WPC: Inside My Hope-Filled English Garden

This week’s  Weekly Photo Challenge theme is ‘Inside’.  This is my interpretation.  Here’s hoping.

Walking around my garden today, I can’t help thinking how different things are compared to last year when we were in the grip of a long, cold spring. This year, having been blasted and battered with storms, record-breaking rainfall and catastrophic flooding with barely any frost, snow or ice to speak of, here in the UK we are now basking in an early and glorious spring.

One of the first things I couldn’t wait to do when I returned to the UK after living in California for so long was to plant spring bulbs.  Although I loved my Californian garden, full to bursting as it was with Jasmine, Morning Glory, Iris Flags and yes, Lavender and Roses (they love that dry heat!) I was always unsuccessful when it came time to growing daffodils.  It was just too hot no matter how much I watered them.

Now, every spring, my eyes feast on their little yellow-heads  nodding about in the warm air as if they know a thing or two.   Last autumn I planted Narcissus Tete-a-tetes and they have arrived in all their glory!

Spring Bulbs  (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Spring Bulbs
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Spring Bulbs (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Spring Bulbs
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

You’ll notice in the photograph below two pots of geraniums.  Believe it not, these have been outside all winter, uncovered and untouched.  I have never known geraniums survive a British winter before (unless in a heated greenhouse).

In California yes, but here?  I can’t think of a better way to demonstrate how unseasonably mild it has been here.  Scary actually, not normal.

Spring Bulbs (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Spring Bulbs by my summerhouse
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Admiring my pretty blooms, my busy thoughts turn very much towards Eldest Son and Lovely Girlfriend who are, at this very hour, jet-planing across the sea to California for a holiday.  It is the first time that my son has been back ‘home’, where he grew up, for over ten years.

I wonder how it will be for him, re-visiting all the familiar places where we lived and played together as a family so long ago?  I know how surreal it was for me when I went back last year,  shadowed by memories of our long-ago life together as they walked softly by my side with every step that I took.

So many memories flood my mind now.  When my son was preparing to leave home for College in 2001 he burnt a CD for me of some of my favourite songs, one of which is ‘Lovely Day’ by Bill Withers.  Years later, on another but bitterly cold, spring day in March, 2006, Hubby and I played it at our wedding. Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary (mere newlyweds!).

What a lovely day indeed.

The view of my garden now is one of a fresh beauty.  I remember when I started my blog my muse came to me in the form of my garden robin, ‘Sweet Robin’ as I called him.  He is a cheeky little fellow, all plump and red-breasted with beady, black eyes overseeing all with a keen garden management, the territorial little thing that he is.

But this year something was different.  I had not seen him and it made me sad.

Then one morning not so long ago, and feeling downcast as I stood at my kitchen window, I instantly recognised the brown flit-flit of a certain little bird darting in and out of the bare tree branches.  A flash of his red-breast puffed out proudly and there he was, Sweet Robin, perched on the side of the feeder.  With a gasp I froze and watched.

My Sweet Robin Taken February, 2013, hence the snow.  I was unable to get a photo of him this time around as he didn't stay too long (c) copyright Sherri Matthews 2014

My Sweet Robin
Taken February, 2013, hence the snow.
I was unable to get a photo of him this time around as he didn’t stay too long
(c) copyright Sherri Matthews 2014

Then, to add sugar to the mix,  Mrs Sweet Robin appeared too, on the tree next to him, chattering away:  ‘Hurry up, we haven’t got all day!’

That day, when I saw my Robin, my heart lifted with such joy.  Such a simple sighting removed my heaviness in a single heartbeat and tears of joy poured down my cheeks. Every tear drop washed away my sadness and my moment was filled with light once more.  I knew in that single moment, at the sight of my Robin, that I was going to be alright.  That we were all going to be alright.  He was my heaven-sent gift of hope.

