Weekly Photo Challenge: Contrasting Cats

The theme for the Weekly Photo Challenge this week is ‘Contrasts’.   Michelle asks:

‘Light and dark, tall and short, happy and sad — this week, share a shot that captures a contrast.’

Thinking of light and dark, what springs to mind immediately is the contrast between my two cats when it is hot and sunny as it was here in the West Country a few days ago.

Maisy, twelve, is a Californian cat.  We got her when my daughter was ten from a cat shelter not far from where we lived on the Central Coast.  They had a kitten room and despite my initial protestations (as in, “not another pet!”) you don’t walk into a kitten room and leave empty-handed.

Maisy’s mother was feral but had been rescued just before she gave birth, so Maisy was handled and socialised immediately. The staff advised us to keep her indoors because of the risk of skin cancer to her white ears with the sun being so strong in California.

We brought her back with us using the Pet Passport Scheme when we returned to the UK and she still is primarily happy indoors – until the sun shines.  Then she loves to pad outside to the garden and sunbathe.

Since she goes out now and then and the sun isn’t as strong here, it isn’t a problem.  She never wanders off or jumps the fences, she has far too much finesse for that kind of thing.

She is very well-behaved and knows what she likes.  Remind you of anyone?

Maisy loves to sunbathe, the more sun on her furry tummy, the better (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Maisy loves to sunbathe, stretched out on our picnic table. The more sun on her furry tummy, the better.
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Eddie on the other hand, is a different kettle of fish (pun not intended).

He was born a farm cat in the rural countryside of Dorset. Naughty Eddie, along with his just-as-naughty brothers and sisters, was raised on fresh rabbit and lived the life of Riley, having the run of the farm. He could do what he wanted, when he wanted, thank you very much.

He likes to think he is tough but surprisingly, it is Maisy who will see off another cat if one dares venture into our back garden.  Yet, despite being neutered as a kitten, he can’t wait to go outside to patrol his territory. Looking sleek and tough as he prowls about, he thinks he owns the place.  He is also ruled by his stomach despite his regular meals at home.

We have to feed the cats separately otherwise he will gannet his down and then barge in on poor Maisy to eat hers if we don’t keep an eye on things.

Once he appeared at our back door with a freshly cooked, seasoned pork chop.  Someone was in for a shock when they sat down  for dinner that night.

That’s the kind of cat he is.

But he is my boy and he is lovely.  He is the only cat I know who lets me hold his paws and when he is cuddly, he is really cuddly.  He is a soft ball of furry mischievousness but his thick, black coat doesn’t suit him when it’s hot.  Unlike Maisy, he prefers to be indoors when it’s too hot.

He knows where his bread is buttered (or pork chop cooked, as the case may be).

Eddie luxuriating on the back of the safe, keeping cool (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

Eddie luxuriating on the back of the sofa, keeping cool
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

I will forgive him anything, even when he wees in his box during visits to the vet:

What a Cool Cat (c) Sherri Matthews 2014

What a Cool Cat
(c) Sherri Matthews 2014

These are my contrasting cats!


About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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87 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Contrasting Cats

  1. Our happiest (and most frustrating) cat times were when we had two very different but also adorably matched cats. Solomon was a red Persian and Calla Lily was a chocolate Siamese, and together they rules the house. He lived to 16 and she lived to 17.
    We do NOT allow ourselves to visit the kitten or puppy room at the Humane Society. They need to hang a huge warning sign saying there is no way you will be able to leave without a new family pet, especially if you have children with you. Great post, Sherri.


    • Sherri says:

      I can relate to the happiest and most frustrating parts of having two cats Marylin! I remember you mentioning your beautiful cats and they certainly lived to a ripe old age. I hope ours do. Eddie is a relative baby at 8!
      Haha! How true is that about going to the kitten or puppy room? There really should be a warning sign… 😉
      Thank you Marylin, glad you enjoyed it 🙂


  2. jennypellett says:

    I love that Eddie stole a pork chop!
    Another really inventive interpretation for your challenge Sherri – your two cats look very content with life, I must say.


