Cats of Crete And Holidays In the Rain

Waiting for me in the Summerhouse today was a queen wasp, crawling about the floor as wasps sometimes do.  Those who know of my mortal fear of these vile creatures will understand how I reacted to such a terrifying sight.

I have both doors wide open, you see, letting in all that wonderful fresh air as I type away.  Let’s be clear about one thing, however: I did not put a sign up saying ‘Wasps Welcome’.

We Brits do love to complain about our weather, but I don’t think many of us are complaining now,  basking as we are in glorious spring days filled with golden sunshine and warmth.  Think of all that Vitamin D coursing through our bones!

So warm, that even the cows in the fields are sunbathing ~

So warm, that even the cows in the field are having a lie down. Langport, Somerset, April 2015 (c) Sherri Matthews

Langport, Somerset, April 2015
(c) Sherri Matthews

Trying to forget about my earlier wasp horror, I think of a time when we took the kids to Lanzarote for a week one April a few years ago.   Fed up with the incessant cold and drab dreariness of the previous two summers, we  took ‘good’ advice from the travel agent and her sure-fire ‘guarantee’ of plenty of sunshine.

After all, “They only get a few inches of rainfall a year,” she said, winking (I’m sure of it).

Only a few inches, yes, but they fell during the very week of our holiday. Meanwhile, back in the UK, during a month that can still have frost and yes, even snow, they had a heat wave.

So there we sat, one Happy Hour, the kids with their ice creams and us with our cocktails, watching the downpour fall from the black sky, as we took refuge beneath the beach umbrellas.

Still, it wasn’t long before we were laughing along with the other holidaymakers, incredulous as we read texts from our loved ones back home reminding us: “It’s hotter than Greece here, hope you’re having a lovely holiday!”

Thank goodness for the feral cat who befriended my daughter.   She named him ‘Caramello’ and enjoyed sneaking pieces of ham to him, despite the many signs around the complex telling us not to do so.  No wonder he stuck around.

Caramello knows how to get what he wants. Lanzarote (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Caramello knows how to get what he wants. Lanzarote
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Feral cats have made their presence known whenever we’ve travelled abroad it seems; some of you may remember my post Cats of Croatia.  These savvy cats know how to get food and how to survive but sadly, they are often not looked after by anyone and are in very poor health. And of course, they go on breeding.

So it’s always a relief to find a cat, any cat, who has managed to purr its way into some kind person’s heart. Such as this beautiful little kitty we came across during our holiday in Crete in 2008: he took up a certain chair outside a cafe that we visited most mornings for a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice before taking off for the day.

Adopted by the cafe owner’s wife, this adorable kitty was certainly very happy indeed ~

Beautiful Kitty, Crete  (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Beautiful Kitty, Crete
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

You can see how comfortable he was (or she, I can’t remember!) snoozing away on that same chair ~

Komfy Kitty, Crete (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Komfy Kitty, Crete
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

One of the many things I love about Crete is that you can hire a car quite cheaply and take off exploring all those side roads (although it helps if you are prepared for some off-roading since some of those roads dirt-tracks are more than a little dodgy to navigate).

Then, just when you think there is nothing at the end of it, you are rewarded with this ~

View of the Libyan Sea from a Taverna at Mochlos, Crete (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

View of the Libyan Sea from a Taverna at Mochlos, Crete
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

A tiny village filled with a handful of homes, tavernas serving traditional Cretan food and a tucked-away cove filled with golden sand where children can safely play, there is also a family of sea-kittens, as my daughter named them.

As we whiled away the evening in one of these tavernas, eating the most delicious Cretan food while admiring this very view, some naughty but oh-so-cute kittens and their mother paid us a visit.

Sadly, although Mummy looked in pretty good shape (and reminded us of our Maisy), she had a sore eye which concerned me ~

Mummy Feral, ever watchful of her kitties. Mochlos, Crete. (c) Sherri Matthews 2015

Mummy Feral, ever watchful of her kitties. Mochlos, Crete.
(c) Sherri Matthews 2015

She didn’t let her babies wander too far as they explored their beach playground which also doubled up as home:

My daughter spent the entire evening delighting in watching this sweet cat family at play.  Sometimes the mother approached diners sitting at their tables, begging for food.  Most often she was given nibbles to eat, but some diners were not too happy and shooed her away.

Although it is lovely to watch these adorable kitties, I do worry for them and their future, left as they are to their own devices.  Thank goodness for kindly business owners who give them some measure of care and attention.