Later that day, during a much-needed sort out, I found a card sent to me from a dear friend in California to encourage me and it contained this beautifully timed quote by Emily Dickinson:

‘Hope is the thing with feathers,
that perches in the soul,
and sings the tune without the words,
and never stops at all.’

You see then that inside my garden I find so many things; the beauty of  yellow-soaked daffodils reaching up to the spring-sunshine announcing their arrival with smiles of unblemished joy; the freedom in knowing that nature’s power not only brings catastrophe when it is unhinged but that it also brings a gentle healing when it whispers quietly in our hearts of the perpetuity of renewal through it’s spring-time song.

There I also find healing for a troubled heart in the sighting of a silly little bird, my Sweet Robin.

So while my son is California Dreamin’ as he heads out towards his distant horizon, I share here with you not only the inside of my garden but also the inside of my heart.  My thoughts are that you will come away with a renewed hope in your hearts and that you have a Lovely Day.

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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89 Responses to WPC: Inside My Hope-Filled English Garden

  1. The flowers are lovely Sherri! I suddenly miss mu grandma’s garden. She tended to her flowers dutifully and I was her assistance, meaning I had to take care of the weeds LOL.
    Your son must be very excited! And to see his old friends again in Sunny California. 🙂
    Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Jhanis, I’m so glad that you enjoyed seeing my daffodils. I remember before you mentioning your grandma’s garden and how much it meant to you 🙂
      Yes, my son is so excited. It will be a packed full trip, including going to Las Vegas and he will see his dad who he hasn’t seen for 5 years. So quite the reunion.
      Thanks so much for the anniversary wishes 🙂


  2. As the overnight lows have been pushing -20C here in Ottawa as of late, and with a couple of feet of snow (at least) still covering everyone’s yard, I won’t say that I am jealous of your climate circumstances. Well, not too much.

    Lovely photos and writing, as always, Sherri.


    • Sherri says:

      Goodness Nav, you still have winter! That was us last year. This year it’s so mild. We are all slightly nervous thinking it could be snowing next week or something silly. Wouldn’t be the first time! That’s why I wanted to get this spring post out while the going’s good! I’m sure it won’t be long before you have your turn 😉

      And once again, I thank you very much for your kind words, I always appreciate them 🙂


  3. thirdhandart says:

    Love the quote by Emily Dickinson, ‘Hope is the thing with feathers….’ A beautiful, hope-filled look at the inside of your garden Sherri! Hope your son has a wonderful time in California. Happy Anniversary!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you very much Theresa and also for the anniversary wishes!
      I thought of you when I put that quote in as I knew you would like it! It really struck me when I read it a while ago and I’ve been wanting to include it in a post ever since so this seemed to be the perfect opportunity.
      I’m excited for my son and I’m sure he will have a wonderful time. I can’t wait to hear all about it!


  4. What a beautiful post Sherri x I hope spring stays this good and flowers bloom in your heart and garden x my robins are back too singing their little hearts out. They are such hard working little birds x


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Brenda and thank you so much! Yes, let’s hope that we get to enjoy a lovely spring and so happy to hear that your robins are back too! They really do work so hard, I just love them 🙂 x


  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Inside – On the inside looking out. |

  6. Glad to know. Yes, the daffodils are gorgeous in testimony to the loving care that gave them life. Rich thoughts of an older season in the States and of your son.

    Love the unblemished joy.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, the unblemished joy! I very much appreciate you noticing that Diana and I thank you so very much for it! This was a post full of memories as they crammed into my mind! I hope that you didn’t feel the earthquake too much yesterday in LA and I wish for you a rattle-free day today 🙂


  7. What lovely spring flowers! It sounds as if your garden is truly a special place for so many reasons. How lovely that you have such a special place right in your yard. It’s invigorating to see your beautiful flowers blooming. We’re still in the grip of a long spring here in Michigan, but I’m hoping to see some signs of life in the next couple weeks.