    • Sherri says:

      Can you believe it? We couldn’t when he turned up with it but he was so proud and thought he had brought us a nice pressie 🙂 Thanks Jenny and yes, I have to say, these two cats of ours are pretty content all things considered 🙂


      • Heyjude says:

        My tortoiseshell came home with a cooked chicken once! I was too embarrassed to go looking for the owner of it. And years ago when we lived in Cape Town our foster cat Bert brought in a LIVE chicken! Feathers all over the lounge! Good post Sherri – love your cats ❤


      • Sherri says:

        Haha! I can just imagine it. Our cats know what they like don’t they? 😉 Oh what fun that must have been…not! I can just imagine all those feathers everywhere! My son & girlfriend’s cat loves to bring in live mice and what fun they have trying to shoo her out so that they don’t end up with a mouse running wild through the place…
        Thanks Jude, from one cat lover to another…. ❤ 🙂


  3. I love anything cat-related! It was fun to get to know your two furry children a little better. Great photos!


  4. I love Eddie’s adventurous spirit and hunter’s heart. Is he trying to tell you he’s ready for He-man dinners instead of kitty food?
    Maisy and Eddie are handsome cats.
    I’ve never had a cat I let outside. Too selfish, I suppose, but I’m a worrier and always afraid something bad might happen to them.


  5. Oh, I love these photos and your descriptions of these sweet cats. I’m leaning toward getting a cat when I finally move into an apartment of my own. I’ve been a dog person all my life, but the more I read about cats (even though I’m allergic), the more I’m thinking of getting one!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…so glad you enjoyed this Susan, thank you! A cat would be lovely for you when you move (btw, I hope you got my last emails in reply to yours?) but I wonder how to get around the allergy problem? My ex used to be allergic but when we got a cat (which he agreed to) he found that he became so used to it that his allergies disappeared! So maybe that will work for you too! We used to have dogs too and maybe one day will get another one 😉


      • Well, last I tested, I was allergic to their saliva, not their fur – so I might be able to get away with taking some over-the-counter meds, and washing my hands after it cleans itself. We’ll see. I’ll have to talk to my doctor about it. Maybe, like your ex, enough exposure will just make it disappear!


      • Sherri says:

        Yes, that might just work! It would be so lovely for you Susan to have a sweet, furry companion 🙂 I can’t imagine not having our cats… 😉


  6. This is a wonderful contrast! Great picture. 🙂


  7. Amy says:

    So very adorable!!


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  9. Well if Maisy was sipping some bubbly, she’d definitely remind me of someone. 🙂 Aw…Eddie…who wouldn’t love a fella who likes pork chops and cuddling. Thanks for introducing us to your other children, Sherri!


    • Sherri says:

      Haha! Well Jill, I thought you might pick up on that somehow… 😉 And yes, who can resist. Also, he has the softest, most gorgeous paws and is quite happy for me to stroke them whereas a lot of cats hate it. He is like a little lion! Thanks Jill,glad you enjoyed getting to know my furry babies 🙂


  10. I love this Sherri! I grew up with lots of cats! My last 2 cats were Scrookie and Flingskie (I’m so bad at naming pets!) but both died when I was in college. We suspected they ate the poison meant for rats! So sad we lost both within the same week! Scrookie was as white as snow and Flingskie was orange like a thin version of garfield. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Cats are great aren’t they? Thank you Jhanis, we’ve always had cats too! Oh I’m sorry to hear about your cats eating poison, that is so sad 😦 What great names too, very unique 😉 They both sound so lovely. That’s funny… ‘like a thin version of Garfield’! We say Eddie is like Garfield because of the way he likes to stuff his face, haha! Hope you get some more cats someday but I know you will never forget Scrookie and Flingskie… ❤


  11. jenniferkmarsh says:

    I sense a certain Steven will greatly approve of this post.

    What lovely cats! They’re such funny creatures. My childhood cat was the best cat ever. I still miss him, to this day. He was massive, and obviously didn’t get the memo about cats being elegant and suave, for he used to fall off fences and misjudge jumps in the most spectacular fashion. He was a big teddy bear. Indeed, he was my little baby, and I was devastated when his time came. I don’t think I will ever love another cat as much as I loved him.

    We also had this other cat who was 21 years old, and, even at such an age, she still used to catch fish from our next-door neighbour’s pond…… She wasn’t desperately popular. But, goodness, she was a fabulous character!


