A Trio of Cubs, A Telephone Box And The Love Of Reading

For bloggers with cameras, photo opportunities turn up in surprising places, with thoughts of friends never far away.

On Sunday, I took a bracing walk around the grounds of the majestic country home of Forde Abbey in Dorset.  Dating back originally to the mid 1100s as a monastery, it has been privately owned since the 1600s.

In November, the public can wander around the beautiful gardens free of charge ~

Forde Abbey Nov 2015 (7) Edited

I thought of Hugh when I took the photo below thinking how much he would like this door, as every Thursday he takes part in Norm’s Thursday Door Challenge.  I love doors and windows and probably drive hubby mad when I keep stopping to take photos ~

Forde Abbey Nov 2015 (3) Door Edited

There is a bird hide on one side of the lake, made of beech, now in its natural autumnal glory ~

Forde Abbey Nov 2015 (15) Edited

I was in for a surprise when I went inside and found this rustic bench. Perfect for Jude and her Bench Photo Challenge I immediately thought. November’s theme is a bench with a message/plaque or autumn.  Hopefully I can get away with the ‘message’  even though is isn’t actually on the bench ~

Forde Abbey Nov 2015 (10) Edited

A different kind of ‘beech house’ warning ~

Forde Abbey Nov 2015 (11)

During a recent trip to Exmoor Zoo, a delightful family owned and award-winning zoo dedicated to extensive conservation, this gorgeous trio of cubs had me mesmerised.  I hoped to get a photo of them looking the same way, just in time for the prompt for the Weekly Photo Challenge as it turned out ~

The cubs had something far more interesting than me to keep them amused ~

Exmoor Zoo Oct 2015 (86) Edited

But after a quick shift around, I became more hopeful ~

Exmoor Zoo Oct 2015 (95) Edited

And then at last, they granted me this pose ~

Exmoor Zoo Oct 2015 (94) 2 Edited

This is the third successful litter of Nicco and Fu, all with three cubs, all boys until now; one of these beauties is a girl.

Thank goodness for my mobile phone camera the day we drove through a quiet village and came across this telephone box.  Once a familiar sight on every street corner in the Britain I grew up in, the few left now stand empty and abandoned.  But not this one.

‘Stop the car!’, I yelled politely asked hubby.

Telephone Box Library (1) Edited

Because you see, this telephone box is filled with books, donated by villagers to encourage reading in the name of one of their own who tragically lost his life too young ~

Telephone Box Library (2) Edited

What a beautiful gesture.

And speaking of books, lovely Julie of An Unexpected Life Chosen nominated me to answer a few questions for a Reading Habit blog hop. Thank you so much Julie for thinking of me…and for your wonderful patience (it’s only July since she asked… *hangs head in shame*…).

I find it impossible to know who to nominate, and I know there are many of you who read avidly.  So I nominate any and all, looking forward to reading your answers should you join in.

The questions are in bold, my answers in italics:


You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How in the world do you decide what to read next?  I would ask Eldest Son for his recommendation; he is always saying ‘Mom, you would really like this book…’ And he’s right.

You’re halfway through a book and you’re just not loving it. Do you quit or commit? Quit. No question about it.  If I lose interest I can’t keep reading, no matter how hard I try. Reading should be a pleasure, not a slog.

The end of the year is coming and you’re so close yet so far away on your GoodReads challenge. Do you quit or commit?  I’ve never done a GoodReads challenge, but if I was so close yet so far on anything, I would keep going as best I could.

The covers of a series you love DO. NOT. MATCH. How do you cope?  I never judge a book by its cover, literally.  I admire the good ones, yes, but it’s the story inside that counts for me. 

Everyone and their mother loves a book you really don’t like. Who do you bond with over shared feelings? I don’t give much thought to what’s popular or not, sticking to what I like, which includes a lot of True Crime, which I know isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.  I’ve read every one of Ann Rule’s  books (she sadly died in July this year) thanks to my dear friend in California introducing me to her years ago.

