Bite Size Memoir Number 5: Camping

The biggest challenge for me with Lisa’s ‘Camping’ prompt for this week’s Bite Size Memoir is how to cram in all I could write about it using just 150 words!

Still, what I love about these challenges is that they are a wonderful exercise in ‘tight writing’ and cutting out all the dross.

Great practice for any writing, especially for someone like me who writes like I talk, with  more rabbit than Sainburys (and I do hope that it still means what it used to and not something far ruder…you never know these days).

Talking of which, I’m often told off by my kids when using certain expressions because apparently they now have totally different connotations.

For instance, if you say you are going to ‘hook up’ with someone as we used to say back in those ancient days of old, it no longer means just meeting up.  Now it means, well, hook up in every sense of the word. Think ‘friends with benefits’.  I think. Honestly, I can’t keep up.

Here’s a You Tube clip of the blast from the past 1980 release by duo Chas ‘n’ Dave singing ‘that’ song  for those of you who might wonder what on earth I’m talking about with this whole ‘rabbit’ thing (meaning talking too much, taken from Cockney rhyming slang ‘rabbit and port’ for talk):

Sorry for the digression there (hope you don’t mind Lisa!) but felt an explanation was necessary.

Here then is this week’s 150 word entry:


I remember camping as a child in England and in California with my own children.

Happy memories of waking up freezing cold with condensation dripping on my face.

In California, we camped by the lake which is just as well as it was so hot in the day that the only place we could keep cool was in the water.

At night, when the stars lit up the black expanse of mountain sky, we enjoyed sitting around an open camp fire, roasting hot dogs and telling ghost stories.

Aspie D enjoying sitting around the campire, Lake Siskiyou, California, 1990's (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Aspie D enjoying sitting around the campfire, Lake Siskiyou, California, 1990’s
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

At some point, I decided that sleeping on an air mattress was no longer an option and many years later, living back in the UK, hubby and I gave caravanning a go.

Caravanning in the UK - Wye Valley, 2010 (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Caravanning in the UK – Wye Valley, 2010
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

We sold it and now we shoot for the dream – a motor home. Then a camping/road trip across America.

I am thinking an Airstream.  Too much to ask?  I dream on.

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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60 Responses to Bite Size Memoir Number 5: Camping

  1. Lisa Reiter says:

    I don’t mind the digression at all. I love to hear the thought processes that are kicked off by a one word prompt – I had a number of my own around the alternative meaning of ‘camping’ as it’s probably moved on since Danny La Rue!

    Thanks for joining in. I love the pictures especially with little Aspie D on her miniature camping chair! It reminded me of all the other miniature paraphernalia we have had over the years to encourage participation and excitement!


  2. Sherri says:

    Haha! Yes, it really is amazing how a one word prompt can kick off so much! I love these challenges for that reason alone!
    Yes, all that ‘mini’ stuff that hung around for ages and as the years went by gradually disappeared once they were no longer needed. But it all certainly helped generate a lot of excitement, making family activities that much more fun!
    Glad you enjoyed it, thanks again Lisa, looking forward to reading the others and glad my comment eventually got through 😀


  3. Steve Rebus says:

    Sherri, fantastic post! really like the sound of camping next to the lake around a camp fire! Also it’s great to hear Chas n’ Dave again! 😀


    • Sherri says:

      Haha! Thanks so much Steve, really glad you enjoyed it! I loved camping (even here when it wasn’t raining!!) but especially in California. The State parks are wonderful, you are allowed to have outdoor fires in designated fireplaces like this one and each camp site has so much room. I have some stories I’ll have to share, which I’m reminded of by writing this challenge! And yes, nothing beats good old Chas ‘n’ Dave, haha… 😀


  4. It’s 8:33 a.m. So far I’ve read your post, turned up the video, danced, laughed, spewed coffee…
    Loved the song and thank you for explaining the expression. ❤
    Interesting how we 'progressed' over the years by camping, then upping to next level, carvanning and then the motor home. These days kids want it all from the t.o.p.

