Writing Process Blog Hop

What exactly is a Writing Process Blog Hop you may well ask? I’ve read about them on other blogs  but assumed that since I’m not a published author it wouldn’t apply to me.  This is exactly what went through my mind when Pat invited me to take part in one.  That, and ‘I’m not worthy!’

Never assume anything, my dear friends, for we all know what ‘they’ say about that.

It doesn’t seem that long ago when I hardly dared tell anyone in answer to the question, ‘What do you do?’ that I am a writer.  Even then I would mumble it and quickly turn the conversation around to something else. Not out of embarrassment but because I didn’t think I qualified to call myself a bona fide writer.

Once I had a couple of articles published in magazines I began to ask myself the question and slowly it dawned on me that yes, I am indeed a writer and that writing is now my career.   Yet, as I journey on towards the holy grail of book publication only then shall I be able to say with pride that I am a ‘Published Author’.  Then I will know that I’ve made it.

Meanwhile, I’ve realised that no matter where we are in our writing journey, we all have something to share with other writers about the ‘process’ from our own unique perspective and experiences, no matter how far (or not so far in my case) we are are along the path.

Here is how this Writing Process Blog Hop works:

I introduce the person who invited me to take part,  then answer four set questions about my writing process and finally, I introduce three writers/authors/bloggers who have graciously agreed to take part in this blog hop with me and then keep it going.

With no further ado then, it is my delight and privilege to introduce you to my inspiring and talented writing/blogging friend Pat over at Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom  where she shares her heartwarming and moving stories from her beautiful home in the Colorado Rockies:

Pat Ruppel

Pat Ruppel

Pat Ruppel

Is it possible to make a difference in the world? Pat believes there is. One way is through writing to inspire and warm the heart.

That’s what she hopes to do on her site at “Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom” by extending trust in sharing personal kitchen-table stories.

People always seem more comfortable wherever food and drinks are served, whether inside where it’s warm and cozy or out on the patio.

We go to where we’re most relaxed to catch up on the latest with family and friends or open up to explore conversations with new people. That’s when magic happens.

Pat believes, if we could find common ground and talk, whether it’s around a kitchen table or in writing a story, anything is possible. If there are problems or life issues, she thinks most could be resolved, if we could find where we most identify with one another and trust to tell our story.

Kitchen-Table Stories to Enjoy

The desire to connect and learn how differently people react and their opinion of things interest Pat. It probably comes from when she facilitated talking-stick workshops for her employer back in the late ‘90’s /2000’s. She’s always wondered why people have different attitudes in their approach to what they do and how they feel about life. Where does it come from and what is their story?

It is her hope that you’ll pull up a chair, kick back and join her at her kitchen table at “Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom”, with a few examples of featured stories below. Maybe, they will warm your heart and take you to a similar place — familiar memory — or trigger a feeling within where you could tell your own story.

Ghost Stories From An Old House ― It was the home where my mother grew up in a small beach town in Virginia, situated on main street and only 2 blocks from downtown. You wouldn’t think the house would be “haunted” just to look at it.

Young Love to Old Love ― Well, it’s official. We are now the elder couple with white hair walking down the street holding hands. I remember when I was in my dating years or married and chasing to my next errand I’d see an older couple holding hands and think, “Awhh, isn’t that nice. I’d like to be doing that someday.”

A Talking Stick and a Poem ― A post I read today from a fellow blogger, John Cali, started me thinking. He was asking the question, “How Do You Know If You Are Making a Positive Difference in People’s Lives?” Have you ever thought of that or, maybe, you’ve thought, “What’s the point to what I’m doing?” I remembered, one time, when I was shown how a talking-stick and a poem can make a difference. Here’s my story.

You can connect with Pat at:

Blog: Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/PlainTalkAndOrdinaryWisdom
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pcrupp1928
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/pat-ruppel/0/834/6b7
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Plaintalkandordinarywisdom/posts

Thank you so much Pat for inviting me to take part in this Writing Process Blog Hop and I look forward to sharing many more of your wonderful stories with you around your ol’ kitchen table for a long time to come!


