Help, I’ve Lost All My Followers!

Has anyone else had this problem?  According to my Blog Stats I have just lost every single one of my followers. I just watched you all drain away. According to WordPress, I now have zero followers.

Is my writing that bad????  Please come back, I’ll try to do better!!!

If anybody out there can help me with this (I have no idea what to do about it and I’m panicking) I would be so very grateful for your help.

Thank you!!!!

Update: Have gone on to the WordPress forums and discovered that quite a few others are also having the same problem, so now I know at least I’m not the only one.  First, Spamgate, now Followergate.  I hope they fix it soon!

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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59 Responses to Help, I’ve Lost All My Followers!

  1. No, your writing is NOT that bad. It’s actually quite good. This must be some kind of glitch on the part of WordPress. Go to the forums and see if you can get someone to answer why this happened to you. (Then share it with us!!)


  2. I still show that I’m following you. Gosh, I’ll check mine…I have few enough as it is! And yes, please, let us know what’s going on and if the fix is on their end or ours. Thanks for the “heads-up,” Sherri!


  3. Me too. Just now. What’s going on I wonder. One minute I was reading posts and the next pfft. All followers gone. I’m following myself! Which is always good to know, I suppose. 🙂 I daresay it will get sorted unless there’s some….NO, I’m not going for a conspiracy theory today of all days.x


  4. Thanks for this post, now I know we are not alone. We’ve lost our email subscribers only.


  5. Same thing for me, I have also lost all my followers (except those from Twitter) – please wordpress fix the glitch! Thank you!!!


  6. So did we! But since you’re still showing up on our Reader it must just be a glitch on the stats page.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh thanks so much for letting me know that all you lovely followers are still with me! I don’t want to lose you! Same with you for me in my Reader, so yes, it is definitely a glitch. Let’s hope not for long 😉


  7. Arlene says:

    I’ve just lost all my followers also. What is going on?
    I wonder if it is a problem with reporting the followers or have they all be deleted by some wordpress meanie?


  8. MillieMuppet says:

    I’ve had this too! So glad I’m not the only one… I looked at my stats in horror..


  9. Their first reply: “We’re investigating this currently. We’ll post updates to this thread as we have them:
    We appreciate your patience and thanks for using”

    I’ll keep you posted! :-/


  10. xbox2121 says:

    $&&$#%&& WordPress gremlins at play I guess. I normally loose 3 to 5 a week. The only way I get them back is to wait for them to like or comment on my post. This just made me think though I need to print out a list from the blogs I follow and check it from time to time. Give it a day in your case it should work itself out.


    • Sherri says:

      Ha! Gremlins indeed! Thanks Bob. That interesting, and good idea to print a list, I never thought of that! I still don’t have all my followers back, but hopefully it will be resolved, and good advice, always wise to give these things a day or two to get sorted out! Hope all is going well with you 🙂


  11. avianstudent says:

    Having the same issue, hopefully they fix it soon!


  12. Well, spoke to soon…stats are back, but folks didn’t get my post this morning. Still working on that. (sigh) Thanks to your red alert, I wouldn’t have know anything was going on – just would have thought no one like my blog today! :,-(


    • Sherri says:

      Gosh, that’s a good job you found that out! I must admit that I was experiencing some odd things on my blog earlier today and still am. I have to keep logging in and out for my comments to show up for instance. Hmmm, obviously those WordPress gremlins are on the rampage. Glad we can all support each other through this, I find it quite stressful 😦


  13. parrillaturi says:

    Hi Sherri. Me too! We’ll see what they can do about it. Blessings.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh no, I’m sorry! I hope you get it sorted out soon! I just put up another post to say that I have now had the problem resolved. Definitely an issue with WordPress ‘gremlins’!! Keep me posted 🙂


  14. wendymc12 says:

    I thought I was the only one. Honestly, ever since I started the new site in March, my stats have been screwy. I will see new followers each day, but my stats stay static or go down…a ridiculous amount. Yesterday the number went down to 130, then up to 490 and comments were 230. I have a few 1,000 followers and around 1,700 comments. My numbers are still waaaayyyy off.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Wendy! There are definitely some gremlins about. It seems that in addition to many of us losing all our followers, there are just as many having the problems that you describe here. Come to think of it, I noticed something funny going on with my stats the day before the followers disappeared. I also lost all my comments. Some people who followed me way before have had to re-follow me I’ve noticed, which I do really appreciate 🙂 Thanks for letting me know and I hope that you can get this problem sorted out soon 🙂


  15. Pat says:

    Hi Sherri – first time on your site and came over to check it out as I saw you liked one of my posts. I also noticed my stats dropped and see that others are having the same problem on WordPress.

    Do you have any new information or a link we can go to in the forums for updates? Thanks for posting this. I wouldn’t have known. I just thought, like you, people didn’t like what I was writing but didn’t think that many would drop off so fast.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Pat! Many thanks for visiting me, I’ve just left a comment on your blog too! I know that a lot of us are having these ongoing problems with stats dropping right now and it seems to be a general problem with WordPress which I know they are working on. If I find a link I will post it. I hope they fix it soon, it is not helpful!


  16. Pat says:

    Sherri – many thanks to Conrad (The Wine Wackers) who gave me another WordPress forum thread to report this issue on. It’s

    I’m still having problems but maybe I’ll get some answers here. It sounds like they’re still investigating it as there are people still having stat follower issues.


  17. I had quite the shock too when that happened to me. And that it still said 0 followers when I logged out and back in.


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