In The Joy And Memorial For A Friend

I tried, but I cannot write another thing until this man who meant so much to me is heard:  a man called John who has left this earth for a better place but who gave my heart a safe place to heal, when I needed a friend, like a father when my own was absent.

My words are frozen, you see, trapped in a sea of ice.  No longer in flow but solid and harsh, at once unbreakable with no sign of melt.

I thought my muse had abandoned me.

Then…hush! As I look forlornly through my kitchen window at the untouched bird feeders hanging in the tree at the end of the garden, a sudden flit of colour zips into view. I take a sharp intake of breath and gasp.

What is this? Can it be…?

Why yes, it is a gift from God above – my Sweet Robin, for he has returned to me!

Robin in Garden Oct 2012 (8)

My Sweet Robin has returned to me! (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Oh dear John! How I wish I could share this news with you, this celebration of the pleasure of such gifts.

I remember how much you enjoyed my photographs of Sweet Robin flitting merrily from branch to branch in my garden one snowy morn.

There I was, fancying myself as some sort of nature photographer, speaking, yes speaking to my robin.  And how he posed so handsomely, allowing me to creep ever closer, snapping away at his puffed-up breast and mischievous, coal-black eyes.

And my heart soared with joy at such a sight.

Sweet Robin in Somerset Snow Jan 2013 (c) Sherri Matthews

Sweet Robin in Somerset Snow Jan 2013
(c) Sherri Matthews

For you in your delight, so thrilled to share with me your own little garden robin, your constant visitor, that long, white winter.

Walking through the grounds of Forde Abbey this late November season, there, in the autumn-glass reflection on the lake I imagined a slide-show of all the places you visited with my family.

Forde Abbey Gardens - November 2014 (c) Sherri Matthews

Forde Abbey Gardens – November 2014
(c) Sherri Matthews

November’s rush of breeze enticed the trees to bare their branches for winter’s rest, and in its whisper there I turned, to the call of your laughter carried on the air.

Remember the time when you took us all to London?   You knew well my crazy obsession with that old fox Henry VIII as we toured the Tower of London and we giggled like school children in the museum at the sight of the size of his regalia – what a man! – yet shivered at the thought of what he did to his poor wives.

Well, dear John, guess who I got to hang out with this weekend at Barrington Court’s Christmas Fayre?  And I managed to keep  my head…

But there is so much more than this: broken too many times, you reached out in your gentle and wise ways and helped put me back together again by showing my family nothing but love and affection and help where needed.

We travelled many paths together along the way.

How wonderful to just keep walking... (c) Sherri Matthews

Path at Forde Abbey, November 2014
(c) Sherri Matthews

View of Forde Abbey and Gardens November 2014 (c) Sherri Matthews

View of Forde Abbey and Gardens November 2014
(c) Sherri Matthews

Forde Abbey Nov 2014 (17)

Wouldn’t it be great to just keep walking… (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Birthdays, university graduations, milestones, holidays, my wedding – all of them, you were there.

John, me and my mother, March 2006, Wedding Day (c) Sherri Matthews

John, me and my mother, March 2006, Wedding Day.  It was bitterly cold!
(c) Sherri Matthews

I did not know what to write, the words disappeared and nothing made sense.  Even now, I am not so sure of my expression.  But what I do know is this: today my robin returned and my heart is full of thanksgiving for my dear and beloved friend John.

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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105 Responses to In The Joy And Memorial For A Friend

  1. Oh Sherri, your words brought tears to my eyes because I know how important John was to you and your family. The tribute is beautiful and your photographs, they’re spectacular.
    I like to think John sent your robin home to you to remind you he’ll be with you always. I’m so happy you decided to write about your dear friend. xoxo


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Jill, I just didn’t know how else to write and then, when I saw my dear robin back again, suddenly I was overcome with the need to write this and I’m so glad I did. You are right about the robin…I do believe that he is a gift of God, sent to me at just the right time, for John. Thank you so much my friend xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’ll never forget one day, many years ago, I was missing my grandmother so much. I sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea and my tears and I saw a Mourning Dove at my kitchen window…one of my grandmother’s favorite birds. God knows when we’re hurting and need comfort. xoxo I’ll be in touch!