Here now are my answers to the four set writing questions:

1. What am I working on?

There is a story that I’ve wanted to write for many years and this is what I’m working on now, my memoir, as yet untitled.  I have at last written up a Memoir Book Blurb  for those who would like to know more about it.  This is my first book and the one I feel I must write before I venture into the realm of serious novel writing, if indeed I follow that path.

2. How does my work differ from others of this genre?

Since my book is a memoir it is no different from any others in this genre other than this is my personal story but most of my writing is non-fiction which is what I enjoy most and comes the most naturally to me.  I write in the same style that I write here, on my blog, I don’t follow any formula and I write as it flows, from my heart where it has lived for so long. I’m not sure if that makes my work any different or not, especially as this is the first time I’ve written a book.

3. Why do I write what I do?

I write purely and simply because it is the one thing I have that is solely mine, my creation, my voice and it is my passion. It is through writing that I feel I can be heard and understood and accepted as someone who has a passion to share stories based on my life experiences.  I feel that memoir-writing is my true calling.  It sits with me and slots right in, like the proverbial missing piece of the puzzle.

It helps me to come to terms with the past while bringing those memories into the present and so giving hope and strength for the future.  By doing so, I am ever hopeful that I can bring encouragement to others, as well as a little entertainment along the way.  I believe that no experience is ever wasted and if I can write about it, then so much the better.

4. How does your writing process work?

Well, this is something I battle with even now.  On an ideal day, I start on my memoir first thing, resisting with all my might the temptation to look at any emails and my blog until after I’ve bashed out what usually equates to between 2 – 3,000 words.  This I am getting slightly better at (she says optimistically!).

I become completely immersed and lost in my memoir writing but when I come up for air, it is with a strong sense of  ‘fait accompli’, as in job done for today. Phew! Then I know I can put it aside, otherwise I could write all day. Maybe I should, maybe it will come to that if I am ever to get this book written, or at least the first draft. For now, I do need to take a breather and I do this by turning to other writing projects (articles and poetry for submission) but mostly blogging (my life-saver) which changes my focus, brings me back to the land of the living and prepares me for the next day’s purge writing.


Now please meet three writers/authors/bloggers, wonderfully talented, awesome ladies whom I respect and admire greatly and am proud to call friends:

Irene Waters : Reflections and Nightmares

irene waters

Irene Waters

Irene believes that reflection is an essential part of life and in doing this she has written many short stories and poetry. She doesn’t baulk at the unusual which is shown in her varied background. It was her time on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu which motivated her to write her soon to be published first memoir Nightmare in Paradise where she brings alive her experiences and reflections.

She has had short stories published in the anthology “Eavesdropping” by the River Writers and also in Idiom 23 Vol 23 November 2013. She is currently undertaking a Research Masters at Central Queensland University examining sequel memoirs whilst currently writing her second memoir After the Nightmare.

Blogging for a short eight months Irene’s writing reflects her life, her thoughts and opinions and her humour as she takes us around the globe and into her world.

She lives on the Sunshine Coast of Queensland Australia with her husband and German Shepherd Dog Zac.

You can connect with Irene at:

Blog: irenewaters19.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/allisonwaters17
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=92675629 


Tracy Lee Karner

Tracy Lee Karner

I’m Tracy Lee Karner, a Food, Travel and Creative Writer

I write for print, web and social media in and about New England. Currently.

I’ve been writing professionally since the early 1990’s.

I also teach “Share Your Story” workshops, and small-group classes for those who want one-on-one help for meeting their writing/publishing goals.

My background:

  • I’m a passionate home cook who served a long apprenticeship under a classically-trained chef (to whom I have been married for 20 years);
  • I’m a life-long language and literature junkie;
  • I’m a former youth minister and Christian education director, and arts educator, specializing in creative, individualized methodology;
  • My University of Minnesota degree is in English Literature, with emphasis on Creative Writing and Individualized Education.
  • I’m a mother and grandmother, living with my husband in New England.

I’m promoting my recently published memoir/travel guide, while working on a novel about family relationships–truth, lies, and reconciliation.