    • Sherri says:

      Well let’s hope so Jenny Jen Jen!!
      Ahh…what lovely memories, thank you so much for sharing them. Your childhood cat reminds me of our cat Willow who grew up with the kids, except she couldn’t even jump because she had that ‘cabbit’ thing going on, where she hopped more like a rabbit with her back legs rather than how a normal cat would walk and jump.
      Some cats are born with this, it didn’t cause her any pain or anything but she was very lazy and loved nothing better than being on our laps or sleeping on the kids’ heads at night, haha! She was just like Bagpuss, the kids could do anything with her and my daughter used to love to push her around in her dolly’s pram, but she was so heavy that the plastic pram wheels used to squeak and splay outwards!
      I brought her back with Maisy from the States but she developed diabetes of all things and I had to have her put down. She was 14 and it broke our hearts. To this day we talk about her and will never forget her so I can understand fully your devastation when you lost your baby. He sounds absolutely gorgeous, your big teddy bear 🙂
      Still, I felt the same way about Willow and I adore Maisy but Eddie is more ‘my’ cat as he bonded with me when we first got him and I can’t even begin to imagine not having either of them…
      Your other cat, goodness, 21, that’s amazing! I hope my cats live that long! Haha, yes, I can imagine she wasn’t too popular but as you say, such character. I hope you do get another cat one day… 🙂


      • jenniferkmarsh says:

        That sounds just like my old cat!! Ha, I used to push him along on my brother’s skateboard or in this little play trolley thing I had. And he used to hug you like a koala bear. Oh, such fond memories ❤ Bless him. He died when he was 11, so painfully young, really. He had bladder cancer, the poor thing 😦
        It is priceless when you have that bond with an animal. I used to have such a special bond with my horse, and obviously, my little Kodi 🙂


        • Sherri says:

          Oh no…how sad 😦 Our pets are so wonderful but they can break our hearts can’t they? I’m so glad you have your Kodi (that’s your dog, right, I hope???) ❤


          • jenniferkmarsh says:

            Indeed. But that’s the price we pay with love, isn’t it? Ha, Kodi is indeed my dog! But, heartbreakingly, he’s becoming an ill old man now 😦 I’ll have to prepare myself for that inevitable day…


      • Sherri says:

        Oh…I’m so sorry Jenny Jen Jen…hugs, hugs and more hugs…so hard…xx


  12. Denise says:

    My cat is much more like Eddie than Maisy – down to the weeing in the box.

    I would have loved a sweet cat like Maisy but just not our luck – like children, they come with their own personalities and you just end up loving them for it anyway.

    I do have to say that no extra pork chops have ever appeared in our house.


    • Sherri says:

      Oh dear…you know, we’ve had a few cats but Eddie is the only one who wees in his box like that. He has pooped before now too but thank goodness not the last couple of times. Not pleasant is it? Good job he is so cute in other ways… 😉
      So true, they really do come ‘ready-made’ and the hope is that they will be a good fit with the family. Really do take our chances don’t we? Maisy was actually a real handful when we first got her, so wild and naughty, as kittens can be, but she grew into a very sweet cat I have to say. She treats Eddie like he is her son and mothers him. He laps it up of course 😉


  13. I really enjoyed reading about your two darling cats, Sherri. I had a chuckle about the Edde and the pork chop. The person whose supper it was meant to be, will never know the truth, but they also had a story to tell their friends. 😆 Maisy looks so relaxed, sunbathing there. Great idea for the challenge. xx


  14. What is the Pet Passport Scheme?


    • Sherri says:

      Hi BT. The Pet Passport Scheme enables pets to move with their owners between the UK and other countries without the need for quarantine. Pets coming over from the USA into the UK used to have to go into 6 month’s quarantine and there was no way I was going to do that with my cats. I did it once many years ago with my dog and she was never the same. Plus, it is hugely expensive. The cats have to be microchipped and made sure to have their rabies shots and given blood tests to make sure the ‘titer’ is the right amount, proving they don’t have any sign of rabies and can travel 6 months after everything is done, then they have a medical check, wormed etc. 24 hours before travelling. So in essence, they do their ‘quarantine’ in their own home and when they arrive in the UK, once their microchip and paperwork is checked, their owners can take them home right away! It is well worth it. The ‘passports’ need to be renewed but not sure how often, it was almost 11 years ago when we did it. Again, not cheap but so worth it. Here is the UK Gov website all about it if you want to take a look: https://www.gov.uk/take-pet-abroad/overview
      Hope this helps 🙂


      • Thank you for the information Sherri! It is nice that they have made it easier for pets to move with their families internationally.


