My First Ever Blog Award!

What a lovely surprise, such excitement putting a huge smile on my face today!   Why? Because the lovely Rachael Featherstone , a full-time writer and blogger, has nominated me for The Leibster Award!

Thank you very much Rachael, and yes please, I would like very much to accept!

Rachael gave up a career in banking over 6 months ago and like me, started her blog in January.  She is following her dream.  Her blog has some wonderful advice for writers, do check it out.  I’m so glad I did!

I have seen The Leibster Award on other blogs but wasn’t too sure what it was for, until now.  It originated in Germany and was set up as a way to discover new blogs.  What a lovely thing!

The rules are simple:

  • The important bit is to post the award on your blog – after all, you earned it!
  • Next, the other really important bit is to thank the blogger presenting you with this award and provide a link back to their blog – duly done, as above!
  • You then need to write 11 random facts about yourself – could be dangerous, this bit!
  • One good turn deserves another, meaning, you then need to find 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers who you think are deserving of the award so that you can then nominate them!  In other words, keep the love going 🙂
  • Finally, the award presenter will ask 11 questions of you which you need to answer and then you, in turn, ask your nominees 11 questions, and so it goes.

So, let’s get this party started.  Here are 11 random facts about me:

  1. The day I had each of my three children were the happiest days of my life.
  2. When I was a teenager I had a huge poster of Steve McQueen on my bedroom wall.
  3. My favourite chocolates are After Eights.
  4. When I was 10 years old I shook hands with Sean Connery.
  5. I’m left-handed in everything except ironing and peeling potatoes.
  6. I’m petrified of wasps.
  7. I detest rhubarb.
  8. I taught myself to play Moonlight Sonata on the piano but now I’ve forgotten how to.
  9. I wish I had been a dancer.
  10. A photograph of me when I was 16 is on the front of an album cover – very random!
  11. According to my family I am now obsessed with my blog.

Right, that’s all done, so now I will answer Rachael’s 11 questions for me:

1.How long have you been blogging?                                                                                             Two and a half months and counting.

2. Why do you blog?                                                                                                                   Blogging has given me a sense of community I didn’t know existed outside my little summerhouse!  ‘This Writer’s World’ can be quite an isolating place. The comments, likes, support and encouragement I ‘ve received so far have blessed me more than I can say, especially since I had absolutely no idea what I was going to blog about at first, and actually, even now, it can be fairly random! It’s just so great being able to share it with others and hopefully bring some interest, enjoyment and the odd smile along the way!                                                                                                                                                                       

3.What accomplishment are you most proud of to date?                                                         Raising my children.  Other than that, having my first article published in a national women’s magazine this month!

4.What is your biggest fear?                                                                                                       Losing all hope.

5.Who is your favourite author?                                                                                                        Ann Rule – I love true crime and she is queen of this genre.

6.What is your favourite food?                                                                                           Homecooked Sunday roast.

7.Where do you most want to go on holidaytravel?                                                                        A road trip in an RV across America.

8.What is your favourite sport?                                                                                               Watching Wimbledon every year.

9.What is your worst habit?                                                                                                      Worrying too much.

10.Are you planning to do the A-Z Blog Challenge and why?                                                      I didn’t know what it was until I googled it.  I would love to try to do it but I will be away during April so sadly I won’t be able to rise to the challenge – maybe next time!

11.What do you most want to accomplish over the next five years?                                           Travelling the length and breadth of this beautiful British Isles with my lovely husband in our yet-to-be-acquired motor home and to have my first book published.

That’s enough of me, now it’s time for the drum roll…!

