fantastic read, I highly recommend More Glimpses with my 5-Star Review on Amazon, adapted here:

‘With Prudence Pebblebottom, the Easter Bunny and The Queen, to name a few, how can Hugh’s stories fail to thrill? Tiny people, elderly time travellers and a boarded up music hall transport us to unknown worlds. ‘Murder in Evershot’ takes us to a quaint English village in deepest, darkest Dorset I know well; Miss Marple will never be the same again. My favourite story is ‘Dream Catcher’ because as Hugh knows, I love a disturbing twist. So pull up your chair and turn down the lights (except the one you read by) for a page-turner collection in the mind- popping tradition of Black Mirror and The Twilight Zone. You won’t be disappointed.

Hugh’s opening story, The Whistle, contains a secret within a poignant and powerful read. It gripped me from its first line:

‘When will it come? Every anticipated moment is like torture.’

The only way to find out, of course, is to read the story. But first, Jack, the main character, has a few words to say about it, insistent on writing Hugh’s guest post:

Can You Keep A Secret?

Before you answer that question, you may like to read what I have to say first. You
see, I have a warning for you. Something that you should take very seriously. My name is Jack, and I’m a character in the story ‘The Whistle’, the first story in the new collection of short stories, More Glimpses, by Hugh W. Roberts.

I fought hard not to appear in that story because it was a place I didn’t want to go, but Hugh refused to allow me to leave. Just like some secrets which are held like a prisoner, Hugh locked me into the story and threw away the key. I found that heartless and thought I’d never trust him again.

However, over time, I grew to trust him, and even though it took him months to finish
the story, it wasn’t until he told me that he was going to reveal a secret that I finally
stopped plotting to escape and agreed to stay.

As Hugh tapped away at the keyboard, he kept promising to reveal the secret to me.
But, as the author, he also knew that if he told me too soon, I’d have caused him
trouble and relentlessly tried to escape before he had finished the story.

Without me, Hugh knew that the story would never have had the same impact as it’s been getting in the reviews for ‘More Glimpses.’

Now, where were we? Oh, yes. Secrets. How many secrets have you been told? Are
they even secrets once they’ve been told?Just like the nearest person to you right now, we all have secrets, don’t we? Some of us find it challenging to keep them safe (one of the biggest mistakes us humans can make in life).

As soon as you unlock the door to the place they are held, and allow them to roam free, you allow ‘uncertainty’ into your life and those who are locked inside the secret.

I’m one of the first to agree that not all secrets are unsafe when freed, but most of
them can grow into a creature that will unleash unhappiness, terror, and darkness
into the lives of so many of us.

They can not only split families apart but can summon up another monster that visits us way before it should do. You know who I mean, don’t you? Yes, the green-eyed monster.

If I told you the secret that Hugh told me, who knows what you would do with it. You
may promise me that you’ll never pass on that secret to anyone else but ask yourself
what would tempt you to reveal it. Is there anything in your world that would entice
you to unlock the door to my secret?

If you answered ‘no’, ask yourself if you really are being truthful to the person that matters most in your life. Who’s that person? You!

I can’t reveal the secret I know to you, but if you read ‘The Whistle’ you’ll find out
what it is. I wonder what you will do once you know my secret. Will you create a
monster from it, or lock it away and hope nobody ever finds it?

Can you keep a secret? It’s up to you.


Don’t worry, Jack; your secret is safe and sound at the Summerhouse. No spoilers here. But for those of you wanting to find out more about Hugh and his writing, a lovely warm welcome awaits you here (and I can vouch for that):