      • Sherri says:

        You are very welcome BT, my pleasure. It is so good that this scheme is available. When I was looking to bring my cats back from the US, it had only just been introduced in 2003 there so I was very grateful indeed. I couldn’t bare to leave my furry babies behind, and I promised the kids that I would do everything in my power to bring them back with us 🙂


  15. longandluxe says:

    Sherri, I love this post! Your cats are precious and lovely. I feel through your words like I just came home to them!!

    Wonderful, you 🙂

    XOXO Allison


  16. Kev says:

    Here’s mine: http://kevs-domain.net/2014/01/29/a-treat-for-cat-lovers/
    They’ll be two years old this month…I’ll have to try and get a pic of them together (no easy feat) to do a birthday post! 😀


    • Sherri says:

      Kev, your kitties are ADORABLE! I would have left a comment but I see they are closed, so will gush here, haha! How cute are they? Yes, a birthday post is definitely called for! I bet they give you so much fun and games 🙂 I will have to look out some kitten pics now! When we got Eddie, Maisy was 4. He was so tiny, like her kitten and she has mothered him ever since, and he laps it up! He is such a chauvinist, haha!! Now he is bigger than her but she still treats him like her baby. We love our cats don’t we 😀


  17. restlessjo says:

    He has very naughty eyes! 🙂


  18. Sunni Morris says:


    Loved the cat post, but I love anything cat. They’re gorgeous and what a guy Eddie is – swiping a pork chop. That makes me smile as I picture it.

    I’ve had cats all my life and grew up with forty-two (we lived on a farm). The most I’ve had at one time as an adult is six and that’s a lot of cats in the house. All of mine are adoptees and they stay inside for safety reasons. My boys (brothers) lived to 18 and 19 and are gone now.

    I was down to two once my oldest girl passed away last Dec at 15. Naturally, I saw an ad for a kitten at the local PAWS here and had to go and take a look. Big mistake as we all know. He was all over me purring like crazy and licking my face and just so dear. How oould I possibly leave him there? The rest in his litter (who someone found abandoned and turned in) had been adopted except him. So now I have a boy again and so glad I brought him home. He purrs all the time and is so happy and good-natured. My two girls (ages 9 and 14) didn’t know what to think.

    The older one (Tootie) finally bonded with him but the young one (Koki) doesn’t like him much. She’s jealous mainly and knows she isn’t the baby anymore.

    I have lots of cat stories and pics on my blog if anyone wants to stop by.

    Kev, your kitten pictures are adorable.

    I think eveyone should have a cat. They’re so much easier to take care of than dogs. And yes, Tootie always wees in her carrier on the way to the vet because she gets nervous, but I don’t mind. I’ve learned to expect it.



    • Sherri says:

      Hi Sunni, thanks so much, I know what a cat lover you are! I love your blog and your cat photos. I’ve tried to comment before on your blog but I never seem able to get my comments to be accepted, as my ‘username’ comes back as invalid. I wanted you to know as I have been over to your blog a few times and adore your cat photos and enjoy reading your posts. I can’t seem to follow it either. Any ideas?
      Your boy sounds like my Eddie, he purrs all the time too and is very good natured. I know what you mean. How could you not bring him home? It was no-brainer, haha 🙂
      Maisy was 4 when we got him and she accepted him right away. She was used to having another cat about although she had been on her own for 2 years as we lost Willow from diabetes when she was 14. Willow was 10 when we got Maisy as a kitten and she was just like your Koki as she never accepted her. She wanted nothing to do with Maisy and never did, she just tolerated her in time. So it’s really lovely to see Eddie and Maisy such good friends (although Maisy treats him like her baby and he of course laps it up,, haha!) I’m glad that Tootie has bonded with your new boy and hopefully they will all settled down into one big happy cat family 🙂
      Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful cat stories here Sunni, always such a pleasure to read them. I hope to be able to catch up with you more often and I just read your post about you moving so I know how busy you must be. Things sound stressful for you right now…hope everything works out well for you and see you soon. Hugs 😀


      • Sunni Morris says:


        I have no idea why you can’t leave a comment on my blog. I even got rid of the CAPTCHA to make it easier for people to comment. I know other people with wordpress blogs can follow and comment, so I actually don’t have any answers as to what the problem mught be. I’m on blogger but can still leave comments here and follow you. Maybe someone will come along that has more answers than I do about this. I’m pretty good with computers but don’t know of a work-around.