    Nice story, Sherri. Nice going down memory lane with you. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Tess, I have the best image in my mind now of you doing all that…but hopefully you weren’t spewing coffee at the same time you were dancing, haha 😀 Now you know about Chas ‘n’ Dave and you know the full truth about us crazy Brits!
      Yes, that is an interesting point. The first tent we had was an old Boy Scout tent given to us by my then father-in-law and it leaked so our first camping trip to Big Sur (in the rain) we got very wet! We’ve had some adventures that’s for sure. Now, at last, I have a dream of having a motor home, one day. I know of others much younger than us who have already attained that dream….
      Glad you enjoyed it Tess…always fun sharing these trips with you too. Hope you got the coffee stains out… 😀


      • Ha ha. I believe you appreciate what you have MORE when you have to work your way up.
        Bleh on the younger generation jumping the gun.

        Aah, the coffee stains? I give up. I’m saving this outfit for blogging. Spewed too much coffee over a few. ❤


      • Sherri says:

        Yes…you are more than right Tess, absolutely. And I LOVE that you have your outfit for blogging..haha!!! Now I’m the one spewing tea laughing at that one…but then I wear the same old raggy clothes when at home anyway so it won’t matter… 😀 ❤ 🙂


  5. cardamone5 says:

    Can I come with you? I have always wanted (much to my husband’s horror) to own and travel across America in an Airstream. You see, I was a deprived child (sarcasm) who traveled the world and the States, but neglected to do the more traditional car trips to the Grand Canyon, etc, so it has always been a fantasy of mine to go traditional. I envy you. Take some snaps and post (love the ones you already posted too.)



    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…well Elizabeth, that would be lovely! The thing is I also had a dream for the entire time I lived in California (almost 20 years) to take a road trip across the States in an RV but my ex wasn’t interested so we never did. It’s a long-held dream of mine and hubby and me really hope to do it one day.
      We don’t have a motor home yet but we hope to at some point soon circumstances and funds allowing but an Airstream? Well, that would be my ultimate dream! Would have to win the lottery to own one though so maybe rent. Who knows? I like to think that all things are possible!
      If we ever do, I will take reams of photos and bore everyone rigid with them all, haha!! We did take lots of car trips all over California though as well as to Oregon, Vancouver and to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon and it’s those memories that I hold very dear to my heart.
      I also loved our camping trips in our tent (and we eventually got a nice big one so room for us all and the dog!) and I’m so glad for those experiences. Makes me want to go again!
      I hope your dreams come true too Elizabeth… 🙂


  6. My idea of camping is staying at the cheapest hotel I can find. 🙂


  7. bulldog says:

    I love my camping but Linda and I are now shooting for the stars (hope that still means the same as I think it should)… we also want a motor home to just travel, stop and when tired of the place move on…. I agree so on some of our old sayings that now end as totally different to what we used it for… said something the other day and the kids said you can’t say that!!! I answered “try me” till they told me what it means today… nothing like the old days… love the photos… and I’m sure Lisa doesn’t mind… who could keep you (or me for that matter) down to 150 words… ??


    • Sherri says:

      Haha….well, let’s hope that ‘shooting for the stars’ is still as innocuous as it should be 😉 That ‘s the great thing about a motor home, just to be able to travel and stop wherever you want when you feel like it. The caravan was towed and it was a work up having to keep setting it up and then hooking it up again (oooops…shouldn’t say that should I?) We had a lot of fun with it but had to sell it and the 4×4. Now onto the dream…
      Oh I had to laugh as I’ve said just the same as you, as in ‘try me’! Why should we have to change our expressions and the way we use them because it’s now rude? But then, it’s not about us is it??
      Glad you enjoyed the pics and thanks Bulldog…we do like our chats…more than 150 words in just these comments I reckon… 😀


  8. Great job, Sherri! What a sweet photograph of your daughter. I remember going camping once as a child…my cousin and I ended up with the mumps. 😦
    With the price of gas these days, you might want to hold off on an Airstream…it would cost a fortune to travel across the country.


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Jill…I had to think where this photo was taken at first and remembered that it was when we drove up to Vancouver to see a friend of mine and then on the way down we camped for a week at Lake Siskiyou which is up by Mount Shasta, a really beautiful part of northern California. It’s the only time we took that long trip, mostly we camped closer to home for long weekends. I love how getting these old photos out brings many memories to mind. I’m glad to have given my kids these happy camping memories.
      So sorry that your camping experience wasn’t so good…the mumps are awful 😦 I’m guessing it put you off camping?
      My brother had them but I escaped…then we reversed with the measles, he escaped and I got them so badly that apparently I was delirious and had to stay in dark room. I vaguely remember it…
      So far as the Airstream, I know that it is just a dream. We do want to get a motor home here but just a small one and obviously it’ll be nothing like that! As I said to Elizabeth, the only way we would ever get an Airstream is if we won the lottery with money to spare to pay for the gas.! I can well imagine that a trip across America would cost thousands of dollars and that just is just in the realm of fantasy for us. Oh well…It’s a nice thought, especially since I don’t play the lottery, haha 😀 xo


  9. Ste J says:

    Chas and Dave, brilliant! Do my eyes deceive me, is that you caravanning in the SUNSHINE??? Surely that is photoshopped!