As for Maisy and Eddie, spoiled as ever, they are oblivious to the hard scrabble life of their foreign, feral cousins.

Maybe I should give them a job.  Wasp duty in the Summerhouse would be a good place to start. Maybe.

This post is linked to Michelle’s Weekly Pet Share.
For photos of more gorgeous pets and animals, click on the link below to check out Michelle’s beautiful compilation posted every Tuesday.


Have a great weekend everyone!

About Sherri Matthews

Sherri is a British writer working on her second memoir while seeking publication of her first. Her work has appeared in magazines, anthologies and online as well as long/shortlisted and special mentioned in contests. Once upon a time and for twenty years, she lived in California. Today, she lives in England with her human family, owned by two black cats.
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108 Responses to Cats of Crete And Holidays In the Rain

  1. mumblypeg says:

    What wonderful photos of Crete, Sherri with all the various feral cats and kittens. It takes me back to happy days in the sunshine on that delightful island. It was a joy to share your happiness and even your concerns for the future of the cat population. You bring everything to life so expertly Thank you
    Much love MP xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Yes, many happy memories of such a beautiful place 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed this post, thank you very much MP, much love and hugs to you 🙂 xxxxxx


  2. bethbyrnes says:

    Loved this. I have the opposite problem as you know, having lived in California so long: hot, sunny, dry almost all the time. That said, I think Crete must be gorgeous. I have been to Greece but not Crete. I would gladly trade places, to live in England where my family is. I loved your photographs, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Beth, and yes, it’s bad there right now with the drought isn’t it? I remember when I lived there I couldn’t wait for the ‘rainy season’ to begin and for the hills to green up, hoping by November or December, but I remember some years that even by March we were still waiting. Then one year I remember El Nino and the flooding…I do hope you get some good rain and very soon. I’ve been to Crete twice and would love to go again, it is a beautiful, magical place. I hope you get to go one day and I’m so glad you enjoyed this, thank you Beth 🙂


  3. In my next life, I’d like to be a cat or a cow…lounging around in the sun…ah. 🙂
    Oh, I can’t stand wasps, Sherri. Lately, each time I head out to our patio, they chase me back inside.
    Your photo of Crete is beautiful. I love the boat. Wish I were on it right now. 🙂
    Enjoy the pleasant weather while it lasts. We’ve have a taste of summer the past couple of days with temperatures in the mid 80’s and high humidity. I love it! 🙂 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jill, humidity is something I will never miss from back there! We have dry heat here which for me is so much more tolerable! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…sounds good to me Jill 😀 This queen wasp was huge, like a hornet, and even thinking about it make me ill 😮 Relaxing on that boat will help us forget all that 🙂 Thank you, yes it is so lovely here in the spring when it’s like this, perfect actually, not cold but not too hot either! I love the mid 80s, I always remember thinking when I lived in California that if the summers stayed at that temperature, I’d be in heaven! Enjoy your early summer Jill and have a great weekend!! xoxox


  4. restlessjo says:

    I’m reminded too of ‘abroady’ holidays when James was small. He always used to keep a weather eye out for a spaghetti cat and covertly feed it under the table. Mostly in Greece, as I remember. The waiters were very tolerant 🙂
    Happy weekend, Sherri!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I think the Greek waiters turn a blind eye to all those feral cats in their restaurants and those cats definitely know who to go to for food 😉 Thanks Jo, hope you’re having a lovely weekend too, still so nice and sunny. Catching up here quickly before heading out with friends for the evening 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Mumsy's Little Chancy Man says:

    Great pictures of the cows and all the beautiful cats. I really enjoyed them. Hugs and nose kisses

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It looks like you had a lovely trip there! I’m glad your daughter and you made some friends. 🙂 I have never understood why people own cats and let them become strays which happens around here a lot. It looks like yours are well taken care of, Sherri!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      It was a lovely trip Patsy, a few years ago now though…would love to go again 🙂 It is so sad when cats are left to become strays like that, I agree. Our cats are spoiled rotten, I agree! Have a great weekend, I’ll be in touch very soon 🙂


  7. Nice, Sherri. Cats are such an interesting species. Everywhere I have traveled they seem to make their presence known. Crete is a lovely place…I loved the photo of the ‘surprise at the end of the road.’

