Blogging And The Three Year Rule

Dear Blogger,

How are you?  It’s been a while since you and I had a proper talk, and this seems like the perfect time.

I saw you walk around the park a few times last week; that’s good news,  you must be feeling a bit better.  I know how walking, especially on a crisp, sunny winter’s morning, lifts your spirits, those endorphins weaving their feel-good magic through the ‘brain fog’ .

You mentioned recently that you’ve seen your robin a lot lately.  Strange isn’t it how we end up talking about robins so much?  I smile even now when I remember how much you agonised about what to write for your first ever blog post three years ago almost to the day, and how it was the sight of your Sweet Robin (as you came to name him) that inspired you.  And that brazen, puffed-up little bird still does.

Interestingly, I found out a thing or two about robins: they are cute but they are territorial and don’t let their feathered-friends push them around.  I had to laugh when you told me about the squabbles at your bird feeder and how there, among the sparrows, blue tits and even a blackbird, stands guard your Sweet Robin, seeing them off, a steely eyed determination in his coal-black eyes.


I read your status update on Facebook this week – one of those ‘Facebook Memories’ thing they like to do – about your trip to London to have photos taken for your first ever article published in Prima magazine.  I remember you telling me about that day when,  as you looked out of your train window,  a beautiful fox, his red fur shimmering in the pale, winter sun, appeared in the middle of a field, stopping in his tracks to watch the train go by.

“It was a sign,” you said, because you have a ‘thing’ about foxes.

But I know that this memory also reminded you of all you HAVEN’T done since then, mainly that you STILL haven’t written your book and it made you feel like crap. Well,  I need to tell you now, that is utter bull.

You hear me on this?  Now, we are good friends, we go back a long way, but it’s time you sat up and listened to me for once, because, frankly, I’m worried about you. This time last year, you wrote ‘Two Years Blogging and Still Standing’.  Well, another year gone and yes, you’re still standing. But now I’m hearing things I don’t like.

I’m hearing that you are struggling so much that you are wondering if you will keep going with your blogging because you are finding it too difficult as well as writing your memoir.  You’re finding it too much with everything life is chucking your way, one bloody thing after the other, you say.

But I don’t get it – look at everything you’ve put into your blog.  Are you seriously thinking of leaving all that behind, now?  Since when were you ever a quitter?  Come on, get a grip! For one thing, you’ve told me over and over how much you would miss your wonderful friends if you ever stopped blogging.

They’re amazing you know, your readers and friends online, and your off-blog friends and  family who never fail to encourage you and stand by you, send you an email or a text or a Facebook message (and share!) a blog post they enjoyed.  You’ve told me many times how much the incredible kindness and generosity of others has restored your faith in humanity.

Remember how you felt when you had 50 followers and you got your first ever blog award?  You couldn’t believe it, that someone from ‘out there’ would find your blog, never mind ‘like’ it and maybe even leave a comment.  And what about your ‘silent’ readers, those you know visit through Google, especially when searching for information about Asperger’s Syndrome?  What about them?

I know how great you felt when you posted your first ever blog post.  You didn’t know about tagging or any of that ‘SEO’ stuff, but who cared?  Yes, you were nervous, but your first ever comment was from that lovely hubby of yours, and your mum and best friend, who were there for you then and are with you still today.

And what about your fantastic kids?  Remember how you felt when they first told you how proud they were of you? Do me a favour will you, when you feel like you’re nothing, that you’ve achieved nothing, always remember this.


Hubby gave you flowers and a card last Saturday and you had no idea why. “To celebrate your three-year blogging anniversary,” he said.

Beautiful flowers & card from Hubby (c) Sherri Matthews 2016

Beautiful flowers & card from Hubby
(c) Sherri Matthews 2016

And you hung your head in shame because of all the negativity and stress and pressure you had allowed to steal your joy and sense of accomplishment and you didn’t feel you had much to celebrate, because you’re so overwhelmed and plagued with worries of ‘keeping up’ and of sitting on the sidelines and achieving jack.

Why do you do that? Why can’t you believe in yourself and stop feeling like you’re such a failure all the time?  What’s wrong with you?   You need to change that, and you need to do it now.  Yes, I’m talking to you…

And what about your reasons for blogging in the first place?  Yes, yes, we both know about author platform and all that, and yes, it’s important, but you’ve told me many times that you don’t want to blog for that reason alone. What you’ve always wanted is connection, to know that by sharing stories from your life, past and present, you can reach out to others and let them (and yourself) know, above all else: “We are not alone.”

Your post Asperger’s Syndrome And The Love Of Animals is viewed every single day and has been since you published it in June 2013. It’s your most consistently viewed post, at the top of all your other posts week after week.   You have no idea who most of your visitors are, but now and then somebody leaves a comment and shares with you their struggles, their victories, their story.  I know you are so glad you wrote that post.

Remember your post Jersey: Occupation Liberation Celebration? Someone called Ed Le Gallais found your link on your public Facebook Page, left a wonderful message and shared it with three tourist websites in Jersey, giving you over 6,3oo views and 36 shares.   I know you don’t pay much attention to stats, but this blew you away. You worried that your post wouldn’t do justice to such an emotional and moving celebration. After all, you were just a visitor, you hadn’t lived it.

But a dear man, Robert, shared with you that he had lived in occupied Jersey under five years of Nazi rule, and that he was there, by the Pomme d’Or on May 9th, 1945 when his beautiful, tiny island was liberated by the British. He wrote to thank you for your post.  You couldn’t believe it.  He thanked you?

“No,” you said, “it is I who thanks you, dear Robert.”

And you cry even now thinking of it.

Remember too how Harper Collins found your blog (and you still have no idea how) and sent you Mary Karr’s book ‘The Art of Memoir’ and asked you to review it? That came out of nowhere, but at just the right time for you, and you still can’t get over it.

None of these things would have happened if you hadn’t started blogging.  Don’t ever forget that.

Think too of all you’ve learnt from other bloggers, not just about writing and publishing, but about other countries and cultures, every day life, and all the ups and downs you’ve shared together, the laughter and fun, and yes, even tears, in so many shared experiences,  All the writing and photography opportunities you’ve both received and given through guest posts, awards, blog hops, challenges, reblogs and competitions.

And who would have thought that one day you would write flash fiction?  Blogging made all this, and so much more, possible.

So don’t you tell me that you can’t keep blogging. Just don’t.

It’s tough when bloggers you’ve known have disappeared, for one reason or another.  Some were friends and now they’ve gone, just like that, and you miss them and all you can do is hope they’re okay.    But blogging takes a lot of commitment and sometimes things change.  Yes, you’re going to have to find a way to keep blogging and get your memoir written, take stock and recalibrate, but try not to panic in the process.

I know it’s bad sometimes, I know that things come along that derail you. I see you on those days when you sit down at your laptop and an hour later you’re still sitting there, unable to type a single word.  I know that panic when it rises like bile in your throat and with every second ticking by, you feel your memoir leaching away from you like ice cream left out too long in the warm.

You freeze; you can’t move; you can’t type.  Another writing day lost.

So. You do. Nothing.

I understand, I really do.  But you will get through this, trust me.

I could go on, but I think I’ve said enough.  I hope I haven’t upset you or said anything out of line.  I get fired up sometimes, when I have someone’s best interests at heart.  I only want to encourage you and say I’m here for you.  And don’t ever forget how far you’ve come.  You might not have achieved some of your goals so far, but you’re on your way, that’s what counts.  But you need to enjoy the journey, otherwise by the time you reach your destination (and you will, you hear me????), you’ll be so knackered, you won’t be able to enjoy anything.