  10. jennypellett says:

    World Cup coming up – where are Chas and Dave when you need them? Right here! What a scream.
    We’ve had a sneaking desire to try motor-homing. Dreaming of six months trailing around Europe on a sabbatical stopping off where we please … The weather in these dreams is always hot and we’re never without water for showers or do we ever need to empty a chemical toilet. Still temped though. Love the idea of camping out near water – sea or lake or river, I’m not fussy. (Much). 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Haha! Don’t you just love ’em? Really took me back…
      And yes, that is what we would love to do, around Europe too, can you imagine how great that would be? I like the sound of your dreams Jenny…I think so long as you know where to stop for toilet changes/showers it would be do-able. Easier than with towing a caravan which is why we sold it after about 3 years as we couldn’t do it justice, only using it for weekends and it was such a faff setting it up each time. By water would be lovely. I have a dream of going to see the puffins in Pembrokeshire. One day…and I’m not fussy either…yeah right!! 🙂


  11. Pingback: Camping | Lisa Reiter - Sharing the Story

  12. jenniferkmarsh says:

    I always thought ‘hook up’ meant going out with someone… As in, boyfriend/girlfriend. Shows what I know, and I’m not even ‘old’! 😉 Though, I have always been out the loop with my peers, ever since the get-go.

    Here’s something: I have never in my life been camping. This upsets me somewhat. (And when I say ‘somewhat’, I really mean an awful lot). It’s great you’ve been able to experience camping here in the UK and over in America 🙂 Where do you prefer to camp?


    • Sherri says:

      Well I feel better knowing how young you are that you didn’t know about ‘hook up’ either….it’s easy these days to feel ‘old’ and out of the loop no matter what your actual age it seems 😉
      Oh Jenny Jen Jen…I would have pegged you as a camper (gosh, hope that’s okay to say!!) but you know it’s never too late! You must try it at least once although I know It’s not for everyone. We didn’t go too many times here, it was so cold and wet, but we did go quite a lot in California and I definitely preferred it there, although we did camp in the rain there too once or twice and it’s just as miserable! These days the camping gear is so much better, so you really should give it a go. I hope you do one day 😀


      • jenniferkmarsh says:

        Haha, glad I’ve made you feel better 😉

        I know!! I’d peg me down as a camper as well! I just never got the opportunity as a child…. due to certain family circumstances and what have you. However, I did spent many childhood days out/holidays in nature. Some of my earliest memories are going for long walks through woodlands and valleys, my father at the helm, telling my brothers and I to keep up with him otherwise he’ll run away with the picnic. We always used to have our lunch in the undergrowth, as well, like on the woodland floor as opposed to sitting on a bench like normal people. Well, my brothers and I, at least.
        I’d love to try camping someday, I just have no one to go with! It’s not exactly something you should do alone.
        I’m sure it’s far nicer to camp in California, yes aha!


        • Sherri says:

          Your walks in the countryside sound delightful and remind me of some of my happiest memories of walks like these and stopping for picnics. We never sat at benches either, always on blankets on the damp ground 😉 Haha…that’s funny about your dad!!
          Ahh…you’ll find someone to go camping with one day I’m sure. But it’s strange isn’t it how these things can pass us by. I’m feeling quite melancholy this week, not been a good one in a lot of ways and I’m feeling very much the old ‘missed opportunity’ thing hanging over me. Still, I didn’t come here to lay my problems on you, so enough of that self-pity…
          I hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing over at my place on Monday 😀 xxx


          • jenniferkmarsh says:

            Indeed, they are some of my happiest memories too. Can hardly say that’s surprising given my love of nature 😉 I don’t personally know anyone else who loves it quite like I do. I might go digging through old photos and see if I have any evidence of these old woodland trips. Could write a post about it and everything 😛

            Ha, well I certainly hope so! I will be quite upset otherwise. I’m sorry to hear about your week 😦 Don’t worry about laying any problems – sometimes we just need to talk about it! I’m very tired after my week. School children just take it right out of you! aha

            Thanks, Sherri 🙂 I hope your weekend proves to be better than your week! I look forward to being there 😉 x


      • Sherri says:

        I look forward to your woodland post…a great idea. Today’s post will be up a bit later 🙂


  13. Imelda says:

    You know, I have to check with my husband before I write anything in my blog. He being the native American English speaker and a college professor is quite attuned to the nuances of his own language. Sometimes, he laughs at the way I say things, and I correct it. There is always room for learning, I suppose. 🙂

    I hope you get your airstream soon. Bet that will b fun.