My nominations are:

1. Constance

2. Sheila Marie

3. Bits and Pieces

4. Helena Fairfax

5. Move from the Garden

6. Mother Koala

7. Mairead’s Blog

8. Julie (Aka Cookie)

9. Tieshka

10. Nadia Ink

11. In and Out of My Garden

And these are your 11 questions:

  1. How long did you think about starting a blog before you actually did it?
  2. If you won the lottery what would be the first thing you would do?
  3. Who do you most admire?
  4. If you could have any car what would it be?
  5. What is your favourite flower?
  6. What is your favourite all-time movie?
  7. What was your worst subject in school?
  8. Of all the books you’ve read, which has had the most impact?
  9. Have you ever seen a ghost?
  10. What is your favourite desert?
  11. If a movie was made about your life which actor would play you?

Congratulations to you all!  I hope that you will accept my nomination and I look forward to hearing from you soon 🙂

Love Sherri x

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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28 Responses to My First Ever Blog Award!

  1. pastorpete51 says:

    Thanks Sherri for the nomination. I am quite new on WordPress and am still learning my way around. I so appreciate your nomination and I will see if I can figure out how to do this laundry list of chores as I can. You have great photos and a warm and sincere style of writing!


    • sherrimatt says:

      Thank you so much and congratulations once again! Yes, I know the feeling, this is definitely a sharp learning curve being, like you, new to WordPress! It is a lovely thing to be able to encourage other bloggers as I have been encouraged and I really look forward to reading more of your posts 🙂


  2. Hi Sherri, and thanks so much for the nomination! I’d love to accept, although it may be a while before I can blog about it. Congratulations on your own nomination! Love your posts here – good luck with your writing!


    • sherrimatt says:

      Thank you very much Helena, I really appreciate your comment and the same to you with your writing! Congratulations once again and I will be back to read more of your posts very soon!


  3. jump1434 says:

    Hi Sherri… Thanks for nominating me for this Award and it feels great to be recognized by a fellow blogger.. 🙂


  4. Claire G says:

    Thank you Sherri! I look forward to exploring these blogs tomorrow. 🙂


  5. I am touched. Thank you. I write to share and de-stress. Thanks for reading my stuff.


  6. Congratulations, Sherri, on your first blogging award!! Some days we feel like we are the only people who read our writing, and then we have a day that just blows us out of the water! I hope this is just the first of many for you. You deserve the recognition. You have a wonderful blog site. 🙂


  7. Well done my dearest friend. I too put having giving 3 children as the happiest days of my life and of course Ann Rule!!! Keep it up & keep smiling!! xo


  8. mumblypeg says:

    Wow! Good for you Sherri. I am so proud of you, as are your children and parents. This is a great achievement so early in your writing career and can only encourage you to keep going ’til your goals are reached. You have touched many lives with your witty and gentle style. Much love xxx


  9. sherrimatt says:

    Thank you very much mumblypeg for your lovely comment! It is so nice to have an award – think the last time I got one was when I got a certificate for swimming 50 yards in the school swimming pool, lol 🙂 xxx


  10. Well done, that’s fabulous 🙂


  11. Jennifer says:

    These are so fun! A great way to get to know your fellow bloggers:).

    The rv dream is mine too. One day, Lord willing!


  12. Pingback: My First Ever Blog Award! | Alzheimer's Trail

  13. tieshka says:

    Sherri, thanks for the nomination! I was very surprised & it was just what I needed as I just recently reaching my 100th day of blogging straight earlier in the week. I wrote a blog about the Liebster Award today. Take care, Tieshka


    • sherrimatt says:

      Hi Tieshka! You are very welcome and I did see that on your blog about it being your 100th day of blogging! You can see why I related to your blog about LA! Will be there soon 🙂 Keep up the great work.


  14. Thank you Sherri for the nomination! – Best wishes on your future endeavors, I look forward to sharing them with you through your writings.


    • sherrimatt says:

      Just commented on your blog about your ‘You really really like me’ post – love it! You are very welcome and deserving. Thank you so much for your kind wishes and likewise to you too – from one ex-expat to another 🙂


  15. somebody send me a list of blogs I can read. I’m so bad at this….I’m desperately trying to read newer blogs ….sigh


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