    • Sherri says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed the flowers Heather! My garden is very special to me as I’ve had to leave so many behind with moving so much.
      It does seem that we have spring earlier this year than many places in the States. You seem to have had a long winter this year. Strange, as last year we had quite a bit of snow but nothing like it this year. I hope that you will see some colour soon, just around the corner I’m sure 🙂


  8. Your little robin friends remind of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book “The Secret Garden.” 😀 Although a children’s classic, it is a beautiful little story. Have you ever read it? Gardens are always such places of hope. Glad you are enjoying yours to the fullest.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh yes, The Secret Garden! One of my favourite books, I love that story and I’ve longed for a garden with a wall ever since! It is a beautiful story indeed, thank you for reminding me of it! I can remember reading it when I was a young girl but you have made me think that I should read it again! Gardens are beautiful and peaceful and I’m so grateful to have mine as I’ve had to leave so many behind with moving so much 🙂


  9. Glittermoon says:

    We are kindred souls …birds are the ultimate spirit lifter for me, too. thanks for sharing! Cackie


    • Sherri says:

      How lovely to meet you kindred soul! Birds are so beautiful aren’t they? I’m so glad you enjoyed reading about my Sweet Robin and thanks so much for visiting 🙂


  10. Heyjude says:

    Wow, Sherri, you flit about topics as quickly as your sweet robin. I’m out of breath now! First things first – I love your battered terracotta pots ESPECIALLY the ones with the decorative dragonflies / grape vines. I want!!
    Secondly happy anniversary – hope you have many more happy years together and spring is such a wonderful time to celebrate.
    And finally, I hope your son and his lady have a lovely holiday – doesn’t he miss California? It must be such a culture shock living here. My eldest son never got over leaving South Africa (he was only nine when we left) and still thinks of himself as a South African, even though he has Australian nationality now too!

    Wishing you loads of lovely days – spring proper starts tomorrow so it will most likely snow at the weekend 😀
    Jude xx


    • Sherri says:

      Ha ha! Yes, there is a lot in here, I agree! This was one of those posts which had me thinking of so many things and I had to cut it right back as it was! Still, I’m glad that I was able to share what i did and what was going through my mind. Sorry to make you out of breath though 😉

      My battered terracotta pot got that way from last year’s frost but like you, I love that look. I keep them until they literally fall apart. I got it at at a garden center here but can’t remember where! The grape vine one is one of two that I brought back with me from the States. I used to have huge, red geraniums growing in them either side of my front door. Now wait for the shocker – they are made of resin!!! You would never know looking at them but they are so much lighter that way and I’ve had them a good 15 years!

      Ahh, thanks so much Jude for your lovely kind wishes. Out of my three it is my daughter surprisingly who misses the States the most. She was 10 when we moved back. I will be very interested to see how my son feels when he returns. There are many things he misses so I hope he won’t want to move back after his trip!

      How long were you in SA? Does your son live in Australia now? It’s funny because when my parents split up and my mum remarried I remember that we almost emigrated to SA when I was about 11 and I was so scared of leaving thinking I would be eaten by a lion or something!! Now, well I would love to go…

      Ha Ha! Yes, I expect we are in for snow any day now… 😉 xx


      • Heyjude says:

        Interesting that your daughter was at a similar age. Maybe they are forming some deep connection then, pre-puberty. My other boys were much younger and have no affinity with SA at all, especially as they no longer have any family there. I lived there for ten or so years – husband no 1 and no 2!! When we came to the UK my daughter found it very funny that classmates thought she must have lived in a hut with lions roaming around 🙂


        • Sherri says:

          Yes, that is interesting although in my case my boys were older, 14 and 21! I seriously thought they would both shoot off back to CA as soon as they possibly could! Well, life is full of twists and turns as we both know! Maybe 9 or 10 is more crucial with that kind of connection as you say.
          Ahh, so you’ve been through just a few experiences then Jude? I hope that life is much happier and secure for you now…
          Ha Ha! Yes, that’s just how I imagined it would be like when I was a girl 😉


