Girl With The Summertime Smile

Girl with the Summertime Smile

You came to me, wrapped up in love, on a too-hot summer’s day

As you took in every life-drop falling from the sky,

Then  seeking  quiet refuge in the still of your shut-tight eyes.

Newborn Baby Daughter 16 August 1992 (c) copyright Sherri Matthews

Newborn Baby Daughter
16 August 1992
(c) copyright Sherri Matthews

Oh Summer girl of mine, with your sunflower-smile

and your cotton-dress skip;

Making beds for caterpillars and tiny pools for frogs,

Singing to the moon on a twinkle-star night,

Legs dangling from your swing as we laughed and held on tight!


Happy Daughter
(c) copyright Sherri Matthews 2013

Oh did that light from heaven get lost in the dark heart?

A memory of a safe, strong day

Brings a strong-comfort hope, not just for then but now.

Fight I will, this will not, ever, tear us apart.

Rockstar Daughter (c) copyright Sherri Matthews 2013

Rockstar Daughter
(c) copyright Sherri Matthews 2013

Sweet woman-girl you are

As I offer  you my hand should you take it, oh there you are!

It is always as it should be

In the near…in the chaos…in the far.

My daughter at Sea World  (c) copyright Sherri Matthews

What thoughts?
(c) copyright Sherri Matthews 2013

You are my daughter, you see, so here we are, you and me.

Swing free under that night-sky, sing your song of  let-me-be

And I will ease your sorrow, light a way along your path.

So you keep your hope alive, and I will journey with you for awhile,

As you are here today, your day, and I remember

My little girl with the summer-time smile.

My Daughter with Cat Cake (c) copyright Sherri Matthews 2013

My Daughter with Cat Cake
(c) copyright Sherri Matthews 2013

Wishing you, my darling daugther, a very Happy 21 st Birthday!!!!!!!

With all my love, Mum xxx

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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35 Responses to Girl With The Summertime Smile

  1. Loved your poem and I’m not much on poetry, but this one captured my heart, probably because I have three grown daughters of my own.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you very much Donna for visiting my blog and reading this poem. I’m very moved and humbled indeed to know that it captured your heart. To be honest, I have never studied poetry, I rarely read it, but I used to write quite a lot of it when I was an angst-ridden teenager! I used to find it very theraputic! The only way I write poetry, here and there, is exactly as the words come to me and I never edit them, which I know is not good, but it’s the only way I have ever done it!
      I wrote this poem early on the morning of my daughter’s 21st on Friday. My heart was filled with emotion, both from so many precious memories held deep in my heart of all the birthdays which had come before but also because my daughter struggles with Asperger’s Syndrome and has not had an easy time of it lately.
      I just visited your blog and am now following you as I was very inspired by your ‘About’ page. I have left you a comment there 🙂


      • I want to thank you again for visiting my blog and commenting. My oldest daughter turned 42 on Saturday, August 17th. Time flies so fast that it doesn’t seem possible. Their two boys stayed the night Saturday so they could go out to dinner to celebrate.

        When I read that you usually don’t read poetry I had to leave this comment because usually I’m not a poetry reader either. I think that’s because so much poetry has a hidden message and I don’t think I’m smart enough to “get It” or something, but yours was very plain to understand and I loved it.


        • Sherri says:

          Ahh Donna, you are a star. How lovely to have your grandsons stay with you, I long for grandchildren! My eldest son is 30 and my middle son 24. My hopes lie in my eldest but think I have a bit of a wait…!!
          Thank you so much for sharing your personal thoughts about your own daughters with me here.
          Also, for sharing your thoughts about poetry. I totally agree with you, I just don’t ‘get it’ so often. Sometimes I do wonder that what I write is a bit cryptic but your wonderful encouragement of my poem has blessed me so much! Thank you once again for taking the time to do so, I really appreciate it 🙂
          PS I hope that your daughter had a lovely birthday! No matter how old our children are, they are still our babies! I still need my mum and I’m 53!


  2. Lyn Buckley says:

    Oh, what a beautiful poem for a beautiful daughter……. Claire, you are so blessed!


  3. jennypellett says:

    That’s lovely – something special to keep forever. Hope the birthday is a good one – Happy Days, congratulations.


  4. Genny says:

    What a sweet poem! Please wish Claire a very happy birthday from Genny, Dave and Josh!!


  5. So beautifully written and a poem Claire will always cherish!! Hope her day was extra special. Happy 21rst B-day Claire!!! XO


    • Sherri says:

      Diane, Claire loved her earrings and her darling card, she will be in touch. Thank you so much, and for your lovely birthday wishes. A wonderful time had by one and all, our home was filled with love, joy and laughter, just as it should be…:-) xo


  6. Theresa says:

    Just lovely – sweet and light and filled with love. Blessings to you both…


  7. jesspayne2 says:

    Precious poem, Sherri. Happy Birthday to Claire!!!! A very, very Happy 21!!!! May light and love guide your path….