You can connect with Tracy at:

Blog: Tracy Lee Karner
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TowardDaylight


 Seyi Sandra David seyisandradavid

Seyi Sandra David

Seyi Sandra David

Seyi David loves to write and she has done that for several years. She has worked as a reporter, teacher, and accountant. She had a brief stint as an actor while at the university before she finally decided to write novels full time.

She is a committed blogger and a columnist for ‘Black Heritage Today,’ a London based Magazine, and ‘Rev Up Media.’

Her first novel, ‘The Impossible President’ sold out of its first print run in 2004. She wrote a short story, ‘Tales of Five Lies,’ which gripped readers worldwide. ‘The Feet of Darkness,’ her second novel, is still on sale worldwide.

‘Cydonia: Rise of the fallen’ is her fourth work of fiction.

Seyi lives in London with her husband, Kay, and three children, Samuel, Elizabeth, and Emmanuel.

Links where readers can buy Seyi’s books:

Book Depository
Barnes and Noble
Fishpond.co.uk (Australia)
ABE Books


Thank you so much Irene, Tracy and Seyi for agreeing to take part in this Writing Process Blog Hop, especially knowing how much you all have on your plates at the moment.  To be afforded this opportunity to introduce you to my readers is a great privilege.  I wish you all every success in your writing endeavours.  I also look forward to meeting your blog-hop writers and reading all about how your writing process works for you!






About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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71 Responses to Writing Process Blog Hop

  1. My writing process includes putting my feet up, drinking lots of coffee, stalking people on social media and write on the side. LOL I hope to be able to write as beautifully as you Sherri and I wish you all the luck in your journey as a writer. Looking forward to the day when I see you name on the bookshelves! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      LOL!!! Jhanis, you are so funny but I’ve read enough of your brilliantly clever writing to know this simply isn’t true!!!!! You are so kind and supportive, bless you and thank you so much…you have faith in me and that means the world 🙂


  2. Andy Oldham says:

    Thanks for the introduction to several good writers and to learn a little bit more about your writing Sherri! God bless!


  3. bulldog says:

    Sherri I loved this post.. it tells me so much more about you… having completed my memoir, which is now being edited by a professional I feel a total accomplishment. What she returns to me corrected and polished beyond belief, has made me realise how badly I write, yet gives me so much pleasure to see my story. When completed and hopefully published I will feel even more elation yet will credit most of it to my Editor. I almost feel she has written the book as told to her by me, yet somehow there is just the feeling of wonder, of finally doing something I’ve threatened to do for so long. My kids and wife have pushed me on this and thanks to them it is completed.
    I have already started my next writing project, that is basically fiction, but based on factual animal behaviour, and with all the tips received from my Editor, I see a totally different writing style emerging, one I really like and I think she will also.
    Why do I write? Because I want to and enjoy the imagination that carouses through my head, I can sit behind the laptop and picture in my mind the action that I write about, so different from my memoir.
    Good luck with your writing, if you enjoy it half as much as I enjoy mine, you must be loving it.
    I never set myself a target of when to write or how many words to write… I find sometimes I sit and bash out 8000 words (always needs lots of editing) but I find when it flows I let it and when it ceases, I accept it… loving you blog Sherri, want to keep up with your progress …


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Bulldog, how wonderful to see you here, which can only mean that you are recovering beautifully, and sooooo glad to know this…
      You have been a tremendous support of my memoir from the time we ‘met’ over at TB’s blog and have remained so. I too am thrilled that your editing process is well under way. Also that you are already starting on your next writing project, wow, how great is that??!! I’m fascinated that it is fiction and that you are finding a whole new writing style. This is the beauty of writing isn’t it, full of surprises like this. I can’t wait to read more about your progress. Exciting times indeed!
      I could sit behind my laptop for hours too, as I shared here, I get lost in my writing and actually annoyed when ‘life’ gets in the way of it but short of moving away to a cottage by the sea where I can be alone for a few months and do nothing but write, I’ve got to just get on and do the best I can!!! When it flows though, well, you have just to let it. I know that feel!!! Just gotta let it out… 🙂
      Thanks so much for sharing your writing experience, for your support and encouragement and for your very kind wishes. I know you’re in my corner, as I’m in yours and it’s so exciting that we can share our writing journey along the way. Wishing you every success Bulldog with both your books…watch this space 🙂