And what’s the point of that?

But wait, one more thing: I realise I haven’t even mentioned the three-year blogging rule.  Funny actually, I don’t know why I even brought this up in the first place; after all, you’re not exactly one for sticking to the rules are you? But there is one rule I sincerely hope you’ll keep.

Here it is, and it’s simple:

Don’t Quit.

Got it?

Hang in there, and I’ll see you soon.

With love from Yourself xxx

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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196 Responses to Blogging And The Three Year Rule

  1. jeanne229 says:

    Just loved your post this morning Sherri. You speak right to my heart and that of many others I am sure. I have often wondered why I should even blog at all, adding my little voice to the great big busy blog-o-sphere, full of really GOOD writers with something important to say. But you remind me that one individual voice can reach hearts hungry for just what that one voice can offer. I enjoyed reading about your journey. So inspiring! And your lovely, lyrical flights with robins and red foxes. Beautiful! Congratulations on your three-year anniversary. I am so glad you continue to blog. I never would have found you if you hadn’t, and you enrich my world.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Jeanne, I struggled and struggled with getting another post out since my barely managed New Year’s ‘sheep’ post. This came out of nowhere, no idea… I had to talk myself out of disappearing, for so many reasons. I am very good at self-sabotage… Your voice counts for a great deal because it’s YOURS, don’t ever forget that Jeanne, and you are one of those really GOOD writers, a wonderful writer. I love your posts and I know you’ve also found it difficult blogging while writing your book. I wonder if I should have written my book first and then started my blog…but I’ve learned so much through blogging, that even if it takes me twice, thrice as long, better to have taken this path than another. I’m so glad we met here, thank you so much, the enrichment goes both ways, and that is what I am so very grateful for. This blogging lark, has us all climbing the walls at times, but we can’t put it aside. A bit like Hotel California…you know the lines!! Here’s to blogging, in all its glory!! 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Sue says:

    Great post Sherri….never give up! Congrats on the three years, and remember you don’t need to blog every day, even every week, or every month – your followers will still be there!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. floridaborne says:

    The key is in the last line, “With love from Yourself xxx” You make friends blogging. People do come and go. At first, I didn’t understand why, until I clicked on more “follow” buttons than I could easily read in a week. 🙂

    Blog because you love it. Blog because what you say is worth reading.

    The people who need you in their heart, those who need to be healed by your words, are the part of you that once needed someone to say, “There’s hope. You’re not alone.” Knowing that one truth is well worth the effort to continue blogging, and well worth the loss of readers who have moved on.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much for your beautiful message reminding us of what is most important: It is in the connection, in the sharing of our stories, of ourselves, that we do indeed find healing and hope. And that certainly, I totally agree, is reason enough to continue blogging 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Heyjude says:

    Well now, THAT’s told you! Take it on the chin Sherri and listen to yourself. DO NOT GIVE UP! We need you, I need you. I love hearing about your life and love and joys and struggles. Not because I get enjoyment out of the struggles, but because I can RELATE to them. Often. And a trouble shared is a trouble halved. I think blogging does tend to go through phases where we all feel rather ‘blogged out’ and maybe that is a sign to shake things up a bit. Life is ALWAYS throwing crap at us Sherri, the secret is to be good at dodging or when you can’t, shrug it off.

    So have a shake, grab a wine glass and let’s head to the summerhouse for a natter. xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Haha…yep, I got a right kick up the whottsit didn’t I? 😉 Oh Jude, I’ll say it again, I love blogging side by side with you, it would be horrid if you weren’t here so I’m glad we feel the same way! So MUCH crap lately…I was really letting it get me down, and I just could not blog, write, anything. But you know me, you’ve put up with my moaning, my angst, heck, even my poetry all these years, so I’m not about to throw the towel in. I should create an award especially for you Jude just for that! Ahh, but in all seriousness, thank you so much for always being here/there, and here’s to blogging in all its glory, good bad and inbetween. I’ve got my glass and a nice Sauvingnon Blanc…ready? ❤ xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

  5. prior2001 says:

    Hey Sherri – I made it half way through and have to run errands – but I stopped right at the flowers (so sweet of hubs) and you know as I soaked up the beauty of the orange and yellow and soft light with the lines of the blinds – there was a duality feel with the real flowers and the shadow of the flowers – and it matched the feel of this post – dear blogger – hm – do you know what I mean? Anyhow – looking forward to the second half and wishing u a very great day! 🌸🌸

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Hey Y! You made it over here…on your ‘day off’, ha! Thank you so much for your time! Oh those flowers from sweet hubby took me completely by surprise, and I loved the way the sun came through the blinds in the window, painting shadow lines on the wall. Too bad there isn’t a ‘shadow on the wall’ photo challenge doing the rounds about now, ha! Seriously thought, yes, I love the way your artistic mind and eye works, taking in every line and curve and soft light of colour. Shadow and light, colour into grey, and back again into warm sunlight. Look forward to your thoughts on the second installment mon amie 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    Sherri Matthews very succinctly putting into words what we all feel from time to time as we blog and juggle the other balls we have in the air. As someone who has experienced a life full of change in one way or another, it is wonderful to have a constant in my life other than my husband, close family and old friends. Do not give this up Sherri and when the book is ready so will we be.. ready to give it a huge send off. love and hugs.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Oh Sherri, this post was one of my favorites that you have written. I just really appreciate the honesty of your writing. It’s so true that blogging gets difficult sometimes. Life gets in the way, and we don’t get to write as much as we’d like to. I enjoyed hearing the stories about what keeps you blogging. I agree completely, it’s all about making those connections and knowing that there are people out there that care about what we are sharing. Three years is a long time to be writing and I’ve found that often my blog goes through busy phases and slow phases and I’ve learned to be okay with that. We’ll still be here even if you post only once a month Sherri!
    xoxo Heather

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Heather, blogging is not for the faint hearted I’ve come to learn these past three years! When things are slow and we become discouraged we need to hold the line and just keep blogging as we always do, in our own faithful, authentic way, our individual voices ringing true. And when things are busy, we just have to keep with the flow, although sometimes we might slip back a bit in trying to balance everything. And through it all, we share our stories. I always love how you share a little about your family and the background to your recipes. And I still smile at the thought of us sharing stories over Christmas fruit cake 🙂 Those connections make it all worth it, and I am so glad I met you here. Your support and friendship for a long time now means so much to me, and thank you so much for the sentiment in your last sentence. I might have to go to once a month at some point, but reading that put a skip in my step for sure! Happy Blogging Heather, and here’s to more stories just waiting to be told! 🙂 xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Joel F says:

    This is such a beautiful article. Thanks for writing this.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Sherri, I love the way you write straight from your heart. I’ve missed you and the blogging world this year since I stopped writing Moggiepurrs. Your blog is tremendous and is everything you mentioned in this post and so much more. The feelings of love and support you get from your readers are real and you deserve to enjoy them. I hope you keep going, girl!!!! I remember we both started our blogs around the same time and we helped each other figure things out — Fond memories I won’t forget. I wish you the best in life, no matter if you get your memoir done or not, keep this blog going or not, or take on some new project. You are a special person, Sherri. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Bev, my first blogging buddy!!! How lovely to hear from you, how are you my ‘old’ friend? Goodness, remember when we started out around the same time and you found my blog when I posted a photo of Eddie and you said keep writing about England and my cats?! Haha…I loved that!! How is your writing going? I’ve missed you too, I’m sooooo glad to hear from you! You were one of the very first bloggers who commented regularly, and sent me so many wonderful awards in those early days. You were always so quick to help me with blogging issues and gave me great advice. I won’t ever forget that Bev. How is darling Sophie? Eddie and Maisy are well, happy, and now we also have a rabbit called Nate Bunnykins and Aspie D has a family of Chinese Button Quails. Animal Farm, ha! Thank you so much for everything you say here, you’ve touched my heart. Take care, and keep in touch!! Big hug…xo

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Well done, Sherri. I so get what you mean. Congrats on 3 years and you will post when you can are inspired to do so. This was inspired. I think of giving it up all the time. Then, think again. I’m lucky to get one or 2 posts a month out there right now. Do what you can and we will be there waiting for you. I look forward to your posts.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Maybe that’s the key Marlene, blogging when inspired. It has to be enjoyed doesn’t it? I know of your struggles, and I am so happy that you are still here. I would miss you too much if you stopped blogging. Once, or twice, a month. At least you are there and I can drop in for a chat and catch up now and then. Same here. The Summerhouse is in a state of flux, but hey, at least the light is still on! Thank you so much for your congrats. Hugs to you… 🙂 xo

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Judy Martin says:

    Oh Sherri, firstly congratulations on your 3-year blogging anniversary. I am sorry that you are struggling with trying to get everything done that you need to. I am really pleased to have met you on WordPress, and enjoy reading your posts.
    I do though, understand how you feel about trying to juggle too many balls and just wanted to tell you that I really hope you don’t give up blogging entirely. Perhaps a break or just a catch up now and again until you are ready to come back to it? Whatever you decide to do, I wish you all the best xxxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Judy, and thank you for your lovely message. I’m so glad to have met you here too 🙂 I have hit a bit of a wall, but I’ll come through it. I think I need to work a few things out. I got a bit dejected as I really, really tried to make it work better, setting out a plan for each day, with times for writing, blogging etc., but every day something came up which messed up that plan for the day and I got really fed up as it kept happening. But today something seemed to change and writing this post in this way seemed to bring me a lot of clarity. I honestly thought I didn’t have another blog post in me and that sort of scared me, you know? Writing is a game, as is blogging, but it’s one I want to keep playing for a long time to come! Thank you so very much for your lovely, kind words and encouragement, it means a great deal to me 🙂 xxxx

      Liked by 2 people

      • Judy Martin says:

        I can understand how frustrated you must have felt when your plans kept getting mucked up. Maybe you are being too hard on yourself though. Putting yourself under so much pressure to get things done is bound to make you feel despondent if it doesn’t come off. I hope that you do decide to carry on with your blog xx

        Liked by 1 person

  12. Ah Sherri, where to start? You’ve outlined your doubts so beautifully here and I’ve so been there 🙂 It’s actually my three year blogiversary tomorrow and to be honest, I’d kind of forgotten until I recalled that we’d started at similar times. I had so much doubt last year about writing and the only way I got through it was to re-find the joy in it – I had to go beyond the building a platform and trying to get published and trying to achieve something and just remember what it was like to write for the fun of it. That meant an unexpected break from blogging for about 3 months, but I never intended to let go of it altogether because blogging is joyful too – again when you recall the fun of it! Please don’t give up, but don’t give yourself such a hard time either – blog when you want to blog, write when you want to write (I really do recommend Ray Bradbury’s Zen in the art of writing to recapture the enthusiasm of it!) and we’ll still be here to welcome you back ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Happy three year blogiversary for tomorrow Andrea! Wow, yes, I do remember that we started blogging only days apart. Can you believe it’s been three years? I also remember well your struggles last year and I am hugely inspired by your recent ‘return’ post. I am very much looking beyond the author platform too, that we can get so caught up in that we forget the joy of writing and the reasons why we do it in the first place. I had to get back to basics and why I started blogging and what it really is I want, all of which I stated in this post. It is only in the freedom of that joyful flow that we can write from our hearts and as we are truly meant to write – like you as the young woman you remembered and the creativity you discovered in writing long hand. And yes, thank you again for the reminder of Ray Bradbury’s ‘Zen’, which I meant to mention in my comment on your post; I was very much intrigued by it. I hope to keep up a reasonable blogging schedule, but I think I am finally getting the message that I can afford not to beat myself up about it if I can’t blog as regularly as I would like. Writing my memoir is paramount, and that is where my compulsion lies, yet, as you also experience, the fun and necessary ‘distraction’ of blogging adds to the entire writing experience, something I don’t want to lose. Thank you so much Andrea, it’s wonderful to know we’re still standing…or sitting, as the case may be! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Annika Perry says:

    Sherri, this is such a heart-felt and passionate post, full of emotions that has me smiling in empathy, tearing up, feeling for you and your frustration, joy, confusion. ❤️ There is so much I could say, I’ll just pick up a few points, my friend. First of all, congratulations on three years of blogging – that is a serious achievement and commitment. Also I look forward to reading the previous posts you highlight as I wasn’t even on WP then. Secondly, although the phrase is no doubt overused, you touch so many people through your blog, as you have shown here yourself. Instead of beating yourself up, take comfort in all the warmth and help you give others. 😀 Finally, the social media bug bear – the balancing act of this with in your case finishing your memoir. Is there any chance of setting yourself a strict timetable for this and following it religiously whatever? That way no guilt nor just a few more minutes becoming two hours later – we’ve all been there! Finally, what a lovely hubby you have there – kudos to him! Warmest wishes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Thank you so much Annika, your encouragement and friendship means so much to me. You have hit the nail on the head, I am very good at beating myself up, something I’ve always done. Writing this post helped me draw that proverbial line in the sand and remind myself of all those things I was in danger of forgetting. I do indeed want to form some kind of timetable. I actually tried that for the new year, but so far I’ve failed miserably at keeping to it, and that is part of why I have been feeling so dejected. I started to panic at the thought that I might not be able to get to my memoir for ages, but somehow I am at last beginning to see the way out. I’ll get there…as you say, we’ve all been there. This balancing act is so hard to accomplish isn’t it? And thank you for what you say about hubby, he is indeed lovely, I am blessed to have such a wonderful man by my side. I honestly don’t know how he puts up with me and all my writer’s angst, ha! As an aside, I’ve lost your email address, went back to your blog and tried to leave a comment with mine, and once again, it disappeared 😦 So I’ll give it to you here: Look forward to chatting and warmest wishes to you too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  14. You go girl!!!! Not as eloquently put as Annika Perry who wrote much of what I felt reading your letter to yourself. I am always impressed with your perseverance knowing all you have faced in these last couple of years. And always proud of my amazing friend, you will get there, I have no doubt!! xoxo ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  15. esthernewton says:

    Wow! What a stunning post, Sherri. And may it motivate you to continue writing and to never give up. Your writing really touches a lot of us out here 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Brava! This post was for me. It’ll be 3 years next month I’ve blogged and some days I wonder if I should continue. I like my followers and their comments and I have had two essays published in widely recognized publications. My memoir is further along than it was a year ago.Progress is there yet I keep asking myself why I don’t do more. Then I remind myself that I’m doing OK and will keep plugging away because the truth is I still enjoy writing and blogging and do it for me more than anyone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Joyce, thank you so much for your comment. You and I seem to be at a very similar place; but I was in danger of forgetting that and heading on a downward spiral in despair at all I haven’t done. It’s great that you are able to prevent that by focusing on your progress and keeping your joy, and that is just where I plan to be and stay after this! It is the only place to be!