  11. jenniferkmarsh says:

    What a lovely post, Sherri. It makes me happy to see you so hopeful! Daffodils always remind me of my mother, for she loves them too 🙂 And look at Sweet Robin! I loves robins so much. I’m not surprised seeing him lifted your hopes so! The sweetest gifts from heaven are indeed the ones so small ^^

    But yes, a SCARILY mild winter 😐 Really scary, if you think about it. Is this climate change? 😦

    I hope all is good, dear Sherri! Keep smiling 🙂 x


    • Sherri says:

      Oh my dear Jenny Jen Jen! Hello to you, how are you? No matter what, we do have to keep that hope alive 🙂 So glad to know that you loved the daffodils and Sweet Robin. What a joy these gifts do indeed bring to our tired souls 🙂

      It has to be climate change. This weather is extraordinary. In many parts of the States they are still having snow! I wonder if we are becoming a tropical island? 😉

      My reply to your lovely email is forthcoming, please forgive me for taking so long. Juggling too many things at the moment, as usual, but that’s no excuse…I do hope things are going well with you and you are being blessed with blue skies and twilight evenings… 🙂 x


      • jenniferkmarsh says:

        A refreshing burst of hope, just in time for the blossoming spring. So fitting 😛 How am I? Well, Sherri! It’s all been happening while I’ve been away from blogging. I’m hoping to write a post about it all soon, so you shall know. Good and bad stuff, really. For example, I am currently in awful pain. That is the bad.

        If the UK turns into a tropical island, I’m out of here. No way I’m dealing with that!

        No worries about the email! I’d actually forgotten about it! haha. Being a busy bee takes it toll. Until we speak next, take care! 🙂


  12. jennypellett says:

    Lovely spring post – I love daffs too – they always herald the start of something better. My geraniums have survived this winter too – first time ever – some still in bloom, would you believe.
    Love the Bill Withers too – that’s a nice thing your boy did for you – music is always so meaningful. Hope he and his partner have a lovely time going back home.


    • Sherri says:

      I do believe it Jenny! What’s with that? I left mine out because I didn’t get time to deal with them and then I just thought ‘Oh well, they’ve got two chances’. Well, they took a chance and look at them! I wonder if our geraniums will be extra-wonderful this summer?
      Great song isn’t it? Yes, I was really touched when he did that. I remember him handing me the CD in it’s plastic case and I was trying really hard not to throw myself at him and beg him not to leave! I missed him terribly when he moved out but he was only 30 miles away! Now he’s a few thousand miles away but not for long, unless he decides he misses California so much and decides to move back!


  13. Navigator 65 is about 6 hours away from me. Brrr on the eve of spring. You post has perked me up with all your lovely flowers. Their happy faces make me smile. A pop of color in my world of rain and dead things.


    • Sherri says:

      Wow, what a small world! Yes, you’ve had a really cold, long winter this year. Oh Tess, I’m so glad that my spring flowers have brought some pretty colour to you 🙂 They are much earlier this year. When we got married in 2006 there wasn’t a daffodil in sight and didn’t appear until early April, so this is really unusual. Your spring will come and soon, I’m sure and shine its warmth upon you. As for us, our weather is so crazy at the moment that I wouldn’t be surprised if it were to snow any day 😉


  14. Pat says:

    So lovely and refreshing, Sherri, to see those Spring flowers in bloom. A little early for us but won’t be long with Spring only days away. I love the green where you are — we’re more dry and the high altitude and deer make for challenging gardening. Hope your son and girlfriend have a nice spring break in sunny California and back home you and your husband enjoyed a special anniversary celebration. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh yes, I remember having our discussion about the deer before but what a beautiful part of the world where you live! Spring is so early this year for us, very unusual. We didn’t have a daffodil in sight when we got married in 2006, and it was bitterly cold. This time last year we had snow! So this is very odd indeed. Makes us all nervous as to what could happen. Our weather here can be very changeable but we are optimistic if nothing else 😉 Your spring will be with you bursting into colour any time now, how lovely 🙂
      Thanks so much Pat. I’m certainly looking forward to hearing all about their trip and yes thank you, we did have a nice, quiet anniversary 🙂