    Liked by 1 person

  8. jenniferkmarsh says:

    I might possibly be one of the only Britons hating this current weather. NOT A HEAT PERSON. As I believe I’ve made clear before 😉 Frost and snow, any day. I’m already starting to twitch with the warmer weather. *sigh* I wish I could go somewhere. Iceland? Maybe I’ll move to Iceland…

    Lovely post though, Sherri. As always.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I think you really do need to move to Iceland if you don’t like even this kind of heat Jenny Jen Jen 😉 I don’t like those endless days of oppressive heat as you know, but this I love as to me it is just perfect, not cold but not too hot and so lovely to be out and about in. I hate bundling up in heavy coats and boots so it’s nice to throw them off after a while. Getting used to not needing them in California got me out of the habit! I remember when it was in the 80s there I loved it, thinking if the summers could stay that way I would be so happy, but of course, it would get much hotter for months on end and that I found difficult, dry heat or not. And of course, I missed the rain so much. A very bad drought there now…and actually hoping we get some more rain soon too as my water butt is drying up and that ain’t good, no way 😛 I’m glad you enjoyed this post though, and I hope you are enjoying a nice weekend 🙂


      • jenniferkmarsh says:

        Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love the pleasant days, but I don’t like it when I have to take my cardigan off 😉 Ohhh, I would DIE in California, Sherri! How you did it is beyond me 😉 I died when I was in Texas in November, and that was hardly peak-heat season!
        I might have to give you an email soon, dear Sherri P. Such a nightmare over here, I cannot tell you, but the short of it is: I might moving near your way! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          Ahh…I understand Jenny Jen Jen 🙂 You know how I did it? When I was pregnant with my daughter, we lived further inland in California in a house with no air conditioning. It was so hot that all I could do was lie down all afternoon on my bed. Thankfully it was during the school summer holidays for the boys (she was born in August!) so they hung around with me, playing video games, watching endless Disney films, that kind of thing. The day I had her, it was 116F (about 40C I think) and afterwards, I begged the hospital to keep me in another day, which our medical insurance paid for thank God, as they had air conditioning and I was in heaven! Going through that pregnancy in that horrendous heat made me think that if I could go through that, then I could go through anything! And after that, nothing seemed so bad in the heat ever again 😀 But I was just like you for a long time in the heat, I despised it and if anyone had ever have told me that I would one day be living in it, I would never have believed them, not for a minute!!!!
          Yes, do please email me, I know you are going through some ‘stuff’ right now. Here’s my new email address:
          And I’ll be over to your blog as I see you’ve got another post up which I need to read for the latest…meanwhile, hugs, hugs and more hugs ❤


  9. Such a beautiful cat gallery, Sherri. Seeing Caramello, reminded me that I haven’t had a Caramello Bar in absolute ages. 🙂 The white kitty is so adorable. I’m not surprised that she got adopted quickly. I haven’t seen a wasp since I was last in England. Horrid critters!! Your weather sounds wonderful. Hope it lasts for a long while. Hugs to you. xx


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…me neither Sylvia 🙂 The white kitty is darling isn’t she? I couldn’t stop petting her! You are so lucky not having to deal with wasps, I remember that about California. It’s ‘only’ the queen wasps around at the moment, dreading the late summer when they come out in fullforce 😦 Oh I do hope it’s not a ‘good’ year for them. It is one of those glorious English springs here, but of course I ‘m sure it won’t last long! Might be snowing next week, ha!!! Hugs back to you, hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  10. cardamone5 says:

    My first kiss occurred in Crete, in a tiny fishing village called Matala. It was with a British bloke named Steve (do you know him? sorry, just perpetuating the silly request that always come when traveling abroad and people find out you’re an American, and ask if you know so and so who lived thousands of miles from you.) I was 15, and he was, well he was much older. Put it this way: I would be appalled if my daughter ever did anything like that with a guy that much older. But, it was a lovely memory for me: those pangs and hormones making me sigh often and feel very alive.