  17. Mumblypeg says:

    Churchill said it and you have said it to your self, “Never, never, never give up!” If you only knew how much you have given to others through your blog: and remember how much blogging has given to you, you would never ever contemplate giving up. Congratulations on three amazing years of challenge and achievement. Well done. You are amazing!! believe it!! Lots of love MP xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I’m priviliged to have had the opportunity to blog for three years, and also to seek my life long ambition to write my memoir. But how fast three years has gone by! I have to battle this constant pressure that I need to rush this through, but the last thing I want to do is…well, rush! Writing a memoir can’t be rushed and so I need to pace myself and not get stressed. I can’t imagine not blogging, I’m priviliged to belong to this amazing community. I had to give myself a proper talking to, and so I sat down and wrote this post in the process. A good kick up the whotsit, ha! Thank you so much for being there for me, always MP. Lots of love and a heart full of gratitude… ❤ xxxx


  18. Charli Mills says:

    Dear Blogger,

    What wise words that can only come through experience. Few dare to dream, let alone pursue. You dream, you write, you connect hearts. Don’t quit. Reinvent, rest, restore. But don’t quit. You are closer to the prize than you think.

    A Fellow Blogger on the Path who Loves You and what You Write

    Liked by 5 people

    • Sherri says:

      Dear Fellow Blogger on the Path, Whom I love and what You Write too,
      Thank you so much for your letter. I can only say that you have given more than I can express here without sounding like a complete and utter gush. Prince Charli who never quits and inspires me to keep going no matter what. WE GOT THIS.
      Love from This Blogger ❤

      Liked by 2 people

  19. I didn’t read this (disclaimer) but will be back. Noticed your closing and it hit me, as I’m sure you understand: “Don’t Quit.” 💕

    Liked by 3 people

    • Sherri says:

      Naughty swear word rant turned into this…giving myself a boot up the proverbial. Hugs and ❤ to you Sarah….

      Liked by 2 people

      • Okay. Read it. What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Not much. You’re awesome, write fab posts, and we’d miss you if you left. But. I want you to write that book. It’s important. And it’s going to be brilliant. Find a balance (I know… I hate when people say that). Try some Blogging Lite like Lisa suggested. Just listen to yourself and write. We need your words. 💕 On a completely selfish note, this is a timely message for me which makes me love it even more. Cheers, lovely lady. 🍷

        Liked by 1 person

  20. Sometimes life conspires to teach us other things and take us other places – in my case usually things I don’t want to learn and places I don’t want to go, but that’s a whole other story 😀 ……….. But ultimately you know Sherri, our only ‘have to’ is we have to do and go with as much kindness and forgiveness for ourselves as possible. We ‘have to’ count our blessings, just as you did in this beautiful and poignant post, and still our fears and breathe. Because all that matters is our own well being and our own sanity – if we do not have that we cannot be here for anyone else. And then, absolutely ultimately, we must do what makes us happy. Because when we are content within, then so is all the world about us. If blogging makes you happy continue, but if it doesn’t then take a break. Nothing has to be forever. We are women and we are allowed to change our minds whenever we want ❤ I hope you will take time every day to stop, count your blessings, close your eyes and still your mind and breathe, Just breathe. With love xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Pauline, I know that story too well…!! We’ll have to chat about that sometime 😀 But yes, you are, of course, absolutely right and that is what I need to keep telling myself, to do what makes me happy rather than feeling this dreadful pressure all time – pressure I give to myself. Taking that time out to stop and close our eyes and just breathe is so, so important, one I have been telling myself ever since my encounter with the sweet sheep 🙂 So many blessings. Thank you so much for your wonderful message and friendship dear Pauline,…and I’ll remember that about our perogative to change our minds. Amen to that! With love back to you ❤ xoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Sherri, this almost made me cry! Pleaseeeee follow your own advice and NEVER quit!!
    You have done so much good!!!
    I for one would really miss you. I was so glad to see you when you popped back up in my email, after a break for your book.
    Revel in your victories, forgot your losses and go on. You CAN do it! We all are here to support you, and each other.
    Love, Melinda

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Oh no, don’t cry Melinda! I won’t quit, don’t worry, but I needed to give myself a hard kicking, for sure! I am not a quitter and I fully intend to keep blogging. I need to, I want to, I love to. But I just need to find how to make it work without all the pressure as I so much want to get my memoir finished (as you know, ha!) and I find it difficult to concentrate on both as well as all the other behind-blog ‘stuff of life’. Now I’ve reminded myself of my progress over the past year (not least of all getting the first draft done and then starting the revisions!), I feel better. I can into these negative, downward spirals that I need to battle against. Thank you so much for your wonderful support, it really means so much to me. Love to you and see you soon! 🙂 xo

      Liked by 1 person

  22. The lovely flowers and card from your husband, Sherri; the thank you from Robert; the Asperger’s Syndrome And The Love Of Animals post that is still making such a difference; the many friends and fellow bloggers who love, appreciate and encourage you; and the awards that remind you of the good you do. Sherri, if this were the Code of the West, I’d remind you that while all ten lessons apply here, you definitely need to get back on your horse and continue to Ride For Your Brand. Only you can do that riding.
    Love you lots, kiddo. Keep writing.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh dear Marylin, what can I say? Thanks to you and all the amazing support (for which I’m deeply thankful and utterly humbled), I’m back on my horse and ready to ride into battle! I looked up the Code of the West and it made me laugh out loud in places, it’s fabulous! I love this: ‘Never wear another man’s hat’ and ‘Always say Howdy when you pass someone on a trail’. Just like Clint Eastwood did when he passed me on that trail up in the Hollywood Hills all those years ago, remember? Has to be a message there, right? Thank you so much. I love you lots too…and I will keep writing, for sure *she says waving cowgirl hat in the air smiling broadly* 🙂 ❤


  23. Luanne says:

    Ditto ditto ditto!!!! Your husband was so thoughtful to do that!!! I hope you are that thoughtful to YOURSELF!!! We love you. Keep on keeping on. That’s all any of us can do. And you are doing a fab job!!! Living is part of it all, and that is what we are all doing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…I wish! I’m bad, bad, bad…always beating myself up and I wish I could stop!!!!! Maybe now I will 🙂 Yes, hubby is so lovely! Thank you so much Luanne, I love your posts and your messages and our chats, I could chat all day. I wish we could spend a week on cat island in Japan, ha! Can you imagine it? Seriously though…big hugs… xoxo

      Liked by 2 people

      • Luanne says:

        Woot! I’d love it! Did you see that cute Kana in the green bow? She makes me want to scream, she’s so naughty. She has more energy than a kitten. I got an 8-year-old cat because she is an 8-year-old cat, ya know? But no way. She is having a second childhood! Poor Tiger is in hiding. Yes, I could talk cat talk all day long 😉 xoxoxo.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          I did, so, so cute! She and Eddie make a beautiful pair 🙂 Haha…Kana is so happy to be with you she’s forgotten she’s 8! Eddie is 9 and drives me up the wall sometimes, but I can’t bear the thought of him not being here. Ahh…poor Tiger. Hope he finds his way out soon ❤ Haha…we should start a side-blog: Blogging Cat Lovers Unite 😀 xoxoxox

          Liked by 1 person

          • Luanne says:

            Kana is so happy. It’s hard to get mad at her because she’s just so happy to have a mom and dad. I think she might like to have us to herself ;). Tiger is so cute. She just needs to get brave!

