Of Writing, Walking And A Broken Ankle

Walking, as we know, is good for us. A brisk walk a few days a week has always been my go-to form of exercise. Walking helps me. A lot. Especially the kind when I’m stirred up, stressed out and just plain stuck.

For those kind, I plug in my headphones and crank up my iPod. Although I write in silence, I process more to Kurt Cobain and The Foo Fighters than anywhere else.

But not now, because twelve days ago I broke my ankle.

Four more weeks before I can walk or drive. I wear this fracture boot day and night and hobble about on crutches. And yes, it happened when I was out walking with my husband in the middle of a field.

I’m thinking, Robocop…with Velcro?

I stopped wearing my Fitbit. What use is a ‘Weekly Report’ that only reminds you of your paltry lack of steps? Well I’ll have you know, Fitbit, you should see me when I navigate the stairs. Surely that counts for something?

What better workout could there be with a broken ankle, than Kitty zooming past me mid-stair in her newly made-up game of Dodge the Crutches?

It’s okay. I see her coming. She sleeps by me every night, long and warm and cuddly and just yesterday, I awoke with her two front paws stretched out on my leg. As if to say get better soon.

Kitty & Cherry Tree July 2020 (c) Sherri Matthews

So I forgive her anything.

But what of other news from the summerhouse?

Lockdown in late March brought a surprise heatwave and an emergence of frenetic bee activity from our bee hotel. We had the delightful privilege of observing these entertaining busy bees until they retired, worn out poor things, in June.

We’ve had Leafcutters in the past, but this year we had mostly Red Mason bees. They are solitary and vitally important as urban pollinators. Much of their habitat has been destroyed; a bee hotel provides nesting and shelter.

The Woodland Trust has some good tips for making one for your garden.

Here’s what I’ve learned: the males emerge first and wait for the females. They mate, the males die and the females get busy building nests and laying their eggs over the next couple of months.

We frequently observed several bees at a time darting in and out of various tubes, busy forming mud seals at the entrance. Sometimes they would work in this position for hours (c) Sherri Matthews

Within each tube, they create different cells separated by little walls of mud.  In each cell, they lay an egg and deposit tiny globes of pollen, brought in attached to their abdomens. This is food for the developing larvae.

For further reading, The Pollinator Garden makes the point that this isn’t so much a ‘bee hotel’ as a permanent home for these bees. I love this stuff!

(c) Sherri Matthews

They seal up each tube with mud. There, over eleven months, the eggs develop into larvae, a dormant pupa stage and then to fully formed bees the following spring.

Isn’t nature wonderful?

These solitary bees have done their work and have gone now. Thank you, bees, for all you do and the joy you bring. I can’t wait to meet the next generation next spring.

The joy of bees aside, these are strange times.

On the memoir front, an opportunity has come my way for ongoing book development as I continue to hone my pitch for my next round of literary agent submissions. It’s work and I’m ready. I’m not giving up!

Meanwhile, I’m thrilled that my non-fiction piece Behind The Mask is featured in This is Lockdown, a beautifully crafted anthology published by by M J Mallon, Author and Poet . It is an honour to feature alonside so many wonderful writers.

Thank you so much, Marje, for all your hard work putting it together. The official book launch is July 20th, but pre-order is available now.

Other writing news, I’m over at Carrot Ranch this week with my Unsung Heroes post,  The Silent Ones Who Change A Life. I would be thrilled if you joined me there.

It saddens me to sign off blogging for a while. With the easing of lockdown, uncertain times lies ahead. Covid-19 has not gone away, vigilance is key.  I am a carer and I need to get well. I miss my boys, I miss the sea, and everyday challenges mount up.

I need to focus and it isn’t easy right now!

My plan, God willin’ and the creek don’t rise (again), is to return energised, walking and raring to go in September.

Until then, I thank you all, dear friends, for your support and readership. I bid you all a happy, healthy summer. And as always, keep safe.

