Back On The Slow Track

Keeping safe, keeping strong,  basking in the warmth and light of a new spring morning ~

Tulips in April 2015 (5) Edit

Somerset Tulip in Spring (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Finding sanctuary; breathing once more in the calm.

Tulips in April 2015 (8) Boost

(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Renewal of joy, a message of peace found in the beauty of nature’s gifts to us, freely given and beautifully gift wrapped ~

Tulips in April 2015 (11) Boost

(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Thank you so much dear friends for your ongoing visits here, despite my recent, unplanned absence from blogging due to a family emergency. Each day since brings healing and a renewed calm, thank goodness, meaning I am slowly getting back on track, winding my way back to you with a major catch up as the week goes on.

Until then, have a great week and I’ll see you soon…

Love Sherri x

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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96 Responses to Back On The Slow Track

  1. TanGental says:

    It’s like you put tea lights inside your tulips. Inner glow or what? Looking forward to more wit and wisdom from shedland.


    • Sherri says:

      Inner glow or what is right! It’s the way the sun made these orange tulips light up like lanterns that struck me so and had me grabbing my camera…and then a tiny boost effect to make the background a wee bit darker in the first one 🙂 Thanks so much Geoff. ‘Shedland’ is a bit like ‘Forest Gump land’ at the moment, as in, you never know what you’re gonna get…

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Praying for you my dear friend. xoxo


  3. Aware of your absence, I am relieved to hear you are okay. Sending love and healing! xoxo


  4. jenniferkmarsh says:

    Very sorry to hear about a family emergency, dear Sherri P 😦 Life never seems to cut us a break when we need it the most. Just think of the palm trees! I said I’d email you ages ago, didn’t I? Still yet to. Deary me. Let me rectify this soon.
    Sending prayers and strength your way xx


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you for your concern and prayers dear Jenny Jen Jen. Putting those palm trees to a test once again it seems, but straightening up by the day 🙂 Will reply… xx


  5. Heyjude says:

    Nothing like nature’s bounty to heal the soul. Take some time to sit in your summer-house, look at those gorgeous tulips and relax your mind. Deep breath in. S.l.o.w.l.y out…
    Followed by a lovely crisp, cold glass of white – with bubbles if you like, you deserve it.
    Jude xx


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Jude, thank you my friend, you have the perfect cure 🙂 I loved the way the tulips lit up when the sun hit them yesterday morning and so had to grab the camera and snap away. I have two pots of these orange tulips, but the other ones have gone over already strangely. But when it comes to nature’s bounty, I’ll be heading over to you as I can’t wait to see more pics of your hols in Cornwall … 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Heyjude says:

        I have so many photos Sherri – just too tired to write a post in the evening. All this fresh air is very tiring! We have had such beautiful weather, I can’t believe the spectacular hedgerows all white (blackthorn) and yellow (gorse) with sweet violets, ransomes, bladder campion, pale pink thrift and even bluebells making an appearance. I have been blown away this time… and fallen in love all over again. There is nowhere as incredibly beautiful as the UK when the sun shines in spring.


      • Sherri says:

        I totally agree Jude. My heart ached for these kind of British springs when I lived in California (although I also adored April on the Central Coast as the almond blossoms were spectacular against the back-drop of the once again green hills) and this year is particularly gorgeous. The vergers are filled with wild primroses which I haven’t seen for years and yes, the bluebells are soon to arrive in all their glory. I know what you mean about that fresh air: we used to find that on the Norfolk Broads, absolutely exhausted by evening. So glad you are enjoying your holiday. This spring sunshine has made it perfect all over this beautiful isle of ours 🙂


  6. bulldog says:

    Have a good one Sherri… and will pray for fast recovery…


  7. Hope all is okay Sherri. My thoughts are with you. Love your tulips and hope they brighten your world a little. ❤ 🙂


  8. cardamone5 says:

    I am sorry about your emergency. I hope you are okay. Sending lots of love and peace to you, dear friend.



    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much for your concern and love dear Elizabeth, such times when someone very close becomes unexpectedly and suddenly very ill and the shock reverberates around the family, but recovery is in place, thank God. Love to you also xo


  9. Gwen Stephens says:

    Take care, Sherri.