            Liked by 1 person

  24. Lyn Buckley says:

    Dear A View From My Summerhouse,
    Thank you for inspiring Sherri and lifting her up today. I understand how you feel, Summerhouse, Sherri is so talented and accomplished. I can only wonder where the negativity comes from. Although, reading what you said to her today, made me and a lot of other people (who feel the same way) somehow feel better. Funny how that works. Sherri has no idea how much her writing helps people. And personally, it stopped me from all my negative self talk today. So thank you, Blog, I NEEDED that !!!
    Sherri’s California friend,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      Dear Lyn from California,
      Firstly, A View From My Summerhouse wants you to know that your faith in her writing resident means the world to her. She misses you greatly and tells me often how your encouragment lifts her up, so she is thrilled to know that this post did the same for you today! Knowing that has made her day ❤ Negative self talk is too easy to slip into. Oh for those days when we walked and put the world to rights. Remember? Well, we can still do it again, even if virtually 🙂 She also wants you to know that your letter, read late at night her time, means she will now sign off with a huge smile. Thank you so much dear Sherri's California Friend…with love & hugs ❤ 🙂 xo

      Liked by 1 person

  25. TanGental says:

    so much to say, so little space to say it and to say it properly. Three years seems an age and yet… you are still here, still wanting and that must be part. I understand ho overwhelming continuity is. You fall into a routine and then another and before you know it an accident of the calendar has become an obligation to a mythical public who don’t mind if you miss a day, a week, a whatever but you mind that they are let down so you try and keep up with the discipline and, wallop, it s too much and so you miss a beat then another and it feels too late to say sorry, to admit to a self perceived weakness. And no matter how many of us tell you we don’t care when you blog but we DO care IF you blog you still feel inadequate, a let down and you think about blogicide. Only you know if you can come out of what you feels a slump but do believe – DO BELIEVE – we are rooting for you. We are worms in the wood of your summerhouse, beetles in the rafters, spiders in those gloomy corners. It’s the hardest part, the first word after a break like the trip to the gym after Jan 1st, or that call to a relative or friend you’ve been meaning to call. But its never that bad. NEVER. And always you’re welcomed back. So sin, confess and sin again. The Catholics can’t be the only ones having all the fun.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Geoff, you are a wonderful wordsmith who crafts and weaves a beautiful tapestry of understanding, realism, encouragement and truth, perfectly framed and now hanging neatly on the wall of the Summerhouse as a constant reminder not to let my feelings of inadequacy rule. You’re a star, thank you so much. But I have to say, I have had more than my fair share of beetles and spiders, but not seen a worm as yet….although there have been one or two queen wasps in the early summer, the very thought of which even now sends shivers down my spine. I’m a bit squeamish when it comes to insects, so you will have to change that analogy! BUT, I must write my book. I really must. And I can do it when I stop getting myself into a tizzy about blogging. I do want to keep going and I definitely don’t want any part of blogicide. Oh what an awful thought. And on that note, I’m now off to say a few hail Mary’s….

      Liked by 1 person

      • TanGental says:

        Good for you. I suppose you have to maybe use writing your book as a trigger for posting. That’s not to say you don’t write a list but you only post it when you’ve done 500 words or whatever. Carrot and stick blogging. But we’ll be here peering over the pelmet into the summer house like little blog chads.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          I like the sound of ‘carrot and stick blogging’ very much Geoff…and thanks for keeping an eye on things from the pelmet…but I wouldn’t want to be responsible for any hanging chads… 😉

          Liked by 1 person

  26. Mary Smith says:

    A truly wonderful and inspiring post.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Rachel M says:

    Congrats on three years!! Well done. I hope you keep it up because I always enjoy reading your posts and I can see I’m not the only one.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sherri says:

      🙂 Thank you so much Rachel, I’m so glad I met you, and not just for your amazing WP skills 🙂 You’re a lovely friend and I too enjoy your posts very much, although I know I’ve been bad at visiting blogs lately…And you notice how I love the red robin, the red fox, and I was intrigued by your red squirrel icon that you used to have as I love them too! Maybe I should change my blog background to red…or maybe not!

      Liked by 1 person

  28. Tom Merriman says:

    Happy Three Years, Sherri!
    Wow. Did you read my mind or something? Wow.
    I’m pleased I’m part of your journey now, and with posts like this may you have a long and pleasant journey. An old work colleague had a phrase he’d use quite often – “Always a pleasure, never a chore!” That’s how we should view blogging, I feel. I like it; it’s fun, even the times when we stare into a black hole of nothingness, desperate to wring out anything to put into a post – meaningful or otherwise (and usually the latter in my case!). We get there.
    We always will.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Have we done it again Tom? I am so remiss in visiting your wonderful blog, but I will get there, I am especially intrigued, yet again! Yes, you are so right about it being fun, and that quote is spot on. I’ll remember that, next time I’m staring at that black hole I know only too well! Yet, somehow, here we are, blogging onward and upward! Thank you so much my friend, great sharing the journey and we will indeed get there, we will indeed! 🙂


  29. jennypellett says:

    This was a great post Sherri. I’ve no idea what the three year blogging rule is but I’m at the three year mark myself and have fallen into something of a malaise with blogging. Probably for many of the reasons you mention here, although I don’t have the added pressure of a book to finish (well, at least, not one that I’d admit to!!). I loved the way you gave yourself a strict talking to, and hope that your other self listened and took note. I’d be very sorry if you gave up blogging completely but would understand totally if you’d like a rest from it for a bit. As we’ve said before, we’re still all here, virtually. Interesting that you say many of your original blogging friends have disappeared: I’ve noticed that a few of my regulars seemed to have vanished – and I’m missing reading their posts which is why I’m so thankful for Flipboard – where I can find much to keep me interested and amused.
    I’ll blog if and when I have something to say but I’m not going to scratch around and beat myself up about it if nothing inspires me to write, and neither should you. Your posts are always worth a read and I’ll look forward to them when and if you post. The less is more, I feel. Good luck with your writing journey, wherever it may take you xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Jenny! I love hearing from you, especially as I know you too are suffering from this three year blogging slump. We’ve blogged together for most of that time and I’m so very glad you are not one who has disappeared. I would miss you way too much, so relieved that you are still here 🙂 I love your blogging philosophy, I need to be more like you and not feel so pressured. I always look forward to your posts very much and I’m so glad you feel the same way about mine. And we always have email 🙂 I won’t quit, I’ll keep going and I will write my book, one way or another. Just got to figure out the best way. Here’s to both our writing journeys and the adventures yet to share. Take care my friend, see you soon! xx

