Feeling Good

 A second chance. A new dawn. A new day.

Bee & Lavendar, Summer Time in Somerset (c) Sherri Matthews

Bee & lavender, Summer Time in Somerset
(c) Sherri Matthews

This is the prompt for Charli’s flash fiction challenge in 99 words, no  more, no less (with the accompanying photograph in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge, ‘Rule of Thirds’):

Feeling Good

He reached across the dining table, taking her hands tenderly in his.

“I know you have a lot of healing to do, but if you want to meet again, I’ll be waiting.”

Her heart raced even as the warmth of his gentle touch gave calm.

Then she panicked.

“I…I think I better go now…the kids will be waiting…”

He waved her off from the car park as she tore away into the night, leaving him in dust.

I’ll never see her again

Two years later, he held her hands once more as she beamed and he said, “I do”.

 Based on a true story?  Perhaps…


About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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81 Responses to Feeling Good

  1. elisa ruland says:

    Wow, you had me at “he reached across the dining table!” This is a great start to something greater. Love your photograph, too.


  2. i do hope so! And that it is yours – Good people deserve good things! ❤ ❤ ❤


  3. Heyjude says:

    I have come to expect dark from you in the flash fiction series, nice to see you can do light 🙂


  4. TanGental says:

    cuuuute! Love the sudden panic in the middle. Very real!


  5. Tish says:

    Good things are worth waiting for….


  6. restlessjo says:

    I’m smiling ear to ear, Sherri 🙂 I love a happy ending!
    AND you met my friend Viveka today 🙂 It is one strange world, isn’t it? She’s in the UK for the Balloon Festival in August and I’m going to make a determined effort to meet. I have a friend from long ago who lives in Bristol and I’m long overdue a visit. I’ve never seen the balloons and always wanted to, so this could be the year! Vivi mentioned tea in Bath at the Pump House too. I can feel the bubble of excitement already 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Oh goodie, thanks Jo, so glad to know this 🙂 As I said to Jude, dark stuff is what I usually do and feel more drawn to, but it’s great to go with this (and even in the dark, I agree, a happy ending is always so satisfying…!) Sorry for the late reply, two whole days later. No polite way to put this – this week is kicking my butt 😮
      Yes, thank you so much for pointing Viveka in my direction, so lovely to read her wonderful Lewes post…such a small world isn’t it? How fun that you will meet up at the Balloon Festival. I’ve never been to that, might have to bear that in mind, since we only live an hour away from Bristol and Bath…hint, hint…and tea at the Pump Rooms is wonderful, went there for my birthday a few years ago. You will love it Jo…and you never know, maybe I’ll pop my head around the door when you’re there and say ‘Hi!’ 🙂


      • restlessjo says:

        That would be fantastic, Sherri! I was shy of suggesting it. And I don’t know how expensive it is??? Viveka has a much more extravagant lifestyle than me, but she’s earned it, God love her. 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        I was shy too Jo, didn’t want to barge in on your plans with your friend, but the thought of meeting up with you in Bath even just for a quick cuppa fills me with joy!! It’s been a while since I was there, but I don’t think it’s too expensive for tea, although of course it depends on what kind of tea! The full works with bubbly I’m sure is pricey….which is why we haven’t been for some years, although that was for my birthday!!! But a cream tea is lovely too! I’m hoping to get to Bath once the weather warms up for a day out with Mum, so I’ll pop in for a menu and get prices and let you know to give you a head’s up!! 🙂


  7. cardamone5 says:

    Lovely photo, and post, Sherri. Keep this one for future development.



  8. Luanne says:

    Based on a true story? Huh? Anyone we know?! Haha, love it, Sherri! And what a glorious photo! You are so talented!


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…well now, I’ll have to have a think…hmmmmm… LOL 😀 Ahh…Luanne, you are so sweet, and wow, that’s high praise indeed, thank you so much… 🙂 xo


  9. Excellent, Sherri! Okay, time to crack the whip. Once you finish your memoir, you must write a HEA novel…you’ve got the gift. I love the bee and lavender photo! xoxo


    • Sherri says:

      You know Jill, all week long I’ve been hearing this strange sound, everywhere I go, much like a whip cracking…hmmmm….. 😀 Haha…well, yes, keep cracking my friend, as I said to Jo, this week is kicking my butt…endless distractions…but I’m making progress, just so far behind here as you can tell. And as for a HEA novel, well, that is definitely something I need to think about 🙂 Thanks so much Jill for your great comment, hope you are having a good week! xoxo


  10. I want to know all the details. What happened between the drive off and the wedding vows? 🙂


  11. Love that panic attack of uncertainly in the middle and then a happy ending. ❤ ❤ ❤ A beginning, a middle and the end. F.a.b.u.l.o.u.s., Sherri.
    Is this a true story? Does the 'perhaps' mean it is? 😮


  12. I smell a real life event had by you, señorita! How lovely and romantic. Some things are truly just meant to be. 🙂 🙂 xo


  13. jennypellett says:

    What about all the bits in the middle? This is tantalising stuff Sherri but you’ve got to fill us in now 😃


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…well, I didn’t think this would be so tantalising, but I’m thrilled that it grabbed you this way, thanks so much Jenny 🙂 Now I feel a moral duty to oblige 😀