  4. Great hop, Sherri! Thanks for introducing us to all of these wonderful writers. I look forward to checking out their blogs. I’m already very familiar with Tracy, in fact, she was kind enough to share a copy of her newly published memoir/travel guide. I can’t wait to dive into it.
    Your reasons for why you write are beautiful, Sherri. That’s what makes you such a great writer! xo


    • Sherri says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed this hop Jill! Yes, I can’t wait to read Tracy’s book either as soon as I can.
      As always, you are always so encouraging and your support means so much, thank you so much Jill, I can’t say enough what this means…
      Have a great weekend and may the sun shine on you in abundance 🙂 xo


  5. That is wonderful Sherri and well deserved. Thank you for introducing us to more inspirational writers. I will enjoy getting round the kitchen table with them x


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Brenda, so glad to have been able to make these introductions to these wonderful writers. You will enjoy every moment sitting round that kitchen table, believe me 🙂
      Hope you are having a lovely weekend x


      • Yep had great day x was very naughty and went to town while Gerry is at dialysis. He will be home at 7pm, then went to my daughters to play with Stanley x then took the dog for long walk x now I’ve collapsed into a chair for a rest before I cook dinner x
        Tomorrow were going to Cirencester to see the large sculptures of hares that have been painted by artists and placed round the town. We will take Melanie my step daughter who has learning difficulties and is deaf. She’s having a bit of a crisis in her sheltered accommodation so needs a bit of TLC!

        Hope you have a good weekend x


      • Sherri says:

        A busy but good time for you Brenda! We had a lovely weekend thank you, catching up after returning home from house-sitting for my son. I hope you had a wonderful time with the hare sculptures in Cirencester, which I’m sure was a lovely distraction for your step daughter (hope her problems resolve and quickly).
        I hope you have a good week ahead. 🙂 x


  6. Seyi sandra says:

    Great post Sherri, beautifully written. I’ll check out this wonderful writers, and you’ve done a great job! It’s a pleasure been part of such a fantastic group of writers Sherri. I love your writing style, so real and inviting. You put people in the places you describe with ease. I can’t wait to hold your book in my hand my friend, and do have a lovely weekend!
    Much love. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Seyi! Thanks so much, really glad you are happy with this post and thanks again so much for taking part. I’m so proud to be a part of it!
      Goodness, you are so kind, I’m greatly encouraged by all you share, and to know you want to read my book means the world. I’m very humbled indeed.
      You have a lovely weekend too, and much love right back to you 🙂


  7. restlessjo says:

    There’s a lot of reading to be done around this post, Sherri! But all of it interesting. I’ll have to make time to come back 🙂


  8. I’m tempted to remark that the Writing Process Blog Hop is a novel concept for a post, but I fear the blog police might bust me for a pun offence were I to do so.

    A rather enjoyable post, Sherri. Top marks for your self-discipline in writing first, and then blogging.


    • Sherri says:

      HaHa! Love your pun’s Nav! But wait…is that a siren I hear… ??
      Thanks so much, I’m really glad you enjoyed it but I wish my self-discipline was even better. If I could manage it every day I would be so happy but alas, I’m not there yet…pushing on though 🙂
      I hope things are going well with you and good news about to be announced… 🙂


      • Just did a post on trying to figure out my book pricing for hard cover, paperback, and e-book. Interesting post for self-published indie authors.

        At least the revisions are done with.


      • Thanks, Sherri. I do love to research things, and I always enjoyed instructional work when I did it in the RCAF, so doing these “lessons learned” sort of posts are a natural, for me. Plus, I’ve had other bloggers contribute to my learning and knowledge, so I want to similarly contribute to the broader WordPress community.

        I’ve an idea for an informative post on how to get a free but influential review of your new book as an indie / self-published author. Might do that for next weekend. I seem to be a one or two post a week maximum sort of fellow.