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  30. That’s what I keep reminding myself as well, Sherri. The blog is a portal to some beautiful friendships and like all relationships it takes time to form them AND keep them, but it is so worth it. It stops being fun when I view it as a chore or “part of the business” and start counting all the eggs that haven’t hatched. Posts don’t have to be on a regularly scheduled program. Perhaps, writing a little bit when something catches your fancy to share with us will rekindle your blogging spark and leave you time to work on your book. May you find the right balance in your writing life this new year!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      You are so right my friend, it is so worth it! I never wanted to let blogging turn into that ‘part of the business’ as the minute it feels contrived, then the magic, the flow, the personal touch that makes each of our blogs so unique and meaningful disappears. Thank you for your suggestion, I do like the sound of that, and seems to be the general consesus here. It’s so good to know that we’re not alone in these feelings that come and go. I am so very grateful to belong to such an amazing blogging community, truly humbled and for your friendship…and beautiful blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Seyi sandra says:

    Congratulations on your three years of blogging!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Mine came last year but I was so ill I couldn’t whip out any post. I read your first post with something akin to awe. It’s amazing how you pour out your heart easily, infusing your reader with the words that, ‘they’re not alone.’
    You’ve achieved so much Sherri and you should be proud of yourself. When I speak to friends and family, I mentioned your name like a friend I see daily.
    You are an inspiration Sherri, like it or not you ARE an inspiration! 🙂
    I love you the way you write, and I enjoy your choice and use of words. If I hadn’t known you through WP, I would still have bought your book anytime you release it. I look forward to many years reading your blog by God’s grace.
    Much love to you my friend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Seyi, I don’t know what to say, honestly I don’t! Your unflagging support of and faith in me and my writing for so long never fails to bless and encourage me, and yes, deeply humble me. I wasn’t going to do anything for my 3 year blogoversy, feeling the way I was, but I felt it was to draw a line in the sand and evaluate things and this post is what happened. Giving myself a strict talking to!! I am so sorry you were so ill last year, thank goodness you are so much better, bringing great comfort to me, knowing you are well and forging ahead and bringing me so much inspiration 🙂 By God’s grace indeed, we shall both be blogging for a long time to come. Thank you again so much my friend, you are a ⭐ Much love & blessings to you! 🙂 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Seyi sandra says:

        I wonder what you would have written if you had planned it! 🙂 Your talent is God given, just let it flow. 🙂

        I wanted to mark it but didn’t have the strength to write up the post, hopefully, we would celebrate more blogging activities.

        Blogging is addictive but even then, it could be monetised, the only problem is, there’s only 24 hours in a day and that would require lots of work. I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your week my friend, may God bless you and your family!
        🙂 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          You are so lovely my dear Seyi…I’ve been in a blogging black hole all last week, making a tentative return and catch up starting today, hence my horribly late reply to you…so sorry. But I did get two writing deadlines finished and things are moving behind blog, so it’s not bad ‘stuff’…albeit it frustrating and challenging, but that’s the stuff of life isn’t it? We will definitely celebrate blogging activities my dear friend, here’s to them, and to you and I, a year ahead filled with victory, with God’s blessing. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and here’s to a great week ahead. I will catch up over at your pad this week. And again, thank you so much for all you say about my writing, I am deeply humbled and honestly don’t know what else to say. God bless you and your family…see you very soon! Much love and hugs… 🙂 ❤ 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • Seyi sandra says:

            Hey Sherri, I am so sorry you were in a blogging hole – it happens, nothing to worry about, my blogging activities have been fractured too, what with two jobs and a demanding family.
            Glad you will be back soon, I’m writing this at work, had a few minutes to myself before the phone starts ringing again. I’m glad you were able to finish two deadlines, at least you’ve taken that out of the way. The crux of the matter is, try to enjoy every minute of your day. Don’t let it become a chore, write when you feel like writing and have lovely things to share (which you always do) that way, you won’t feel drag down. Often times when I write just to fulfil my blogging duties, I get weighed down, and other times when I have things to write and don’t have the time, I still get weighed down. I think finding a middle ground helps.
            God bless you my friend, I’ll be at yours soon. Hopefully, I should post some content to my site too, very soon.
            My love and warm regards to all that is yours!
            Love and hugs my friend. 🙂 🙂 🙂


  32. Pat says:

    Oh, my dear, Sherri. I can relate as I’ve felt the same way, too, but I agree with your blog’s advice and the third-year rule, “Don’t Quit”. I know it feels sometimes like what’s the use and how is my little post making a difference. But, it does — it has to me in our friendship and kindred soul connection.

    After almost 4 years blogging on my WordPress site and even longer, if you count when I started blogging on Blogspot in 2007 (almost 9 years), I still only have 57 followers and I think the most hits I’ve gotten on a given post have been in the 70’s. It really used to bother me and I thought I was wasting my time. But, you never know how your words can change lives and make a difference, even how it makes a difference in you.

    You’re giving and putting something out in the world that only you know how to do. You’re giving voice to new ideas and reflections or giving voice to things people have thought of but didn’t know how to express.

    I had a difficult summer last year. It seemed like the universe was throwing things at me left and right and found it hard to catch my breath at times. It took awhile to process it all and I didn’t write a thing on my blog for at least 6 months. When I did, I found the words and through the writing I found meaning and understanding of all of it.

    If I could share anything, Sherri, it would be to be gentle with yourself, be loving and kind. You are exactly where you need to be at this time and in this moment. Feel what life is sharing with you, good and bad, and don’t react or judge it. Just feel it through. From there, the answers will come and, maybe, even the words. Life is all good and is always changing but the one who looks at it from behind your eyes never changes. You’ll be fine — important things are being presented to you that need your attention right now. You just need to find the best way for you on how to pay attention to it.

    God bless you, my friend. Know I send you love and hugs and my thoughts and prayers are with you! xxoo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Dear Pat, I know well of your journey and struggles and all you’ve been through recently and all I can say is 57 or 5700 followers, 70 or 7000 views, your friendship and constant encouragment alongside my blogging journey has meant the world to me. There is so much out there about how or how not to blog successfully. Whatever ‘successful’ means. We read so much about the need to have loads of followers if we are to be a success with publishing and selling our books. But what I’ve come to realise far more important than any of that is the connections we make here. Each of us find our ‘band of brothers’ and ‘soul sisters’, each of us have our communities, large or small, and it is through our connections that we might share one word or sentence or story that inspires, encourages and blesses another. Even if just one other person, well then, we’ve made a difference which we would never have made if we had kept our stories to ourselves. Writing brings us meaning and fulfillment and then, in the sharing, we bless others as you have done by sharing all you’ve been through last year and where you are now many months later. Your beautiful, kind, caring and bright-shining soul sends a light of goodness out in the darkness and I am so very glad to have met you here. Thank you so much as always my dear friend for your wonderful encouragment, I take all you say to heart and am helped greatly by it. God bless you, and let’s both keep blogging and writing and holding firm to all that we believe in. Faith, trust and joy. And love 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  33. Sherri, this is brilliant. Sometimes life takes so much out of you, you have nothing left for writing. Take care and don’t be so hard on yourself. ❤ ❤
    I know how you feel. Been struggling too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Wise words from a wise woman…thank you so much Tess, and also for your unflagging support of my blog and writing. I shall heed all you say. Sorry too that you’ve been struggling, it means a lot that you take the time to visit the Summerhouse through rain or shine, really does 🙂 Let’s hope the so-far difficult start to the year improves for both of us…and soon ❤


  34. Excellent post, Sherri! You’ve captured my feelings perfectly. There’s a love/hate relationship that develops from long term blogging. The hate steams from time stolen from our WIPs or time with our families. But the payoff, is worth it.
    Congratulations on three fabulous years and for snagging an awesome man! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you so much dear Jill! ❤ You're right on all counts, and it is so worth it, not least of all because I met you here! I know you've had to cut back on your blogging too, but how wonderful to be part of such an amazing community. And hubby laughed when I told him! 🙂 xoxo