      • Sherri says:

        Jill, that is such a beautiful story, thank you so much for sharing it with me. We share so many coincidences. When I think back about the hummingbird and then when I saw the kingfisher on my birthday (they are so shy and I had wanted to see one my whole life) which was my grandmother’s favourite bird…well, you are so right, we know without a doubt that God truly does know when we need that extra comfort and He knows just when to send it. Bless you my dear friend…be in touch soon 🙂 xoxo


  2. Dear Sherri, what a beautiful tribute! It is all there, only someone who mends a soul gets an expression of love and loss such as this. How wonderful that John was there for you. Like Jill I am inclined to think the robin came on time and with a purpose. Nothing happens by accident – there are no coincidences, only serendipity. I hope you know that John will always be near to you, death is after all simply a doorway to a different room, a different mode of being. I send much love and stand with you in this time xoxo


    • Sherri says:

      Dear Pauline, thank you so much for your deeply comforting words and sending your love at this time, and yes, I do believe that John will always be close by – Sweet Robin’s arrival at just the perfect time confirmed this so beautifully xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. bulldog says:

    Sherri.. Dear friend… do friends like this ever really leave us? Sure their passing is a sad event, one that makes us cry as we mourn their moving on to a higher place… But the memories of the friend can never be erased. Small things like a robin (which you have photographed magnificently) will always make those memories spring to the fore of our minds.
    When my Dad died, I thought the world was now to end, yet having just completed the final edit of my book that is dedicated to him, every page brings back memories and pictures in my mind… Has he left me?? I don’t thinks so, his body might have but his spirit lives on in all my undertakings, trips and photography…
    I feel for your loss, and nothing I can say or do would make things instantly right for you. I advocate, in any case, that one must mourn the loss of a friend or family member… one must cry like there is no tomorrow, it is all part of the healing process… and it is when this is over that those memories will replace the sadness and one starts to rejoice in the life they lived…
    Your writing tells me he was special, very very special, but remember Sherri, he will never be far from you and like I do with my Dad, talk to him, it still comforts me and somehow solves a lot of problems even though he is only with me in spirit…
    My condolences Sherri… may you celebrate his life in writings like this post…


    • Sherri says:

      Dear Bulldog, I am overcome with emotion as I read your beautifully written message to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing all that you have with me at this sad time. I agree with all you say, we can indeed take such great comfort in knowing that our loved ones, although not with us in the flesh any longer, live on in our memories, our hearts, and our lives well lived as we honour them in such a way. I am so, so sorry for the grief you endured when you lost your dear dad, but you are also so right in that we do need to grieve at the proper time so that a little while later, we can then rejoice in all that these deeply loved people gave us and meant to us – and still do, through their legacies. John was a wonderful man, I loved him dearly and I’ll never forget him. Right now, I’m at that raw stage, thinking I’m alright and then I’m undone by the small things. It was my birthday in mid September and he sent me an email a couple of days afterwards, so very sorry he had been unable to get to the village to buy me a birthday card. It would be the last message I was to receive from him, and when I struggled at the end upon news that he was so ill, but I was so glad that he had been able to read my reply at that time while he was still able. You see, he was far more ill than he let on…But we had hoped to meet for lunch one more time and it didn’t happen and i just wish I could have seen him one more time…so I wrote this post instead. Thank you so much my friend…

      Liked by 1 person

  4. reocochran says:

    Sherri, I wrote a post about what a cardinal’s message to me was from my Grandfather. I sent a note off to Guideposts, back in 1980 and they had told me there are mysterious angels, birds and creatures who can carry a message to us. I love this that your John came to you from a visit from a sweet red-breasted bird, a robin. May you enjoy this special visitor on more than one occasion. Your fellow blogger who believes in this wonderful bird’s little ways of showing and demonstrating he is John. My cardinal followed me to sing every time I moved, then one time it was raining in November, when I moved, later in the day I was so sad, but as I was actually telling this to my sister in law, while we unpacked my ‘good’ china, out fluttered a reddish soft feather! It is not like one you find in craft stores, but a special message saying, “I am still with you.” Hugs, Robin


    • Sherri says:

      Dear Robin, please send me the link to your post, how I would love to read it… My robin, Sweet Robin as I call him, has been absent since early winter and I was worried but he came back just when I needed to see him. This is not the first time he has done this, arriving at other times when I have felt very low, but this time I really do believe he appeared as a message sent by God, that John is with us and always will be. I am fascinated by the message you received back from Guideposts about these mysterious beings who are sent to guide and comfort us and thank you so much for your kind, caring message and for sharing your deeply personal story with me. I am so moved by it…and I am feeling your hugs… xo


  5. suej says:

    Sherri, what a lovely tribute…and gorgeous photos of the Robin, who surelŷ was a


  6. suej says:

    Oh, and I meant to say, I know Forde Abbey….next time I come down that way I’ll have to arrange a meet up with you!