  15. Elaine says:

    Hi Sherri. This brought tears to my eyes. I love the daffodils as I do my garden but I was thinking of our off spring, rather than spring, in the sky traveling. I do hope they enjoy themselves and it did cross my mind that they both might end up going to live in California but I hope not for our sakes. We may not get to see them as often as would like but at least they are only a car drive away. Now I am being selfish. Hope the boiler is now working!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Elaine! What a lovely surprise but now you have me crying! I can’t bear to think that our babies will move to California. The memories are still so raw for me when I left my home behind and moved over there but then as the kids grew up I honestly didn’t think that we would move back here. There was so much there that was really good and it was very hard to leave but in life there are always surprises. I was so happy when my boy told me that he was going to move back here to ‘give it a try’ and here he still is, over 10 years later. And now with your lovely daughter! If you are being selfish then so am I as I don’t want them to move away 😦 Anyway, let’s not think about that! They’ll have a great time, I know that and then we’ll get to hear all about it 🙂
      They are waiting for me to get there tomorrow and then hopefully get the boiler fixed. What a mercy the problem was discovered when it was 🙂 We’ll keep in touch Elaine while our offspring are away, it will be okay… 🙂 xx


  16. Denise says:

    I’m always amazed by the many different lives you have led, as an expat in the heat, as a Brit in the most English of gardens, as a young mum, as a carer, as a wife.

    It had never occurred to me that the daffodil, that stalwart of our British gardens that we take for granted, might struggle in a different climate!


    • Sherri says:

      And it amazes me that when you point out these things I have to stop and think about it! I suppose it’s good for lots of writing material eh? 😉 Writing about all these different ‘lives’ really helps me, I’ve come to realise, get to grips with making sense of it all.
      Yes, you would never think it would you? But I just couldn’t get them to grow no way no how. I’m sure in other parts of California, further up north, they would grow, but nothing like here. They really do best in colder weather. I really missed my lovely daffs 🙂


  17. Happy Anniversary to my British Diane Sawyer! You two are newlyweds! I hope you’re enjoying some bubbly!
    Oh, the daffodils are just what I needed, Sherri, they’re beautiful! It’s Wednesday and still no sun and it’s cold too! Tomorrow is the official first day of spring and we are predicted to have sun and temperatures close to 70…yay! I’m tired of freezing!
    Wow! What a cute little nugget, that Robin. Ours are huge! I would have never guessed that was a Robin and I’m pretty good when it comes to identifying birds.
    Ah, the Mama and the Papas, California Dreamin…is in my head…love that song!
    Wishing safe travels for your son. I’m sure he’ll have a wonderful time…but he’ll miss is Momma.


    • Sherri says:

      Ha Ha!! The British Diane Sawyer of the Leprechaun world 🙂 We did have some bubbly actually Jill. Now how did you know that 😉
      I hope that you are celebrating your first day of spring with warm sun! You won’t believe it, but today it has plunged back to cold and rain! That’s the great British weather for you!
      Yes, your robins are quite different aren’t they? I remember reading to Aspie D a delightful story called ‘My Spring Robin’ but always wondered why the robin looked so different!
      It is a great song isn’t it? Takes me back there every time…
      Thanks so much Jill, I appreciate your kind wishes and I hope that even though my boy is having a wonderful time that he misses me, just a little….. 🙂 xo


      • I know you like your bubbly…me too! 🙂
        I hate to hear your temperatures plunged once again. We had a beautiful day today. Tomorrow and Saturday will be in the mid 70’s with sun. All good things must come to an end, like your weather we’re on a rollercoaster. They are predicting rain/snow/sleet next Monday night into Tuesday. My poor birdies are going to be freezing again. 😦
        I was just watching one of our huge robins outside and I thought of you. 🙂 xo