You’re reading a book and you’re about to start crying in public. How do you deal?  I’m weird, I don’t read in public as I can’t concentrate.  Even when travelling, I prefer to zone out, watch the world go by. But I always carry a pack of tissues with me, for lots of reasons…

A sequel of a book you loved just came out, but you’ve forgotten a lot from the prior novel. Will you re-read the book? Skip the sequel? Try to find a summary on GoodReads? Cry in frustration?   I would read the sequel and hope it would jog my memory…

You don’t want ANYONE borrowing your books. How do you politely tell people “nope” when they ask? I’ve lent paperbacks happily, not worrying about getting them back. We can all be forgetful at times.   But a special book?  That’s a bit like asking to borrow your granny’s vintage porcelain tea service. Awkward…

You’ve picked up and put- down five different books in the past month. How do you get over the reading slump?  I only read one book at a time, but my cure to getting over any slump is to keep writing.

There are so many new books coming out that you are dying to read! How many do you actually buy?  Lately, I’ve bought a few (Kindle) recommended and written by blogging friends, but I’m slow to get to them while focusing on writing my memoir. 

After you’ve bought a new book you want to get to, how long does it sit on your shelf until you actually read it? I love the idea of knowing it’s there, ready and waiting, that I can pick it up anytime I want to.  I like to savour the wait, something special to look forward to later…


I would like to wish my dear American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving.  It’s a celebration I embraced with my family when I lived in California, and I miss it.  But this weekend is my ‘Thanksgiving Baby’ middle son’s birthday, so I’ll be taking some time out to prepare for a family celebration.  I’ll be hanging around blogland for the next couple of days to catch up with you all, and then will be back next week.

Happy, safe travels to all, near and far, and see you soon!

Love Sherri xxx

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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76 Responses to A Trio of Cubs, A Telephone Box And The Love Of Reading

  1. Forde Abbey looks beautiful for a Sunday stroll Sherri! The cubs really did give you a perfect shot 🙂 So much fun to hear about your reading habits! I must agree with you, I will always put a book down if I’m not enjoying it. I also have many good books waiting on my shelf to read. Sometimes it’s like a little treat that I know is there waiting for me 🙂 Thank you for the Thanksgiving wishes and I hope you have a nice birthday celebration over the weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Heather, and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you! I’m sure you have lots of lovely treats to look forward to…which might even include a good read…or two! See you soon 🙂


  2. Gorgeous shot of those cute cubs, Sherri. I love the telephone box library idea, and the stately home is just gorgeous. The beech bird hide is so stunning, and I’m sure Jude will love the bench. I enjoyed reading your Q&A. I also leave a book in mid sentence if I’m not really enjoying it. 🙂 Happy Wednesday. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Those cubs were adorable, four months old when we saw them in October. Daddy ‘Nicco’ was still separated from them and Mummy Fu as apparantely he would be a danger to them (until they’re a little older), having designs on wanting to make more little cubs… 😮 Thank you so much Sylvia, and a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. esthernewton says:

    How interesting and what lovely photos 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This post is full of beautiful and interesting photos and memories and thoughts – I enjoyed reading it and catching up with you Sherri – it was like a lovely chat over a cuppa in your summerhouse! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…I’m so glad you enjoyed it Pauline, thank you so much! It’s such a lovely thought that, chatting over a cuppa in the summerhouse. I’m smiling from ear to ear at the thought, it helps to stop take that time out in the thick of things 🙂 xoxox


  5. Heyjude says:

    Forde Abbey looks delightful and I love that door too. You did well with the cubs and sneaking that bench in! I found your reading habits fascinating as you answered many the same way as I would have done! Have a great Thanksgiving week Sherri – your sons at home then for the celebrations?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I’ve got some more photos of Forde Abbey, I’ll save it for a walk when Jo returns from her travels. Yes…I know how you love your doors and windows too! I was so happy to see that bench, even saying to hubby, ‘I’ve got to snap that for Jude!’ He knows now that any walk usually involves endless photo ops for future blog use 😉 Ha! That is interesting we share the same reading habits…does that include not reading in public? I can’t read on a plane, I just end up staring at the sky map…whilst knocking back a G&T or two… 😮 Thanks Jude, you have a lovely weekend too. Brighton beckons 🙂 xx