  7. cardamone5 says:

    Oh Sherri, I am so sorry for your loss. You wrote a lovely tribute, and included incredible photos. I especially love the one of you in your wedding dress. beautiful. My prayers are with you, dear friend. May the robin continue to visit often.



  8. Rachel M says:

    I’m really sorry to hear about your friend. You’ve written a beautiful tribute to him and the photos are wonderful, as always.


  9. This is a beautiful tribute to John Sherri and I’m cyber hugging you as I speak. The robin came at an good moment as he allowed you to start to express all that you have been holding inside. John will always be with you – in your heart and in your memories. Lots of love at this hard time. ❤


  10. You say: “I did not know what to write, the words disappeared and nothing made sense.” And, yet, you tell us that “today my robin returned and my heart is full of thanksgiving for my dear and beloved friend John.”

    You did, after all, know exactly what to write. ❤


  11. So very moving. John was a rare & beautiful man. Your description & photos captured perfectly who he was & always will be to you. Now I don’t have words for the tears. With much love


    • Sherri says:

      I am honoured that you met him my dearest friend, you remember the wonderful, and yes, rare, man that he was…and still is as he lives on in our hearts and memories. Bless you and thank you so much for everything…much love right back to you… ❤


  12. Letizia says:

    It’s so sad to lose someone so loved. I’m glad you were able to share so many beautiful moments with him, Sherri. And the robin will always make you think of him and smile, so lovely. Thinking of you.


  13. Allison says:

    Oh Sherri, so beautiful, beautiful, beyond beautiful is this piece of heartfelt writing. I feel blessed and humbled to have read it. Sending you so much love and light and hugs, hugs, hugs,

    Allison xoxoxoxo Peace be with you, my dear friend. xoxoxox


  14. restlessjo says:

    What a lovely way to share your joy in this special man, Sherri. I imagine he’ll have a place in your memoirs so there’s no way he’s going to be forgotten. His love and affection are with you still. 🙂 And, by the way, that’s a beautiful (if chilly) photo of you as a bride.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…dear Jo, you always make me smile 🙂 Our wedding day was a bitterly cold day. I remember the adrenaline flowing that day with all the excitement, but not long after this photo I remember saying to hubby, ‘that’s it, I’m going to turn to ice if we don’t go back inside!’ That morning we had sleet but as you can see, by the afternoon, the sun shone, albeit it weakly, hence the few outside shots we managed. And of course, John played a very important role and sat with pride of joy with us as part of the bridal party. His generosity and kindness was exceptional throughout the many years that I knew him. Thank you so much for your lovely message…you always warm my heart Jo…

      Liked by 1 person

  15. My comment has disappeared. Don’t know if it timed out or if I lost it because the electricity has been off/on in tweaks today. By 4:00 o’clock we lost power for about 1-1/2 hours. Came back just as it was too dark to see in the house.

    We never lose those we hold close in our hearts. I believe they are always with us. Seems the robin IS a sign from John. Be happy. Not only do you remember him, he has sent you a greeting.
    ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Sherri says:

      Oh dear, I’m so glad you got your power back just in time and no more I hope…and not least of all so that I was able to receive your beautiful, heart-warming message…thank you so much Tess, and yes, I do believe the very same about my Sweet Robin. I couldn’t have received a better greeting than that… ❤ ❤ ❤


  16. The rest of us can only hope we inspire that kind of tribute from someone at our passing. The contented crafter said my thoughts perfectly so I won’t burden you with more words. I understand the ache. The rest of us are here for you in any small way we can be helpful. Hugs to you and yours in your time of grief.