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you so much Jessie for your lovely sentiment and sweet birthday wishes for Claire, she says ‘thank you’ too! We had a truly beautiful birthday weekend, our hearts were full of light, love and joy 🙂


  8. Lovely words for a lovely young lady. I love the rockstar photo!


    • Sherri says:

      Ha! Yes, love that one! Funny, as her younger brother sitting behind her in that pic ended up being the rockstar (well, he plays electric guitar and you never know…). Thank you so…..:-)


  9. Kavita Joshi says:

    beautifully written dear


  10. Beautiful poem and great pictures, Sherri. Our youngest daughter turned 21 in March and graduated from college three weeks ago. They grow up so fast.


    • Sherri says:

      Hello Bill, and thank you so much. Wow, congratulations to your daughter! So both our ‘babies’ are now officially adults!!! They do certainly grow up so fast. I just don’t know where the time goes…


  11. Asha says:

    Such a poignant post, Sherri. I read it once, then twice and then again I dont know how many times. I wanted to hug my mother. Alas! I cant.
    Lots of love to your daughter. A very happy birthday to her.



    • Sherri says:

      Ahh Asha, how lovely of you, I am very humbled that my poem has moved you in this way. I will certainly give my daughter your happy birthday wishes, thank you so much for your kindness and your beautiful words. I will do my very best to keep smiling, I am certainly smiling now 🙂


  12. Denise says:

    Your daughter is very lucky to have such a loving mum. They are lovely pictures of her too.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you very much Denise for your lovely comment, I really do appreciate it 🙂


      • Denise says:

        You got me thinking I wish I were brave enough to write poems for my children. But I am afraid they will find it a bit weird. I hope to be able to try one day.


        • Sherri says:

          Poetry is something that I write only when I am feeling very emotional and the words just come to me. Sometimes I just have to get the words down and if they look like a poem, then so be it! You never know Denise, just try it when the mood takes you and you don’t have to show your children, at least not right away! I’ve got quite a few poems which have never seen the light of day and if it wasn’t for this blog I wouldn’t have dared to share any of my writing, never mind a poem! That is why I have been staggered by the beautiful responses I’ve received, truly blown away. Something shared from the heart that also blesses others…this is what makes me so happy, this is what moves me 🙂


          • Denise says:

            That’s true about not showing them right away. The teenage years are maybe not the best ones to be loading feelings onto them, whereas in later years they may appreciate it more. Good idea.


  13. thirdhandart says:

    A beautiful tribute to a beautiful daughter! 🙂


  14. Lesley Dawson says:

    Sherri, I’m so sorry that I missed this. It was only when I read your most recent post that I discovered it – I must have been too wrapped up in my old dog’s final illness at the time of your posting.
    It’s a lovely poem and I especially like the line about ‘..beds for caterpillars and pools for frogs.’ 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Lesley, that is so lovely of you. My daughter really used to make beds for caterpillers, out of matchboxes! She loves any and all creatures, no matter the size! Please don’t worry, I know that you went through a tough time losing your lovely ‘old boy’ – I was really moved by your beautiful and touching post in his honour, made me smile but also sad as it made me remember our beloved dogs and cats that we have lost over the years. Our pets break our hearts don’t they? Hope you are feeling better… 🙂


  15. Tine says:

    Dear Sherri

    I have just discovered your blog and having read some of your articles and just now your beautiful poem, I have been moved to tears. I have thought for several years that my daughter is “aspie” and now entering into the teenage years I am emotionally exhausted. However, you have given me inspiration and strength, and I am going to take time each day to read your blog and hope that it helps me to be the mother that I so want to be for my precious daughter. Wish me luck!


    • Sherri says:

      Dear Tine, I am very moved and humbled by your words here. Just knowing that as one mum of an ‘Aspie’ daughter to another I can be of some help to you in some small way makes it all worthwhile. I truly hope that you can gain some measure of support here and that you can be encouraged at least in knowing that you are not alone.
      We struggled for many years before my daughter received her diagnosis at 18 of Asperger’s Syndrome. We thought ‘hallelujiah, now some proper help!’. How wrong we were. I understand your exhaustion and the heavy weight that you bear, and please know that I am here and happy to help with any questions you may have…not that I’m an expert, far from it, but we can learn from one another 🙂
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and for sharing your personal story here. I wish you all the luck in the world by sending you every blessing.


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