  10. mumblypeg says:

    Wonderful bright, alive tulips to lift your spirits. Peace and healing to you my dearest Sherri. With my special love MP xxx


    • Sherri says:

      Peace and healing to you too dearest MP…I hope that the light illuminating these tulips also shines its warmth and grace upon your wounded heart also. With all my special love and hugs also… ❤ xxxxxxxx


  11. Rajagopal says:

    sorry to note family emergency at yours…. trust all’s well. it looks very much so from the dazzling beauty of your yellow and orange tulips…best wishes your way, sherri… raj.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much dear Raj, I very much appreciate your kindness and concern and I am relieved to report that recovery is well underway. Very best wishes to you too my friend…

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Amy says:

    Hope everything is okay with you, Sherri. Take care ❤


  13. Stunning photos! Hope everything is okay. Take care.


  14. Thinking of you and sending love and light. ❤ Those flowers! Glorious. Hope they fill you with joy when you need it.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thank you so much dear Sarah for your love and light, which shines as brightly as these tulips ❤ I snapped them yesterday morning as the sunlight poured through their orange petals and I thought 'they look like tiny lanterns come to shine their message of hope, joy and peace'. So yes, they definitely did their job 🙂


  15. jennypellett says:

    Hope there’s some improvement in your emergency Sherri – sorry to hear you’ve been having a stressful time. Take care – and thanks for the lovely photos of your tulips and for taking the time out to let us know what’s going on xx


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thanks so much Jenny, you are so kind and thoughtful. Things are getting better and recovering and it’s good to get back on track again…albeit it slowly xx


  16. So sorry to hear about your family emergency Sherri. My thoughts are with you and your loved ones. We’ll always be here in the blogging world so never fear when you need to take a little hiatus. I must also say that your tulips looks absolutely gorgeous 🙂


  17. Much love and many hugs for you during this difficult time, Sherri, and always. Take the time you need, and thank you for sharing the tulips.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Marylin, your love and hugs warm my heart greatly. The way the sunlight caught the tulips made me smile and I am so glad to share those smiles here 🙂


  18. Still thinking of you and praying all is well, Sherri. I think we both had the same idea today — that of orange tulips and healing wishes. Yet another one of our coincidences. Sending you lots of love xxxx


  19. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Amazing light and angles on those tulips. Take care of yourself ((hugs))


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much for your kind thoughts and lovely hugs 🙂 Also, I am so glad you enjoyed the tulip pics…nothing like sunshine and flowers to brighten the day and make the heart smile 🙂


  20. Wondering about you lately. Take care. Hope all is right in your world again.
    Your photographs are splendid. ❤ ❤ ❤


  21. Love your photos! Sending my best wishes to you.


  22. Imelda says:

    Oh, I am sorry to hear about the family emergency, Sherri. I hope all is well soon. 🙂 I love your tulips – they are so pretty and joyful.


  23. Denise says:

    It’s always nice to see you back here. All best wishes regarding family emergency, really sorry to hear.


  24. Sherri, you dear lady, I am thinking about you and wish you so much health, healing and happiness. Your lovely countenance is just as vibrant as your tulips. Take care, my friend. Look forward to further posts….


  25. Ste J says:

    A beutiful selection of flower photos my friend, you and your family have all my best wishes and you concentrate on you guys and I will make sure there is a glass of wine ready on your blog return.


  26. Hope all is better for you and your family, Sherri. Flowers do wonders when we are down. Yours are brightening my day. Best to you and your loved ones.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you very much Evelyne for your lovely, kind wishes. You know so well how much flowers bring joy and smiles to our hearts and I’m so glad to know that my tulips are doing the same for you too. Have a lovely weekend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  27. Mahesh Nair says:

    Hope all is well at your end, my friend. Will pray. Take good care. We want you back. Lots of love.


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much my friend for your kind thoughts and prayers. I am greatly touched by your lovely message as I read it this Monday morning and I can say that things are are getting better slowly. Lots of love back to you too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  28. Annecdotist says:

    Hope those gorgeous tulips have brightened your weekend.


  29. Sherri so sorry to hear about the family challenges. I hope everything is okay and your family is healing. Hugs and prayers from a far off land my friend.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much my friend, we had a shock when a sudden, serious illness struck a very close relative, but he is slowly recovering now, thank God. Your hugs and prayers fill me with warmth and peace, no matter the miles inbetween…


  30. tieshka says:

    Hi Sherri- I hope everything turns out okay…. I am slowly working my way back into blogging. I never realized what a time commitment it is! I am just finishing up a week of transitioning .. starting a new job next week and am I believing and hoping that is what I need to get back on track with everything. Take care


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Tieshka, how lovely to see you here again. Things are recovering, thank you so much for your concern. I have been out of the loop with blogging here and there too and it certainly does take up a lot of time but I’m so glad to know that you are getting back to blogging. I am so happy to know that you have a new job, I remember you saying you had been looking for some time. Many congratulations and I do hope for you that this fresh start does indeed get you back on track. I’ll be right there with you, on that slow track 🙂


  31. simplyilka says:

    Thank you for these beautiful tulips. I hope things in your family are getting better. I know you are very strong and I wish you even more super-strength right now. Hugs to you and your family.