  17. I am so sorry for your loss Sherri, but happy that your robin returned to you.


  18. How wonderful to have had such a precious friend, Sherri. This post is such a lovely tribute to John’s memory, and I’m so glad you shared it, and your lovely photos with me. You must have been overjoyed to see your sweet Robin once again. You look so gorgeous in your wedding photo. 🙂 *hugs*


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thank you so much dear Sylvia and for your lovely hugs. John was indeed a truly wonderful man and friend, he never failed to bring joy to me and my family and will be greatly missed. Memories of my wedding day with John playing such an important role, when my own father could not, will remain with me forever 🙂 Sweet Robin’s appearance yesterday was the perfect remedy and helped me write this post…hugs right back to you… xx

      Liked by 1 person

  19. TanGental says:

    Blugs from NZ Sherri. Beautifully lyrical. I’ve no doubt he would have smiled if he had read this.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh….so very kind of you to send your wonderful kind thoughts from NZ Geoff…really means a lot that, thank you from the bottom of my heart. John would have had a good laugh about old King Henry and of course, would have shared in my delight at Sweet Robin’s reappearance 🙂 Hope you are thinking of me at Hobbiton… :-


  20. Sherri, this is such a touching, beautifully written tribute. And I loved the wonderful pictures, especially of you as a lovely bride, and John smiling.
    Consider this, however. When you say you wish John could see the dear Robin that visited you, meaning so much to you, I believe without a doubt that John does see it. In fact, the appearance of Robin may be his gift to you, I’ve heard too many examples of friends and family who were visited by birds or fish or animals that were meaningful to them, and they knew they’d been gifted by a love one who still watched over them. John sent you this blessing.


    • Sherri says:

      Dear Marylin, you share such a beautiful message with me and I thank you so much for it. I do indeed believe that my robin was sent as a gift, the timing of his reappearance after so long (and I like to think it is the same Sweet Robin) was no mere coincidence. This is an emotional time for me, as you know, not only in the loss of John, but also in concern for my dad. 11 years ago, I took my last holiday with all three of my kids, my mother and John in California before my divorce and moving back here. We all hold that holiday in our memories as one of the best we ever had, a week in San Diego and then winding our way back through Long Beach to see The Queen Mary, LA to ‘do’ Hollywood and then back to our home on the central coast. During that holiday, I was sitting on the patio outside our room one, sunny evening, happy to be having such a wonderful time but my heart heavy with going through a divorce and knowing that we would be leaving our home behind within a couple of months for a totally new and unchartered life ahead. Pondering all of this and out of nowhere, a hummingbird appeared before me, mere inches from my face and hovered there, looking straight at me, for what seemed ages but must have been only a minute. I was mesmerised, hardly daring to breathe, as I watched it, motionless, struck with awe and wonder. I was speechless after it flew away but I knew, in my heart, that this beautiful little bird had been sent to me to tell me that everything would be alright. And, although difficult times lay ahead, it actually was. For one thing, I met my hubby. And now, with my little robin, I do indeed know what a profound blessing his visit is…and that John is truly at peace…


  21. Sherri, a deeply tender tribute about a dear friend! He must have been very special. I’m so sorry for your loss. Perhaps the robin was a message from John. Your photos are lovely.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Susan, I am very blessed by your kind words and yes, I do believe that my robin was indeed sent as a messenger, such was the joy of his reappearance at this perfect time…John was the most wonderful man, I am honoured to have known him.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. jennypellett says:

    A beautiful tribute to someone who obviously has played a huge part in your life Sherri. Anyone would feel honoured to have such words written about them and I’m thinking that John will somehow know how very dear he was to you. The Robin could well be a sign. I’m not particularly religious but I do believe in signs, coincidences and the like. Everything happens for a reason, it’s how we react to individual events that counts.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thank you so much dear Jenny, your words are so kind and bring great warmth to my heart. I do believe that my robin came at the perfect time (and just as I happened to be looking out of my window, only seconds, and there he was…) and it wasn’t until I saw him that I was able to write this post. I was glad to be able to honour my dear friend John in some small way, knowing that he will always be remembered as the amazingly kind, sweet man that he was and what he really meant to me xx


  23. Sherri what a beautiful tribute to a good friend. I am sure the bird was a message that he is still with you. Such wonderful pictures and happy memories.


  24. jenniferkmarsh says:

    Once again, Sherri, I am sorry for your loss. But this is a beautiful tribute. I am sure he is looking down now smiling at you and your sweet robin.