    • Sherri says:

      Well actually Elizabeth, funny you should say that, I do remember some guy called Steve who once mentioned something about kissing a young girl in Crete….. 😉 That’s so interesting that you got asked those kind of questions. I had it the other way round: I was often asked if I knew such and such in London (and tried to explain that there are other towns and cities in England other than London!) but the funniest was when someone asked me if I knew a certain grave of their great-great-great-grandfather who was buried in a graveyard in Cornwall! Of course I did 😀
      But what a wonderfully romantic tale you tell here my friend, such a fabulous memory of those hormone-filled days of a young life filled with so much promise of all that romance to come. Crete is wrapped up in passion. And yes, wouldn’t we just be appalled if our kids did the same things as us? Just as well we don’t find out about such things until they (and we) are much older 😉 Have a wonderful weekend xo


  11. Sherri I am like you I feel for every abandoned or feral animal I meet. On one holiday we had a gorgeous smokey grey cat adopt us. My son woke me in the tent at midnight saying Mum there’s a cat on my bed. I thought I was dreaming. Turned on the light and there she was purring away. I decided I was going to ask the holiday resort if anyone owned her. I wanted to give her a good home. On the day we left she did not turn up for her morning breakfast. My husband said maybe she has an owner. But I often wonder about her. Seeing sick and skinny animals on my trips overseas always left me wanting to adopt them all. I now have a feral cat visiting the house at night, upsetting all cats. As a child I would secretly feed the strays. My mum would rouse on me. I still leave food out for it but have never seen its face, far too quick to be caught. Thanks for your lovely holidays snaps.


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh Kath, your holiday memories of feral animals sound so familiar. I expect your beautiful smokey-grey knew you were leaving and found another family to ‘adopt’ her 😉 I too feel so helpless when I see these sick and unwanted animals and wish that they weren’t left to just keep breeding without owners to properly look after them. I’m glad you enjoyed the holiday snaps, thank you Kath 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  12. This post is true testimony to your combination of experiences in the US and the UK, Sherri!
    As I read about your fear of wasps, I remember the family picnic when our granddaughter was very young and we didn’t realize until she’d been strung that there was a small wasp nest out of view, beneath the seat at her end of the bench. And the feral cats–don’t get me started! Our neighbor at the cabin was missing her children who’d gone off the college, so she began feeding every stray cat in the area. Soon four new litters made our area their home…and it went on and on. Ah, yes, this post hit a home run! 😉


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Marylin, I would have screamed so loud if that had been me discovering a wasp’s nest at the end of the bench, I feel sick just at the very thought of it 😮 As a girl, I had one in my jeans once but thought it was a thorn stuck inside and kept wacking at it and of course every time I did that, I got stung. When I pulled down my jeans (in the middle of the wood so I was alone thankfully!) and saw the crumpled body of the wasp lying there I barely managed to flick it away and then screamed and ran all the way home!
      As for all ‘your’ feral cats, it’s a shame your neighbour can’t look into getting all those strays neutered and/or spayed at the very least. I wonder if there is some kind of programme to help with the cost? Here, if a stray is found and unclaimed, a vet will treat it, neuter and microchip it for free and put it up for adoption if the person who found it doesn’t want it.


  13. Amy says:

    These Crete cats look skinny. I have been Athens, but not Crete. I saw many skinny dogs there…


    • Sherri says:

      Yes, there are a lot of skinny dogs and cats roaming unclaimed in Europe. Somehow all those ferals and strays find a way to survive. I always want to take them all home with me though! Different here in the UK where we treat out pets better than most humans 😉 Have a lovely weekend Amy 🙂


  14. “I did not put a sign up saying ‘Wasps Welcome’.” While I do love the outdoors, your post does remind me of a hilarious saying by comedian Jim Gaffigan: “If it’s so great outside, why are all the bugs getting in my house?”


  15. jennypellett says:

    Your Lanzarote experience made me smile. My S in Law and her husband moved out there a year ago for their early retirement. They were fed up with our weather, being the sun worshippers they are. Lanzarote had the wettest year on record, plus incredible winds and power cuts lasting several days. My B in law thinks he’s jinxed. I think they are mad, personally, but they swear they are enjoying their new life. Each to their own, I guess!


    • Sherri says:

      Oh Jenny, that’s so ironic! We weren’t all that taken with Lanzarote, truth be told. Very interesting to see the volcanic Fire Mountains (will have to do a post about them!) and a nice place to visit…once. But I’m glad that your B and S in law are enjoying their new life there despite their initial bad luck…let’s hope their good luck returns, and I wish them the very best 🙂


  16. Wonderful captures of God’s BEST creatures. {{<3 }} 😀
    I would have wanted to take all these guys and dolls home. ❤ ❤ ❤