Love Sherri x



About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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74 Responses to Of Writing, Walking And A Broken Ankle

  1. Sorry to hear about your ankle, Sherri. You take care xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bummer. Hope you heal well and fast. And good luck with all the other stuff.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh thanks so much, D, really appreciate your good wishes. It is a bummer but what can you do? I’m just annoyed about it now!!! I’ll be on FB and can keep tabs with the Ranch . Take care.


  3. Sorry about your ankle! I hope it offers you an opportunity to write more. PS. I love your kitty, she looks a lot like mine! Sound like a similar personality too..

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Beth! Aww…aren’t black kitties beautiful? And naughty, too!! We have another one though he’s 14 so he’s seen it all 😉 Kitty’s real name is Olive…but we still call her Kitten!


  4. Tom says:

    Sorry about your ankle, Sherri, and enjoy your break. I mean the blogging one, obviously, but feel free to enjoy the other as well… it’ll pass the time at least! Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. mvschulze says:

    Aside from the mis-step, (hope you heal quickly) I also hope you and family continue to be well. Parts of California are now in the throes of the continuing pandemic, as is Florida and other southern states. We, in NJ have managed the crisis to where it is very stable for now. But national leadership, here, is our worst enemy. We should take some lessons from the Bee Hotel. There’s a little society that has it together! M 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Haha…good pun, there Marty 😉 Always great to hear from you, thank you much and I hope the same for you and your family. Yes, I keep close tabs on the happenings over there with my NY Times app and especially California. It’s not looking good there at the moment, rolling back the re-openings. I’m sure we could have a very interesting discussion about national leadership… Glad to hear things are stable in your state. I’m hoping it remains that way here too, as we relax more restrictions…
      I love that idea about the Bee Hotel. If only… 🙂


  6. Sue says:

    Sorry to hear about the ankle, Sherry…take care

    Liked by 1 person

  7. restlessjo says:

    The ease with which we break things is alarming. It may have cramped your steps but not your style, Sherri. Hope you’re soon skipping up those stairs again. 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. dgkaye says:

    Oh Sher, the crazy planets have been wreaking havoc on everything and everyone. I’m sorry about your ankle. I’ve broken my ankle before so I know the gruel. Stay safe, and stay off the foot. And thrilled to be with you too in Marje’s anthology. Hugs to you my friend. ❤ ❤ xx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh Deb, is that what’ s going on? Something is because you won’t believe it, thanks to my injury AND the walking boot which is healing my ankle, I’ve developed DVT 😦 Been in and out of A&E (ER) six times in two weeks…enough already! Thank goodness it’s being treated now, I knew something wasn’t right… But it’s a big shift as I adjust to all this and sort my head out. Scary stuff when it first happened. So sorry you’ve had the broken ankle too…two peas in a pod as you often say even in our injuries 😉 I’ve got to keep this leg properly elevated for two weeks so typing will be a bit tricky as it gets my back but I’ll get around it. Never a dull moment, eh? Thanks so much, Deb. And yes, I’m thrilled too we’re there together in Marje’s anthology !<3 I'll keep an eye out for your Q&A. Hugs back to you, my friend…keep safe and well! ❤ 🙂 ❤ xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

      • dgkaye says:

        Arg Sher, yes, the planets should calm down in another week or so. Omg, 6 times to ER in these crazy times. Please stay safe Sher. Never go out without the mask! Take the time to heal and read, don’t worry about blogging. Just stay safe girl!!!! Big healing hugs your way! ❤ ❤ xoxoxo

        Liked by 1 person

        • Aww, Deb, thanks so much my friend. And yes, it’s compulsory here now to wear masks in hospital and doctor settings (although we’ve been wearing ours from day one) and also from next week, in shops too. Still so many not wearing them. I’m going to be doing just that and focus on getting well again. Wiped out with it all. Your healing hugs are helping a lot. Staying safe and I know you’re doing the same. Hugs back! ❤ ❤ ❤ xoxo

