A Lingering Look at Windows: English Village, The Cotswolds

For this week’s A Lingering Look at Windows over at Dawn’s place, I’m sharing some photographs that I managed to squeeze in.  They were taken during a little weekend getaway that Hubby and I attempted last weekend to a particularly beautiful part of our British Isles known as,  ‘The Cotswolds’, a mere couple of hours away from us.

I say ‘squeezed’ rather than ‘lingered’ as unfortunately our weekend was cut in half (best laid plans and all that) but I’m not going to go into all that.  What matters is that all is restored and I’ve got the photos to prove it!

An area of ‘Outstanding Natural Beauty’, the largest in fact of 38 areas designated as such in England and Wales, The Cotswolds are made up of sleepy villages,  genteel market towns and countryside charm, all of which are about as English as you can get.  The photos I share here are taken from Bourton-on-the-Water and Burford.

Firstly, some shop and church windows from Bourton-on-the-Water:

Then some crooked windows from Burford:

And finally, I don’t think you can get more English than this:

Have a great weekend everybody and I hope that your plans work out 🙂

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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90 Responses to A Lingering Look at Windows: English Village, The Cotswolds

  1. Pat says:

    Love the photos, Sherri, and the English architecture looks quaint. Seems to have been a perfect get-away to celebrate your anniversary. Something to look forward to on your next weekend trip. Hope it will be soon.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Pat, I hoped you would enjoy this little ‘getaway’ to the quintessential English village 🙂


      • Pat says:

        I did, Sherri. The energy from the photos in the village seems so different from us — simple and easy. Unpretentious. 🙂

        (P.S. wondering if you got my email on a writing process.)


  2. Imelda says:

    Oh, what a quaint idyllic place. Your photos are the closest I can get to England. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Sherri.


  3. So sorry to hear your weekend got cut off but at least you were able to take these lovely photos!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thanks Jhanis. One of those things, my daughter was unwell but yes, at least we managed to enjoy a lovely day out and a nice evening meal the night before 🙂


  4. restlessjo says:

    Huffkins is a great name, but I like the sweet shop window best, Sherri! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Isn’t it? I wanted to get that name and the date in there with the photo, but yes, I too loved the sweet shop! I have a few similar photos which I’ll share in a continuation of the Cotswolds…watch this space 😉


  5. jennypellett says:

    Well done Sherri – you’re well and truly flying the flag for our beautiful li’l old island! The Cotswolds are lovely – just the place for a weekend break or even a day out – and we haven’t been for years. You’ve got me thinking that we’ve been too long away. Think I’ll have to do a bit of drip drip suggestion – i.e. drop lots of hints until H thinks it’s his idea and hey presto! Well, you know …
    Your pictures are fab, by the way – you’ve really captured some true Britishness. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Rule Britannia and all that eh Jenny!! 😉 Well, The Cotswolds are quintessentially English so why not? We went there a few years ago but you know I’ve never been able to find the photos! Really odd as I have a huge box up in the loft (pre-digital) but despite more than one rummage over the years, so to speak, have never come across them! So, what a perfect excuse to go back, right?
      Ha Ha, yes, love the ‘drip-drip suggestion’. I always find it works rather well… I’m going to do a continuation of this post soon which might help H with his ‘ideas’ … 😉
      Thanks so much Jenny, so glad you enjoyed the pics and hope you had a good weekend. Cold again though…


  6. Oh my, Sherri, I love this! I would have spent the entire day in The Sweet Shop and I don’t eat candy. Since I was a child I’ve been fascinated by jars and containers of giant Jaw Breakers, Licorice, Peppermint Sticks…you name it! There is something about a candy store…
    The next day, I would have spent at the motor museum…I’m in love with the ice cream truck!
    This is a wonderful way to end a stressful week…thanks, Sherri! xo


    • Sherri says:

      HI Jill, finally getting back on here, phew! Firstly, I have to say I’m really sorry to hear that you had a stressful week but I really hope that you had a lovely weekend and things are better and calmer for you now. I’m so glad that this post helped! Hopefully you got that warmer, spring weather you were promised? Wouldn’t you know it, the temps have plummeted here and we had frost overnight…still not out of the woods with the geraniums!
      We visited that motor museum last time we went there (some years ago now) and you would love it! You feel as if you are transported back in time. The ice cream van gives a hint of the ‘old time’ vehicles, many lovingly restored. I remember when they really did look like that!
      The sweet shop is delightful but I have to say I do have a weakness for sweets/candy! We used to have a penny tin and before getting on the bus to come home after a school day, my brother and I used to go to the sweet shop and get a bag of sweets just like these for one penny! A lovely treat as we never had snacks at home.
      I’ve got some more pics I’ll be posting shortly from our ‘little’ getaway since they aren’t strictly ‘windows’ but which I hope you’ll like just as much!
      I hope you have a much smoother week my friend 🙂 xo