    • Sherri says:

      Always room for learning, especially these days! You have a rich flow of language in your household Imelda, how wonderful.
      As for the Airstream…well, that’s something I can dream of and who knows…have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you here on Monday 🙂


  14. Ah, Airstream camping, so cool! Seems more like “glamping” to us. Thanks for the stories and we nominated you for Most Influential Blogger:


    • Sherri says:

      Haha, yes, I guess an Airstream is glamping on wheels! We’ve not ‘glamped’ yet either but hope to give it a try one of these days along with everything else on the never-ending list 😉
      Thank you so much for nominating me for this awesome award, and many congratulations to you too, very well deserved! You’ve given me something to smile about after a trying week and this makes it even more special 😀


  15. thirdhandart says:

    What a great dream Sherri… sounds like one of mine! If you do take a road trip across America, please stop in Kansas City and I’ll show you the sights.
    Something to think about: You could write a book (or at least create a blog) chronicling your camping/road trip across America.
    Have a great weekend!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Theresa, I would LOVE to come by and see you in Kansas City and if we ever do take that road trip across America, you can bet your bottom dollar we will be there 🙂 I would love to be able to write about it, a great idea! That would be a trip of a lifetime and who knows? Just gotta hold onto our dreams, right?
      Thank you Theresa and you too, have a lovely weekend 😎


  16. Just loved Chas and Dave whom I don’t think I’d ever heard of but I have said “they just rabbited on” and now you have explained it. I’m signing up for the trip in the airstream as well. I’m a great believer in creative visualisation makes things happen. Dream on. Have a great weekend Sherri. >3 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…now you know! I don’t know why but I just felt like adding that, just sort of came to me… you know how it is!
      Oh I’m so glad Irene, it’ll be great to have you along for the trip, just think of all the fun we’ll have! I’m not going to give up on that dream…
      Thanks Irene, you have a great weekend too 😀 ❤


  17. Never too much to ask, dream on! I’m not much of a camper (unless its in a cabin and I don’t think that qualifies) but I enjoyed your “memories.” B Blessed Sherri and enjoy your weekend!


    • Sherri says:

      Got to hold onto our dreams, right? Camping isn’t for everyone and as you can tell from this post, I’m definitely looking at the comfort end of it now…and cabins are great too! I love being in the ‘woods’ and in the peace and quiet. Maybe a tree house would be the ideal haha!! Thank you Lilka, and I hope you had a good weekend too…deep breath for the week ahead… 🙂


  18. I can sure relate to evolution of formerly benign expressions, Sherri! You should have seen the faces when some time back I commented (in a public place) how I can’t stand wearing thongs because they’re so uncomfortable. Of course, my middle-aged chunky self was referring to footwear, but I fear I sent out a visual inconsistent with my intent!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Shel, I’m so late getting back to blogging and so having only just read this I have to say you have started my Monday off with the best laugh! I wasn’t expecting this and oh, that is absolutely hilarious 😀 I have to agree with the ‘visual inconsistent’, bearing in mind that thongs are not what they once were!!! You have a wonderful turn of phrase but I do hope the experience wasn’t too embarrassing for you…oh dear, forgive me for laughing even now… sorry!!!
      Hope you have a good week and I think we both better watch out for those comments from now on. I thought I had signed up to follow you but I don’t seem to receive notifications of your posts…WP is doing very strange things these days. Meanwhile, I love how we keep ‘bumping’ into each other in the most interesting places. Will persist and keep in touch 🙂


  19. Love that photo with Aspie D in her own little chair! Our camping career was very short and not so sweet – I did get to experience sleeping in a tent in the pouring rain, which I’d always wanted to do – nice and cosy, but I definitely understand the progression to the caravan 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you Andrea, and yes, I am rather partial to this photo of her too 🙂 There is something about sleeping in a tent listening to the rain that is so cosy but it’s when it keeps raining and everything starts to feel permanently damp (and downright wet!) that I would get fed up and vow never again…still, it is definitely a fun thing to do… 😀


  20. Camping is so much fun. Love the photo of your little girl facing the fire pit. Such innocence and joy.
    My husband didn’t grow up camping so he isn’t a big fan. We settled for road trips, which in the US can last a lifetime. A motor home can be great to rent to see how you like it. Here most are HUGE. Is the Airstream the vintage-looking caravan? Adorable and probably much easier to haul and park than the monsters I see here. Enjoy!