Blog: Hugh’s Views and News

Twitter: @HughRoberts05



Amazon Author Page



‘Hugh W. Roberts lives in Swansea, South Wales, in the United Kingdom.Hugh gets his inspiration for writing from various avenues including writing prompts, photos, eavesdropping and while out walking his dogs, Toby and Austin. Although he was born in Wales, he has lived around various parts of the United Kingdom, including London where he lived and worked for 27 years.Hugh suffers from a mild form of dyslexia but, after discovering blogging, decided not to allow the condition to stop his passion for writing. Since creating his blog ‘Hugh’s Views & News’ in February 2014, he has built up a strong following and now writes every day. Always keen to promote other bloggers, authors and writers, Hugh enjoys the interaction blogging brings and has built up a group of online friends he considers as an ‘everyday essential’.His short stories have become well known for the unexpected twists they contain in taking the reader up a completely different path to one they think they are on. One of the best compliments a reader can give Hugh is “I never saw that ending coming.”Having published his first book of short stories, Glimpses, in December 2016, his second collection of short stories, More Glimpses, was released in March 2019.A keen photographer, he also enjoys cycling, walking, reading, watching television, and enjoys relaxing with a glass of red wine and sweet popcorn.Hugh shares his life with John, his civil-partner, and Toby and Austin, their Cardigan Welsh Corgis.’


Hugh, it’s been an honour to feature you and your wonderful book at the Summerhouse today, and I’m sure my lovely readers will join me in wishing you every success with all your ventures, secret or otherwise.




About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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64 Responses to ‘More Glimpses’ And A Secret With Hugh W Roberts

  1. Good luck to Hugh with the book, the characters sound intriguing, as do the twists!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you, Sherri, for inviting me over to write a guest post at The Summerhouse. Both Jack (and me) had a great time writing the post. Thank you for not giving Jack’s secret away. We hope you’ve locked it up safely where it can’t get out. 😈

    I’m delighted you enjoyed the new stories in More Glimpses. Thank you for the excellent review you have given it.
    Hugs to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hugh, it is my absolute pleasure, I’m honoured to take part in your (and Jack’s…!) blog tour. I soaked up every story, a great page-turner. And yes, Jack’s secret is safe and sound at The Summerhouse 😉 I’m so glad you liked my review, it was easy to write being so enthusiastic for your great stories! I am a fan…can you tell?! They are all a really great read, and I love the way you take us on such a different – and unexpected – journey with every one. Dream Catcher is…well, b***** brillliant.
      Hugs back to you… and all the very best with your book launch, Hugh 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s so kind, thank you, Sherri. ‘Dream Catcher’ is one of the stories I was asked to expand. It was considered too short, so I had great fun going into the story in more depths. It was based on a short story I originally wrote in response to one of Charli’s prompts over at the Carrot Ranch. 😀Looks like it was a job well done.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. dgkaye says:

    Fantastic to see Hugh and his book featured here Sher. Loved the mystique of Jack taking over for Hugh. ❤ Oh, and loved the book too of course. ❤ xxxx Hugs to both ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Fabulous to connect with Hugh here, Sherri. I loved both of his books. Great job!! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Mike M says:

    Excellent review from a great blogger!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I really enjoyed Hugh’s short story compilations too. He definitely has a talent for short story writing. :).

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Reblogged this on M J Mallon YA/Paranormal Author and commented:
    Sherri Matthew’s is featuring Hugh’s short story compilation More Glimpses on her blog. Read about it here.

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Lovely to see Hugh pop up over here, Sherri. He was one of the very first bloggers I met when I stated my blog in September 2016. I enjoyed More Glimpses and Glimpses too.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Ritu says:

    I can vouch for it being a great collection of stories!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Adele Marie says:

    A wonderful piece for Hugh’s work. x

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Darlene says:

    A great review of your book, Hugh. Your character, Jack sounds intriguing. Perhaps he will show up in another story or two.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Charli Mills says:

    Now I have both Glimpses! I enjoyed Hugh’s first book and his ability to craft characters and plot twists. I’m looking forward to reading his second volume. Thanks, Sherri! Hope you are recovering from play and getting on with work! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Dearest Sherri, that is a most tantalising blog post on behalf of Hugh! He needs to appoint you as his marketing director. I am also put to shame, as I still haven’t got around to reading his original “Glimpses”, so it seems I have a lot of catching up to do, and now I’m also dying to know what it is about Jack that has intrigues people so when they read the story… xxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Haha…well, I am glad my enthuiasm for Hugh’s book shows through 😀 I so greatly admire his ability to plot so well with his fascinating characters and brilliant twists in short story form. You will love Jack. Thank you, dearest Sarah. Lovely to chat again on blog, at your pad and the Summerhouse. Like old times. Have a wonderful weekend,my friend…be in touch 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hello, dearest Sherri. I am very remiss in doing one of my long disappearances yet again. I’m aware of allowing the days to drift by in a miasma of underachievement. Really must do something about it. I need to get on with some literary agent submissions after this week. Seriously, the putting off for another week is due to genuine reasons (for once) — son’s birthday and a concert to prepare for. Meanwhile, Mister is going to glance through my book prior to submission, as he’s always my final reader. I’ve had some fab feedback from two of my readers and not a word from the others. Mister says not to wait any longer. Re Hugh’s book, he’ll be glad to hear I’m in a reading mood and intend to discover all about Jack. Perhaps we could have a long chat soon, either on the phone or at a meet-up. I’m missing you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

        • And a very long and too overdue hello to you, dearest Sarah. Phew…we seem both to be taking long disappearances these days for many reasons. So glad to hear you’re pushing on with your submissions to agents, as am I, though, likewise, the process seems a never-ending exercise in derailments. So hoping to make real progress in the next couple of weeks, and I wish you the very best with yours, too. Mike will be joining Victor in my final read-through, also. It’s time! It does feel good, though, to finally say I am on the same time scale with my submissions as you when for so long I was still on the revisions. Tweaking, you will be pleased, now over. Well…almost 😉 So glad to hear of your fab feedback, hopefully more to come from your other readers…soon! Hugh will be thrilled to know you have by now, I’m sure, discovered Jack’s secret. A great story. Yes….we must chat soon and I will be in touch. Miss you too, dearest Sarah. Take care, my friend…big hugs and lots of love and kisses ❤ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          Liked by 1 person

          • Dearest Sherri, I’ve finally got to my blog to answer people’s comments! I’m also contemplating my weird weeping willow tanka, as promised to you. Methinks It’s about time I posted something again. Since we spoke on the phone, I have been doing my final tweaks on the manuscript and will soon need to embark on the torture of writing a synopsis. Hope all is well with you, my dear friend. Lots of love, hugs and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

            Liked by 1 person

            • Dearest Sarah…and I would say the very same this end of blogland after another long gap in replying to you.Phew…where do the days go? I am heading over to your ‘weird weeping willow tanka’ right after this, although your kind of ‘weird’ is the kind I love to read…talented and a great read, I would say ;-). Arrgh…the synopsis torture. I spent most of the second part of this year working on my submission package, numerous interruptions notwithstanding! I look forward to hearing how you’re getting on and how great to have your final tweaks almost ready. Very proud of you and cheering you on as you have been for me all this time. I’m so glad we’re on this journey together! Thank you for your lovely message, my dear friend. Heading over now…. lots of love, hugs and kisses 🙂 ❤ xxxxxxxx

              Liked by 1 person

              • Dearest Sherri, I promise to get back to work and send off some submissions in January. I’m very proud of you beating me to it with your submissions. Keeping my fingers tightly crossed that you get positive responses from some (or all) of those literary agents who now have your ms. Lots of love, hugs and kisses 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                Liked by 1 person

                • Hello again dearest Sarah, and a very Happy New Year to you! I’m finally getting to my laptop, but am very intermittent as it is on the blink and I am in process of having to look for replacement options. Very annoying to say the least. But thank you so much for your lovely message and good thoughts and I will be in touch for sure. I will be doing the same as you with more submissions this month as I get my laptop sorted out and wish you the very same good wishes with yours. It is a nerve-wracking and tense affair, as we both know! So glad we’re in this together! I’ll get to blogging again as soon as I can. Lots of love, hugs and kisses back to you, dear friend, and may 2020 bring you you everything you hope for 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Sarah. I think Sherri would make an excellent marketing director.

      As for Jack’s secret – it’s one that only those who have read his story know.

      Liked by 2 people

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