  7. Beautiful Sherri x you should have emailed me and we could have met up x


    • Sherri says:

      Well Brenda, believe me, I thought of you all the way but it was all rather hastingly arranged and then, we had to dash back home (daughter not well) so we barely had any time. Next time I will definitely let you know and we can share that lovely tea together 🙂


  8. English anything is picturesque to me. Love these buildings and windows, especially the crooked ones. 🙂 🙂
    Glad you had a getaway no matter if it might have been abbreviated.


  9. Heyjude says:

    Love the photos! A quintessential ice-cream van! I took OH to the Cotswolds last year for his birthday as we have driven through lots of time, but never actually stayed there. It is a lovely area, though I was not as taken with Bourton-on-the-Water as I was on my first visit. Some beautiful gardens there though and I need to explore the southern part more. Sorry to hear your plans were curtailed 😦
    Jude xx


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, I had to take that pic! I remember when they really did look like that! We visited a few years ago but we did Stow-on-the-Wold and The Slaughters, and Cirencester too. This time it was much more flying due to having to dash home to daughter who took ill unfortunately (but fine now). Glad you got to go last year. I wonder why you felt like that the second time? Maybe it was too busy? Still, a beautiful part of the world. Hope you had a good weekend Jude. We had frost this morning…do you think the geraniums will make it now? xx


  10. Rachel says:

    Beautiful, Sherri! I love them, crooked windows and all. I can’t wait to return to your part of the world. I’ve never been to the Cotswolds either so that’s on my list.


  11. Hi Sherri, great pictures. Sorry you had to cut your get away, short, life sure has a way of interfering with our plans, doesn’t it?


    • Sherri says:

      Ha, yes it certainly does Donna. Well, it’s great to be able to share these photos here and so glad that you enjoyed this little corner of England 🙂


  12. Andy Oldham says:

    Great post Sherri! I thought of you in February when I was in New Orleans. They have a lot of really unique windows there! You would love.


  13. I’m drawn to windows, too, Sherri, and the shop windows and stained glass windows in this post are wonderful! You explain and invite us into the Cotswolds so beautifully that I imagine knocking on the doors of the houses and entering true English homes with people who have secrets, hopes, dreams, and wonderful accents.
    A delightful post!


    • Sherri says:

      Windows are wonderful aren’t they Marylin? I love how you imagine the ‘secrets, hopes, dreams and wonderful accents’!! Who knows indeed who could be living behind those doors!
      So glad you enjoyed, thanks so much Marylin, and since I have a few other photos (not just windows) I’ll do a follow-up post to this one shortly which I hope you’ll enjoy just as much!
      I hope you have a great week my friend 🙂


  14. Lovely windows Sherri. My favourite is the stained glass. I think stained glass always brings back happy childhood memories. I wouldn’t want to be the person trying to fix the crooked windows. I’ve watched my husband trying to get non crooked ones to function perfectly. I think I’d leave town if he had to try and fix some of them. We have English lolly shops in Australia (not many but in the cities and touristy places). They look just like that down to the windows with bottles. Half the time is better than no time (hope all is well though) and there is always next time. Love and hugs and many cheers Irene


    • Sherri says:

      I thought you might like the stained glass Irene! They are beautiful aren’t they? Ha Ha, that would be quite the challenge trying to fix those windows! ‘Lolly’ shops, very English 🙂
      You are so right and I love that – ‘half the time is better than no time and there is always next time’. I’ll remember that! Thanks so much Irene for your lovely words and love and hugs…all is well (daughter took ill but better now thanks). Here’s to another week. Are you ready to go walking? Love and hugs right back to you my friend, and a huge CHEERS 🙂 x


      • Definitely ready for our walk. Not too sure where to go this week. Glad your daughter is better. Read an article in the paper that I wished I could show you. I’ll scan it in and email it. Get your walking shoes out. I’m almost ready. Cheers and hugs irene


        • Sherri says:

          Thanks so much Irene, I look forward to getting the article! I’ve got my shoes on, c’mon, let’s go, I’ve got lots I want to share with you today… and hugs too… 🙂


  15. Some gorgeous photos here, Sherri. I especially liked the first interior church stained glass window shot.


    • Sherri says:

      So glad you enjoyed the pics Nav! I’ve got some more photos from our visit which I’ll share in another follow-up post to this one. I hope you’ll enjoy just as much as there is a little bit of history about the font (see top right) 🙂 Hope things are going well with you my friend.


