Happy Halloween!

The stew’s bubbling away ~

(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Goodies ready and waiting for trick-or-treater’s ~

(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

The Jack -O-Lantern’s carved and lit ~

Halloween 2015 (5) Edited

This bench used to sit in my garden in California. Aspie D carved the pumpkin (‘the one’ from the Pumpkin Farm) with her usual creativity. This year we have a Plague Doctor (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

~ and conveniently placed on a bench to qualify for Jude’s October
Bench Series before the stroke of midnight.

Wishing you all a Safe & Happy Halloween!

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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62 Responses to Happy Halloween!

  1. Denise says:

    This is my first Hallowe’en out of a village for years. I was invited back, but have to be in to cook hot dogs for my daughter when she comes home from the cinema with her friends. So it’s lovely and nostalgic to be reminded of a family Hallowe’en.
    Have you seen this? Combines happy Hallowe’en memories with great music in one post https://www.facebook.com/smashingpumpkins/
    Wishing you a very Happy Hallowe’en with your beautiful family.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh Denise, how things change when our kids hit their teens and even more so when that means a move from village to town. I’m sure your hot dogs were much appreciated and how great to experience this new phase in all your lives, although I fully understand that it comes with the price of nostalgia. For years, in California, I was the mum out with my kids trick or treating, and now I’m the one handing out the goodies. Daughter had a lot of compliments about her pumpkin 🙂 I loved that video, hilarious!! Thanks for sharing it and I hope you had a lovely time too with your daughter and her friends 🙂


  2. Happy Halloween Sherri. That stew looks gorgeous, and I love the pumpkin


  3. mihrank says:

    I hope your Halloween is all treats and no tricks…enjoy the candy and festivities!


  4. Happy Halloween, Sherri. Aspie D did a great job with the pumpkin. I wouldn’t have a clue where to start. 😕 I’m sure that stew was delicious. 🙂 xx


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Sylvia, I hope you had a fun Halloween too and I’ll tell her you said that, she got a lot of compliments from the kids 🙂 She’s been doing them since she was little and old enough to handle a pumpkin cutter. Before that, when all the kids were young, I cheated with tracings, not having a clue either! I love my crock pot, so handy just to let everything bubble away while busy handing out treats 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Halloween past us by virtually unnoticed this year. Being a Saturday the normal letter box delivery of balloon to let the kids know they could visit didn’t happen. The town is jammed packed as well as the triathlon is on today and everybody had other things on their minds. Looks like you celebrated in style. 🙂


  6. Happy Halloween to you too, Sherri. 👿 😀 😀


  7. Happy Halloween, Sherri! It looks like someone may have gotten into the candy? 🙂 Boo!


    • Sherri says:

      Boo back!! 😀 😛 o_O Haha…yes, well, you now how it is…! Thanks Jill, it was a good evening, things quietened down in time for us to enjoy the stew and some of those treats! Hope you and DfD are enjoying a relaxing weekend 🙂 xo

      Liked by 1 person

  8. prior2001 says:

    forget the coolios and flies – I want stew! this photo from the reader made me sooooooo hungry and it was great for the first photo in this post – ok – now seriously mon amie – it looks like you make a mean good stew – whew – lots of meat and carrots – wish i was there with bowl and spoon.
    also love the bench shot and happy halloween – ttys


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…well, come on over mon amie, there’s still some left over! It’s just a basic stew, beef, carrots, mushrooms, onion, some fresh rosemary and thyme from the garden and, seasoning of course and a spash of red wine. Just your everyday kind of stew that is perfect to leave simmering in the crock pot and easy peasy to throw in all together 🙂 We could wrap up warm and eat it sitting on the bench, but I need to clean it up first, it’s covered in leaves 😉 Have a great weekend Y, thanks for checking in – ttys 😀 xo


  9. Luanne says:

    Happy Halloween, Sherri. Your stew reminded me that my mom used to make her Americanized version of goulash every year. Now I realize it was ghoul-ash lol!