          Liked by 1 person

          • dgkaye says:

            We too have been wearing masks since March. Ya, back then they said not necessary. Bwawawawa ya sure thing, that’s why doctors where them in ORs because they don’t help. SMH! If everyone would wear the damn things we could get the curve down globally. Bad leadership in many countries isn’t helping. Just heal! ❤ ❤ xxxx

            Liked by 1 person

            • Hi Deb, I missed this after signing off, so huge apologies for my very late reply. And seems still the mask thing rages on, all these weeks later – can’t believe it’s September already. I get you, absolutely. Crazy. And now look at the rises again… meanwhile, back on the crazy farm…I’m getting there, my friend, getting there! Be over to asap…keep safe as always, Deb! Love & Hugs ❤ 🙂 ❤ xoxoxo

              Liked by 1 person

              • dgkaye says:

                Nice to hear from you Sher, omg, of course you’ve been a tad busy! I hope you’re almost mended! I must have had sympathy pains for you because my hip went out last week and I’m still out of commision. Oye us! Lol. Stay safe and tucked in. It’s full moon time and you know what that means!!! Hugs and love to you ❤ ❤ xxxx

                Liked by 1 person

                • Lol…yep, just a tad!! And now I am just now reading about your hip and ouch, Deb, that is painful. Oye us for sure…get that pitcher of Margeritas at the ready, we need them! 😀 I am reading this the next day, and surprsingly I slept well last night, safe and tucked in and hope you did beneath a trouble-free full moon. And you get better soon too, my friend, big get well hugs coming your way >3 ❤ ❤ xoxoxo

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • dgkaye says:

                    Hi Sher. LOL we’re a pair! You always make me laugh. ❤ Yes, I'm about 50 % on the mend day 7 and I could in the car finally. I'll tell ya, holy crap, my one hip gives me probs occasionally every few months for a day or so and goes away, but this was a beaute! I had to use hub's walker to get out of a chair. So car was huge progress! But I'm backkkk! LOL. hard to keep us down for long. Be well my friend. And Margaritas for sure!!! Hugs flowing back<3 xoxo ❤

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • I’m glad I make you laugh, Deb. You too…no better medicine, right? ❤ Yikes, sounds awful, so sorry. You know, when I first broke my left ankle and I had to take all the weight on my right leg, I seriously worried about putting my back out as I get flare ups of sciatica and muscle spasms when I sit too long. I felt it twinge more than once, but by a miracle, managed to avoid it. Can you imagine? My heart goes out to you. Getting out of a chair is agony at those time so not surprised you needed hubby's walker. Soooo glad you're back, phew! Elton John..We're still standing, after all these years…better than we ever did, feeling like a little kid…. 😀 Thanks so much, Deb, and you too, my friend. Hugs and margaritas flowing…pour baby, pour!!!! 😀 ❤ xoxoxoxox

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      LOL yes! And just so you know, I once broke my ankle, so you aren’t alone. Yes, the weight being put on the other side can be dangerous to that side – as I know well from doing that with my other hip. Oye, the joys of getting older! LOL. Yes my friend, let us pour away. One day for real!!!! Hugs and love ❤ xoxox ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yikes…two peas in a pod that we are, Deb, LOL!!! I am glad I am not alone but sorry you had to deal with all that, too. And so we go. Pour, cheer and look forward to that day for sure! Love & hugs, my friend ❤ 🙂 ❤ xoxoxo

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      Yes! 🙂 ❤ xxxx

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • dgkaye says:

                      ❤ 💕🌹😘


  9. Sorry to hear about your ankle, Sherri. Are you having physical therapy or just let it heal? I saw something like the bee hotel at Costco, our warehouse type of store. It looks good and I need pollinators, but I’m working on a garden project so I’ll think about that one. I’m so happy that you’re part of Marje’s anthology. Get well soon, my friend! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Miriam. The walking boot is like a cast so I have to wear it for 4 weeks then ease out of it very slowly for another 2 so 6 weeks in total. It keeps the ankle and lower leg stable. I will have physio once I start to make the transition to walking without it. I’ll need it as I want to make sure the ankle is strong again before I attempt long walks. I hope you get a bee hotel for your garden, the kind of solitary bees that use them are great pollinators, and if it’s in a sunny spot a few feet high with plenty of bee-friendly plants and flowers nearby, they will come! Garden projects are the best, I am intrigud! Thank you again, my friend. I look forward to the day in the fall when I can at last join in with your photo challenges… Until then, enjoy your garden and keep safe! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Mary Smith says:

    Wishing you all the best with the ankle and the memoir and look forward to you re-joining the blogging world after the summer. Big hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Mary. I have struggled to keep it going here with this latest setback and I need to pace myself, literally! I really look forward to returning and meanwhile, I will catch up with you on FB as and when. Enjoy summer, keep well and safe and big hugs back 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. purpleslob says:

    Oh man, I pray your ankle gets healed very quickly! Yuck that you have stairs!! 😦 Please don’t let kitty win the “Around the crutches” game!! going ove to look at the mask. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Liz H says:

    Happy, hopeful healing!
    Fascinating info about your bee neighbors.
    Look forward to reading in the Fall!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww, thanks so much Liz! Every day I look at the bee hotel and think of all the bee babies in there, sleeping and growing happily away ready for next spring. It’s an honour, you know? I look forward to catching up with you too and meanwhile also on our CR FB group as and when. Keep safe this summer! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Genny says:

    Hi Sherri! I was so sorry to hear from my mom about your ankle. Hope you have a speedy recovery! Love and miss you lots!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Genny! Aww, thank you so much…the travails of life, eh? I hope you and your lovely family are enjoying a good and safe summer despite everything going on there. You are all so dear to me, your mom and all of you. Love and miss you greatly. Big hugs from across the pond! ❤ xoxo


  14. TanGental says:

    ha, and just as the footie season was about to start – you must be as sick as a summerhouse without a sherry. Glad the writing is ticking along and have the summer of delights before you explode back before us. TTFN – Lots of love from sarf londin…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha!! Sure you haven’t been nipping at the sherry, Geoff? 😀 Good job I’m not into footie…and yes, though I am that sick, at least I have gin and lots of lemon in the fridge. I am envisioning exploding back into action…I rather like that plan. Aww…but thanks so much, Geoff. Hope you and your lovely family are all keeping well in sarf londin. We’re all doing okay other than the cracks and breaks. I’ll be seeing you on Zoom! Lots of love back from Somerrrrset.


  15. Charli Mills says:

    Dodgey game, that cat and crutches! She gets more adorable each photo I see. I’m glad she lying paws on you, healing your wound. That Robo Cop with Velcro Boot looks like a torture contraption from a medieval dungeon. I have pre-ordered my copy of This Is Lockdown. Congratulations on your inclusion! Your column at the Ranch has struck a chord with many. Rest up, Sherri, and write on! Stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Charli, I’m cracking up here, I read your comment and on quick glance thought you were saying you had pre-ordered your Robo Cop boot!!!!!!! It feels a bit like a torture contraption everytime I take it off and ease my leg out with a long ahhhhhh…. Unfortunately, the boot that is healing my fracture has given me DVT. The ‘unlucky few’ apparantely. Or, as we call it here, Sod’s Law. I’m thrilled to be included in Marje’s beautiful anthology and also to feature in the Unsung Heroes Column at the Ranch. It’s wonderful how far and wide the reach through blogging, isn’t it? Thank you so much, as always, for your wonderful support, my friend! ❤


  16. Dearest Sherri, of course I already knew about your leg before I read this post, so you already know that I’m extremely sympathetic, will be talking to you on the phone soon etc. I couldn’t help getting a funny thought (if it’s allowed), when you said about kitty stretched out next to your leg. It was of a naughy kitty (not a good one like yours), maybe it would use your leg plaster as a scratching pole. Animals are devils running down the stairs next to one. My darling Labrador does that, too — all 25 kg of her. It’s so dangerous but I am well used to it after experiencing 12 years of sharing the stairs with her. I do hope your bone mends quickly. I gave my two offspring homeopathic ruta graveolens when they broke their a bone each as children. They were able to have their plasters off two weeks earlier than usual, possibly because of this remedy. There certainly was no other explanation.