  17. Mabel Kwong says:

    That is really a lot of cats coming up to you and your family while you were on holiday. They don’t look friendly to me…and they don’t look hostile either. Maybe it was the heat and they were just tired. Or they ate a lot before you took the photos and were sleepy 😀 Hope those wasps begone and don’t bother you. I’m sure they mean no harm, maybe just a bit excited they stumbled upon your lovely Summerhouse. Enjoy the warm weather, Sherry. Soak up the sunshine and enjoy the longer days! It’s almost winter here in Australia, but where I live we’re getting quite a few balmy days. Have a good weekend 🙂 ❤


    • Sherri says:

      Those feral cats know how to get the food they want but you have to be very careful near them as they are, after all, wild, and will let you know it! But they are friendly enough when they are hungry 😉 They live by their wits and have fleas and bad skin, sores, weeping eyes and ears quite often which is so, so sad. The ones who are ‘adopted’ at least get some treatment and care and so are healthier and of course happier 🙂 The kitties on the beach were actually full of beans that night and very cute to watch, having lots of fun, so I was glad that they seemed to have enough to eat 🙂
      Haha…yes, those wasps terrifiy me! At this time of year we see only the queen wasps looking to nest (which is why I was so nervous to see one in my Summerhouse, yikes!!) and then we get the onslaught in late summer/early autumn when they all come out 😮
      Thank you dear Mabel, I am having a lovely weekend with some good walks by the sea and in the countryside, perfect weather for it and definitely plan to enjoy it while it lasts, into next week I believe. I’m glad for you that you are clinging on to those balmy days, and thank you as always for your lovely visit to my Summerhouse. I definitely have a welcome sign up for you 😀
      I hope you too are having a lovely weekend 🙂 ❤ 🙂


      • Mabel Kwong says:

        Wild cats, something I haven’t heard in a long time. I will take your word for it that some wild cats can indeed be wild and be careful approaching any. Oh dear, an onslaught of wasps in the warmer months. Hopefully you have some help on hand, ready to help you if they do go out of control!

        Enjoy the rest of the week, Sherri. Wishing you well, as always 🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sherri says:

          The worst thing to do with wasps is to flap about, which of course is just what I do!! Eating outside is difficult when they are about, so it’s good to have a bbq or wood fire to see them off. That helps a little! Thank you Mabel, and the very same to you, have a great week 🙂 ❤

          Liked by 1 person

  18. Rachel M says:

    It has been so warm and sunny here. Who needs Crete? It’s raining in Aberdeen today but this is the first bit of rain in a week I think so my garden is very grateful.


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…very true Rachel! Your garden will be very happy. It’s been dry here too, my water butt is dry (and that’s not good!) as I’ve had to use up all the water for my pots!!! The weather just now is perfect isn’t it, I love these kind of British springs 🙂


  19. You know, Sherri, that’s just the sort of thing that would happen to me if I went on holiday — the rain would follow me and a heatwave would happen back home!
    I think that feral cats fend amazingly well for themselves, if that’s the only life they’ve ever known. The cats who don’t fend so well, are those that start out in a domestic situation and then get permanently cast out into the street.
    The best way to attract wasps, is to give off the scent of adrenaline through your fear. If a wasp comes near you when we meet, I promise to rescue you from it xxxx


    • Sherri says:

      Ha! It’s so typical isn’t it? We couldn’t believe it. Still, we made the best of it, as we Brits do 😉 And yes, that is so true about those poor kitties 😦 Haha…well I obviously give off a whole bottle-load of adrenaline as wasps adore me!! So thank you dear Sarah, I feel so much better knowing that you will look after me. You are now my official ‘Wasp Defender’ 😀 xxxx


  20. Seyi sandra says:

    I absolutely love your pictures of Crete, I stared at it lovingly while I pour through your post. Those feral cats seemed quiet confident, that really reminded me of human life too, men are not born equal, so are cats!
    The weather is still lovely, would be heading out shortly. Hope your day has been great so far!
    Love and blessings to you my friend! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Haha…great point you make here Seyi! Cats are amazing creatures aren’t they, the way they learn to survive as ferals when life is far from cossetted and easy for them. It was such a pleasure to see how much joy they gave my daughter on that particular holiday 🙂 Thank you my friend, I’m quickly catching up here before heading out for the evening. Have a beautiful rest of the weekend and love and blessings to you too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Have a lovely sunny weekend, Sherri. Meow!!!!