  10. Heyjude says:

    Haha you did well with the bench! Hope you had a good evening 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…well, I was determined if nothing else and I thought you’d like the jack o lantern even though I know Halloween isn’t your thing 😉 Thanks Jude, it was fun, hope you’re enjoying a lovely weekend 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Heyjude says:

        Foggy here today Sherri, though it is probably clear if I went outside the town. Reminds me of those foggy mornings after Bonfire night – always seemed to be fog and smoke lingering. Having a lazy weekend, even watched the rugby yesterday, I was amused to think of little Lorenzo wondering who to cheer on. Stay well 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Same here since yesterday Jude, that ‘bonfire night’ kind of smokey mist. Speaking of which.. although judging by the amount of fireworks already set off over the weekend around our neighbourhood, you would think it’s already happened 😉 Glad you had a relaxing weekend, we spent a good long while ‘winterising’ the garden, what a mess out there. But at least I got my bulbs in for spring. And I’ve seen Sweet Robin a few times, so glad for that 🙂 Thanks Jude, you stay well too and have a good week 🙂


  11. jenniferkmarsh says:

    Oooohh, a plague doctor! Scary indeed. They freak me out >.<


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, I agree! Got a great history lesson from my daughter yesterday about them though, I didn’t know half of what she told me, for starters how they kept herbs in the ‘beak’ to keep the bad smells at bay while visiting the sick…and let’s leave it at that! Hope you’re having a lovely weekend Jenny Jen Jen 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Norah says:

    Happy Halloween, Sherri. Looks like you were planning for fun. I had been looking forward to seeing what magic Aspie D would weave with the pumpkin. She did not disappoint. Now Plague Doctor has me thinking. Is she a fan of that “plague” app that seems to be taking over the world?
    Your stew looks delicious. Did you share it with your guests as well or just the treats?
    I visited my local shopping centre on Thursday evening (late night shopping) and I was thinking of you. The centre was decorated for Halloween and they had staff and customers (children and parents) dressed up to celebrate. The children went around in a group to stores and were given treats. I think the retailers are catching onto the commercial possibilities and are giving it a try over here.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you Norah! I had you in mind when I posted the pic of the pumpkin, glad you weren’t disappointed! Aspie D will be delighted 🙂 I asked her about the ‘plague’ app, but she didn’t know anything about it! She just likes macabre things and has a great interest in history, so she never fails to amaze with her bursts of creativity 🙂 The stew was our dinner, which we tucked into once the trick or treaters stopped coming by. A crock pot is so handy for times like that. Ha, yes, that definitely sounds as if the commercial side of Halloween is catching on in your part of the world. I remember there would be events like that when my kids were young in California, but we just did the neighbourhood thing trick or treating. I hope you had a good weekend Norah, and a great week ahead. Always lovely to chat with you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Norah says:

        Thanks Sherri. Just as well I commented on the pumpkin! 🙂 I wouldn’t have liked to let your down. Ha!
        I’m pleased your Halloween weekend went well. Mine was quiet. Now a busy week ahead with not much time for reading and commenting for a few days. I’ll be back at the end of the week. 🙂 Have a good one. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sherri says:

        Thanks Norah! You too, I hope your week is productive and I look forward to catching up with you later in the week 🙂


  13. The pumpkin was awesome and all the photos made me wish I was there!!! Farewell Halloween, it was fun! xoxo ❤


  14. I hope you had a great Halloween, Sherri? We only got one trick or treater and that was somebody dressed as a cat, which did not go down very well with Toby. However, that means there’s loads of chocolate bars left for me 🙂

    That stew looks very heart-warming and delicious.

    Happy November. ✨


    • Sherri says:

      It was fun thanks Hugh, we had a few trick or treaters until 8 pm and that was it. A few groups of little kids and then teenagers, who said Daughter’s jack – o -lantern was ‘cool’ 😉 Then we tucked into our stew…that’s where a crock pot is so great, and I do have to admit it was rather tasty. Oh dear…poor Toby, what a shock for him! I’ve been known to dress up as a cat once or twice, but will be sure never to do so when Toby is around 😉 Haha…yes, like you, we also have lots of chocolate left over…ooops! And here we are, soon be Christmas! Thank you Hugh, and a very Happy November to you too 🙂


  15. Life and Other Turbulence says:

    We had not even one trick or treater this year. And now we have not one, not two, but three bags of candy to stare at, challenging our will power. Each bag is a different choice: Butterfinger Peanut Butter Cups is the one that hubby loves, Almond Joys are the ones that I love and one that neither of us love is a bag of Kit Kat Bars. He’s already helped himself to all three bags. And now I’ve hidden them away in a spot I hope to immediately forget about. I can only hope. Next year I’m determined to just buy one bag that no one likes…and if we still get no trick or treaters, I’ll bring it to the office for those candy lovers there. Remind me, okay? 🙂 Hope your ghosts and goblins were plentiful for the evening entertainment!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh dear, all that candy! We have some left overs too…guess I’ll just have to eat it all, whoops! Mmmm…Almond Joys, love those 🙂 But also Kit Kats…send them over, haha 😀 I’ll remind you, and I need to do the same. It’s too much temptation isn’t it? It was a fun evening, thank you, and so lovely to hear from you again. I hope you had a wonderful autumn weekend 🙂


  16. Tom Merriman says:

    Hope you had a good Hallowe’en, Sherri. That stew looks good! 😀


  17. We have never had trick or treaters since we moved to the county forty-five years ago. So for the last twenty-three years that I’ve worked where I do, I take treats for everyone to enjoy all year round.


