Just Imagine…a Beautiful Sisterhood Award – Part Two

Sister Hood AwardAs promised from my previous awards post the celebrations continue! 

I was very pleasantly surprised when  Jazzybeatchick  not only visited my blog but nominated me for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger’s Award!

It was a pleasure to visit her site which, as her blog name gives just a little hint to is ‘all about Jazz, Life and Love from the Pacific Northwest’.

My joy was doubled when my lovely friend Pat (with whom I enjoyed a wonderful ‘walk’ last week in the feshly fallen snow at her home in the beautiful Colorado Rockies) from Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom also gave me the same award!

Thanks so much Jazzybeatchick and Pat, I am very honoured that you would think of me for this award.  I didn’t have a sister growing up so this award means even more to me knowing that you think of me as one and in turn, it gives me the opportunity to recognise and honour some wonderful women from my newly-found sisterhood who I’ve come to know and admire greatly.

So let’s go! Here are the rules:

~ ~The Rules ~ ~

  1. Provide a link to and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
  2. Answer ten questions.
  3. Nominate 10-12 blogs that you find a joy to read.
  4. Provide links to these nominated blogs and kindly let the recipients know they have been nominated.
  5. Include the award logo within your blog post.

~~Ten questions to be answered~~

  1. Your favourite colour …. Sage Green
  2. Your favourite animal … Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright…
  3. Your favourite non-alcoholic drink …. Tea of course (I’m a Brit!)
  4. Facebook or Twitter …..  Facebook.  No Twitter – yet…
  5. Your favourite pattern ….. ?? Not sure I get this question, but I love quilts!
  6. Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Giving, definitely
  7. Your favourite number … 7
  8. Your favourite day of the week … Any day that I accomplish all I set out to do, which is rarely
  9. Your favourite flower …. Freesias and Roses
  10. What is your passion? ….. Writing, naturally!

Now onto the nominations but first, a spiel –

There are so many of you lovely ‘sisters’ of mine who I would love to nominate. All of you dear friends who visit me so regularly, without fail actually and take the time to share with me your personal stories, offer me your insight, ideas and advice, pray for and with me, make me cry (in a good way), make me laugh with your wonderful sense of humour, put up with my rants now and then, encourage me when I’ve feeling useless and keep me on track with my writing…you know who you are!!!

Thank you for taking me under your wing.  Thank you for the very great blessing you are to me each and every day. You are as sisters to me and it’s wonderful having you by my side.

Oh…and for those of you who no longer accept awards, consider yourself awarded anyway, ‘cos I love ya. So there 🙂 x

For the purposes of this award then, I have decided to nominate the following amazingly, talented and beautiful ladies, some of whom I have met only fairly recently, others I’ve known longer and although we may not ‘see’ each other as often as we’d like, we both know that we are ‘there’ as and when, which is very comforting.  One of you has been with me from the very start. All their stories are truly inspirational, they have blessed and encouraged me greatly.  Please take the time to visit them.

So, at long last, my nominations for this wonderful Sisterhood of the World Blogger’s Award, and in no particular order (goodness, I sound like Tess Daly on Strictly… ) are :

1.   Jennifer K Marsh – Writer
Jo Robinson – Writer
3.   Quirkybooks -‘Read the difference
4.   God, Autism & Me – ‘Faith, hope, courage
5.   Moggiepurrs – ‘This site is all about CATS!
6.   Reflections and Nightmares – ‘Irene A Waters (Writer and Memoirist)
7.   Speculations Impressed – ‘My Perils With Writing
8.   Willow-Marie .real. ‘Coming of Age – Keeping our Soul’
Lost in the Labyrinth – ‘Welcome To My Journal of Thoughts…’
Chopping Potatoes – ‘And other metaphors for motherhood’
Lessons in French – ‘Life is a journey…’
Rising Woman – ‘Obsessive Writer, Non-Practicing Alcoholic…’


the-imagine-awardIn addition to the wonderful Sisterhood award, Lilka of B is for Blessed so very kindly nominated me for The Imagine Award.   I have not seen this award before and I discovered that:

The Imagine Award is an award created by Jenn Mulherin (who is the writer of the blog “My Fibrotastic Life!”) in October of 2013.

This award was made in order to recognize the bloggers who express their passion and dedication towards their blogs through their creativity.’

Therefore, I am all the more thrilled that Lilka chose to nominate me for this award knowing and understanding the beautiful sentiment behind it. Thank you so much my dear friend!

The rules for this award are as follows:

  1. Copy and paste The Imagine Award into your post.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog page to your post.
  3. List 3-5 things about the nominator’s blog that you like (which you think are very creative).
  4. Nominate 5 other bloggers/blogs which you think display a fantastic use of creativity and imagination.
  5. Notify your nominees.
  6. Display The Imagine Award to your blog’s award page.

Lilka and I have only been following one another’s blogs for a short while but right from the start we formed a strong connection.  These are just five of the things I love about her and her blog –

  • Lilka is a published author – how’s that for creative!
  • Lilka is a lady who know what it is like to face adversity in her life but meets it head on with courage, strength and true faith
  • As a mother of two teenage boys, one with an ASD diagnosis, she has chosen to inspire others by advocating for Autism particularly in her posts on her other blog God, Autism and Me;
  • Her posts and comments here never failt to uplift and bless me
  • In giving me this award she said that we were ‘kindred spirits’ 🙂

Here then are my five  nominations for the blogs that, in my mind, make fantastic use of their imagination, creativity and passion –

1.  MoodsaplentyIncredible artwork
Lisa Walker EnglandPassion for all things steampunk!
3.  Simplyilka Science with a smile
4.  Catherine Johnson – Wonderful artwork and poems
5.  Where Words Daily Come AliveBeautiful, heartfelt, faith-filled poetry

Many, many congratulations to you all as I head your way to let you all know the exiciting news of your award nominations. 