      • Sherri says:

        It’s nice to know that we both enjoy our bubbly Jill! It’s taken me until now to see your other reply here for some reason, and since it’s Tuesday and having just replied over on your blog hoping you are having some warm, sunny weather I see that you are in fact in for more snow so not looking very spring-like at all 😦 I hope that the rest of your week sees an improvement.
        Ahh, I’m glad that you saw your robin and thought of me 🙂 xoxo


  18. Rachel says:

    Bill Withers is great and I love that song. I’m a fan! Have you heard the joke?

    How do you turn a duck into a soul singer?

    Put him in the microwave and wait until his Bill Withers.


  19. Hi Sherri,
    Loved your post and the pics of flowers, especially the yellow ones remind me of sunshine and summer. I love summer.

    It’s slowly becoming spring here in Iowa, but we received a little snow over night. Today the temps were in the 50’s so it was gone by noon and tomorrow is supposed to be 60 with the promise of possible 70 by the weekend when another Canadian front will push through and lower the temps back into the 30 & 40’s for highs. It’s been a very up and down year with little snow. I’m hoping we’ll get some spring rains to make up for it. I think the weather has been messed up all over the world this year. It’s really scary.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Donna!
      Ahh, thank you very much so glad you enjoyed this post and it brought some colour to you from our early spring. Although, guess what? Today is cold and rainy again and forecast for plunging temperatures for the weekend. That’s the British weather for you but the extremes all over the world are scary indeed. Nothing is as expected.
      I hope you get your spring soon and then a glorious summer 🙂


  20. lilkaraphael says:

    I’m so glad you enjoyed your lovely day and your feathered friend fueled your faith! Those flowers are BEAUTIFUL flowers. Our daffs over here have yet to fully come up. I think the US received your weather and the UK got mine! My geraniums would normally survive the winter without much of a problem…not this year! You have now got me California dreaming!


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you, and yes, he is indeed my feathered friend 🙂 I think you are right Lilka! This is all very bizarre. Now we are in for plunging temperatures this weekend with possible frost. I wonder if my geraniums, having made it this far, will make it all the way through? It would be a first! I’m sorry for your geraniums this year but I hope your daffs come up very soon 🙂


  21. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Inside | Aceh Traveller

  22. Just read this again to enjoy your lovely writing, pots and thoughts.


  23. Beautiful flowers celebrating the coming of Spring. Have a blessed day.


  24. Glynis Jolly says:

    I love daffodils. They are my favorite flower. I wish they would bloom the entire warm season and not just during the spring. I have a few of the bulbs but they haven’t come up yet. It’s a little early here in the mountains of Tennessee.


    • Sherri says:

      They really are beautiful aren’t they? It’s very early here for us too, very unusual. I was glad to be able to get these photos in the sun too. Today it is back to cold and rain! I hope you get your spring soon in your beautiful mountains… 🙂


  25. Pingback: Sometimes… | Words 'n Pics...

  26. An English garden is the dream of a French/American. You know that! As for daffodils I’ve been lucky. I have plenty unlike tulips which gophers eat. The only problem is that they bloom so early that by now mine are already dead. This winter for us has been so dry and warm that it had a toll on our vegetation. Enjoy your garden!


    • Sherri says:

      You’ve had a very dry winter this year but I hope you’ve had more rain again. I had a few daffs take off over there but as you say, they barely lasted so I gave up. I’m glad that you get to enjoy yours! I had the same problem with tulips! Oh those French, rural gardens too! All those hollyhocks! Nothing beats a garden to bring peace and calm! Have a lovely weekend Evelyne 🙂


      • Thank you, Sherri. I agree that the French gardens can be gorgeous too. The geraniums in the window boxes are my favorites. But again, an English garden after the rain is quite something. Enjoy!