    Aren’t robins wonderful little birds? Beautiful symbolism, too, if you think about it, for they do not leave in the harsh winter months, but rather stick out the hardship with us all and bring us hope and joy with their pretty song and vibrant chest.

    I hope you are well, dear Sherri P. Thinking of you. x


    • Sherri says:

      How lovely of you dear Jenny Jen Jen, thank you so much for your kindness. I love what you share about robins and this is so true. They bring us such joy with their little red-breasts and happy chirrups throughout the cold winter months, no wonder we hold them in such high esteem. Bless you…I am alright, and I do hope you are too. I am thinking of you also, and will keep in touch…and today, I do believe, with the air so cold, perhaps might mean a proper winter is on its way at last. Let’s hope so… xx


  25. Steve Rebus says:

    Awwww Sherri, my heart moves for you as i hear of your loss of such a lovely friend. This tribute is filled with love, and your photos are simply beautiful! Peace and love to you from a loving brother. 🙂


  26. TBM says:

    What a lovely tribute. My thoughts are with you.


  27. lbeth1950 says:

    How sweet to have had such a friend! Lovely tribute and photographs. Warmed my heart and brought me memories of those I love. Thanks.


  28. I think birds carry the spirit of people who have left us. Every time I see a goldfinch, I think of my dad, who passed away in 2009. He loved that corny song “Yellow Bird.” Your friend sounds so wonderful. And the photograph of you in your wedding dress is magnificent. If we all were not ambivalent on our wedding day, we would be crazy. A risky thing to do!!!!!

    Your robin is beautiful. Just like your friend.


    • Sherri says:

      What a beautiful memory of your dear dad this is Hollis. I adore goldfinches, we do get finches and blue tits at the feeder too. Now, when I see a goldfinch I shall think of you and your dad 🙂 Thank you so much for your lovely, kind and comforting words. My friend John was a wonderful man, he really was, and will be greatly missed. But how wonderful to have my Sweet Robin as a gift from heaven above to remind me that John is still so close… 🙂


  29. S, my heartfelt sympathies for your loss. The beAUtiful photos tell all – though your tribute weighs its worth in gold. I love first large one and the smaller of him looking at you. When our heart is knit to another like that, we indeed lost a piece of ourself in the breaking of the tie. I am glad we can be here to hold you and celebrate this wonderful man.

    All my love,


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Diana for your lovely message and your kind words about a man who was kindness epitomised. I hope I made it clear that old ‘King Henry’ was at a Christmas Fayre hubby and I attended last weekend, all the staff were dressed up in medieval gear. Hubby cheekily asked if he could take a photo of me with him, which, as you can see, he was happy to do 🙂 I know that John would have got a real kick out of those photos and as with my little robin, the timing helped me write myself out of my ‘big freeze’. We shared a lot of laughs over the years, that’s for sure, and I will miss him terribly. I’m honoured to be able to share just a small part of that here…


      • Yes, I got that. The robin, the inspiration, everything. =) I could see why it sounded otherwise, the way I stitched those sentences together. Just meant I loved all the photos (slept very little this wk, bear with me).


      • Sherri says:

        Ahh… no worries, I thought maybe I hadn’t explained that part too clearly. I was so chuffed to get those photos with the old King 😉 Sounds like you’ve had a rough week D..little sleep, not good. Hope you are okay…will be over to catch up asap…hugs…


  30. Pat says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Sherri, though I suspect he will never be far. Your tribute was touching and warm. I can see that you loved him dearly. I suspect he was there looking over your shoulder as you wrote these words.

    I’ve always believed birds and animals bring messages of comfort to us and, no doubt, your little robin was commissioned to do just that for you. Like our Native Americans, I believe they carry powerful energies that can comfort and guide us just when we need it. Their showing up at just the right time is no accident.

    I wrote a post last year of an unusual bird that showed up on our deck. He was beautiful and appeared to be out of place in the mountains. Not only that, but his demeanor was strange in that he acted as if he needed to get our attention. He showed up at our sliding door, pecking; then, went around to the front and flew to the screen chirping and pecking. I had never quite seen anything like it.