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, camping is a lot of fun and I particularly enjoyed it in California when the kids were younger. This photo is one of my favourite camping ones of my daughter and was taken in Lake Siskiyou, near Mount Shasta, when we stopped off on our way down from a road trip to Vancouver, the longest one we ever took. As you say, road trips are fun but they do take an age. We did a few but broke them up with stop-overs.
      Yes Evelyne, the vintage Airstreams are what I had in mind! I remember the RVs in the states and they are indeed monsters…I can’t imagine driving one,never mind the cost of fuel these days!
      A road trip across America in an Airstream would take a very long time, allowing for all the stop-overs to take in all the sights, but something to dream about for the future…you just never know. And if we ever do and you happen to notice an Airstream sitting in your driveway one day, you’ll know who it is 😉


  21. Steven says:

    GSY, that song… annoyingly memorable… I shall probably be belting that out all day tomorrow now. Thanks, Sherri P. Thanks millions for that…!!

    I’ve been camping a couple of times. It was okay… it was the cold showers, spider-infested loos and dodgy food that put me off more than anything else. Oh, and torchlights waving closer and closer towards our tent in the dead of night… but it’s an experience, and I think everyone should try it.

    I am probably just disappointed it never rained. I’ve always wanted to be in a tent in the middle of the rain, for some ludicrous reason. Just imagining the sound! Amazing.

    Love that photo with the camp fire… it’s heartening to think of sitting around a campfire like that. No gizmos or digital distractions, making your own entertainment, like old times! Says granddad here 😉

    I do hope your treck across the States comes to fruition! I mean think of the blog posts and snaps that would come of it 😉 maybe you could put the summerhouse on wheels?


    • Steven says:

      Oh, and just to add: you claim that YOU rabbit on 😉 rabbit, rabbit, rabbit 😉


      • Sherri says:

        Well JG, here I am at last replying to you…I’m falling behind worse than ever…! and I sincerely hope that you are no longer singing ‘rabbit’…but of course, in case you need a reminder, you know where to find it! I must stop putting annoying songs on my blog and think of something…else… haha 😉
        You made me laugh out loud, as always…the vision I now have of my summerhouse on wheels…haha!! What a sight that would be! But you know my summerhouse is full of secrets, so who knows? Life is stranger than fiction after all…
        And yes, I love the image you conjure of the reality of camping, especially the torchlight moving ever closer…brought it all back 🙂
        So far as being in a tent and hearing the rain, yes that is really cosy but it is so hard to keep everything dry when camping in the rain and that gets old very quickly. That’s why I got cheesed off with it…being cold and wet all the time is not fun!
        It was so much fun sitting around the open camp fires. We had a racoon visit us once and nic our cheese crackers! I always hoped to see a bear but never did…probably just as well. Although we did get to see a family of wild pigs once. The stripey babies were so cute but the massive, tusked dad? Well…not so cute. But that’s another story from the Summerhouse of Secrets… 😉
        Hope you had a good weekend and I’ll see you over at your pad shortly… 😎 (I’m showing off now…!)


        • Steven says:

          Haha, I had got it out of my system, until I read this comment. Ah well. I had ‘Robert De Niro’s Waiting’ by the legendary Bananarama stuck in there most of today (well, yesterday), so I’m not sure which is worse. I don’t know how this song jumped back into my head, I haven’t heard it anywhere in about 50 years. What a camp classic though 😉

          Well, the summerhouse on wheels, it’s an idea if the Airstream remains out of reach. The thought of seeing it trundling down the road is quite amusing. When I win the lottery, I’ll buy you an Airstream 😉 and then, when you become a megastar author, you can buy me one back! Ha!

          Shall we just enjoy the sound then, without the soggy baggage? I listened to a rain and thunderstorm one of these for 7 hours recently. Very relaxing as background noise.