Third and final award post to follow…phew 😉

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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38 Responses to Just Imagine…a Beautiful Sisterhood Award – Part Two

  1. Sherri Congratulations. Again I am not surprised. I was surprised to see that you nominated me for the sisterhood of the world bloggers and honoured that you did so. Thank you Irene


  2. What a beautiful way to begin my day Sherri! Thank you for the wonderful blessing of the nomination! I see congratulations are still in order for you also! You are so deserving because of the way your heart genuinely shares with us each day! God bless and thank you again my sister Have a very wonderful day!,


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you very much Wendell and you are most welcome and deserving, I’m so glad that I was able to bless you with this award. God bless you too and have a lovely day 🙂


  3. Congratulations Sherri! And thank you too! xxx


  4. jenniferkmarsh says:

    Congratulations on all your awards! Well deserved 🙂 Thank you very much for the nomination – I’m touched!


  5. Steven says:

    Woohoo, sing it, sista! For a second there, I forgot which one I’d been picked for, and thought I’d won a sisterhood award. Shame 😛 You are spoiling me with these nominations, Sherri Poppins (I prefer that to Mary, actually) thank you very much! I am in the middle of drawing John Lennon, so the Imagine Award fits in quite nicely with that 🙂

    Hope you are having a fun day Ms Poppins, free of bratty posh children hiding in cupboards or messing up their room or whatever happens in that book – I’ve only seen the film 😛


    • Sherri says:

      Yeah Baby!!! (She says in an Austin Power’s voice!) You can be my sister anytime JG!! How could I not give you The Imagine Award (just hope you don’t think having a pretty picture of a unicorn on your blog isn’t too twee for a bloke…) when you are so talented and amazing?

      Ha Ha! I actually really like ‘Sherri Poppins’ Maybe that can be my pen name when I write my book and am rich and famous! Well, a girl can dream….right?

      Oooh, John Lennon, can’t wait to see that! You know, I remember I was sitting in an American diner somewhere in Los Angeles having dinner and then a news flash coming on the overhead TV announcing that he had been shot….wow, that takes me back…

      Posh children? Where? Anyway, it’s ok as I’m Sherri Poppins so all I have to do is to click my fingers and hey presto, everything is put away all neatly, food shopped for, presents brought, wrapped, house decorated, baking, cooking, cards written, blog written, numerous shopping trips to town and supermarkets all done instantly without me having to leave my sofa… and I’m spent!

      Have a great evening JG and hope the Christmas decs are coming along and the mince pies arriving. Two weeks to go…


      • Steven says:

        Nothing is too twee for a man in rainbow socks (sadly not the retro knee-length girls ones). A unicorn is no sweat.

        You will be rich and famous one day! I look forward to seeing your book being recommended by trustworthy and established critics, y’know, people like the *legendary* Richard and Judy, in WHSmith. I also look forward to my cut for devising your pen name. 😉

        All decorated now, yes. Still doesn’t feel so close to Chrissymas though! Ho hum humbug!


        • Sherri says:

          Ha Ha! Well, that would be the day wouldn’t it? We could be sittiing on the couch together with Richard and Judy (or don’t they do that anymore?) just after signing my mega book deal and telling the story behind my pen name and your rainbow socks. With ‘Don’t Blame it on the Boogie’ playing in the background. See, I’ve got it all planned 😉

          That Christmassy feel will be there any minute, you’ll see… 🙂


          • Steven says:

            Ha – sounds like a plan! I don’t think they do but I’m sure they do a book show. Their mugs are all round WHSmiths this time of year usually 😛 I can use the fashion sense as an employment tactic and hope that Channel 4 give me the job of hosting How To Look Good Naked. What does Gok Wan know anyway?

            I hope so! I used to love Christmas, but it’s just sort of drifting by, and over before it really begun, these past few years.


  6. Congratulations, Sherri! Boy, I don’t know when you find time to work on your memoir! 🙂


  7. Mich-in-French says:

    Thank you Sherri – that really is such a beautiful blessing to be nominated by you – much appreciated! 😉


    • Sherri says:

      You are so very welcome Mich, I love your blog and your writing. It is a pleasure to meet you and get to know you and share in the journey. Congratulations once again 🙂


  8. Pat says:

    Congratulations, Sherri. I’m truly happy for you and happy to have you as one of my sisters. 🙂


  9. Congratulations, Sherri. Looking better and better. 😀


  10. Jennifer Butler Basile says:

    Soul sister, go sister! Kudos! Keep doing what you’re doing!


  11. More congratulations, but I’m not surprised people feel the need to nominate you!


  12. Pingback: The Sisterhood of the World Award | Speculations Impressed

  13. simplyilka says:

    Congratulations Sherri on all your fantastic Awards! Well deserved! And thanks for nominating me. It means a lot to me 🙂


  14. Pingback: I’ve joined the Sisterhood… | my chronic life journey

  15. Pingback: Post Christmas sorting office | Catherine Johnson

  16. simplyilka says:

    Hi Sherri! I finally passed on the imagine award 🙂

    It is a very special and wonderful award! I love that you can say something nice about someone else and not just about yourself. And I did, of course, say nice things about your blog. That really wasn’t hard 😉
    Thanks again for the nomination for this unique award 🙂


  17. Pingback: Award Time « Jo Robinson

  18. Pingback: The Sisterhood of the World Award | A Scripted Maze

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