    Nature is in more tune with us than we are and when our hearts are heavy, I believe it sends God’s angels, like these little critters to let us know nothing is ever really lost. Love connects us here and to our loved ones beyond. I feel your beloved John is and, now, always will be closer than he ever was even while he’s in the arms of angels.

    This is for you with comforting love and hugs, my friend. God bless:


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much dear friend for your beautiful, kind and comforting message, your words are like a healing balm to my sad heart. The song is absolutely beautiful too and is blessing me so much even now as I listen to it and type this message back to you. I have already been greatly moved by your Thanksgiving post, and then I catch up here and read this, so I am feeling quite emotional, but it is all good. Bittersweet, but good. I would love to read your post, do send me the link when you have a minute. I might not be able to get to it right away, but as soon as I can I will read it. I do indeed believe that my little robin was sent as a message from heaven and that John is at peace and that I can be comforted by that and that he is indeed safe in the arms of the angels. God bless you too dear Pat, with love and hugs right back…


      • Pat says:

        You’re welcome, Sherri. I’m glad it was helpful. at least in some small way. Emotions are good as they help us move things around in our heart and cleanse our souls. Somehow, their energies seem to carry messages to those we love in ways beyond what we can comprehend in the physical — just unspoken heart-to-heart feelings of love.

        I believe you’re right in your little robin being a message from John. What a sweet and tender reminder of love and how that connection is never broken.

        The story I talked about is called “Little Golden One” at I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read. Maybe, there will be some similarities. I definitely think messages are being sent if we’re sensitive and open to receive them.

        Will be thinking of you as we celebrate our Thanksgiving holiday here in the States. I’m grateful to have you as my friend, Sherri. God bless you and yours and sending you warms hugs across the pond. 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Thank you so much for sending me the link to your delightful Oriole post Pat, I have commented over there. There is no doubt that these visits are heaven-sent 🙂 I hope you had a most wonderful Thanksgiving, as we did celebrating my son’s birthday. I too am so glad to have you as my friend and I am sending those same loving hugs right across the shining sea over to you 🙂


  31. Ste J says:

    As far as tributes go, this is one of the most wonderful, you always wear your heart on your sleeve and I am glad you do because you invite us into so many of your innermost thoughts and I feel wiser for having shared them. You are a truly talented lady and I feel the love ooze through your words and pictures.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Ste for your beautiful, kind message. I am deeply humbled by your words, I truly am. But all I know is that when I saw my little robin I was reminded of John’s delight in sharing his photos with me of his robin and from that, I was at last able to write something to honour him, something I hoped would have made him smile. It is in the silliness of life that we so often find the greatest joy isn’t it? Those moments when we are truly ourselves, able to just be and drink in the enjoyment we are afforded at that precise time. Not very often, but then, if they were, we wouldn’t be able to truly grasp them when they do happen…and then write about them afterwards. Bittersweet, my friend, so very bittersweet…


  32. Seyi sandra says:

    What a lovely tribute Sherri, I can feel the raw emotions spewing forth and I don’t know why but I shed a tear. I know how hard this must still be for you but John knows how much you love and care for him. That Robin came at the right time. I love the pictures and the progression of your thoughts, John is in a better place. My love and prayers to you in this hard time!
    Much love and hugs to you my dear.


    • Sherri says:

      You are so kind, thank you so much dear Seyi. Your message to me at this time means a great deal. Yes, my little robin came at just the right time didn’t he? I am blessed to have been comforted in such a special way, and it was because of his sighting that I was able to write this post. I so much wanted to honour John in a way that I hope would have made him smile. I miss his laughter so much…
      Bless you my dear friend, and I would send much love and hugs right back to you…

      Liked by 1 person

  33. This is such a touching and heartfelt piece, so beautifully expressed. What a beauty you look in that wedding photo, Sherri; and still a beauty today, according to your more up-to-date picture 🙂 John has such a kind and gentle face. And Robins — I love them. My mother used to have one that came to feed from her hand daily.


    • Sherri says:

      Robins are deligthful little birds aren’t they? How wonderful for your mother with her daily visitor and feeding from her hand. They can be quite tame can’t they? My mother has a resident robin too and he speaks to her. When I saw my robin, the timing was so meaningful and I instantly remembered John sending me photos of his robin and then I was able to write this post. Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful message Sarah…means a great deal…

      Liked by 1 person

  34. Denise says:

    I’m sure John would have been proud of such a tribute, Sherri. It’s really beautiful.