  22. Delightful from beginning to end, well except for the nasty wasp although that even made me smile! Sorry but I can imagine your reaction! I came upon maybe a 20 cats & kittens here in the States in Atascadero. They were by a creek which is no doubt by now dried up because of our drought. I was so worried for them that we went to the drug store and bought cat food. They were all so beautiful, every color combination. I couldn’t stop crying imagining their lives without a caring home. My poor hubby I am sure was perplexed by my overreaction! I feel pretty certain others who actually live in the area that come by and take care of them. I, too, went home to our very spoiled kitty. It is a hard knock life for so many animals and for many people as well. Oh dear I am going on too long. You certainly struck a nerve with your story which I so loved! Signing off! ❤


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…yes, it was funny as Hubby laughed too, he couldn’t believe it! That very same wasp had flown into the kitchen the day before, and then earlier in the day I had seen it on our outside patio table and freaked out. So when it showed up in my summerhouse, well, you couldn’t make it up could you? The neighbours must have wondered what on earth was going on when they heard the screams 😀 😮
      Well I know all about your love of all animals my dear friend so your story doesn’t surprise me one bit. I will never forget Stoney and that time with C holding him and still have that beautiful photo of you both with him up on my bookcase 🙂 But that is so sad about all those cats and kittens in Atascadero by the creek and I know full well of why you cried. I’m glad thought that at least some other people were looking after them. Our spoiled furry babies – of all kinds – are so happy and safe, I wish they could all be. And I am also so sad to know that the creek has dried up 😦 We used to go to that creek all the time. I remember the salamander spawn we tried to bring back, C and I were just talking about that the other day…praying for rain for you all dear friend, and soon ❤ xoxo


  23. Tom Merriman says:

    Gorgeous cats, Sherri… and photos, for that matter! And yes, the weather has taken on a more Summery feel right now – good, but not for my hay fever… and yes, I love complaining about that!
    I had a wasp visitor at the Mansion the other day. It flew toward me in that funny hovering way that wasps do. Armed with only my mobile phone, as soon as it neared me I utilised all of my tennis training and batted the creature away to the far side of the room… and then ran out quickly in case it came after me.
    Hope you’re having a good weekend, Sherri!


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Tom, and so glad you enjoyed the photos, thank you, but sorry about your hay fever 😦 My eldest son suffers from that, usually bad in May/June time when the pollen is really bad. Oh no, that’s horrible! But I had to laugh at your wasp antics, I have this wonderful image of you playing tennis with that vile wasp and then running away as fast as you could! I would have done just the same. And you’re right, they do fly in that hovering way, usually straight for the face…oh I can’t bear the thought of it… 😮
      Thanks Tom, a lovely weekend enjoying nice walks out and about and hope you are too!! 😀


  24. prior says:

    Sherri – enjoyed your cat pics – and the pink paw pads of the one on the Chair in Crete is my fav – and laughing with you at the rain you vacationed to enjoy…. funny how that happens.

    Oh and the cats showing up like this are so special – and spooky cool…

    In san jose I was in one of the best small groups ever – just a bunch of ladies who met for only about 8 weeks – but those meetings have been special to me ever since. anyhow, one evening we were talking about “god appointments that come as detours” and also special “ways” that God sends us personal messages – even if subtle – and this one lady shared that she always found dimes. dimes on the ground – a dime in a booth – or a dime in a museum – and sometimes the timing of finding that dime was also when she was praying about this or that – I do not recall all the details – but her story was so fun. and a reminder of how the intimate God of the universe has themes in our lives – themes or “things” that all our own – and then they become one more special way He adds warmth to our life. And as I read about your cats – that is what I thought of….


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh, thank you Y, I adored that ‘pink paw pads’ kitty too, I used to love stroking her/him, it was so cute 🙂 And yes, those Sea-Kitties were darling too, so full of beans leaping about all over the place, in and out of a big tree growing by the side of the taverna onto the sand. And as for that rain, well, yes, it’s great to laugh about that now, but we did make the best of it and had lots of fun anyway 😀
      So then I read the rest of your wonderful share and I had to read it a good couple of times because it really touched my heart. For one thing, and you wouldn’t know this for one minute, but I have just written a part in my book which involves a dime (and that’s all I can say here because of future publication plans – *she says optimistically*) and although dimes didn’t mean the same to me as your lovely lady, how it came into play and at such a traumatic time, well, the timing of your sharing this with me now is blowing my mind. Seriously!! And then you bring it all round full circle into the cats and how these adorable visitors blessed my daughter so much and how much joy it was for me to see how happy she was and the amazing way she interacts with all animals and how they are drawn to her too. These God appointments are huge blesssings, as your words to me now mon amie…more than you know and I thank you so much for them ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • prior says:

        this is so awesome to read- and it just ties in how we were meant to become friends at this time in our lives – and not during those times we lived in California together. I mean – we could have met up at Seal Beach in CA – but no…. God had us connect in the blog world in 2014 – and this was so nice to read (and so looking forward to that memoir)