      • Sherri says:

        I can see why you do them so well! It’s great for newbie writers like me to read from the experiences of other writers such as yourself from your personal experience. That sounds great, looking forward to reading about the ‘influential review’ process. Thanks so much Nav 🙂


  9. jennypellett says:

    Lovely idea for a post and interesting to hear about other people’s process as well as your own. I’m mightily impressed with your daily word count – that is true commitment.
    I’ve really faffed around this week and completely stalled due to all manner of things – not even a mini blog post 😦
    However, mini break next week and then hopefully an even keel. Will try to catch my favourite bloggers via my new smart phone 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Glad you enjoyed it Jenny. I wish that I could write like this every day but I’m better than I was. At least weeks, even months, don’t go by without me touching my book now but still, when I can get to this every day then I’ll be on a run!!
      I missed your post this week and as I said before, did wonder if you have been away but instead looking forward to when you return full of vim and vigour and another brilliant blog post. Have a super time and see you soon 🙂


  10. Wonderful post, Sherri–thank you for introducing me to writers I wouldn’t have found. I’m looking forward to connecting with them.

    Just a question–I generally post one short blogpost per week (under 500 words). I’ve found that Search Engines and readers both prefer short, focussed blogs and tags, and that’s how I’ve come to prefer writing. What do you think of the idea of my making a “Blog-hop week?” and splitting my blog-hop post into 5 sequential posts? Is that allowed?


  11. Heyjude says:

    Fascinating to read more about you and your writing life Sherri. I can’t wait to read your memoir.
    Have a great weekend and let’s hope the sun shines 🙂
    Jude xx


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Jude, wow, this means so much to me, really does.
      You have a great weekend too, not much sun here at the moment back in Somerset, but maybe you are having some in Shropshire. Let’s hope Sunday improves.. 🙂 xx


      • Heyjude says:

        Nope, pretty grey here with spits of rain unfortunately. What a call ‘a quiet day’. Time to get house-hunting I think 🙂


        • Sherri says:

          That sounds like a great idea Jude, the perfect excuse – I wish you every success 🙂


          • Heyjude says:

            Failed 😦 too busy commenting on blogs I follow. I need to stop finding so many creative people I like!


            • Sherri says:

              Know what that’s like!!! Ahh well, there’s always next weekend…BTW, the place where we stayed in Croatia is called Lapad. A wonderful place with its own harbour and walk, interspersed with the most delightful cafes, including one inside a cave. I’ll do a post about it soon…
              Hope you are having a good weekend despite the wet, blustery weather… 🙂 xx


  12. What fun this is, Sherri, and a wonderful introduction to other writers. Good job! I’m still with my mother, but she leaves the hospital and goes back to her apt. with caregivers tomorrow, and I will finally drive home to Colorado.
    I read some of the responses to her, just in short sentences, explaining that these are also writers, like she was. I thought she was napping, but when I stopped reading she opened one eye and said, “Any more?” See what a great post this is!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Marylin, I’m so glad that you have enjoyed it. I know you have been so busy with your mom and travelling otherwise I would have loved to have invited you to take part. I would love to read more about your ‘writing process’. Will have to create another post…
      I’m so glad to hear that your mom is returning to her apartment and I pray for happy, safe travels for you back to Colorado.
      I’m so touched to read about your dear mom’s response when you stopped reading. Priceless!! I got chills reading this little story, absolutely delightful! Thanks so much for letting me know. You mom’s writer’s heart beats strong and true. I’m smiling from ear to ear at the thought of it… 🙂


  13. How terrific, Sherri. You deserve this. And I agree with Tracy Lee – you are a published writer! 😀


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Susan, you are so kind, thank you so much and also for your lovely, encouraging comment over at my memoir book blurb page. This means the world to me, bless you dear friend 🙂


  14. Rachel says:

    Wow, 2000-3000 words per day. That’s amazing! Great blog hop and thanks for the introduction to other good writers.


    • Sherri says:

      Well, I’m getting there Rachel, it’s not every day but better than it was when weeks, months would go by and nothing. Some days the temptations are just too strong…!
      Thanks, so glad you enjoyed and got to meet these wonderful writers 🙂


  15. Imelda says:

    Sherri, if you write your book the way you write your blog, I am assured already of a well-written book. All the best to you and your writing. It’s nice to meet your author friends here. 🙂


  16. Pat says:

    Oh my, Sherri — thank you, thank you, thank you! You did yourself proud. I was right in looking forward to your answers to the writing questions. I’m totally impressed. You are a true inspiration in your daily writing regime and commitment.