    Looking forward to talking to you soon. Stay calm. Deep breaths. Keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll have a big breakthrough with your memoir soon. Lots of love, hugs, and kisses, Sarah xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dearest Sherri, at long last I am replying to your lovely comment from so long ago, and of course, we have since caught up on various mediums of social media and very much looking forward to talking very soon. I will be in touch. Can’t believe it’s September already, can you? Haha…yes, funny is always allowed and our dear furry family do give us such laughs and joy don’t they? Nothing like the fun and games we play together. I am quite despondent with the writing thing at the moment…you know how it goes. Up and down. But pressing in with the work having had various set backs as per. But yes, let’s catch up very soon. Take care and keep safe as always, my friend! Lots of love, hugs and kisses ❤ xxxxxxxxxxxx

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Pat says:

    I’m sorry to hear you broke your ankle, Sherri. It’s hard hobbling around. I can understand having broken mine a few years back and had to have surgery and pins put in it. I had difficulty with the crutches, though, and had to go for something more stable, a walker. That was humbling.

    You’ve got this girl and will soon be out on those walks in no time. Happy you’re still writing and submitting your manuscript to agents. It’s definitely different these days and glad to see you’re managing it all well.

    God bless, my friend, be safe and well and no more falls, please! Hugs and love. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, dear Pat. I am so sorry for my very late reply, having signed off blogging and now just returning, sort of! I had some setbacks and I’m still working on those edits, but here we are September already and I need to catch up here, albeit it slowly. So sorry to hear about your broken ankle, Pat, ouch, sounds horrible with having surgery and pins. So glad you recovered well from all that. Hope you and your family are all well and safe. God bless you too, and I promise, no more falls…and you too! Take care and keep safe, love and hugs to you 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Pat says:

        No matter how long it’s been Sherri, it’s always a treat to hear from you and catch up a little. My broken ankle was several years ago and has mended well. I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend too.

        I’ve not been blogging much lately (last post in May) but still hanging onto it for a way of expressing myself when I’m inspired and want to put something out in the world. I have a feeling there will be much of that in the near future.

        A lot of stirring and shifts going on as I’m sure you feel it and all around. Take care my friend and will continue to keep checking in. Will watch for updates on your book publishing. Love and hugs! ❤ 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  18. I’m clearly so far behind with reading blog posts, you’re ankle’s probably healed by now. I hope, at least, that it’s well on its way to healing. Have a good summer, Sherri, and take care

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Graeme, and huge apologies for my way too late reply to your lovely comment. I had signed off and am only just returning a come back, of sorts. Had a few setbacks, as per, so trying to get back on track. Anyway, getting there. 9 weeks and counting and walking unaided now and hoping to drive very soon. Can’t believe it’s September already and we’re into autumn just about. Hope you had a great summer, thanks Graeme. Look forward to catching up shortly and you take care too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Ste J says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your injury which I hope is progressing well, it’s been a funny old time but I am glad that you are keeping on keeping on. I look forward to the dramatic fanfare of your September arrival.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi my friend, and huge apologies for my massive lateness in replying. I’m only just today embarking on the beginning of my tentative return to blogging. Not so much a dramatic fanfare, I think, more like a party blower that’s lost its squeak. But hey, we do our best, right? I’ll be over to you asap and hope all is well with your and your lovely family. And thanks so much for popping in at the Summerhouse to keep an eye on things… 🙂


  20. Pingback: Welcome To My World « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

  21. Pingback: Saddle Up Saloon; World Wide Garden Tour « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

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