          A raccoon!! No way!? I love raccoons! I want to own a pet raccoon, but then, to be honest, I’d like to own most creatures. They are too adorable and too clever for their own good, are raccoons.

          I had an okay weekend, actually! I hope you did too. 🙂


          • Sherri says:

            I can’t believe it…Robert De Niro’s Waiting’? Oh no…now you’ve got me at it. How long is it since I’ve heard that? Well JG, you’ve got me back, good and proper now, haha 😉

            Yes, a raccoon! And I can’t believe it…Aspie D keeps begging me for a pet raccoon, honestly, she’s been obsessed for ages, she’s researched them and everything, trying to convince me that it would be fine with the cats. Apparently someone was selling one in Bournemouth…yikes!!! Maybe you could get one and I’ll bring her up now and then to visit it…haha 😀

            That’s a deal about the Airstream, you’re on… 😀

            How great is that? Videoed falling rain on a tent? Love it!!! The rain and thunderstorm one must have been very relaxing, I love it. Wish I could have done that when I lived in California, maybe I wouldn’t have missed the lack of rain so much…

            Glad you had a good weekend, and yes, had Nicky home so it was a lovely time, just chillin’. Fo’ sho’…will keep that up now, you know that…

            Hope you have a good week JG…see ya soon…that’s if I don’t decide to take an impromptu road trip in my summerhouse… 😉


            • Steven says:

              Robert De Niro’s waiting… TALKING ITAALIAAAAN! I hate how songs get stuck in my head – they don’t shift for, well, evidently about thirty years! Oh, the 80s.

              Haha! The thought of you putting up with a raccoon. Quite a few people have them as pets, but I gather they’re rather a handful: look what he did to the kitchen! But seriously though, could you stay mad at that face..? And those little hands!!! I’m getting hysterical here.

              So long as you don’t mind coming home to some occasional redecorating, I imagine a raccoon makes a wonderful pet.

     – that’s the thunder one. I think I got about 7 hours in, it’s amazing.

              Ah, pleased you had a good weekend with the racing champ! Haha, well an impromptu road trip, there’s an idea; think of the potential high-jinks! 😉


              • Sherri says:

                Thanks for the links…you find amazing videos! I told Aspie D about your raccoon ideas and despite the wreckage she still says that one would be fine here!! No way, that’s what I say… haha!
                Love thunder, I can understand you listening to it for so long. Reminds me so much for summers as a kid…we hardly had any storm in California so I LOVE it when we get one now…
                Have a great week JG and here’s to those high jinks… 😉


  22. Heyjude says:

    How did I miss this post? Obviously I didn’t get to it in the reader, or it didn’t appear. Anyway, delightful as always Sherri. You have had some fun in your life. We didn’t do camping as a family, but we did do staying in caravans – so we could take the dog I believe. Mostly in Devon, Dorset, Cornwall, but the last year I holidayed with my parents was in the Lake District when I was 14. The first week it rained every day and I remember my mother was totally fed up and wanting to go home. Dad and I persuaded her to stay, and luckily the second week was glorious! My first time in a tent was the Reading Music Festival in 1971 – but that’s another story!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…the Reading Music Festival. Oh I would love to hear about that! A lot of famous bands started off there, I know that. I bet you saw a few…and have loads of great stories. See Jude, you do need to start writing this stuff down 🙂
      The reader has been having problems, maybe it was when I couldn’t comment and there were other problems with my blog…who knows.
      Still, glad you enjoyed it, thank you 🙂 I love your camping story…nothing worse than being stuck in the rain camping but thank goodness your second week was a good one! Your poor mum, I don’t blame her!! We camped in a caravan in Cornwall once and it was so windy and stormy that we came home, exhausted from lack of sleep, after only 3 days, supposed to be there one week 🙂 I loved camping in CA, we had some adventures there…but as with you, that’s another story… 😀


  23. Dreams are free and we all deserve to have ours come true. I believe that yours will come soon my friend. Your passion for life and adventure will take you to so many unforgettable, beautiful places. I hope to make a camping trip with my son. We will make a surprise Summer visit to his grandparents this Summer, perhaps an island camping. Can’t wait. God bless best of blessings to you and family.


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, dreams are indeed free IT, and I thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful message to me today. I will keep holding on and believe…as you are, and how wonderful to be planning a surprise trip to your parents, and a camping trip too! Camping brings such wonderful memories for our children and I know you will all have an amazing time! I am so excited for you! God bless you too dear friend in an extra-special way this summer 😀


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