    I started a book awhile ago before I started blogging but never thought of a memoire. I just thought the stories I wrote on my site took the place of that. I may have to rethink that, thanks to you.

    And the writers you’ve included — Wow! I’m totally blown away. The work they’ve done and the projects they’re working on are over my head. I’m truly honored to be a part of such an intelligent and accomplished group. Irene and I just recently met and, now, from her profile I see I’ve only just scratched the surface on what she’s about. Got my work cut out for me in reading and checking the others out, too. I can’t wait.

    I’m honored, my friend, and so glad you joined me on this writing process blog hop journey. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Pat! Thank YOU so much for inviting me in the first place to take part in this hop. I’m truly humbled and honoured to be a part of it and to be in the company of you and all the other incredible writers here. You made me think that actually I do have something to share about my writing process when before I wasn’t so sure! We are all on this journey together and it’s so wonderful to share where we are along the path.

      Yes, Irene, Tracy and Seyi are all tremendously accomplished, intelligent, inspiring and talented ladies, but also the most wonderful people too of great integrity. As I shared here, I respect and admire them greatly (and this all goes for you too my dear friend!) You will not be disappointed in getting to know them, I can assure you of that! Glad to know that you and Irene have already met! She is a star.

      Maybe now you are thinking of writing your memoir? I really look forward to hearing more about it Pat, should you decide to do so. Exciting! I had to write my memoir before I could do anything else (not sure if you read my memoir book blurb which tells you what my book is about).

      I have discovered that by sharing my stories of family life here, from my life in California, that I have stories I love to share with others and what a blessing that has been! What a blessing your stories are to me Pat. I hold you in the highest regard and am so proud to have been part of this.

      Have a great weekend my friend 🙂


      • Pat says:

        You’re truly welcome, Sherri. It was an interesting writing process and new to me. I’m glad to share this experience with you. That’s what it’s all about — connecting, loving and sharing with each other. What better way to do it than by writing.

        I took a peek at your memoir book blurb and can see why you had to take that direction first in writing. You have much on your heart and a lot to say and I can relate to finding the right time to let go and write. When you do, there’s a place you go to heal that’s sweet and balmy. I’m happy you’ve discovered this and it’s evident in your commitment and success.

        Hope you enjoy your weekend, my friend. 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Thanks so much Pat and also for taking the time to read my memoir book blurb. Writing this post propelled me to write it, something I’ve wanted to do for ages but never could find just the right words to do so. I needed to do it for myself as well as for others, as a reminder of what I’m doing here on those days when I’m plagued with self-doubt.

        The story I’m writing about in my book happened so long ago and I’ve lived a very different life since that time but it is still a story I feel strongly to share with others. It means going back to the emotion of it, something I healed from a long time ago, but I have to almost experience the pain, the fear, the terror even, to write it. This is why I have to come up for air. I want to capture what it was like for me to have to travel alone to America in a world which is very different to the world we live in today. No internet, mobile phones, emails, social media. Just letters and land line phone calls, which cost a fortune, back home.

        I was on my own going through it all physically and I relied heavily on my mother’s support through her letters. This is just part of the story that I want to convey. To take people back another era, even though it was an era which, to many of us, was one we grew up in and, in the grand scheme of things, wasn’t that long ago.

        Sorry Pat, I’ve rambled and written another mini-essay – I’m getting a reputation for these! – but just wanted to share. Phew.
        Thank you my friend, we did and I hope you had a great weekend too, and a wonderful week ahead. I’m really looking forward to the ongoing blog hop posts 🙂


  17. y. prior says:

    Hi Sherri – I enjoyed this post and will bookmark this page so I can do that later – I also skimmed a few of the reader comments – and agree with what Seyi said about your writing style –

    “so real and inviting. You put people in the places you describe with ease.”