  35. dgkaye says:

    Now Sherri, That’s one smart blogger! I’m so glad you’re agreeing with yourself! Take it from me dear friend, it is tough, but determination can take us a long way. When there is will, there is way! I know you and I have both been putting up with life A LOT lately. My newest book is suffering, I’m on an extended vacay in a place where it won’t seem to warm up, I’m working on 3 projects, entertaining company, worrying about the financial crisis back home, yet blogging keeps me safe and sane. Blogging is where I turn to when I want to be around like-minded friends; for a laugh, a kind word, or inspiration. Remember that part Sher! ❤ We are not alone. Listen to your wise encouraging husband! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Oh Debby, you went away especially for the warmth…what’s with this weather? I take hope in the cold, wintery weather we’re having here (white frost in the mornings now) means that you at last are getting your sunny warm 🙂 ❤ You have so much on your plate, we both do, yet, and I totally agree, what would we do without blogging? I knew that was part of my fear: how can I cope without blogging? But how can I write my book and blog? Can't do one without the other, right? I will remember your great advice my friend. And I will listen to hubby…Thank you so much…and I really, really hope things ease up for you, for us both and soon! 🙂 ❤ xo

      Liked by 1 person

  36. I just finished reading your post-just found you on Smorgasbord-and am so glad to meet you. I think your writing speaks to all of us who write. (It actually seemed that you were talking directly to me. It wasn’t till that final line that the truth was out.)
    I have been keeping my blog going, though there have been periods of dryness. It always comes back to the important point of thinking about why it was started in the first place. The love of writing and sharing and caring. You have gained a new follower!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hello Arvella, how lovely to meet you, thank you so much for visiting from our dear and mutual friend Sally’s pad and for the follow! 🙂 Yes, coming back to the reasons for blogging in the first place certainly helped me rediscover the joy and the power of connection through sharing our stories. Sharing truly is caring isn’t it? These periods of blogging dryness come and go, but reaching this 3 year mark had me on the run! I wish you every success with your blog and writing in the year ahead!

      Liked by 1 person

  37. Mabel Kwong says:

    Congratulations, Sherri. Three years blogging is a long time. Blogging is a commitment, but it does bring so many wonderful things and help us challenge ourselves. I really enjoy popping over here when I can, and am one of your fans of the flash fiction you write. You should be proud of yourself for tackling so many kinds of writing here – and you learnt so much from all of this.

    Good luck with your book. It can be hard…I finished the first draft of my book last year and have barely touched it since. It will be a while before I finally finalise it… Then again, we have to stand up to live before we can sit down to write. Best wishes and take care ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      ‘Then again, we have to stand up to live before we can sit down to write.’ You have said it all dear Mabel. I think I need to put that up in the Summerhouse and read it often. Thank you so much. Even though I am older than you (a few years, lol!!), and thinking I could write a story from a ‘life lived’, it is, although frustrating at times, also amazing and beautiful to know that life does indeed continue to beckon and call and bring new adventures (and yes, many, many challenges). But all the while, we’re writing in our minds aren’t we? And nothing, nothing is wasted 🙂 Your support of my flash fiction (a fan, wow!) has spurred me on greatly, I thank you greatly for sticking with me. I haven’t posted any here for a little while as you can see, but I am still writing it and will do my best to my FF posts here as before as soon as I can. It might be hit and miss whilst working on my memoir, but I am determined! Love your visits, and I love your blog, which I will visit! And I do wish you the very best with your writing too, when it is the right time for sitting 🙂 ❤ xo


      • Mabel Kwong says:

        A memoir is a big thing, so understandably you have to work to get to the end. No matter how old we are or who we are, there is so much to learn and so much to live for. Good luck with the memoir, Sherri. I am sure it will be a big hit when it comes out, and I will be one of the first in line to get it 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  38. Norah says:

    What a wonderfully supportive community of readers and fellow bloggers you have, Sherri. I’m not surprised. You write from the heart, with such depth of feeling and honesty. You are inspirational. I’m so pleased you gave yourself such a good talking to. I was listening as well. It could have been directed at me. Some of the details would have to be changed though. 🙂 I remember your post about Jersey. What a wonderful response it received. It was worthy of the acclaim. You’ve been blogging for three years. I have another sixish months to go, I think. Congratulations! It is a wonderful effort. I like your 3-year rule. I hope I can keep to it too.
    It is amazing to think how many lives you have touched, how many have benefited from your words. Some blogging days are hard and some are awful, but some are sheer joy. The reward comes with the power of finding the words and making connections, of changing lives.
    I’m so pleased I found you and that we connected. As with all my friends, online and offline, we have busy lives. We get together when we can, but keep each other in our minds and hearts when life determines otherwise. Look after you. No more blogligations. I recommend against blogicide (thanks, Geoff) just now. Put the idea on hold and see how you go. I’d like to see you pull through, intact, at the other end. I’m patient. I’ll be here waiting when you get back. ❤ xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Dear Norah, thank you so much for all you say here, and always for your amazing support, encouragement and of course for your friendship. I’m so glad I met you, and I do so much want to find a way to visit all my favourite blogs (yours for one) regularly while writing my book. No blogicide here, but there came that awful, cold moment when I really wondered if I could write another post. Yet, I couldn’t imagine not blogging. It was a horrible moment I hope not to repeat. I’m staggered by the amazing response to this post. I honestly thought it was way too long but blogging never fails to amaze me, the kindness of those reading and how we are all in this together. Thank you for the congrats! I’m sorry you’ve had some of the same struggles but it’s wonderful that in relating, we help one another through the difficult times. And I for one, can’t wait to be there when you launch your new website! This week is playing havoc with me (‘stuff’), but I am determined to win through and I will be there at your launch, with bells on! But thank you so much for what you say in your last sentence. Means so much. See you soon my friend! ❤ xoxo

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  39. Lisa Reiter says:

    Great post Sherri. I think it’s interesting there are several of us bemoaning similar issues and also giving ourselves a good talking to at the moment. We also seem to have been around for the 2-3 year timeframe. Maybe these doubts are all ‘part of a process’ of sticking with this kind of commitment. Other than marriage and children, there’s not much else we have to quit so publicly, to get out of, is there? You’ve put into words so many things that echo with me – mainly how the anniversaries and other annual milestones such as the start of the school year or New Year are often ‘beat-up’ times when I notice all the disappointments and things I haven’t achieved. A book still not finished.. Not, wow you have 80,000 words down now..
    I’m glad you’ve given yourself a good talking to and then dusted yourself down. One foot in front of the other, progress not perfection. Keep at it but adjust the pace or some other factor that brings back the creativity and pleasure you get from blogging without the dread of obligation.
    Lisa ❤️xx

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    • Sherri says:

      Oh Lisa, you put it so well – what else indeed? I never quite thought of it like that, you’ve really made me think. I am really beginning to wonder now if there is something about three years blogging that brings out this malaise, this pulling-up-by-the-boot-straps kind of a moment in our journey. Coming out the other side can only be good, right? Your ‘blogligation’ posts have long given me pause, expressing what many of us feel when we experience these slumps. It’s a great thing to find our way out of that and able to carry on in a way that suits us while keeping the joy. It’s great knowing that I’m not alone in this…but of course sorry too. Thank you so much for sharing all this with me. Let’s keep blogging and writing our memoirs Lisa…as Charli exhorts us over at the Ranch so often: ‘We Got This’. And we’ve got the chaps and cowgirl hats to prove it! ❤ xx