  16. jenniferkmarsh says:

    I love the Cotswolds 🙂


  17. I love the character of all these unique windows. It’s the crooked ones I like best – not sure what they’d be like to live behind – maybe a bit draughty! – but for character, you can’t beat them.


    • Sherri says:

      When we moved to Suffolk I grew up in a 13th century, oak-beamed farmhouse with windows very similar to this and I can honestly testily that yes, my friend, they were very draughty indeed! As you say, for character they are wonderful but living with them is quite a different thing altogether! Glad you enjoyed the pics and hope you are feeling a little better 🙂


  18. Jennifer Butler Basile says:



  19. I can’t decide which photos I liked best, they all reminded me so much of the UK I remember and miss. Thank you, Susan


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Susan, thanks so much and so glad you enjoyed them and this little reminder of England 🙂


      • It’s often difficult for people to believe that since I’ve been here so long, photographs and stories can bring back such strong memories.
        I really enjoyed seeing them…but I wish it could have been “in the flesh”. 🙂
        Bless, Susan x


        • Sherri says:

          Ahh. How long has it been? I know that feeling so well, when I lived in California for the best part of 20 years. Anything to do with England made my heart ache…
          Blessings to you too Susan x


          • I’ve been here too long Sherri, since 1972 – I’ve stopped counting since it became depressing. I’m not a sun person and it really doesn’t like me. I keep wondering if the Vampires will visit and ease this sunlight torment…. oh wait, that only increases it doesn’t it? 😉
            Bless, Susan x


            • Sherri says:

              Wow Susan, that is a long time.You sound just like my daughter. She has been diagnosed with a severe Vitamin D deficiency because she never goes outside, or hardly at all! (Due to her anxiety, she has Asperger’s Syndrome). And she hates the sunshine even though she is a Californian girl, born and bred. She loves grey, rainy, stormy days 🙂


  20. A wonderful post by my favourite blogger. I look forward to the next eagerly.


  21. Seyi sandra says:

    I love all your shots, I’ve never been to ‘the Cotswolds,’ might check it out with the kids during the summer holidays! Have a great week dear Sherri!
    Blessings. 🙂


  22. Denise says:

    Wow.  I have never explored the Cotswolds before, but those pictures look so English!  And I am surrounded by traditional village life where I am.  I think the unusual windows have a particular part to play in the look.  Sorry to hear that your weekend was cut short 😦




    • Sherri says:

      You live in a beautiful village Denise and I love your photos. The windows really make it don’t they! Ahh, well these things happen, daughter wasn’t well back home but there you go, she is fine now. We’ll take another little break another time 🙂


  23. thirdhandart says:

    Love all the quaint Tudor-style shops Sherri. The stained glass windows are beautiful. Hope that your daughter is feeling better. 🙂


  24. TBM says:

    I breezed through on a bus tour, but haven’t visited the area properly yet. Sorry about your weekend. Hope all is well.


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks TB, it’s well worth a visit if you are ever in those parts again. Very English as you can see! My daughter was taken ill but she is fine now thanks. These things happen, never mind eh? 😉


  25. Gorgeous stained glass window. Did you manage to squeeze in any garden tours in the Cotswolds?


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much and yes, that is a beautiful window. My photo doesn’t really do it any justice though! We didn’t do any garden tours this time no, as our visit was so fleeting but we will visit the area again at some point and when we do will be sure to then and take lost of pics 🙂


  26. lilkaraphael says:

    Beautiful photos! Looks like you thoroughly enjoyed your weekend 😉


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Lilka, it is a beautiful place to visit and yes, we did have a lovely time, what we had of it 🙂


      • lilkaraphael says:

        The cherry blossoms survived, the pear trees not so
        much. But it reminds us to appreciate what we have while we have it 😉


        • Sherri says:

          Oh, that’s a shame, but glad about the cherry blossoms. It’s gone very cold here again, with talk of some snow which is not a huge surprise with our British weather. If my geraniums survive I’ll be amazed. But yes, we certainly do need to appreciate what we have here and now. 🙂


  27. julie says:

    Sherri, There are so many incredibly beautiful places in England, that sometimes we forget.


