Ephemeral: Longleat Safari Park

Transitory; brief; momentary; passing; cursory; short-lived; fleeting; temporary. All meanings behind the word ‘Ephemeral’.

I think of all those times when I’ve attempted to photograph creatures great and small, specifically during a visit, a couple of years ago, to magnificent Longleat Safari Park in Wiltshire:

A lioness stretching before settling back down with her pride for a lazy nap ~

Longleat July 2012 (22)A meerkat standing to order on the lookout, before scrambling
back down the earth mound to join his mates ~

Who's there? (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Who’s there?
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

This gorgeous tiger might look calm and peaceful, but seconds after I took this photo, he was off, sauntering into the woods until I couldn’t see him at all ~

All is calm...? (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

All is calm…?
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Just as well cute little chipmunk kept well away; she allowed me this close-up before darting off at light-speed to scratch about for food ~

Longleat July 2012 (35)

Hurry up and take your photo, I haven’t got all day… (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

And then not forgetting this brief moment when a few birds of the feathered kind took to admiring Hubby.   Once they got what they came for – food, of course – they took off, leaving hubby’s heart all in a flutter ~

Birds of a feather flock together... (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Birds of a feather flock together…beautiful parakeets
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Moments in time, captured in a snap.  Aren’t cameras wonderful?

This post is in response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge of “Ephemeral.”

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
This entry was posted in Birds of a Feather, Family Life, Weekly Photo Challenge and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

86 Responses to Ephemeral: Longleat Safari Park

  1. mumblypeg says:

    Love the chipmunk picture. A lovely photo and the one of hubby is so cute too. Well done, as ever
    love mumblypeg xxx


  2. Steve Rebus says:

    Wow Sherri! Fantastic photos as usual!! I’d love to go there one day. Thanks for taking me around with you great writings and images! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      You would love it there Steve, and just think of all the fab photos you would take, so I hope you get to go one day and soon! Always a pleasure, thanks so much for coming along 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What fun Sherri! It looks like you were right up close and personal with the animals. The meerkat looks so regal and so cute 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Heather, it’s great fun at Longleat, I remember going there as a kid and then got to go again a few more time over the years with my ‘big kids’ – including Hubby, ha 🙂 The lions and tiger were taken from our car as we drove around and the meerkats literally run past you as walk through their ‘village’. They look like soldiers standing guard don’t they? Very mischievous 😉


  4. Aw…so cute…the chipmunk, not your husband. 🙂 Okay, he looks cute too! What a great smile he has. Wonderful pictures, Sherri! xoxo


    • Sherri says:

      Haha 😀 I love it, I’l be sure to tell hubby that Jill, he will be very flattered I can assure you 😉 The chipmunk is adorable isn’t he? I wish I could have taken him home with me! Thank you!!! xoxox

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Some lovely photos here, Sherri. Love the one of your hubby, the Lorikeet man. 🙂 Super capture of the Meerkat. They’re just the cutest when they stand like that. 🙂 Love the sleek big cats too, and the precious little face of that chipmunk. Beautiful post altogether. xx


  6. Wonderful photos and I especially love the one with Hubby and his feathered friends!!! What a great place. Once again starting my day with a smile because of you my friend! ❤


    • Sherri says:

      You would love Longleat Diane…put it on the list!!! The bat cave is there 😀 I knew you would enjoy these pics, must post some more 🙂 ❤ xo


  7. Heyjude says:

    Lovely lovely rainbow lorikeets – how I envy your hubby 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      They are beautiful aren’t they? And as I said to Sylvia, I stand corrected, I thought they were called parakeets 😮 You walk in the aviary and suddenly they swarm…hubby loved it as you can see 🙂 Have you ever been to Longleat Jude?


      • Heyjude says:

        Well they are from the parrot family. I think parakeets are greener though. No I haven’t been to Longleat. I once got tickets but never used them! There is a wildlife park in the Midlands too, not so far from us and I have never been there either!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. The meerkat photo is great – I just see him assessing the situation before scurrying down to his friends 🙂


  9. Beautiful Photo’s Sherri we see those Lorikeets everywhere out here….where I live, they are so cheeky and beautiful but very noisy.


  10. TanGental says:

    Why does Hub’s smile say to me an unspoken ‘Hurry up, darling, this one on my shoulder has just crapped down my back’. This looks splendid though. Great photos and I want a meerkat for Christmas…


  11. restlessjo says:

    Can we share the chipmunk? 🙂 Happy Easter, Sherri! A quiet one at home?


  12. Rachel M says:

    Looks like a nice park. It’s nice to see plenty of space for animals to roam.


  13. All your photos are excellent. I especially like the parakeets, as I have a soft spot for cat and birds. Go figure. Hubby looks happy. The birds must have shared some king of whispering in his ear. That’s my guess. ❤ ❤ ❤


  14. How lovely that they all posed just for you. Quite a great collection of cheeky characters. 🙂 Squirrels and Meerkats are hard to catch photographically.


  15. Your hubby looks so happy with those colorful exotic parrots around him! Lovely photos…that squirrel steals the show..


  16. Sherri, some men are “chick magnets” but your husband is a bird magnet, which is beautiful and creates such a total, sweet, colorful and happy picture with all his feathered friends .
    I thought the first picture would certainly have to be my favorite, but you have a wonderful talent of upping the ante and offering surprises. I enjoyed every picture even more than the previous!


  17. Sunni Morris says:

    Beautiful photos! I didn’t know you had chipunks in the UK. I live in the desert in the southwest US. I have loads of them in my yard. They eat everything I plant in the garden and aren’t afraid of me at all.