  18. What fun! I love your pictures and hope you had an enjoyable evening. Happy Fall!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Renee! Thank you so much, it was a fun night, and I hope you had a good weekend too. And yes, a Happy Fall to you too…such a wonderful time of year isn’t it? I look forward to catching up properly with you, I’ve been on a ‘go slow’ since returning after my extended blogging break over the summer.


  19. Great pictures, Sherri, and I loved your daughter’s carving!
    Last night we had stew, too, mostly so we could eat bits now and then while answering the front door. It was sadder than usual for us; for the first Halloween in 12 years we didn’t have our dog Maggie, and she loved to sit at the front glass door, wag her tale and greet all the kids.
    But we had 66 trick’o’treaters, and several remembered Maggie and asked where she was. One was so sad that she put down her bag, took off her mask, and gave me a hug. It was very sweet, and Maggie would have loved it.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you Marylin, I’ll tell her you said that! That’s the great thing about stew isn’t it! You had a lot of trick or treaters! But oh, I’m so sorry you were sad about dear, sweet Maggie… that is just to lovely about the children asking after her and then one child hugging you like that. Wow…I’ve got goodbumps reading that. What a wonderful moment for you, a true treat of such kindness and tenderness, the best Halloween story of all ❤


  20. Happy Halloween! 😈 😀 Love the pumpkin!


  21. Mumblypeg says:

    Love the pumpkin. Aspie is very creative. Send her my congratulations please. As for the stew and the mention of goulash. I shall have to look out my recipe. It is a tasty dish. Glad you all had a happy time. Love and hugs xxxx


    • Sherri says:

      I will, thank you, she will be delighted, thanks MP 🙂 Yes…please do, I used to love your goulash 🙂 See you soon…much love and hugs back 🙂 ❤ xxxxxxx


  22. Seyi sandra says:

    Happy belated Halloween Sherri, it sure looked like fun! The pumpkin looked stunning, great work from Aspen! And the stew looked yummy. I can’t believe Christmas is almost here, I want to start early and buy all my gifts, wrapped and ready, that way, I won’t be sucked in too deep. Do take care of yourself my friend and have a wonderful week!
    Much love to you Sherri! 🙂 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks so much Seyi, and the very same to you! Every year I look forward to Daughter’s creative artwork on the pumpkin, I’ll send on your lovely compliment which will make her smile 🙂 Oh I know about that Christmas rush, and wanting to get organised. I hope to do that too, but the days are running ahead and so much to do…I hope you achieve your goals my friend! Ahh, I will, and you too, here’s to a good week ahead. Much love and blessings to you Seyi! 🙂


  23. I’m very unsociable at Halloween and have a notice on my door saying No Trick or Treat. My aversion to it is a left-over from when I lived in Brighton and people got truly over-the-top, causing all sorts of vandalism. Also, some children got into scrapes, knocking on the wrong doors. I guess if I’d lived in the US for a while, like you have, it’s a greatly celebrated event. Better to have a party at home than go knocking on doors, so your stew looks yummy and I’m sure you made it a wonderful event, dearest Sherri. I once celebrated it years back, by making some fairy cakes with green icing and marzipan witches on them. My children loved them 🙂 xxxx


    • Sherri says:

      It’s that vandalism that causes so many problems and it is such a shame, if it wasn’t for experiencing it in the States I’m sure I would feel the same way. We stay at home now, hand out some sweets and then tucked in to the stew, so easy when it’s bubbling away in the crock pot, mmmmm 🙂 Your fairy cakes sound wonderful, perfect for your children. Have a lovely evening dearest Sarah, look forward to catching up properly… 🙂 xxxx

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Charli Mills says:

    Happy Halloween! Too funny that we both made stew! Aspie rocks the pumpkin carving!


    • Sherri says:

      Thanks Charli, and the same to you, and yes, there we were making and eating stew on the same night.. 🙂 Love that, I’ll send that on to her, she’ll be thrilled 🙂


  25. Ali Isaac says:

    Looks like you were very well prepared, Sherri… did you have a good night of it?

    Liked by 1 person

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