    • Sherri says:

      You are very kind, thank you so much dear Ilka, and for your lovely hugs too. Just what I need, as well a ton of that super-strength 🙂 We are all recovering after the shock of a sudden family illness I am happy to report and I’m so glad you enjoyed the tulips!


  32. restlessjo says:

    Aren’t they gorgeous!!! I saw some just like them yesterday but was going tappy-lappy and didn’t have time to stop 😦 I just popped in, Sherri, because I saw a comment on Jude’s saying your brother had been taken unexpectedly ill! I’m assuming all is ok now but please accept a belated hug. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Hello dear Jo, so glad to see you again, will be straight over as once again on a major catch up for reasons you now know. Yes, it was a terrible shock, sudden and unexpected, for him and us, but he is recovering thank God. Threw me for a loop though 😦 Thank so much for checking in and your hug (never belated, always perfect timing) is just what I need. So glad you enjoyed the tulips. I loved how the sunlight caught them, lighting them up like tiny lanterns 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  33. You are certainly in my thoughts and prayers, Sherri. Please take your time, and I hope everything turns out okay. When you’re ready to blog again, we’ll all be here to welcome you back!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Mike, and thank you so much for leaving such a lovely message with your kind thoughts and prayers, means so much. Things are getting better and I am slowly getting back on that track! And so it goes…


  34. Charli Mills says:

    Those tulips are on fire! May the light of healing burn so bright for you and yours!


  35. I am so sorry for being late here, Sherri. And very sorry for the emergency you had to deal with in your family! I am hoping that as of today things are “better” and that there is healing in progress. Mucho amor! xoxo


    • Sherri says:

      Never any need to be sorry Maria (and as someone who is late for every party it seems, I know how it is – but boy, when we arrive, do we arrive 😀 ). Things are getting better thank you so much, although I am still barely hanging on by a thread with blogging at the moment, still on that slow track. Feeling the love, bless you mi amiga ❤ xoxox


  36. Simply Lovely! You know I love the flowers. I pray your emergency is “handled” and you are back on track soon! Peace to you!


    • Sherri says:

      I do, I do dear Lilka! Thank you so much for your prayers and concern. I am still on that slow track trying to get back to all cylinders firing, but we are recovering. Bless you my friend ❤ xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  37. Beautiful images Sherri, nature gives us comfort when we need it ❤


  38. Marie Keates says:

    Lovely bright photographs full of hope.


  39. I missed this post when my family were here. Your photos are so outstanding, Sherri. I hope all is well once again. Family emergencies are always very draining on the emotions, and it takes a while to recover one’s equilibrium and get back into the swing. Hugs and love to you. xx ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, on worries Sylvia, you have had a very busy time but thank you so much for coming back to read it. I’m so glad you enjoyed the photos. I was struck by the way the sunlight caught these tulips this particular morning. I took it as a good sign, as things are getting better day by day 🙂 This is exactly what happened, I was utterly drained. So hard to so anything like that isn’t it? Bless you my friend for your love and hugs, helps so much and the very same to you. ❤ xx

      Liked by 1 person

  40. I hope and pray all is well now my friend. Family emergencies can be very scary. Nature does has its way of healing and calming us all. The glowing Tulips just beautiful and radiant. Been off the blogging world lately too. Just so much stuff going on in my life as well as family. We are hoping to relocate to California for real this time. I’m just waiting for the right job and praying to God that he will pave the way for us. I’m hoping I get a job at San Francisco General which is a government funded facility…had to think about retirement now as I’m neat mid 40’s…plus we love anything close to the water. I was eyeing for Southern California too inspired by our recent San Diego trip but still depends on where I get a job offer. For now, we are enjoying Texas and looking forward for many more Summer adventures. All the best to you and your family.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much my friend. Things are getting better but I’m taking a while to get back to blogging too, for one reason or another, so I understand. I’m so glad you enjoyed the tulips, and glad I snapped them when I did as they have gone now, making way for summer plants 🙂 I do hope and pray that you get the job you seek in California, how wonderful that will be for you and your family. Until then, enjoy your upcoming summer in Texas and may your days be filled with sunshine, joy, love and laughter. I look forward to catching up with you soon and hearing your news. Sending abundant blessings your way 🙂


  41. I’m more than a month behind but hoping all is well now. Loved the photos of the tulips. Magical.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Things are better, thanks so much Marlene…but I am also still way behind, and very much on that slow track, ha!! Still, we get there in the end don’t we? And so glad you enjoyed the tulips, thank you! They are long gone now, but my roses are in full bud and looking to bloom very soon, so hope to get some nice pics in when they do. Hope you and your family had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. Hugs… xo

      Liked by 1 person

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