        Yes, we are moving eventully – probably will be fall now. I have too much stuff to do around here and things to go through, etc. It’s way too hot here now to do much – expecting 108 today. We’ll be leaving the desert, but not eactly sure where we’ll be going yet. Hubby wants to go north and I want to go south, so this is a problem to overcome.

        I read your posts as I have time and don’t leave many comments because I stay busy getting everything in order. Moving is a big thing, as you know.



      • Sherri says:

        It must be something I’m doing wrong when I put in my user name to comment using WordPress. I’ll take another look and ask around with others I know who use blogger. Thanks anyway Sunni for your suggestions.
        I do know how stressful moving is and even worse in the heat, having done the same a few times. I hope you can move in the fall when it is cooler maybe, and also that you and your husband can come to a mutually satisfactory decision…not easy though! Hang in there… 😉


  19. Imelda says:

    I love how you wrote about your cats. Your fondness for them show through your words, and in your words, their respective personalities came alive. Yay! I am not a cat person but seeing them through your eyes, I can forgive their naughtiness, too, especially Eddie’s. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh….thanks so much Imelda! Not everyone is a cat person but it’s lovley to know that you still enjoyed this post and can forgive their naughtiness, haha 🙂


  20. bulldog says:

    Those cats are happy chappies… and the photos show it… love the post Sherri…


  21. Spoiled rotten, I’m sure!!


  22. Great contrasting cats Sherri. I cannot get over that your Maisie is the spitting image of Trog our cat (now gone). She too was a feral cat but was never socialised so caused huge problems as she tended to bite to the bone when she was happy. Her white ears did get cancer. The first one being lopped when she was quite young and the second several years later. Sadly she eventually succumbed to the disease. Yours both look very contented. XD


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…how sweet! That is amazing the coincidence with the likeness between Maisy and your Trog (great name btw!). So sorry to hear that about her though 😦 Those white ears are very susceptible to the sun aren’t they? I’m glad that Maisy doesn’t go out much for that reason alone. Thanks Irene, I’m glad you enjoyed this contrast 🙂


  23. Marc-André says:

    I love black cats 🙂


  24. Pat says:

    It’s fun reading about your cats, Sherri, and the photos are great. I love that they have such different personalities and the things that they do. We had 2 cats when our daughters were young and they were contrasting, too. One was shy and skittish and the other easy going like Garfield. His name was Toby and the girls used to dress him up in their doll clothes or whatever fit, as he was a good size. Hours later, we’d find him in the same spot on their bed, sound asleep, still dressed in the doll clothes. Nothing seemed to faze him. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…thank you my friend and what a lovely story about your Toby that is Pat, I can just imagine that scene 🙂 We had a cat called Willow who used to let my daughter dress her in baby bonnets and push her around in her dolly pram. She was so big that the pram wheels would squeak with her weight. And just the same, we would find her sound asleep in the pram as if nothing unusual was going on! Eddie is like Garfield because he likes to stuff his face constantly, if we let him haha! 😉


      • Pat says:

        They’re great, Sherri, and they’re all different. I love having pets in our home. Today, all we have is our one puppy-dog, Abby, but she’s a love and active and keeps us hopping. Have a great weekend. 🙂


      • Sherri says:

        Your puppy-dog sounds adorable Pat and they do keep us active and hopping! Thank you my friend, we had a lovely weekend and hope you did too 😀


  25. Steven says:

    Ugh, cats eh? 😉 Who’d love ’em…

    I approve of this post.

    What a poser Maisy is. She may be well-behaved but I’m getting a distinct ‘diva’ vibe there, Sherri. I wonder where she gets that from. She is rather a contrast to my Maisie, who won’t venture further than the doorstep and is a feisty old battleaxe at times.

    Eddie sounds like a character, and the tough guy act sounds very much like my Oscar (even down to letting the girls see off the intruders – how macho!) who does a nightly patrol of the territory – though, at 16, you’d think he’s getting a bit old for boxing! Apparently not. He is essentially my shadow and will also let me hold his paws, as well as tickle his belly – he bites others if they try and do that! There’s a lot of trust there, it’s nice to see that sort of thing.

    The pork chop story is fantastic! So hilarious. Why have my cats never done this sort of thing? I’m always hearing this sort of thing from others. The only things they tend to bring to the door are baby birds, which isn’t the nicest but I guess that’s cats.