      • Heyjude says:

        Yes, the same on a plane. I always have a couple of new paperbacks to take with me and I will buy a local magazine, but I never read any of them on the flight! In fact I have only just read a Condé Nast travel magazine that I bought 5 years ago!!!
        And I see you are going to them, not the other way around. Enjoy Brighton, I hope it stays fine for you 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Your’re right Jude, we do share the same reading habits! Thank you…if the rain stops it will be nice 🙂


  6. Luanne says:

    I’ll be thinking of you, Sherri, and your ex-MIL’s Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow! Thank you for this beautiful post. When I see beautiful places and special things like the book phone booth I feel very calmed and peaceful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Haha…Just make sure your stuffing and turkey stay the right side up 😀 Thank you so much Luanne, I’m glad it made you feel peaceful. I couldn’t believe it when we drove past the telephone box (booth!) and saw all those books inside. I couldn’t take my eyes off it…thank goodness for cameras! Have a wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving, I’ll catch up with you soon 🙂 xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Luanne says:

        You. won’t. believe. it. Our dinner was HORRIBLE. First time ever. Just awful. Everything went wrong. It was only the two of us, so I got a turkey breast that we made on the grill. TOUGH. It was the meat, too, not the prep or the cooking. Gluten free dressing. So bad I thought I’d throw up. I had to throw away the whole batch. Shall I continue? Awful.


      • Sherri says:

        Oh Luanne, I’m just now getting back here after the weekend…and I read this! I can’t believe it, I’m so sorry… 😦


  7. jennypellett says:

    I adore that phone box – what a wonderful memorial. All those books passing through.
    Enjoyed your answers, Sherri. I’m like you – I don’t slog on with a book if I’m not engrossed – what’s the point? But have to confess that a good cover (arty) does it for me. I very rarely go for a book if there is too much gold lettering or a lot of pink!!
    Enjoy your weekend – Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      That’s so interesting about the book art…actually, a lot of pink might make me think twice too! I was amazed to find the phone box stuffed with books…so unusual and with such a lovely idea behind it. Thanks so much Jenny…you have a lovely weekend too 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  8. dgkaye says:

    Sherri, I love the tour, and the door, which I agree reminded me of Hugh’s post. 🙂 I especially liked the telephone booth full of books. I’ve heard about a few of those make-shift libraries set up for children who can’t afford books here in Canada. Anyone can take one, and of course it’s lovely to replace with another. So beautiful. And lovely answers to the reading quiz! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Such beautiful photos in this post … I love that door! Much grander than what I have here at the Urban Cottage, lol. It was a pleasure to read what you wrote about reading – I’m an avid reader too!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This post has an endearing charm, Sherri, and I’m still going back and forth between my favorite pictures. As you know, I’m fascinated by doors and windows, but the “bird hide” stole my heart!
    Through your eyes and words, these jaunts become treasured journeys! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I do know how you love your doors and windows Marylin, and I still remember you sharing how stepping through a doorway from one room to another can help job our memory! I loved the bird hide too, so peaceful inside, like a private den! A bit cold the day we went though! Always love sharing the journey with you Marylin, thank you so much. Wishing you and your family a beautiful and Happy Thanksgiving 🙂


  11. drdblogs says:

    I love the telephone book box! The place reminds me of Chatsworth House in Derbyshire.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. jwuollife says:

    How cute are those cubs, and I love the phone booth idea…..totally ingenious. Personally, I think; it should catch on in other towns, in fact, I’m going to share your post on Twitter & Facebook, and who knows…….:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Me too Julie, I was so thrilled to find it! Oh thanks so much for sharing…who knows indeed!!! Again, thank you greatly for nominating me, I really enjoyed coming up with my answers for the Reading Habit! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • jwuollife says:

        Thanks Sherrie, have a fantastic weekend yourself, I expect you’ll be cooler than me……we’re expecting low 30’s ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sherri says:

        Thanks Julie, it was a lovely weekend with my boys 🙂 And yes, definitely a lot cooler than you…rain, wind, more rain and more wind…but suprisingly mild for this time of year at a warming 12 degrees…! Low 30s sounds pretty good to me…in the summer 🙂 ❤


  13. You continue to amaze me with your photography skills, Sherri. It seems to come so natural. I love the phone booth idea! I’ve seen this done in different ways. It’s such a great idea to share the power of words. Thank you for your sweet email this morning…it made my day. Happy Birthday to Nick! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thanks so much Jill, and also for your lovely emails too ❤ I have fun taking photos…at least I don't drive the kids too crazy these days and not snapping their every waking moment 😀 Had a lovely weekend with the boys…hope your Thanksgiving and weekend was wonderful too…heading over now to read your call story 🙂 xoxo


  14. Sherri, kudos on catching the cubs’ cuteness! And that library phone box!! Be still my heart!! I’m in love!!
    Happy Birthday to your baby!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thank you so much for that lovely present, Sherri. I’m so honoured that you thought of me when you saw it. Not only do I like the door, but I love the rest of the place as well. It certainly looks like another to add to my “must visit” list. I wonder, is it dog friendly?

    I loved the telephone box. It’s such a shame that they are disappearing fast but so good to see that one community has put theirs to a great use. What a lovely idea.

    So sorry we could not meet up this weekend. I hope you had a great time in Brighton and I look forward to hearing all about it. I hope middle son had a great birthday. I’m sure you spoilt him.

    Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Hugh! I’m thrilled you like your present! 🙂 You and Toby would love Forde Abbey, I believe it’s dog friendly. A great place for a dog walk! I was entranced by the telephone box library, such a wonderful idea. I too hope they don’t disappear for good, wouldn’t that be so sad? And no worries about the weekend Hugh (and thanks again for your very kind offer), we had a wonderful time with the boys, Nicky (middle son) enjoyed himself as well as the chocolate dirt cake I made him (you can see the pic on FB), which I’ve done so every year since he was just a boy. A family tradition….and yes, I do love spoiling my babies! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and lunch too…and I look forward to our next time 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Seyi sandra says:

    I savoured your pictures, loved that huge door, I love doors too, thought I was the only one! That red phone box filled with books is so cool, it should encourage people to read. 🙂 The cubs are such a delight, it was obvious you enjoyed your day my friend. I would have loved to take a stab at your challenge but time is something I’m trying to hoard at the moment…

    How are you preparing for Christmas? Bought any gift yet? I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your weekend my friend!
    Much love to you Sherri! 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hello dear Seyi, I’m so glad you enjoyed the pics…thank you so much…and no worries about the challenge, that’s why I didn’t nominate anyone specifically, as this is such a busy time of year, and I know how much writing you are doing…not to mention getting ready for Christmas…only 4 weeks away, yikes 😮 It seems a few of us love doors…something so timeless about them, just begging to tell a story or two. I have got a few gifts and also thinking of food with the family coming to ours (which thrills me, but a lot of preparation ahead of time is key!). A lovely weekend, thank you, and I hope for you too….and that your Christmas planning and preparation goes as smoothly as possible 🙂 Much love to you my friend, take care and we’ll catch up again very soon 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Norah says:

    This is a lovely post Sherri, full of lovely shares and moments. I was going to say the telephone box of books is my favourite, and then I scrolled up and saw the trio of cubs again, and then the lovely Dorset country home. All gorgeous. I was interested to read about your reading habits. I agree with you about quitting if a book is not enjoyable. When there is so much that is enjoyable, why persist with something that isn’t?
    Happy birthday to your middle (thanksgiving) child. That must be an extra special reason to give thanks every year.
    I hope work is progressing well on your memoir. That is one I am looking forward to reading. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the pics Norah, thank you so much 🙂 And also for your kind birthday wishes to Nicky…an extra-special thanksgiving celebration most definiitey: I cooked my first Thanksgiving turkey only days before I had him (he was due December 3rd) so I recommend it to anyone wanting to hasten labour along! 😉 I haven’t done a lot of revising since early last week unfortunately, just not had the opportunity, but I’m preparing to get down to it again this week…and again, knowing you are looking forward to reading my memoir gives me more encouragement than you know! I feel bouyed up again…thank you so much Norah! You have no idea how much I needed to read that 🙂 I hope you had a good weekend. I’m horribly slow at catching up…but I will be over to you asap…see you soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Norah says:

        Hi Sherri. I’m pleased to say I won’t be in need of your advice re the turkey but I’ll be sure to pass it along to anyone else who is in need of some sage advice.
        It is amazing how much life can intervene to keep us away from our great intentions. We want the life, but don’t want the interventions at the same time. We want it all! Some say we can have it all but so far as I can see that holds false promises. We take what we can when we can and make the best of it.
        I am looking forward to reading your book, so don’t worry about getting over to my blog, just get on with it! 🙂 Perhaps reading and commenting has to slip for a while until the work is done. I thinking of that in relation to my own work as much as to yours. It’s a difficult choice.
        Have a productive and enjoyable week. We’ll catch up when we can. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sherri says:

        Haha…well, you and me both with the turkey advice…we’ve been there, done that 😉 And Norah, here I am reading your reply and re-reading it because you are so right. We can’t have it all. I’ve never believed that, it’s rubbish. Something’s gotta give and how. We have to make the choices and go with what we can manage, absolutely with you my friend. Lately, I don’t seem to be able to do even those things though. Blogging and writing is so far away for me right now, it’s been endless with all the distractions, and I won’t bore you but I will tell you that yesterday I was involved in a car accident…not my fault, I had right of way, an elderly woman pulled out in front of me on a roundabout, she wasn’t looking, nothing I could do, slammed on the brakes and boom. My beautiful brand new car of less than 3 months broken 😦 Mercifully nobody was injured. I was worried for her, called emergency, but she is okay, her son contacted me later to thank me which was nice. So now, on top of everything else I am involved with the endless paperwork and phone calls, trying to get it all sorted out with repairs and insurance claims and organising a replacement car and all that jazz. And Christmas looming and trying to do so much…and I just want to write my book!!!!!!!!!!
        I would like to be honourable and say, oh well, these things happen, and yes, it could have been worse, but damn it, I’m pissed off!!! This happened to me four years ago, almost to the date, again someone drove into the back of my car…but hey ho, there it is. And so I return here to try and visit and catch up and I end up ranting to you…oh Norah, forgive me…thanks for listening and understanding…and for your wise words. I need to just get on with it…you’re right…let’s see what I can do about it…but I will see you over at your pad… and I hope you’re week is going better than mine!!!! 😮 🙂 >3


  18. jeanne229 says:

    Beautiful post Sherri. Filled me with nostalgia for the crisp English weather this time of year. How I used to love wandering the grounds of some old estate. Often went to Hampstead Heath, always stopping at Kenwood House. And the red phone booths. I am glad I got to experience them just before cell phones made them obsolete…what a wonderful reuse. Lovey photographs. Great post. Glad I finally stopped by 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh I know Hampstead Heath and Kenwood House, but not been to that part of the UK for a long time now, that would have been when I was just a kid (I’m a Surrey girl born and bred 😉 ). I’m so glad to share a touch of nostalgia with you Jeanne (including the old telephone boxes!), thank you so much for taking a walk with me…although I have to say apart from early last week, it’s been unseasonably mild (meaning it’s not bitterly cold) and no frost or crispness yet. Just a lot of rain and wind…and more of the same. I can’t wait for those crisp winter days to arrive. I’m so glad you stopped by too, your visits always make me smile, thank you for that 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Ste J says:

    A phone box of books, imagine if it was the TARDIS, that would be mad…I love things like this, random places, hidden in plain sight and a wonderful encouragement to read.