    • Sherri says:

      Yes Julie, I agree, there are many beautiful places all across this wonderful Isle of ours! Living away for so long made me appreciate what is on our own doorstep much more and I love being able to share it here 🙂


  28. Letizia says:

    What lovely photos! My mother loves the Cotswolds and one of my regrets is that I didn’t get a chance to visit when I lived in London. It’s on my list though.


  29. Terrific, evocative images, Sherri. What a lovely escape I’ve just had. Thank you (it’s been a hectic week, and will remain so, until weekend).

    I’m signing off the computer now, with these lovely images in my head, and going to spend the evening relaxing with my dear one. I’m making a Caesar salad and he’s making chopped sirloin with mushroom-wine sauce.

    Cheers! (and keep writing that book–I can’t wait to see it!)


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Tracy, I’m so glad that you came over and had a little reprieve from your stressful week. We can swop images as now I’m imagining you and your dear one sitting down to your wonderful supper 🙂
      I will keep writing – I did 2,800 words today, thanks to you 🙂
      Have a lovely, relaxing evening and I hope that you awake tomorrow much refreshed.


  30. Such a picturesque area,Sherri, and your photos are beautiful. I especially love the sweetie shop window and the gorgeous stained glass. What a great little getaway. 🙂


  31. Sherri says:

    Thank you so much Sylvia, I’m really glad you enjoyed the photos. The sweetie shop seems to be most everyone’s favourite 🙂


  32. Steven says:

    Such a lovely area. I think we went there once when I was a toddler, but I don’t remember much about it. I shall ask mumsey. I certainly haven’t been, since; I am clearly missing out! Great varied architecture, going by these snaps.

    I know this post is about windows, but the ice cream van one is my favourite – and I don’t actually like ice cream at all (shock horror!) Really lovely photo… and there’s something very appealing about the simple cream and blue colour of it – the typical ice cream van seems very garish today, in comparison. Proper vintage Britain!

    Did you give in to the sweet shop? We have a few of those around here. I can rarely resist. Strawberry bon-bons, white mice and rosy apples in a paper bag = yes yes yes! I am easily pleased.


    • Sherri says:

      I don’t think I ever went there until a few years ago and I fell in love with it. I know, I just had to slip that one in of the ice cream van, couldn’t resist, but then it does have windows, right?! Yes, vintage Britain and did you notice it was in front of the motor museum? It is full of ‘vinatage Britain’, a wonderful place to visit if you are ever in those parts. I remember ice cream vans when they looked this!
      Oh yes, we went into the sweet shop, a delight it was too! Oh yes, all you mention I love and milk bottles and pear-drops and of course banana-toffees 🙂 Could eat them by the bag full!
      Now JG, about ice cream, well, I’m not surprised actually because I’m not a huge fan either! I never could understand the obsession with it but I do, every now and then, when the conditions are just perfect, fancy a 99 (with the Flake of course, oh but it wouldn’t be a 99 without the flake would it, duh??!!). And when that happens, well, it’s divine 🙂 Like you, I’m easily pleased 🙂
      PS Hubby may disagree with that last comment..ha!


  33. Stunning pictures. I often find myself trying to capture stained glass windows and displays. And those half-timbered buildings are soooo lovely. I have never been to England, but am thinking of changing that soon.


    • Sherri says:

      So glad you enjoyed them Renee, thank you so much! I don’t think my photos did the stained glass windows proper justice though, I had difficulty getting the lighting right but still, glad I could share them here.
      I hope you do get to visit England one of these days, and when you do be sure to look me up 🙂


  34. Wow, these are simply amazing. I can not imagine what you would share if you had a full weekend!


    • Sherri says:

      HaHa! Thanks so much Dawn! Well, I am going to do another post with a continuation of our brief visit here (they weren’t strictly window photos so didn’t use them for this post) but I do enjoy snapping away where ever we go, always have and now it’s great to be able to share them on my blog! If we had stayed on longer I would definitely have taken a lot more 🙂


  35. Amy says:

    Thank you for letting us lingering these beautiful windows with you, Sherri 🙂 Lovely!


  36. willowmarie says:

    Feels as though every window has a story! Thx Sherri, just what I needed this Monday – muses in unexpected places.


  37. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Letters Of A 17th Century Prisoner | A View From My Summerhouse

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