    in fact, that is what hooked me on your blog – it was the 2-14 post – the part about the hotel in Paris resonated with me for a few reasons – and one of those reasons was because you brought me there, with ease and with joy – and I could feel the hot water pipes warming my feet – and I still feel that post at times (one of my all time fabs for some reason)

    but in all your writing – from what I have read so far that is – well it is your genuineness that I like that flows through every line – so the gift of your writing style has to do with the personality that churns out each sentence – I also like how you explain a joke reference at times – with flow – so in case we do not get it – well you help the reader out = so it is a very relational style…. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Wow! Reading this, dear Yvette, gives me so much encouragement of my writing that I can’t adequately express it. I remember you first coming over here when I wrote my Paris post and I loved how you shared your thoughts then about those hot water pipes – ha! – and now for you to share the same thoughts as Seyi blesses me no end. To know that you enjoy my writing is a gift beyond measure. I know one thing, I enjoy your comments beyond measure, your writing is truly wonderful 🙂

      Everything you share here, your feedback and critique of my writing style is invaluable to me and to know that you feel this way makes me think that for once in my life maybe I’m doing something right because all I ever wanted so far as my writing goes is for those reading it to ‘feel’ it. I know I’m not a literary genius, far from it, but I can’t thank you enough for the way you’ve helped propel me forward with the words you share here with me today.

      I honestly am so humbled Y and blessed beyond measure by this. I’ll say thank you so much again but it seems so inadequate…you, mon amie, are a star 🙂


  18. Great to read your version of the blog hop Sherri, I’ll be posting mine tomorrow. And you know we all have these doubts about what we can contribute – that was my first thought too. It was great to read more about your writing process and I’m impressed that you’re writing so much of your memoir – I think you’ve kept it a bit quiet, quite how industrious you’ve been 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Andrea, thanks so much and yes, I’m really looking forward to reading yours too! I loved reading about your writing journey over at Pat’s and it was so good to see your lovely photo too, great to put a face to your name!

      Haha! Well, you know me well enough by now Andrea that I don’t like to talk too much about my memoir because I do have to come up for air and I also struggle with keeping disciplined 😉

      I really appreciate you taking the time to read my memoir blurb too. Your encouragement and support means so much.

      Coming over to you now 🙂


  19. Truly an inspiration my friend. Your passion, creativity and work is a living proof that dreams do come true when we set our hearts on them. Thanks for sharing these and the amazing, talented artists/authors. A blessed Sunday to you and to your family.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much my friend, I’m so blessed by your words. I’m learning that it is never too late to ‘chase the dream’. We both know all about that! Got to keep pushing, we’ll get there in the end
      Yes, amazingly talented these writers are indeed, I’m so proud to have been given the opportunity to share their talents here!
      Loved your San Fran post, have replied over there. I’ve got flowers in my hair now, lol 🙂
      And a blessed Sunday to you too and your gorgeous family 🙂


  20. I just read about this Writing Process Blog Hop on Andrea Stephenson’s blog and finds it really interesting. Thank you, Sherri, for opening a window on your creative writing process as well and introducing us to other writers.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Evelyne, thank you very much for coming over to read this blog hop. I’m so glad that you found both this and Andrea’s so interesting. Andrea and I have been following one another’s blogs for some time now and I just read her blog hop which I found very interesting indeed. I appreciate you reading about my writing process and yes, there are some very talented writers out there to be discovered, and you are indeed one of them 🙂


  21. I already follow Irene. Thanks for the intro into yourself and the others. I will take the time to enjoy their work


  22. Maxima says:

    Beautiful post!!!


  23. Sherri, this is a wonderful blog hop and such a good way to meet other talented creative people. My Internet crashing has put me behind but I will be blog hopping very soon. Thanks very much for including me. Cheers irene


    • Sherri says:

      You are so very welcome Irene, it’s been my great pleasure to be able to ‘share’ you here, you deserve it. I’m so sorry for all the internet problems you’ve had, it’s so easy to get behind just on a normal day. Don’t worry, when you have the time, no rush, no problem. Take care and I really hope things ease up for you soon. And when they do, I really look forward to your blog hop and meeting all your writer friends.
      Cheers and hugs 🙂


  24. Pingback: Virtual Blog Hop | A View From My Summerhouse

  25. Pingback: Writing Process Blog Meme | A View From My Summerhouse

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