  27. Gorgeous Spring flowers, Sherri, and Mr Robin is so plump and cute. It’s amazing how the mere sight of something familiar but not seen for a while, can stir emotions and lift one’s spirit. I hope your son and his girlfriend have a wonderful trip to CA, and I guess that he’ll have many emotional moments as he meets up with old friends and visits places which conjure up long ago memories. Hugs to you. xx 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you Sylvia, glad you enjoyed them! I am rather partial to my dear Robin 🙂 He really does lift my spirits whenever I see him.
      I think of my son now, they are in Las Vegas and then to LA on Sunday and then San Francisco the rest of the time. He is also going to see his dad who he hasn’t seen for some time. It will certainly be quite emotional. I feel emotional thinking about it and hope that he doesn’t decide to move back!
      Hugs right back to you my friend 🙂


  28. Steven says:

    Some lovely gardening going on there, Sherri. Spring is here; I presume winter was lost in transit somewhere. I do secretly love some nice flowers!

    Will we ever see inside the summerhouse? Maybe we have previously, and I’ve forgotten? Or is that strictly forbidden? 😉 And what an adorable robin. It almost seems inconceivable to see a robin in such warm weather, so I’m always surprised when one turns up. What a treat! I would have been transfixed too.

    I LOVE ‘Lovely Day’ – when I was little I used to sing along to it, and try and hold the ‘daaaaayyyyy’ for as long as possible 😉 Great track.

    Happy [belated] Anniversary!! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, I thought you might! I wish though I had put more effort in and put more out and some primroses too. Still, I’m glad you enjoyed them 🙂

      Ha Ha, you just might! I had thought about doing some inside summerhouse shots for this post but then I didn’t think anyone would be that interested! Now I’m wondering…but I can’t give away all my secrets now can I?? 😉 Remember, it is better than the TARDIS… 😉

      Last year, when it was so cold and we actually had snow on the ground, I saw my lovely robin much more. I know what you mean, they are winter birds aren’t they, not warm weather birds. Everything is upside down and I’m not so sure that I like it!

      Ahh, I LOVE that! I used to do that same thing to with the ‘daaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy’!!! It’s a great song isn’t it?

      Thanks so much JG, and I hope you have a LOVELY weekend 🙂


      • Steven says:

        Haha, I did wonder if there was any top secret stuff hidden away inside that we might not be allowed to see. Leprechauns, for example.

        It’s upside-down world. Hot rain falls up? Burglars chase the police? Sandwiches eat people?

        Seriously though, you’re right, and I don’t like it either.

        Haha, how awesome that you used to do that too. It is a brilliant song – so chilled.

        Good weekend to you too! I know it’s gonna be a lovely daaaaaaaaaaa (continue until mumsey shouts at me to stop) y.


  29. Oh, Sherri, your pictures certainly fill me with hope! These are wonderful. The sweet robin from the winter is a delight, and the daffodils are gorgeous! For the last two days we’ve had blue skies, bright and beautiful sunshine, and temps fro 58-70. I walked longer, soaked up more warmth, and watched hopefully for the daffodils and crocus and grape hyacynths


    • Sherri says:

      I’m so glad Marylin! I do find being in my garden and seeing all these signs of life so encouraging, uplifting and inspiring and it’s lovely to be able to share this with you and everyone here. I’ve actually just read both your replies and so here I see how much you are enjoying the warmer weather and just getting out and about in the sunshine, eagerly awaiting your bulbs to break through and then I read part two…


  30. oops…don’t know what happened…
    Anyway, just as I was hopeful for spring bulbs to peek above the warming earth…boom! our temps dropped to highs of 48 (and freezing lows at night) and tomorrow we get 2-4″ of snow. Colorado mountains are amazing after snowstorms, but our gardens are drab. So I enjoy yours!