  14. Charli Mills says:

    Best feeling good story ever! I love the transition of hand-holding. You have romance and tension all built int your flash. And we can never get enough of Michael Buble! 😀


    • Sherri says:

      Aww…thanks so much Charli…high praise indeed my friend 😀 Yay…does this mean I can do light as well as dark? But then, these BOTS always come in mighty handy don’t they? And as for Michael Buble…totally agree 😀


  15. Loved that! I want to read the rest.. 🙂


  16. Pingback: Feeling Good « Carrot Ranch Communications

  17. How romantic, Sherri. A very happy ending, which of course we all like in stories, especially if a true one. I hope one day we’ll get to find out the whole story…perhaps? 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…well, ‘perhaps’ now I will have to tell the rest of this story 😀 Thanks so much Hugh, thrilled you enjoyed it, a happy ending is the best isn’t it 🙂


      • I look forward to reading it, Sherri.

        A Happy Ending is always very nice, although in my own short stories they don’t often appear. I tend to leave the reader on tenterhooks wanting to know more, which I know is not fair, but its’s how the endings seem to end up for me.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          Ahh…thanks Hugh! And yes, it is the same with me. In fact, I am naturally drawn to writing darker ‘stuff’ so it is a new thing for this prompt. But I do think that although leaving the reader on tenterhooks might not always be fair, it is also rather delicious 😉 Your stories sound wonderful!


  18. I’m glad you said “I do”, dear Sherri, and I’m glad he was patient in his love 🙂


  19. What a wonderful story with a happy-ever-after ending, Sherri! This really put a big smile on my face this morning. 🙂 xxhugs


    • Sherri says:

      Oh I’m so happy to know this Sylvia! You put plenty of smiles on my face my friend, so I am thrilled to do the same for you 😀 Nothing like a happy ending is there 😉 Hugs…xx


  20. Forgot to say how much I love this track by Michael Bublé. 😀


    • Sherri says:

      It’s fantastic isn’t it? I made a slideshow of photos put to music for my ‘special’ birthday a few years ago as my gift to my family and friends to say thank you to them. It started with pics from when my mum and dad got married (love those B&Ws from the 50s!) up to when hubby and I got married. My daughter was 13, my maid of honour – no bridesmaids – and my boys, then 17 & 23 were ushers and sat either side of me. When it got to the part of our wedding, I played this track 🙂 So it has extra-special meaning to me and I never get tired of hearing it 😀 ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person

  21. LOVED the photo! Perfect shot. The story was wonderful. I love happy endings. Wish there were more real happy endings.


  22. You tell a wonderful and captivating story in only 99 words Sherri! I love the Michael Buble song, it is one of my favorites 🙂 Now you’ve got me wondering if this is a true story… Thank you for the fun read this morning!!


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Heather, I’m delighted you enjoyed it (especially as it is nice to write a story quite different to my usual ‘dark’ stuff!!!) Yes…this track is one of my all time favourites too, it’s fantastic isn’t it! I played it when I made a slideshow for my family and friend at the part when hubby and I got married…so ‘perhaps’ this is indeed a true story after all … 😉


  23. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Rule of Thirds | Coffee Breaks and Rainy Days

  24. Rachel M says:

    I was very excited to see another of your flash fictions in this post! It was terrific as always.


  25. I hope it’s a true story and that you were the main character!


  26. Lovely true story Sherri. You captured that fear, anticipation, warmth and the knowledge of safety to again love perfectly and it couldn’t have been more perfect for Life is good.


  27. ywwp says:

    Nice post.
    so many awards on the bottom of comments. nice.
    regards http://YourWellWisherProgram.wordpress.com

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Oh that’s a great ending, Sherri! (PS Michael Buble is uplifting!)


  29. Ah, I think there’s a story behind that story! I enjoyed reading it.


  30. Norah says:

    That really is a feel good story, Sherri. I hope it stills feels good long after the ‘I do’ promises have been shared. 🙂


  31. Hmmmm? Could this be true? Perfect love story for February! I’m feeling it my friend! ❤


  32. Mahesh Nair says:

    Lovely use of lead, obstacle, confrontation and knockout. I like the interior monologue there. Since she beamed, I may not want you to write a sequel. But I have to ask you something. He seems like a man of conviction, but in his monologue he was certain he’d never see her again. A lapse there you think? Which may be understood considering who doesn’t have flaws. Only because he erred did the ending look sweeter. Brilliant!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, well, this is so great to read my friend, thank you so much! Yes..he is indeed a man of conviction, and it wasn’t until he waved her off in the car park that he had a fleeting moment of doubt, that he had maybe scared her off. But he didnt have to wait too long to realise that he actually played it just right 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  33. It did make me feel good indeed. Story that excites and warms the heart. Beautiful video as well. Belated Valentine’s Days and wishing you many early blessings of Spring. Have a great week my friend and best of blessings to you and your family. God bless.


    • Sherri says:

      So glad you ‘felt good’ reading this my freind 🙂 And a belated Happy Valentine’s Day to you too! Here we are, March already and spring is upon us once more. May your week be fllled with blessings too and I hope that all is well with you and your beautiful family 🙂


  34. Marie Keates says:

    I do like a happy ending 🙂


  35. Sherri I am always amazed at how much depth of story you manage to get with limited words. It is a gift.


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