    What adorable little scoundrels they are! The best answer to the challenge, I’m sure… 😉


  26. Sherri says:

    Ahh…I’m so glad you approve, thank you JG!! I loved reading your cat stories and it’s just the same with Eddie, he lets me tickle his tummy too but not hubby, haha! He likes to bat at his feet but I don’t let him get away with it 😉 It is lovely to have kind of trust though isn’t it, I love it 🙂 Your Maisie sounds like a real character, she rules the place I take it? Your Oscar sounds adorable, he and Eddie would make a right pair wouldn’t they? They would be just the type to sneak out and get cigarettes out of the machine at the end of the road and then blame their sisters, haha 😉 Not that I know anything about that sort of abysmal kind of behaviour you understand….
    Eddie has brought in one or two birds too, the first time I thought it was a toy, bent down to pick it up and it squeeked and moved, scared the living daylights out of me. It is sad, but as you say, that’s what cats do. So far as the pork chop, I would have loved to have seen the owner’s face when they sat down to dinner that night. Who knows, your Oscar might get a few ideas from Eddie…. 😉


    • Steven says:

      Maisie shouts the odds at everyone (myself included) and certainly likes to think she is in charge. But then so does Oscar, as does Ralph, the dog… my other cat, Mimi, really isn’t bothered, though she and Maisie do loathe each other. It’s certainly entertaining. I don’t know for sure who is in charge, but I know it’s not me…!

      Oscar is mischievous (and hilarious) enough without any bad influences, thank you Sherri. I don’t call him ‘Oscar Wildcat’ for nothing, you know. What am I saying? He’s my boy, and does no wrong!! 😉


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…of course! Just like my boy…he is perfect 😉


  27. Ah, what a gorgeous pair and I love your descriptions of the differences in their personalities! We had five cats, the last of which passed away two years ago – all completely different. Four girls and one boy – our boy was a huge fluffy ginger tom, soft as anything and completely under the thumb of the girls. Love the pork chop story – we were sitting in our living room once and Karma, one of the girls, wandered in dragging a raw lamb chop in her mouth – but at least she stole it from us and not an unsuspecting neighbour!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh… thank you Andrea! Wow, five cats! What a happy family. Haha, I love that! Karma knew what she wanted, no doubt about it. To this day I wonder what the person thought when they sat down to dinner wondering what on earth happened to their delicious pork chop 😉


  28. Though with contrast background, both are beautiful and adorable. You can’t help but wanna play with them, share stories and just let the world go by with them. Whether indoor or outside, these are the friends to hang out with. Happy Summer and all the best to you & family. P. S. Looks like my California Dreamin will have to wait a bit more. My son will finish fifth grade in 2016 and will have another reevaluation of relocation or not. I will sure revisit California and explore more. God bless.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi my friend! I tried to comment on your wonderful summer post but couldn’t find the comments! It was so wonderful to read your thoughts about spending the days with your family (and I’m sorry you will be without them for a while but glad you have your friends close by to see you through until they return). I loved how how said getting out of bed and dragging your feet like zombies! That is such a great way of putting it. I remember those days so well when my kids were off for the long, hot summer and all the time we spent together, enjoying the lazy, hazy days of the holidays. So wonderful. And now my cats get to hang out in the English summer sunshine with us!!!
      Well my friend, I’m glad that your California Dreamin’ is still alive but even though it will have to wait a while longer, and maybe your plans change, you can still visit in the meantime and explore even more parts of it. The main thing is that you keep Dreamin’ my friend!
      Thank you IT, and you too, enjoy every minute of your summer, be blessed you and your family and I look forward to catching up with you soon 🙂 😎 😀


  29. What cutie pies!! I love your description of each of them. I have never had a cat and I don’t quite ‘understand’ them. They seem unpredictable and I will admit, I am a scaredy cat when it comes to cats. Maybe because I had a bad experience with a possessed one my friend had that attacked us when we visited. Yours look so calm and nice. 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Cats aren’t for everyone. I grew up with them, my mum and dad had a cattery and they bred Siamese. Now we just have loveable moggies! I’m not surprised you are afraid of cats after your horrible experience. Sounds like that cat had major problems. You would like my cats Maria, I can promise you that, they would never attack you! Only purr and cuddle 🙂


  30. thirdhandart says:

    Beautiful cats Sherri! They are so lucky to have you as mum. A great entry for the challenge!


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…how sweet of you Theresa, thank you very much! They are good cats, even when Eddie is being very naughty, haha! Glad you enjoyed this entry 🙂


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