    • Sherri says:

      …over to part two…goodness Marylin, more snow for you!! Well you wouldn’t believe it but after posting this, so full of the ‘early spring’ and warmer, sunny days our temps plummeted too! We have even had that elusive frost, but no snow! This is typical British weather though. We can have a heatwave in April and then snow in June! Wouldn’t be the first time…still, we live in hope that this won’t happen regularly but with the way things are in the world right now it’s anybody’s guess.
      You seem to have had a very long, protracted winter in your part of the world which is just what we experienced this time last year. I’m guessing that right about now your mountains are looking spectacular but I do hope that your gardens spring into bloom very, very soon…keep that hope alive my friend 🙂


  31. You give the things that are often the most ordinary such a sense of joy and memory Sherri – it’s always interesting that you can give us that dual perspective, like the fact you could never grow daffodils when you lived in California. I always find robins hopeful – because we don’t have a garden, so don’t see songbirds every day, seeing a robin isn’t a regular thing for me, so I always feel a little excited when I see one. And daffodils – I was always a bit dismissive of them – they seemed so common – but now I see such joy in a bank of daffodils – funnily enough, I’ve been writing a post about feeling quite low and one of the things that’s helped me is looking at all the daffodils that are out here – they really do lift your spirits.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh I’m so glad that you feel that same excitement when you see a robin Andrea! I never had my ‘own’ garden robin until I moved to where we live now (been here 6 years which is the longest I’ve lived in one place for 30 years!) and when I first caught sight of him I was so thrilled. We actually had a pair of robins nesting but it came to a sad end the first year we lived here (if you’d like to, I did write about it in this post last year: https://sherrimatthewsblog.com/2013/02/02/amazing-grace-not-just-any-robin/).
      So for a couple of years, nothing, then ‘he’ came back (I like to think it’s the same robin!) and I took/take great hope from that 🙂
      Our town has a wealth of daffodils and they seem to get bigger and better each year. I’m with you, seeing them growing on a bank gives me such joy too. I suppose that it is in the ordinary things of life that joy is found when you take the time to really look. Maybe it’s when we are hit too many times with other things that we can really do that. I don’t know. This world is too noisy sometimes so it’s nice to have our robins and daffodils to enjoy!
      I’m sorry that you’ve been a bit low, I wish for you a better week ahead my friend, I’m heading over to read your post shortly… 🙂


  32. Hope you are enjoying your son’s visit and that he enjoys his return trip to England. I guess he doesn’t feel as though it is home although you are there perhaps he does. You have been lucky with winter as much of the northern hemisphere has been very cold.even so I love seeing daffodils as it lets me know summer is around the corner and your little bird coming back really does lift the spirits. Love Irene


    • Sherri says:

      Actually Irene, my son is over in California visiting for the first time in 10 years! He is also seeing his dad who he hasn’t seen in some 5 years, so quite a trip for him. He does feel that his home is in England but I wonder how he will feel when he gets back. He grew up in California from the age of 3 to 21 and has lived here for the last 10 (he is 31 now). He might have a change of mind but I really hope not from a purely selfish point of view.
      Our spring has been so unusual, last year we had a very long, bitterly cold winter/spring and didn’t get our spring flowers until April and now, as you say, the rest of the northern hemisphere is having snow still it seems. Having said that, since writing this post our temps have plummeted and we have actually had some frost! So who knows what could happen…
      I’m glad though that these daffs and my Sweet Robin lifted your spirits 🙂


  33. Pingback: The Season of Creativity – Evelyne Holingue

  34. TBM says:

    I somehow missed this post. Another lovely weekend. yesterday wasn’t as sunny, but loved the mild temps. Hope you had a chance to enjoy.


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks TB and yes it was very mild, almost muggy! It being Mothering Sunday yesterday I was treated to a roast back at The Snowdrop pub so yes, a lovely day thank you. Hope you got out and about too 🙂


  35. Pingback: Saddle Up Saloon; World Wide Garden Tour « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

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