    • Sherri says:

      Hi Sunni! So glad you enjoyed these pics, thank you so much! Yes, you are right, we don’t have chipmunks here, but they are imported from the US. We can buy them here at certain pet stores, in fact my daughter really wants one, but with two cats, you can imagine how impossible that would be. We obviously don’t understand just how mischievous they really are. I should send her to your garden to see what those cheeky little fellows are really like…very naughty indeed eating all your plants…


  18. Sue says:

    Great! The meerkat is fun, the chipmunk über-cute! And as for the happy chap with the birds…what a great smile 😀


  19. Ste J says:

    Ah nature! I want to go here now, never had this sort of experience of being up close with the beasts, although I have been to a few football matches. The Meerkat is awesome, did you ever watch meerkat Manor, I liked that show.


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…I have to wonder what’s the difference 😉 I’ve never been to a football match. Well, an American Football match, yes (or game they call it don’t they? Yikes, I don’t remember what’s what anymore) and had no idea what was going on. Certainly heard more than a few roars though. I think I’ve seen clips of Meerkat Manor, they are cute little creatures aren’t they? I hope you get to go to Longleat one of these days…there is bat cave and a gorilla island. Very cool.


  20. Oh my gosh, I love all of these. From the majestic to the mini of nature’s beauties. Gorgeous (and cute)! Love how you interpreted the theme. I’ll have to check out this prompt.


  21. Seyi sandra says:

    Lovely photos dear Sherri, I especially like the smiling face of your hubby, he looked so happy! I bet he’s counting how lucky he is to be with his lovely Sherri. I’ve only seen a lion up close once, and that was about twenty years ago in Africa. It must be a magical experience seeing them strutting their stuff around!
    Have a fantastic Easter my friend!
    Much love to you and all that is yours! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much dear Seyi! Yes, hubby was very happy to be surrounded by all those birds, and so relaxed! Notice I was the one offering to take the photos 😉 I would love to see a lion in Africa and a herd of elephants. At Longleat you drive past the lions and tigers and then walk with the meerkats, a surreal experience most definitely! I was thrilled to share this special place that I visited as a child with my own children. Magical indeed.
      Bless you my friend, and much love to you too, wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter also 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Norah says:

    What wonderful moments to capture – here one moment, gone the next, but caught in flash to treasure now forever. (well, none of them probably used the camera flash, just a fleeting flash!)


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…clever that Norah, love it! Yes, caught in a literal flash most definitely! Normally these critters, big and small, disappear the moment I click. Same when the children were little, as you well know 😉 Glad you enjoyed the pics, thank you Norah 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Haven’t been to Longleat since my school days, Sherri, so thank you for bring back some memories of monkeys breaking the windscreen wipers off my father’s Morris Minor car. Such a laugh for me and my sister, but not for mum and dad.

    Great photos of these wild animals. So good to see they all have huge amounts of space to run off and disappear into.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh, thank you Hugh, I’m so glad to remind you of your childhood adventures at Longleat 🙂 O yes, they did the same with our car. When I returned years later with my own kids, they did it again, and the kids roared with laughter when a baby baboon leapt on the top of the car and destroyed the aerial! It is wonderful to know that all the animals there seem very happy and so well looked after 🙂


  24. Wonderful wildlife photos Sherri. What a great place for the animals.


  25. Charli Mills says:

    I can just feel that lioness’ stretch…oh it feels good! What fun photos! But my favorite is definitely your Hubby surrounded by birds. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Oh yes…doesn’t it just! Haha…so like our cats, usually against the sofa 😉 Thanks Charli, glad you enjoyed them, and yes, Hubby definitely enjoyed all that adoration 🙂


  26. Love all these photos Sherri. I particularly like the lion and the birds with your husband. He looks so happy. 🙂


  27. Great photos Sherri, particularly love hubby and the birds – what a joyful photo! I do vaguely remember going to the Lampton Lion Park when I was small – I have some blurry photos but don’t really recall the experience!


    • Sherri says:

      Longleat is a great place, I remember going as a child and it was wonderful to share it again with my own kids, and then with hubby not too long ago. The biggest kid of all, ha 😀 Thanks Andrea, glad you enjoyed the photos and maybe one of these days you might get a visit in to Lampton Lion Park, I bet it makes for a wonderful day out, providing it’s not too hot otherwise those lions like to do nothing but sleep all day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  28. yprior1 says:

    the shot of the hubs with the birds – pure joy…
    and what a creative and personal take on this wpc….

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Pingback: Ephemeral | My Atheist Blog

  30. Those are fabulous pictures – great captures, Sherri. I love that shot of your hubby with all those birds! Did I ever mention that my brother used to work at a Safari Park, where he was in charge of the camels? Strange family I have.


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…yes, had to include that one of hubby, I remember how delighted he was when those birds landed on him like that! And again, I just love your stories….you didn’t mention about that about your brother, but I bet he has some amazing stories to tell! Not strange at all…fascinating. And if your family is strange, then mine is right there with yours 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Amy says:

    I love these captures! Perfect for the challenge. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Marie Keates says:

    Womderful pictures. Animals are not very cooperative for me which is why I usually stick to landscapes.


  33. Oooh, the chipmunk is adorable, and I love how the parrots just swarmed your husband. So friendly.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I just adore that chipmunk, I wanted to take it home with me! My daughter wants to have one in the house (you can get them as pets here, believe it or not) but can you imagine with two cats? No way!! Those cute birds were amazing the way they did that. Thanks so much for reading Nadine 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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