Guest Blog at MoggiePurrs!

Great excitement today dear readers! Before my recent writing crisis (for want of a better word!) I did manage to write a guest blog for my lovely American friend Beverly over at Moggiepurrs.   If you would like  to read it, and I hope you do,  you can click here.

The name of Beverly’s blog should be the giveaway that her blog is all about cats and not just about her sweet kitty Sophie.  For all you cat lovers out there, this is the blog for you!  You will find anything and everything there is to know about cats over at Moggiepurrs and Beverly’s informative, interesting and often very humourous posts are not to be missed.

Making new friends here on WordPress has been one of the most enjoyable aspects of blogging.  I hadn’t been blogging long when I decided to introduce my cats to the blogosphere (you can find all my cat posts, should you  be so interested, under the category ‘CATalogue’ – where else?)

Beverly was the first one to comment on my post and she very kindly told me that she would be following me because I wrote about two of her favourite things – cats and England!  Of course I then visited her blog, followed her for obvious reasons, and we have been firm blogging buddies ever since, particularly as we also discovered that we started our blogs at the same time in January!

Beverly has also been incredibly supportive of my blog and my writing in general.  I have bounced off her with quite a few technical questions when I’m being thick and she also introduced me to LinkedIn.  It’s been great having her by my side throughout this blogging journey.

Thank you so much Bev for all your support and for this great opportunity.

You really are the cat’s meow 🙂

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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20 Responses to Guest Blog at MoggiePurrs!

  1. Beverly says:

    Thank you so much for your kind words, Sherri. It has been delightful getting to know you. I am always happy to help a fellow-blogger out in this crazy blog world. I admire your work and spirit as you pour your heart out on the screen telling us about your highs, lows, foibles, and insights. I hope we stay in touch for a long time to come!


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, it really is a crazy blog world at times, with lots of twists and turns that’s for sure! You are most welcome Bev, it’s the least I could do. You are absolutely always so happy and willing to help any fellow-blogger and in turn, I wish you every continued success with your blog, your writing and in all your many ventures. Here’s to our blogging future 🙂


  2. Denise says:

    Congrats on your guest spot! Just went to have a look, the kitties look so sweet.

    Also had a look at your LinkedIn. Very impressive… firstly your blurb and second that you managed to work it. LI confuses the hell out of me. I joined because it kept nagging me to. But was never really sure how to use it effectively.


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Denise! I’m glad you thought my LinkedIn was impressive, considering I didn’t have the first clue what I was doing!! I chopped and changed it a few times and I have been pretty minimal in most areas other than my ‘blurb’. Always so hard to know what to say, just as in the ‘About’ section of this blog! Strange feeling trying to find the right words to describe oneself!!!
      I’m still finding my way around and looking for other groups to join. Beverly gave me pointers as to how to join groups and start discussions and I’m happy to help you too (pay it forward as they say!) if you ever want any advice, please feel free to email me. I’ll help as well as I can with my limited knowledge. As Beverly has told me often enough times, we are all learning together!
      I’ll look out for you on LI 🙂


      • Denise says:

        The groups at the bottom of your page looked interesting. Do they have good discussions?


        • Sherri says:

          Yes, excellent. I have shared some of my posts on a couple and had some really great discussions, once when I asked a question about copyright and another about Asperger’s and animals. There are many discussions going on about writing in general and a great deal of support from some very experienced writers 🙂


  3. Rachel says:

    Lovely story about your cats, Sherri.

    As for wordpress, it is a wonderful community and I’m enjoying all my new-found friends here. Keep blogging…


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thanks Rachel, yes, I just saw your ‘like’ over at MoggiePurrs 🙂 WordPress is indeed a wonderful community and I’m very grateful for all my new friends here too. I certainly will keep blogging, and you too 🙂


  4. Lesley Dawson says:

    I’m heading over to MoggiePurrs right now. 😀


  5. Life and Other Turbulence says:

    Nice post, Sherri and how timely! Someone just shared this cat video with me so I’m posting it here for you to see as well (maybe you already have?). I’ve never owned cats (dogs and horses, yes…cats, no) but truly found this video delightful as I’m sure you will too! (Thanks too for your lovely comments on my blog…I replied to both, but don’t know if you get notice of that or not?)


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks, and yes, I did read your lovely replies 🙂 My daughter likes to show me many youtube videos of cats but I’m sure I’ve not see this one, it is so funny (in a black comedy kind of a way) and thanks for sharing it with me 🙂


  6. xbox2121 says:

    I just noticed something in your post Sherri, you have been blogging since January and keep calling yourself new. I didn’t start until April so I am newer than you are 🙂 As far as the cats go I am highly allergic to those sneaky creatures.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh dear! I know a few people who are allergic to cats and you would hate my house as Maisy, the tabby, has fine, white hair which gets everywhere! She even has us sneezing!
      Maybe I should think of myself as not such a new blogger by now, but I still feel as if I’ve got so much to learn! Thanks Bob for dropping by even though cats definitely aren’t your thing 😉


  7. quirkybooks says:

    That is great to have such support. As you know, I have guineapigs. I follow a guineapig blog called hutchagoodlife, who have been supportive in my recent loss of Peaches and have mentioned her in today’s blog post.


  8. Sherri says:

    Yes it really is! I did just go over to your site and clicked on your link to hutchagoodlife – what a fab name for a blog! Out of the menagerie of animals we’ve had over the years we’ve never had guineapigs for some reason, although my husband had one as a boy called ‘Joey’…awwww 🙂
    We lost our hamster Eric a couple of week’s ago and I did a post about him here;
    I miss him so much, he really was the cutest hamster ever ;-(
    I’m glad your furry babies are recovering, and you too, from your very sad loss of Peaches.


  9. lilkaraphael says:

    I enjoyed your guess blog. It’s nice to see i’m not the only cat crazy person roaming around. My own “bad kitty” has been in residence for about then years in addition to the three strays that have taken over the rockers on my front porch. Are they really strays when they walk up to you and demand food? Enjoy your week and the love of our fuzzy friends as well.


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks for reading Lilka, yes, there are a lot of cat-crazies here!!! You sound like my son and his girlfriend, they are cat magnets for strays! Looks like yours are going to be staying on for a while…you enjoy your week too and here’s to our furry friends 🙂


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