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  40. Sherri, This post must have been a pick-me-up for you as well as for your readers. Written from the heart to the hearts of those who wait patiently to read your next post. You have developed a community that cares and you are going to get where you want to go, it might just take a little longer than you had planned. <3<3

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  41. Marie Keates says:

    I’ve been feeling a bit like that lately. A bit, what’s the point? Am I wasting my time? Is anyone really interested? I guess we all get it sometimes. Although I’m driven to write I never feel it’s good enough and then the self doubt kicks in. Don’t give up. We’d all miss you and your summerhouse x

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    • Sherri says:

      Ahh Marie, I’m sorry to hear that. That self-doubt is awful, it is my closest enemy. That and self-sabotage. So near, yet so far…plagued with a fear of failure. And all we can do is keep pressing on, telling it to sod off. Thank you so much for your visits to the summerhouse, and I very much appreciate your messages over at my FB page too. Keep blogging, and I will too, okay? 🙂 xx

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  42. Ali Isaac says:

    Love this post, Sherri, so beautiful and full of sensitivity. I think we’ve all been there. I am at 2 and 1/2 ish years, and already I’m getting to that stage, so I’m taking your advice to heart. 😊 This week I have no post for my blog. Sometimes, you just have to let it go. Life often gets in my way. And time is precious, I have to allocate it out, and sometime the writing doesn’t get much, which saddens me, because it’s the best part of me, and I want to let it loose. Well, we are not alone. Thank goodness for our blogging friends. Don’t disappear, Sherri, I would really miss your beautiful posts. Xxx

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    • Sherri says:

      Oh Ali, I have your last post bookmarked, and I had every good intention to visit you yesterday (as per my comment on FB) but… all I can say is this week has been a kicker (so what’s new pussy cat, ha!!) But…I think I’m turning the corner, ever so slowly 🙂 You are so right about having to let things go sometimes. I just wish I didn’t have to let my writing time go so much, as it has lately. I get so darn frustrated and that isn’t good or helpful. I get that… ‘because it’s the best part of me, and I want to let it loose.’ That is exactly how I feel: lost in our writing flow, there is no other place, in those minutes and hours, where we truly belong is there? Thank you so much for sharing your heart and story with me, I am so glad I met you at the blogger’s bash and that we are now also friends here. I won’t disappear. I’m in too deep! And it’s wonderful knowing that we are not alone 🙂 ❤ xxx

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      • Ali Isaac says:

        Don’t worry about reading other blogs, Sherri, at times like this, when you do get some minutes, use them to write. You are so right, it is completely frustrating for a writer not to write, so right now, I think you should concentrate on using what time you have to get your own stuff in print. The rest can come later. 😊

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        • Sherri says:

          Oh Ali, I’m so grateful for your advice. I’ve missed so many posts since the new year and you know what it’s like, once you start missing a few, well, then they disappear into a massive black hole of missed blog posts. I am going to get myself to a place where I’ve caught up with others, to a point, and then yes, I’m going to focus on my book. Has to be done. Otherwise I’ll never get there! Thank you!! 🙂


  43. So fascinating to read, Sherri. How sweet of hubby to buy you flowers for your 3 year blogging anniversary. 😃 I think that even if I couldn’t think of anything to blog about, I still wouldn’t be able to stop blogging. I have so many friends here,and we’re on first name terms. You’re one of these treasured friends. Take care, and remember, there’s no pressure to blog more often than you feel able to. Sometimes life just takes over. Hugs to you my friend. xx 😘

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  44. Life and Other Turbulence says:

    Ahhhhh…I know exactly how you feel, and I don’t even have much of a following for my blog (in fact I’ve removed some followers that I know personally…yet they never comment, which to me seems just voyeuristic. So I finally figured out a way to remove them…ha!). I don’t want the pressure of producing blog posts just because I have followers, and I don’t want to be made to feel like I need to seek their approval. So I post when I have something on my mind…maybe monthly, maybe not. But I do hope you stay with it…I truly do enjoy your wonderful posts with your beautiful photos. Sending you all good wishes for a bright and healthy new year!


  45. Sacha Black says:

    What an awesome post, you are doing amazingly Sherri, and what a fabulous set of achievements all aside from the fact you have blogged for 3 years and not given up. I feel your pain, the time constraints, but don’t give up. Our little blogging space would be much the worse for it if you left. ❤

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    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you so much Sacha, you’re so kind. I am in awe of all you do, I really am! I can’t imagine a world without blogging now…what an amazing community we have here in blogland 🙂 ❤


  46. macjam47 says:

    Great post. Congratulations on three years of producing a beautiful and inspiring blog.

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  47. Oh dear, when I read this it bought back memories of when I was just about to quit. Then the following morning I woke up and got some wonderful comments on one of my short stories I’d published. It was as if a horrible dull wet day had turned in into beautiful fresh sunny day.

    I think all of us, at some time, will go through what you have written to yourself, Sherri. It all seems too much and you start to question whether you really are enjoying blogging. One thing I always remember from your 2nd year anniversary post were the words ‘blog burnout.’ Those words have always stuck with me and I’ve spoken about them many a time on my own blog. Yes, people come and people go, but we must always remember that we have those that are still left. I know you’ll agree when I say that we have a wonderful blogging community here. Those blogging friends will also never question or pressure you to read every single one of their posts. It’s impossible to do.

    What a marvellous gift from hubby. If he can think of you and your blog in that way, then I think ‘A Tale From My Summerhouse’ can return the favour and make him even more proud of the wonderful writer and wife you are.


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    • Sherri says:

      Hello Hugh, at last I’m getting a chance to reply to your wonderful comment, and I have your posts bookmarked to visit, thank you so much for your understanding and for your amazing encouragement. I’m so glad I met you here, you are a faithful reader and visitor to the summerhouse, but more than that, a wonderful friend. I remember so well our conversation about this time last year when I did my 2nd year post. We do indeed have an incredible community and we keep one another going through the good, the bad and the ugly. And your last sentence, well, now I’m tearing up…how absolutely beautiful. It’s the least I can do…you’re so right, thank you so much. Big hug… xx

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  48. Great encouraging post Sherri… though I haven’t even got to my two years yet!! Still a way to go… 🙂

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  49. Too right, my dear friend! No quitting. And it sounds as if hubby is right there behind you, making sure you know how proud he is of you. So wonderful of him to acknowledge your great achievement with the blog in such a sweet way. We all love you, Sherri. Also, I’m sure many of us have been there, too, feeling overwhelmed by things and tempted to throw in the towel. Everybody understands if you take time out from blogging. I remember you saying to me when I was on one of my sabbaticals, that all my blogging friends would be there when I returned. Sending you a big hug xxxx

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    • Sherri says:

      Yes, it’s silly we worry isn’t it, when we have such a wonderful and faithful blogging community who understands and supports us through thick and thin. I am managing to get in a few more minutes of blogging while dinner cooks as it turns out, so I will head over to you next, but first, I wanted to thank you so much, my dear friend, for your marvellous support and encouragement, but mostly for your friendship and wise words throughout these past couple of years. It’s wonderful to have met you, on and off line. Here’s to more blogging (when we can) and sending you a big hug right back 🙂 ❤ xxxx

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