      • Sherri says:

        Blown Away… ❤


  25. badfish says:

    Great as usual, wonderful pics. That comfy kitty looks just like my cat at that age, a flame-tip Siamese. But mine had blue eyes. I love animals, usually more than most humans, but I hesitate to befriend (or touch) animals in foreign lands. Crete, maybe. Just noticed all the awards below…you be famous and LOVED, eh?!!


  26. They are all so adorable 🙂 Pawkisses for a Sunny Sunday 🙂 ❤


  27. Norah says:

    I was beginning to wonder where the wasp came in – but that was the window of your Summerhouse, wasn’t it? Then I realized it was the link to the cats and Crete! I love all the photos and can understand your frustration with a wet holiday when all you wanted was a bit of sunshine, and it had gone to visit your home! Typical! Our autumn days are beautiful now too. I wish it could stay like this all year; but most of our year is beautiful. I just find our summers a little warm. Enjoy your spring. Summer is on its way! 🙂


    • Sherri says:

      Ahh…yes, I hope that wasn’t too confusing Norah!! It’s been so warm and sunny here and I was reminded of another Easter week when it was so cold and we took off ‘for the sun’ and…well, you know the rest 😀 So typical isn’t it? 😮 Autumn is a glorious time of year so we are both enjoying lovely seasons 🙂 I know what you mean though about summer being too warm, I found that in California. When it got to the 80s I loved that and wished it could stay that way, but of course it went much higher. Here, it only has to be in the high 60s and or low 70s as it is now and it feels really warm!! Thank you for coming by the summerhouse Norah, I’m so glad that horrid wasp didn’t put you off! Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! 🙂


  28. They are all so beautiful Sherri. Thank you for sharing with us 💖


  29. Gorgeous pics Sherri and you transported me away to another place as I read (and I don’t mind a little rain). I do love the look of the feral cats of Greece and Italy – those big pointed ears and pointed faces – but yes it is worrying to think about their lot in life. Even in the North Yorkshire forest where we go on holiday there are feral cats, though they are trying to get as many neutered as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed these kitty pics and your mini getaway, thank you Andrea! And yes, we had a lot of fun despite the rain, as we Brits do 😉 I do like how we try to help here with vets providing neutering and treatment when feral and stray cats are rescued. I wish they would think more about that in places like Greece and Italy, it would help the cat population out so much.

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  30. So many wonderful photos of cats here, Sherri! I do like the one of the white cat sleeping in the chair the best 🙂 I do hope all felines get to enjoy happy lives as they deserve 🙂 Also, Carmello is a fine name for a kitty! I also hope you have a wonderful day xx


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you Christy, but so sorry for the late reply to your lovely comment,I’ve got behind with everything the last couple of days..but I am writing at least, so that’s a plus 😉 Oh I love that little white kitty too, he/she was so cute 🙂 It is always good to see happy kitties isn’t it? I hope you are having a wonderful day too…the sun is still shining here and I hope for you too 😀 xx

      Liked by 1 person

  31. Zambian Lady says:

    Nice photos of the cows and boats. I am not an animal person, especially not feral ones, so I would skip the cats if I saw them.


    • Sherri says:

      Thank you Zambian Lady 🙂 I know that cats, and especially feral ones, aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I’m so glad you enjoyed the cows and boats. I love both of those too 🙂


  32. quirkybooks says:

    My landlord lives in Spain and I have heard about the cat situation, it’s harsh and upsetting. I would want to take them all home with me!


  33. Pingback: Weekly Pet Share. Round-up and start of new week (84) | Hope* the happy hugger

  34. Ste J says:

    Ah, the weather such an enigma! At least complaining about that means we can let off the steam that builds up when we refuse to complain in public about anything lol. I do like cats and helping out the feral ones is like doing my bit for nature. I wonder why we always come away from a holiday, no matter how happy with some melancholy thoughts…


    • Sherri says:

      Haha…so true this Ste, so very true! 🙂 You have a lovely, kind heart my friend and you are also very perceptive: It is a strange thing that meloncholia after a holiday, now that you mention it. Maybe it’s because our experiences are heightened, the good and the bad, and we are more sensitive since our days aren’t clouded by the usual mundane day-to-day distractions while away in foreign lands.