    we have a lot in common, life is too short to read bad books these days, savouring those books on your shelf is a wonderful thing, I do exactly the same and just look at the adventures I am yet to go on.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I knew you would love the telephone box library Ste! And the location itself was just as magical…’hidden in plain sight’ describes it perfectly. And I remember thinking that those old police boxes really were TARDIS’s…they fascinated me, except I was also scared that a Dalek or a Cyberman might be lurking inside one of them and so I was never tempted to open the door and find out! Ahh…that’s so nice to know, and I am not surprised…the savouring is almost the best part…almost 🙂


      • Ste J says:

        I’ve heard of those small book swap things that they have up in the U.S. but it’s rare to see one over here but it should be encouraged. I would love to see a Dalek or Cyberman come out of any sort of door, I like to live dangerously and am also a big fan lol.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sherri says:

        Haha…yes, that would be quite something wouldn’t it? You can live dangerously and greet them and I’ll hide behind you and sneak photos lol!


  20. Letizia says:

    The bird hide is so beautiful! I’ve never seen something like that before.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Dearest Sherri, this is such a lovely post. Just adore that beech bird hide, and the cubs, and the phone-box library! I always abandon books if they bore me. Life is too short to waste it for a moment unnecessarily. As for Goodreads, I cheat by altering my challenge figure if I can’t reach it! Now there’s an admission. Naughty me. xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hello dearest Sarah, I’m so glad you enjoyed this post…thank you…and I love your naughty little admission, ha! I am horribly behind…have tried since Monday to get back on here but one thing after the other, culminating with a car accident yesterday in my brand new car. I’m okay and so is the other driver but I’m feeling the aches and pains this morning and so annoyed at it all. No fault for me. About to take my car in for estimates and organise a replacement. Just hope it all goes smoothly. Hubby thinks the entire bonnet will need replacing. I’ll email as soon as I can with updates…but wanted to send you a quick message to explain my absence. Hope everything is going well for you and your book is ready to go…just about! Will catch up as soon as I can…meanwhile sending hugs & love…xxxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Dearest Sherri, what a nightmare! Was it that the wonderful shiny luxury car that you had when I saw you, or another one? I’m so glad you’re okay, apart from a few aches and pains. Thank goodness you were in a strong enough car to protect you from worse damage. I always think that, re what happened with my Jeep and that lorry. If I’d been driving the small car I have now, then probably it would have been curtains for me and Joshua, plus our previous dog. Apparently, it is better in an accident for a car’s bonnet to crumple than for it to remain rock solid. I’m not sure about the science behind this, but all I can say is that I’m glad that my wonderful friend is in one piece and still very much alive. Sending you plenty of hugs and love xxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          Ahh…thank you so much dearest Sarah, and yes, it was in my less than three month’s old beautiful shiny car 😦 And how I am so glad you and Joshua and previous dog were kept safe in what sounds like an awful accident…and thank you for your hugs and love… xxxx

          Liked by 1 person

  22. Marie Keates says:

    I love the idea of that telephone box. There’s one here in a garden being used as a garden shed and we have a couple grade II listed ones near the medieval walls but otherwise they’re few and far between these days.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Okay, I want that house! Geez! It’s gorgeous. I can us having tea there while we write. Can you arrange it? If so, I’ll be right over. LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Marianne says:

    What a great post. Love the telephone box library the most and had to go search out what the door challenge is all about. Now I’ll be looking at random doors in a new light!

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Enjoyed the tour Sherri and the questionnaire I especially love the free book stand a lovely tribute to remember someone by. I would love to have a book booth in my community. It signifies so many things, promoting reading, community and honesty. Not to mention a place to find something to read.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      A pleasure to share it with you Kath, thank you so much for touring with me 🙂 And yes, I fell in love with the telephone box library…I wish there were more of them, as you say, it is as much about the joy of reading as about community and honesty, and in today’s troubled world, what a really beautiful gesture…

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Thank you for that wonderful walk Sherri. The telephone box was a lovely gesture. Can the public borrow the books to read and swap them around or is it a locked door. I’m hoping the books are shared. That would be really special.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Hit the wrong button. Loved your answers to the questions. Once upon a time I would have read a book to the end whether I liked it or not. Now I know life is too short to waste it on stuff you don’t want to read. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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