  35. Sherri, that is a beautiful, warm, loving tribute to an amazing friend and family. He will always be alive and forever celebrated in your heart. The Robin visiting may be actually a sign from him just letting you know he too have you in his thoughts and prayers in heaven. It hard to loose someone we made a special bond and connection through the years. Their presence can never be replaced and we will always miss them. Wonderful post. The images are soulful and endearing. Thank you. God bless you and your family always.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much my friend for your beautiful message and kindest of thoughts. John will always be greatly missed, I still find it hard to accept that I won’t hear his wonderful laughter again, but you are right, my little robin was indeed sent as a messenger to bring comfort to my heart. God bless you too, and I would also like to wish you and your beautiful family a very Happy Thanksgiving.


  36. Marie Keates says:

    What a lovely tribute. It’s hard to lose someone who has meant a lot but sometimes little things like your Robin are sent to comfort and console.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you Marie, you are so right, my robin brought me a great deal of joy that day, just when I needed it. John would have been so delighted, as well as had a good laugh at my ‘meeting’ with old King Henry. Those are the memories I hold so dear to my heart.

      Liked by 1 person

  37. dilipnaidu says:

    A touching and poignant narration. Yes the people we love always remain in our memories. Such a joy to connect with the sweet little Robin. Thank you and a happy thanksgiving indeed.


  38. Yolanda M. says:

    a beautiful, luminous tribute to your friend Sherri. I am sorry I did not write sooner but it has been one of those super busy weeks. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I, like many of your other followers 🙂 strongly believe in ‘visitations’ and messages. Birds seem to be the most popular (and your robin is gorgeous) though I have also heard of people being visited by butterflies. Once in a while a certain hummingbird visits us and for reasons I can’t explain (perhaps because he is not afraid to hover above me within hand’s reach) I think it is my dad letting me know all is well.


    • Sherri says:

      Please don’t worry Yolanda, it is always a delight when you visit and anytime is a treat 🙂 I hope that this week is calmer for you. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful and profound hummingbird story. I also have been visited by a hummingbird, eleven years ago, it buzzed right in front of my eyes for a minute or two, I could have reached out and touched it if it would have let me. It was when I was going through my divorce and was very low. I believe it was sent to give me a message of hope, just as with my robin and a also a sighting of a kingfisher on my birthday a couple of years ago. There is no doubt that these little feathered friends of ours are heaven-sent. How wonderful that your hummingbird brings you such comfort from your dear dad and I’m sure always at those times when you really need to know that all is indeed well 🙂


  39. I am sorry for your loss but found so much joy in your words. I shivered when I read about the robin. Such a moving tribute to your good friend. I wish you peace and I hope for the robin to visit your yard very often.


  40. Sherri, I am sorry for your loss of John. In April of 2006, the year my mom died, the kids and I were studying birds. We had a ton of different types coming into our yard to eat the seeds we threw out every day. On the day my brother called to tell us we needed to get down there to see my mom, because she didn’t have much time left, we were sitting on the couch in front of the window watching the birds in the rain. Every Spring since then, when April is here, and the birds begin to come back, I think of my mom. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Patsy, and thank you for sharing your deeply personal and touching story of your birds and your dear mom. I shed a tear as I think of you looking out of your window at your little feathered visitors and thinking about your mom. I did the same when I saw my robin after so long…but it is through these connections that we are blessed with such comfort, love and hope. Bless you Patsy…


  41. Norah says:

    What a gorgeous tribute to a very special man. You found the words. I’m pleased his Robin found you! Take care. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  42. prior says:

    Hi S – I know I might not be able to read all fhb back posts I have missed – but I am so glad I was able to get to this one 🙂 such a warm tribute to John – and the bird (goosebumps)
    oh and
    the wedding photo -you – and that dress – oh so beautiful – ❤
    okay – off to the next one but wanted to leave a note here 🙂
    love ya mon amie


    Liked by 1 person

  43. Mustang.Koji says:

    What an endearing and touching melody of words and images… You are lucky to have such a person in your heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much for your lovely words, your comment has warmed my heart. I am blessed indeed to have had such a wonderful man as John in my life and although he is greatly missed, he will of course never be forgotten. Bless you.

      Liked by 1 person


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