  35. I loved this Sherri. A few cats have managed to clamour their way inside my heart on this side of the ocean. And I once thought I was strictly a “dog” kinda gal. Loved the photos as usual 🙂


  36. Enjoyed all your pussy cats Sherri and glad that they and your daughter can form a bond so easily. I had to laugh at the holiday in the rain taken to escape the cold but instead you escaped a heat wave. Haha. Still you enjoyed it and that is the main thing. 🙂


  37. Marie Keates says:

    The bees were buzzing around me in my garden this weekend but so far no wasps. We need all the polinators we can get though so I don’t begrudge them their existence. We have wonderful weather in Lanzarote. I adored the place for its wildness, the desolate larva fields and the magical places made by Cesar Manrique.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Hi Marie, apologies for the late reply, been a bit fraught here since last week, just now getting back on track, slowly. I love all the bees buzzing around and make sure to have plenty of bee and butterfly freindly fauna in the garden too. I just can’t stand when those wasps come to close when you’re trying to eat. The Queens must be searching for places to build nests, thankfully we won’t see them until later in the year, and I do begrugingly accept that they have their important job to do in nature too 😉 Sounds like Lanzarote has been good to you. It is a fascinating place in any ways, no doubt about it 🙂


  38. Beautiful post that spoke and had had echo of past summers, Sherri.

    I to do not like wasps. I’ve often asked “Why do they exist?”, but nobody seems to be able to give me an answer. When ever one approaches I start doing that funny dance while running around the house or garden while it chases me. I suppose it’s good exercise?

    As for the cats of these holiday designations, who could not resist and feel sorry for them and give them some food? However, they do know how to blackmail us by bringing their kittens along. When I come back I’d like to come back as a well looked after cat and laze around all day. What a great life.


    • Sherri says:

      Hi Hugh, so sorry for the late reply. I had my own family emergency last week and am only just getting back on track here myself. I haven’t blogged since Thursday so very behind. But…onward and upward as they say..

      I’m so glad this post gave you such good memories of past holidays. Haha…sounds like you and I do that same ‘funny dance’! Wasps smell our fear through the adreneline so I’ve learnt and that’s why they get so close to those of us who are afraid. Horrid beasts. And yes, as for those cats, I’m so with you on that. What a life indeed 🙂


      • I hope all is well with you now, Sherri? I’m way behind on catching up with reading and commenting on posts now, so I’ll join the club with you 🙂

        Thank you for telling me that wasps smell our fear. Lets just hope they catch colds as well, so as to block their noses up so they can’t smell our fear. I’ve yet to see or hear a wasp sneeze so I’m guessing I am very wrong about it.

        Take care, and I hope the fearless wasps keep well away from you.


      • Sherri says:

        Thanks for asking Hugh, you are so kind. My brother was taken very ill but he is recovering now, I was so worried, it knocked me for six. I hope you are doing better and things are settling down with your family too. So yes, we are both doing the same thing now it seems with the catch up 🙂
        Haha…that is the answer, get those wasps sneezing!
        You take care too, and here’s to more settled times…and I’ll be over to you asap 🙂 xx


  39. Such lovely photos. So many kitties. They’re so adorable.


  40. It looks quite lovely there Sherri. Though like you, I would have a hard time with feral cats, It breaks my heart to see so many without homes and love, much less food and water. I’m not fond of wasps either, I have many nests built under the eaves of my home and keep trying to get rid of them. The wasps put them up faster than I can get them down. My dog bit a bee once and I had a $400 vet bill from it. After that, she was afraid of even a fly. Might not be a good job for your feline family.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherri says:

      Crete is beautiful Marlene, but yes, so sad for some of those poor feral cats 😦 Wish we could just round them up and bring them all home 🙂 My spoilt cats wouldn’t approve one bit! Oh no, wasp nests???? I would freak out, I do hope you find the final solution to getting rid of them. And your poor dog. Our lab got stung by a bee once too, gave him an allergic reaction. I don’t remember the vet’s bill (probably blanked it out, ha!) but I do know like yours, it was a lot! Lovely to see you, thank you as always for coming by the summerhouse. Have a great day 🙂

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